
Susan Miller(苏三)四月星座运势(中英文版)

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发表于 2009-4-2 23:27:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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susan miller(苏三)金牛4月运势中文版
Taurus (April 20- May 20)
中文翻译来自: ~m~(我不曾让你发现~)
   摘 要
    4月21日,火星和他的情人金星(原来维纳斯是火神的情人啊~我火星了……)相遇总会带来爱情和浪漫,你会感到很sexy很有欲望的。他们俩会在你的双鱼座相遇,代表友谊和事件,如果你被邀请参加industry mixer的party(我该怎么理解,直译成“工业用的搅拌器”还是想象成“机械电音”这种音乐类型?——不过有没有这种音乐?),那么你要去。你不会知道将会发生什么——不过在很多方面你都会乐于见到的。
    +4月24日的金牛座新月是指引你前进的绿光!go go go~~~

susan miller(苏三)金牛4月运势 中文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:28:07 | 只看该作者

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Susan Miller(苏三)四月双子座运势
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini Horoscope for April 2009

By Susan Miller

April will be a big month for your career. Mars is still brilliantly lighting your tenth sector of fame and honors (tenth house), a wonderful situation that began last month on March 15 and that continues now. You will have until April 22 to make your mark, for after that, energetic Mars will move on to light another part of your chart. It'll be easy to get addicted to all the career activity and warmth of Mars, but don't take him for granted - you'll find it easier to make progress now than at any other time in 2009. Give career projects and goals all you've got while the Sun shines for you.

If you want a new job, you need to be out planting seeds. If you enjoy the job you have, you have a superb chance for a promotion or to see fulfillment on a project you've been working on over a long period. If you have your own business, you may want to launch a publicity or advertising campaign, as your timing would be right and you'd see results. You may also bring in a major piece of new business now, so concentrate on pitching! Remember, you will have Mars at your side only until April 22.

Venus, the planet of art, beauty, and financial gains, has been in retrograde since March 6, so an out-of-phase Venus has probably depressed your profits if you are self-employed. If you work for others, Venus in weak mode made it hard for you to negotiate for a better salary. The good news is that Venus will turn direct on April 17, and from then on it will be easier for you to see a rise in income. Venus will turn direct on April 17, 2009, and stay strong for the coming 18 months. Very soon you should be looking at a stronger, brighter financial picture.

If you write for a living or work in a creative field, the move of Venus to direct speed will help you work more effectively, without the fits and starts you've had to contend with up until now. Collaborations of all kinds should go better, too.

Actually, a very special creative project seems to be coming to a conclusion on or near the full moon, April 9 (plus four days). This project may involve graphics or words, or both. For example, you may be ready to ship a finished manuscript for a book, screenplay, or an important presentation or report. You may be ready to unveil a new website or blog, or you may have a fully edited TV pilot to show a client.

No matter what you seem to be finishing, your project or launch may be produced for, or in tandem with, persons based in a foreign country.

Indeed, due to the position of Jupiter, your work could have strong application to a global market. You may see your words translated into one or more languages, which is always exciting. Something related to your talent with communication arts seems to be reaching fullness.

Keep in mind that thinking globally is the right idea in 2009 and may save the day when things in your own country don't seem to bring the opportunities you had hoped to see.

Are you in college and about to get your advanced degree? If so, you may now be ready to send in your final thesis. If you are a college professor, you may be putting the final touches on a new syllabus for a class you'll offer next semester. These are a few examples, but you get the idea - you can see a finish to a project or goal involving higher education or study.

More fun seems to be on the agenda, too. Your social life could be moving into high gear during the week of April 9, for this full moon will fall in your fifth house of true love. No matter what your social status - single, dating, or in an established relationship - you will likely have a sweet romantic episode to enjoy at this full moon. Keep watch not only on April 9, but also over Friday night, April 10, and the ensuing weekend, April 11-12. All full moons have an area of influence of four days on either side of the date it appears, and this one should be quite delicious.

Something involving your closest romantic relationship appears to be coming to culmination, and it looks like you'll be enthusiastic about what it will be - this should be one very bright romantic or social event of the year. This full moon will reach out to Jupiter and Neptune, creating a very lyrical, poetic, and graceful outcome. There is a sense of ease at this full moon that will be rare and special.

This would be an ideal time - near April 9 - to take a vacation. Attached? You'll have a chance to lavish time on your one-and-only, which should be fun. Considering how strong your career demands have been, your partner will appreciate having your full attention. If you are single but not dating, you may meet someone new on your trip or on the public conveyance you take on the way. Attending a seminar or trade show in a distant city could be a good way to meet people from your industry. You'd have a lot in common - so mix and mingle!

If you were born on or within five days of June 11, no matter what you experience over this full moon, April 9, it's going to be good, and you will benefit most from all that occurs.

Your most romantic dates this month will be: April 3, 4, 9-11, 17-19, 21, and 24.

Your career will bring a mammoth surprise on April 15 because of a coming conjunction of Mars and Uranus. Brace yourself for any type of news. When Uranus is involved, you never know what to expect, for it is the planet of out-of-the-blue events - you could receive news that seems strange or completely unexpected.

Those Gemini born on or within four days of June 14 will feel this aspect most. (Gemini born in May or in very early June may not feel it much at all, unless another planet is being touched.) I feel we rarely have to plan for good news, but you would have to watch for a shocking or unusual incident. Keep alert, don't take anything for granted, and don't rattle any cages. This is a time to lie low. Keep your ears open and don't provoke an angry response from an authority figure.

If you play your cards right, you can ride through any jarring event. In fact, you may see a complete turnaround a few days later. (Or, it may be that other career news, completely unrelated to the topic that comes up April 15, will be so strong that it works to counter your worries of what happens April 15.)

I say this because on Tuesday, April 21, Venus and Mars will meet at the very top of your chart, creating very favorable buzz about your work. This will be a four-star day for an interview, presentation, or other career-related activity where being accepted or perceived as popular would be important. Venus and Mars in your reputation sector will give you a certain sparkle or sex appeal that will be undeniable. If you are an actor, stand-up comic, or musician, for instance, this would be a dazzling day for an audition or special first-time performance.

Financially, you will do well with creative projects and side jobs, and through a commission, royalty, or other chunk of cash you may receive on April 10 and/or April 23. The latter date rates a gold star, for the Sun and Pluto will be beautifully oriented. On either day, you may get very good news that will help you stabilize your cash flow, which is always good news!

As you can see, this month is strongly woven with all kinds of career news. To balance this, you'll need some fun time to see friends and relax, in addition to the romantic episode that is due over the full moon period April 9. Happily, the universe agrees and will provide you with the rest you need.

Once Mars enters Aries on April 22, the heavy emphasis on work and career will simmer down, and from then on, you'll have more time for friends, fun, and events. Mars will stay in your eleventh house, the area of hopes and wishes, friendships, and fun through May 31, and that'll be more than enough time to loosen up and rejuvenate your batteries. While the time near the full moon April 9, plus or minus four days, will be great for a quick vacation, you'll have a longer phase to book yours, anytime from April 22 to May 31. Actually, May might be your best option for reasons I will discuss later.

At month's end, the new moon, April 24, will be a time to think about what you'd like to happen in the coming months. Astrology is not destiny but best used for planning, and this new moon is one that will help you set up your priorities. Have you outgrown your old goals, or have you achieved them? No matter what your situation, it's a good time to review all the things you would love to see happen in 2009. If you are no longer excited about a goal as you get closer to grasping it, you can always change or refine it. This would be the right time.

This new moon will be useful in another way, and that is to help you overcome a fear that has been holding you back, or a habit that you'd like to end. Even if you have been disappointed in the past, you can meet this challenge now. If you feel you need a coach or other professional to help you, you can find the help you need now. With a beautiful beam to Saturn in the fourth house of "the end of all matters," you have a superb chance of concluding this habit or fear once and for all. Pluto will also be helpful - great news - for Pluto can do what many other planets cannot, and that is completely transform stagnating situations.

Quite coincidentally, on this same day as the new moon, April 24, Mercury will send a friendly beam to Uranus. This is sure to bring happy news, as Mercury is your ruling planet - your guardian! It is possible that a situation that has been completely hidden from view for some time will suddenly come to light. Or, that a confidential talk you have concerning your career brings really good news. It's a superb day - you should be feeling great.

Travel is also a happy possibility that day, April 24, and if so, it would happen suddenly and go exceptionally well. Any sort of communication or travel on this day (or within one day plus or minus) would bring good news. Also, news you get from people at a distance should be quite exciting. If you need to brainstorm for new ideas for a creative project, you'll have the opportunity, for your mind will crackle with exciting potential.

Keep in mind that April will be your productive month, but in May you will be redoing projects and contending with delays. Mercury will retrograde from May 7 to 30 in your sign of Gemini, so you will probably feel this retrograde more directly than most Mercury retrograde periods. This is why I said earlier that you may want to take your vacation next month, in May, a better option, for at that time you wouldn't miss any earth-shattering news going on back at the office. (As mentioned, the time near the full moon April 9 would also be perfect for a quick, fun trip. The period in late April and May would allow for more time to go.)

Next month will not be the time to launch new ventures, seal new relationships, or buy anything expensive. This month will allow you to be far more productive than May. If you can't get things settled in April, then if possible, table things for June. That will be your birthday month, so at that time you'll have special favor from the Sun. It'll be worth waiting for better days, if possible.

So as you see, you need to make hay in April, for May will be a month when the pace of life will be slower. You have a highly productive month for career progress (April 1-22) and for fun and love (April 9, and after April 22). In some ways, you have it all. Just tip toe around people, or hide, near April 15, and you should be fine. Remember - April 22 plus or minus one day will be your day to shine professionally!


This will be a powerful month for your career. With Mars backing your every effort to get ahead until April 22, you would be wise to focus intently on creating a victory from a current project. You may get outstanding publicity for work well done, or you may now launch an advertising or self-promotion campaign that gets people talking about your good work. If you need a new job, line up interviews quickly, and if you work for others, see about whether you can take on more responsibility and power where you are now. If self-employed, you can more easily bring in new business.

Romance seems to be on the agenda over the full moon, April 9, or at the very least, you will have plenty to celebrate. You seem to be with many other people on this date, so perhaps you'll be going to a wedding or party, a theme park, or even a baseball game. Whatever it is, it'll be fun.

After April 22, you will go into a quieter, more internal phase. It's an ideal time to think about the coming 12-18 months and decide what you'd like to achieve personally and professionally in that time. It's also a good time to decide what you don't want to bring with you into your near future. Is there a habit you'd like to quit? Is there a bad relationship that is thwarting you? This new moon on April 24 will help you make room for all the new experiences, relationships, and opportunities that may be coming in your new birthday year. Once you create space, the universe will have a place to put all your goodies.

Coincidentally, on the same day as the new moon, April 24, there is another lovely aspect, Mercury in fine, supportive angle to Uranus, just made for cooking up new ideas, good news, or spontaneous travel.

One day could prove to be either outstandingly positive or very troubling: when Uranus meets up with Mars on April 15. You may have a strong disagreement with your boss or hear news you'd never expect. You'll be feeling more emotional on this day, and quite impulsive, too. Events will fall to the extreme end of the positive-negative spectrum. You won't have to brace for good news, but you would need to brace for bad. As a precaution, lie low, keep thoughts to yourself, and see what happens.

Sometimes energy zings into your opposite house of the chart, so rather than have your career bring unanticipated news, you may instead be focused on your physical home, real estate, or a family member, most likely a parent. Keep your schedule light and your wits about you.

Just a few days later, April 21, things will go very well professionally when you may score another career victory or find a way to smooth over any problems of April 15. Either way, April 21 plus or minus one day should be a favorite career day of the month.

Dates to Note:

News from a distance is positive: April 3-4.

Expect a major romantic development: April 9, plus or minus four days. No matter what your status, it should be a fun, loving time.

A long trip taken the week of April 6-12 would be divine. International developments also glitter.

A creative or writing project may reach culmination: April 9-13.

Watch your career for off-the-grid news - something you'd never expect in a million years: April 15 plus two days on either side. Could be breathtakingly good or not-at-all good. Keep your antenna up. Watch as well for developments at home, with real estate, or in regard to a parent.

Profits should improve after Venus turns direct on April 17. Venus will stay strong from this moment on.

Watch for an approval for cash - or the actual check to arrive - on April 23, or the runner up day, April 10. Money would not arrive through salary increases but through a side job or a one-time payment of cash that comes from an outside source of pay.

Just a few days later, you can generate lots of positive buzz about your work and reputation, thanks to Venus and Mars: April 21.

Your social life will reach a much faster tempo once Mars enters your eleventh house, from April 22 to May 31.

After the new moon, April 24, spend a little time thinking about what you'd like to achieve during the coming birthday year ahead. It's a good time to think about improving your health and mental well-being, including deleting a bad habit.

Also on the same day as the new moon, April 24, Mercury and Uranus will set up a superb time for communicating, travel, and creativity.

Brainstorm, get in touch with someone, and anticipate the best when you look at your email!

Most romantic dates: April 3, 4, 9-11, 17-19, 21, and 24.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:28:27 | 只看该作者

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Susan Miller(苏三)双子4月座运势中文版
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

中文翻译来自: Alice in Bed(折节难求陶令米,吮痈始得邓通钱)


  总结:(略,有兴趣的同学来翻译吧,我实在懒得翻译了,大同小异的文字- -)

Susan Miller(苏三)双子4月座运势中文版——缺总结部分
发表于 2009-4-2 23:28:47 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 巨蟹4月运势 中文版
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
来自:  我只是想看豆瓣名号最长能起多长
  四月运程 苏珊米勒
  5月,以前的老主雇,老同事讲帮助你扎实现况,指出那些你可能还没考虑到的现实问题。Cold calling不能帮你找到新工作,而过去那些能为你的性格,决策力,技能和职业操守做出保证的老朋友可以。
  你可以把握自己的命运,但是在这期间之后,长达几个月你都不会有上天给你的如此有力的帮助。今年晚些时候,截至10月底,土星将进入你的家庭宫。因此你的双手会再次为你的家人或者房产事项而忙碌。而且这将是一个即将出现在地平线上的长达三年的趋势。 所以,好好利用4月下旬为你敞开的可爱的事业之窗是非常重要的。
  Dates to Note:

susan miller(苏三) 巨蟹4月运势 中文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:29:08 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 巨蟹4月运势
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

 Cancer Horoscope for April 2009
  By Susan Miller
  Your career could be at the very top of your mind as April opens. At the end of last month, just after the new moon, March 26, opportunities for a new and better job may have begun to emerge. If you didn't see too much happening at that time, intensify your efforts later, in the second half of April. Mars is on the way to help you and will enter your high-level career house from April 22 to May 31.
  It really doesn't matter what type of work you may be seeking - a promotion at your present firm, a new high-status job at a competitive company, or the start of your own company that you will set up. No matter what you have in mind, you can see good progress in April.
  That new moon that appeared at the end of March was a key moment, for it was ready and able to help you see victory. You've not had much help in this realm from the cosmos prior to this, and to move up, it often hinges on having a positive new moon. This one conjoined Venus, suggesting good things would be said about you in the upper echelons.
  There was one problem with that new moon, however, in that it was in hard mathematical angle to Pluto. You may have had problems getting things off the ground in a timely manner. You may have had to battle obstacles, including office politics that may have seemed unusually aggressive or outright unfair. OK - that's real life, but don't dwell on that. They are just that - obstacles - but they need not stop you. You can outwit them, but you've got to stay on your toes. If you are starting your own business, be sure you understand tax and labor rules, as Pluto rules the government, too. Alas, not knowing the law doesn't mean you don't have to comply with them - you do!
  This month, you will have help from Mars in your quest for a better job, beginning April 22 when Mars moves into Aries and into this same house, your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. This is precisely where you will want Mars to be, for this small but feisty, energetic planet can make you unusually assertive and single minded in your quest to win the job you have in mind. Mars will put a spotlight on you - that is what you want!
  Even if you have been unemployed for some time, as has been the case for many people in this economy, you still have every reason to be optimistic. You've not had this kind of high-level help from Mars for a very long time (two years to be exact), so this month from April 22-30, give your job search your all. You will have Mars next month too, but there will be different roadblocks in May that I will describe in a moment. For now, be determined to be quite the sprinter in April.
  Any high level person who has promised to give you a fine reference will deliver on that promise. With Venus and Mars both traveling in your house of career status after April 22, the buzz about you will be very upbeat. Venus has been retrograde, and as a result, you may have had to put up with slow progress, with many delays in your search for a new job. At month's end, you will be gratified that you are on track and moving quickly.
  You may have been distracted by certain conditions going on at home, perhaps a housing or other aspect regarding a living condition. Or, you may need to concentrate on a matter regarding a roommate or a family member. Whatever is on your mind, it will consume you enough to prevent you from committing to an all-out career effort. This is only temporary, for Venus retrograde has been to blame - but once Venus resumes a fast track from April 17 onward, you should feel back in the saddle and ready to become a very determined competitor. Venus will not go retrograde again this year.
  Whatever you've been focused on at home will finally reach an important point April 9, at the full moon. You may feel things plus or minus four days from this date, April 9. This is actually a good full moon because Jupiter will be very friendly to it, so solutions will come up.
  It would not be wise to be out of town over this weekend, for it looks like you'll need to attend to something important going on at home, with your present home, other real estate, or in regard to something happening at home. Full moons bring closure, so after this date, you will more easily direct your attention to your career.
  As I had outlined, Venus will go direct one week AFTER this full moon arrives on April 9. Venus was retrograde since March 6, so there are several indications in your chart that thing are about to go much better once Venus "wakes up" on April 17. And then, with Mars about to move into your career house on April 22, you should certainly be zooming forward at that time. Use this phase to your advantage, dear Cancer.
  I am not sure why the timing I have stated seems a little bit odd - the full moon will crystallize home-related matters within four days of April 9, but Venus, ruler of your home sector, will not regulate its orbit until April 22. I suppose you will have to get details tied up in the days that follow the full moon. One thing is for sure - you won't be so focused on home or family after the full moon has fully waned, and you'll be free to devote yourself to your career from then on.
  Keep in mind that some of your very best career progress will take place from April 22 to 30. Next month, another planet, Mercury, will retrograde from May 7 to 30. That planet will create more - but different - delays. In late April you will do best by looking at listings, replying to ads, and scheduling formal meetings.
  Next month, in May, you will make the most progress by going back to former employers, old-pal colleagues, and past co-workers who may be able to point you in solid, practical directions you may not have considered. Next month, doing cold calling won't bring you nearly as close to a new job as will re-contacting people who know you from the past and who can vouch for your character, judgment, skills, and work ethic.
  You can really make a name for yourself, but after this phase, you won't have cosmic help this strong for months. Later in the year, by the end of October, Saturn will move into your family sector, and so you may have your hands full with family matters again or real estate matters. This will represent a very long, three-year trend that is coming on the horizon. It really is critical that you use for all it's worth the lovely career window that will open in late April.
  In matters as important as career, be sure to read for your rising sign. Your rising sign can only be determined by having your natal chart done, but once you do, your rising sign never changes. Perhaps you have done your natal chart. If so, please be sure to read for your rising sign every month when you read my forecasts for Astrology Zone, for the rising sign is every bit as important to read as your Sun sign to find the timing of opportunities. Cancer, when you read for that sign, you may find out about more career opportunities that I cannot see here.
  I do natal charts for readers in a very comprehensive way. For more information, look for the part on adult natal charts on MyPersonalHoroscope.com.
  In the first three weeks of April, you'll have opportunities to travel for any reason, business or pleasure. Mars in Pisces is a sensational place for Mars to be for you, so you should feel that generally things are going your way. If you are involved in any kind of import or export of goods, services, or information, you should see a great deal of demand for your work. Foreign people and places are sweet spots for you, as are publishing and broadcasting industries.
  Uranus and Mars will meet up in this house of travel and information on April 15, so you may be taking an unexpected trip on this day. Knowing this, you won't want to have anything pressing on your agenda. If you do, it's likely you'll have to change your schedule, possibly very quickly.
  Uranus is the planet of completely unexpected news, and when poked by Mars on April 15, you do have to keep alert and flexible. Chances are in your favor that you will welcome the news of this day because both of these planets will be in Pisces, a sign that blends so well with your Cancer Sun. If you were born on or near July 16, these two planets will send a sweet vibe to your Sun - and you'll have outstanding chances for a surprising success. No guarantees here - I cannot see everything in your chart, but it's looking good.
  There are several areas that might be on your mind on April 15: You may get a surprise piece of information from a contact based overseas or who is based in your country, at a great distance from you. Or, a publishing or broadcasting project may come up, or you may be interviewed in the press.
  College matters may show progress, too. You may hear news from a university that you had applied to, with surprising results. You may not get into one college you thought would be easy for you to gain entry, but be invited into another college you thought would be nearly impossible to be invited to attend. Uranus, when teamed with Mars, tends to set things upside down. Whenever you have Uranus, you never know, but it looks upbeat for you, dear Cancer.
  With all the emphasis on career, home, travel, and other things, you must be thinking, "When am I going to have a little fun and time for myself?" It is coming, for sure!
  Watch what occurs over Friday night, April 24, or the weekend of April 25-26 - it's sure to make you happy. The new moon of April 24 will cook up plenty of social activity for you, and from then on, you will have lots of reasons to get out and widen your circle of friends and acquaintances.
  At that time, it looks like you will be surrounded with many people and you will be able to network very effectively, too. Aside from that, it appears you will have a special event to go to such as a wedding, reunion, or other celebration. You may have tickets to a concert or play, or visit a theme park, baseball game, or other fun activity that draws many people together. In fact, you may be going to a seminar or trade show as well, and if so, it won't feel like work - you will be able to mix business and pleasure.
  If you hope to make new friends, the last week of April will be your moment to join a new club or attend a special program put on by a group you are a member of now.
  If you do strike up a conversation with someone you'd like to know better, follow up! Suggest that you both meet for lunch or a cup of coffee soon. There seems to be some sort of important information you and your new acquaintance can share. Jupiter will be beautifully oriented toward that new moon, suggesting that you may even be able to trade some interesting career leads as well that might prove profitable. Aside from career benefits, new friends will add a bit of sparkle to your life.
  You may also get surprise help from a current friend at this very same time of the month, April 24. When the news comes you'll probably be amazed. You will have Mercury (news) and Uranus (surprises) to thank for that - fortunately these two planets will be at very supportive angles. As you see, while you will be focused on home or family at the start of the month and on career all month, your friends will have a much bigger part to play later in the month, and you'll enjoy that change.
  Romance may blossom this month too, particularly on the weekend of April 11-12 and also on or very near April 23, when the Sun will receive a fine beam from a very supportive Pluto. Those days will have extra benefit to those Cancers born early in the sign, in June.
  Another sexy, sweet day for romance worth five stars will be April 21, when Venus and Mars will make a rare and heavenly conjunction - perfect for those Cancers born late in their sign, near July 20. You may even travel on a vacation at this time, and it would be an ideal time to be away.
  You've a big month, filled with activity, dear Cancer. Make the most of it!
  You are lucky - you have so much going for you in April. Stay focused on career goals, for you can make an enormous amount of progress. You have the new moon of late last month to help you in early April, and by the time that energy has faded, you will have Mars swinging into action beginning April 21 through May 30 to help you implement your plans and competitive advantage.
  The only problem with last month's new moon was that it was not friendly toward Pluto, suggesting that any position you aim for will bring along some very vigorous and possibly even ruthless competition that will stop at nothing to get the job you want. Don't let this discourage you. This only shows the condition, not the outcome - the outcome is up to you. You will have to clearly - and memorably - present the reasons why you are the better choice. You'd most likely encounter this in early April, but not so much later. When you have Mars on your side, you'll be equipped to fight fire with fire.
  Venus has been in your house of fame and honors, but has been in weak retrograde orbit since March 6. Once Venus normalizes on April 17, you can more easily get help from references and high level executives whom you know and who want to help you.
  Venus happens to be IN your house of career, but it RULES your house of home - so Venus retrograde has been a distraction because something involving home, property, or family seems to have tugged on you. It's very possible that you've been a bit drained by whatever was taking so much of your attention, and it may have been hard to focus on other things, such as your career.
  Mercury will retrograde from May 7 to 30, making May a month of delays and of looking back, not forward. Be as productive as you can this month while you have strong cosmic support.
  That will all change now. The full moon April 9 will help you find solutions and closure. Shortly after that, Venus' turn direct on April 17 will help you tie up loose ends and forge forward. It does not seem that you'll be thinking about home again until the fall.
  Foreign people and all sorts of distant domestic and foreign travel could be golden for you. Watch this area as potentially very lucky. If opportunities in your country seem slim, think about importing or exporting your skills elsewhere. Publishing and broadcasting industries glow for you now too, especially during the first three weeks, while Mars will brighten this area until April 22. This is a very broadening influence, and certainly you seem to be enjoying it.
  One day that could be either very, very good or very, very bad is April 15 when Mars (energy or strife) conjoins Uranus (surprise developments). These two planets will meet in Pisces, a sign good for you. I would say, just don't take any chances by provoking anyone with a controversial or inflammatory remark. Those born at the end of the sign, near July 20, are likely to benefit because both planets will be in the right position to send good news. Let's hope so!
  You'll get a chance to enjoy fun and romance once the new moon appears, April 26. This would be a fine time to plan on getting out more and mingling with other people. You may decide to join a new club or volunteer for a charity. Even efforts on a small scale, such as an idea to participate in a "5K Run for a Cure" to raise awareness for a charity dear to you, or donating blood to the Red Cross, would bring a warm feeling of gratification. Doing things for charity would be such a good idea for many reasons. When you change your normal "orbit," you open the door for random opportunity to blossom.
  One of your favorite days will be April 22, when Mars and his lover Venus will conjoin - it should be a day that's due to be simply divine.
  Dates to Note:
  Career progress will be much improved in April, especially in the first week and then later, from April 22-30
  Venus will go direct on April 17, allowing you to raise your profile and increase the good word about you in your search for a better job.
  A home or family matter will be settled at the full moon, April 9 plus or minus four days.
  International interests shine April 1-20. Travel and import-export will bring good news.
  Expect surprising developments involving foreign people and places, and broadcasting and publishing: April 15.
  If you need to travel, do so anytime from April 1-21.
  Mercury will go retrograde: May 7 to 30.
  A sensational day awaits you: April 22.
  Romance will be best: April 1-2, 10, 11, 15, 21, and 24-30.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:29:25 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 天秤4月运势
Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra Horoscope for April 2009

By Susan Miller

The month starts out on a very positive note. A lovely full moon in Libra will occur on April 9 and be felt plus or minus three days. This full moon is sure to bring to fruition a desire dearly important to you. This appears to be a very strong, vibrant time for you. With planets so supportive, you should be enthusiastic about the news you receive and the culmination of something you care very much about. Jupiter and Neptune will be sending shimmering vibrations to this full moon - it may turn out to be divinely romantic, too.

Your creativity will also be very high at this time, so you may be making a major presentation to someone who matters. If so, the response should be very affirmative and gratifying. If you need client approval to get started, watch - here it comes.

This time of the month could alternatively bring a soft, elegant social event too, one with a touch of luxury. Venus-ruled Libra could see that you go to an event profuse with flowers, music, and fine food. You may have tickets to a very special cultural event, such as the ballet, a concert, or a play. Life doesn't always have to be Spartan, and this full moon will see that you have a little pampering, even if you say that you have no extra money! The universe can work in mysterious ways.

If you were born on October 13, or within five days of this date, you will benefit most from this full moon. Of course, it is very likely that you have other Libra planets in your chart that this full moon will contact, so in that case, Libras of any birthday might benefit. You won't have to wait very long to find out, so sit back and see what April 9 brings. It should mark a fun and happy time.

Romantically, Libras who are dating will have the edge this month (particularly near that full moon, April 9). However, if you are single and hoping to find someone new to love, you may meet an interesting person at the office, when you strike up a conversation with a new co-worker or company supplier who comes by often. Your new love interest would be someone on your own level, so keep your eyes open.

Alternatively, you may meet someone while doing sports, at the gym, while playing tennis, on the squash court, at a soft ball game, or while biking, as a few examples. Being a spectator at a sports game may also bring an intriguing chance encounter.

Here are your best and strongest romantic dates: April 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23, and 30.

Now let's turn to the pace of your office. Last month's hugely busy pace at work will continue during most of April. The workflow will be unusually up and down, however, running from feast to famine. One minute you will wish you had ten little elves to help you get the work out the door, and the next minute you'll find yourself sitting at your desk, drumming your fingers, wishing you had something to do so it wouldn't be so boring.

You won't know when the pace will go from zero to 200 miles an hour, and that's what has been so nerve-jangling lately. If you have a free moment, you might want to delve into a major project you put aside in January, but you can't because the door may suddenly blow open with more urgent work than you've seen in five years.

Admittedly, It looks like your workload is about get very heavy at mid-month, because why else would I see everyone around you so very stressed out? Let me show you what I see.

On April 15, tensions with a co-worker or subordinate could easily boil. Your co-worker or subordinate would act in ways you would never expect on or near that date. This will be true because Mars (anger or very assertive behavior) will align with Uranus (unpredictable events).

Alternatively, you may be focused on someone you work with who will announce news or a decision that leaves you speechless.

It is not clear if you will want to help this person, or want to completely distance yourself from him or her - things could be that extreme. This person may be someone you know from your office life, or your home life, in terms of a housekeeper or nanny for example. When you wake up on April 15, tiptoe around others just in case someone near you is extra cranky.

The part of your chart that will be highlighted in such a difficult way on April 15 also rules your health, so I should cover that eventuality, as an alternative way things might be manifested. Uranus, when conjoined with Mars, often triggers either an emotional or physical response.

Just to be sure, on or near April 15, be careful not to overdo at the gym. Stay within your limits, and don't try to lift too much or do too much.

Certainly you should not try to do something you've not done before. Both Mars and Uranus will be in Pisces, ruling your feet, the part of you most likely to suffer if you are not careful. Watch how you walk, particularly at night when you can't see where you're going. If you are a woman reader, April 15 would be no time to wear super high heels on a cobblestone street with potholes where you could turn your ankle.

At home, you might not want to go barefoot - put on some shoes just in case your lunatic roommate broke a glass and never completely swept up the pieces. (Of course, she also forgot to tell you to be careful in the kitchen before she dashed out the door for her date.)

I just want you to keep those feet safe. Pisces rules water too, so if getting a pedicure, make sure the place you go to uses a very clean basin.

You will see your office life simmer down with that crazy-busy workload once you get to April 22. When you get a chance to catch your breath, you will turn your full focus on your romantic partner or your business collaborator, for that's when Mars will begin to light your seventh house of marriage and other committed partnerships.

Sometimes having Mars in your seventh house would signal a time when disagreements with a partner would be on the rise, but I don't feel this will be the case for you. Venus, your ruling planet, will be moving through this area too, and together Venus and Mars will set up a sexy, sweet, and loving vibration. If you are thinking of making your union official soon, these two planets will help you make plans.

Venus has been retrograde since March 6 but will turn direct on April 17. While Venus' impending turn to direct speed in the second half of April is good news for every sign, after Venus began to turn backward last month, you may have suffered a setback or found it difficult to make progress. Or, you may have found a personal relationship difficult to navigate. Now you should start to see a much more encouraging environment for just about everything. When your ruling planet turns on the power, it really does make a difference.

The new moon on April 24 will bring you opportunity to see more money, but this won't necessarily be money you earn - instead it could be money you loan or are given. Often the money we think about in regard to the eighth house, where all the attention will be focused, pertains to furthering a goal. For example, if you need an investment or line of credit to start a business, financial aid to pay for college, or a mortgage to buy a house, this new moon will help you find that money in the weeks that unfold from it. If you are trying to divorce or split proceeds at the closing of a business, you can accomplish that, too. Begin your talks on or just after April 24.

This new moon will reach out to stabilizing Saturn, so you should be happy with how talks work out. It may take some time before you actually have the funds in hand, but if you make your first initiations on or just after the new moon, you should make good progress.

Interestingly, this new moon will fall in Taurus, and Venus rules Taurus - this is good, for now Venus is in great shape, moving more quickly than it has been. All in all, you have a bright picture. If you had problems getting the right funding or settlement earlier, you may have Venus retrograde to blame. Now that Venus is moving forward, you should have an easier time getting your money.

Should you lose your job (and I am not saying you will, but if you do), the end of April would be your best time of 2009 to negotiate your severance package. Don't be shy - this new moon will help you get a generous check. Be practical. All sorts of benefits packages and perks, whether those that are negotiated at the beginning of a new job or at the end of one, would be covered by this new moon.

There is some urgency that you make tracks in the last week of April, because soon Mercury will go retrograde from May 7 to 30. Once that happens, Mercury out of phase will slow your progress. You would need to file your application or begin talks prior to May 1 - go with me on this. We will talk about what a retrograde means next month, but suffice to say that it would not be wise to initiate your application next month - do so now for best results.


In so many ways, this will be a better month than March turned out to be. Romantically, your outlook is very strong, especially near the pampering full moon in Libra, April 9, plus or minus four days. Also on this full moon, you should see the conclusion of something extremely important to you. (If you don't see a finish, you may see an important finish to one phase of the plan, and it would be a vital phase.) This point in the month will be very happy.

Your office life is going bonkers - it's busy, for sure! In fact, there may be a lot of pressure on the department to produce, so much so that co-workers are on edge. This is something you are likely to see played out on April 15, when Mars and Uranus unite and create a potentially difficult day for your relationship with a person who works with you or who reports to you. Fortunately, this day will quickly pass.

This same day may alternatively be fine at the office but could bring problems with health, with special emphasis on the feet. Protect them by wearing sensible shoes on or near April 15 and not walking around with bare feet at night.

Venus' turn direct on April 22 for the rest of the year will be a blessing - you'll enjoy seeing your ideas accepted and plans more easily fall into place after this day.

Financial matters will get a big boost on the new moon, April 24. Make application for a business line of credit, mortgage, refinancing plan, tuition financial aid, or any other money you need to fund a goal. You may also begin talks about a settlement, say, at the end of a marriage, or concerning a benefits package at work. It may take time to settle all the details, but the key point to remember is that you begin at the end of the month from April 24-30.

Hurry, for Mercury, the planet of agreements and rational thinking, will go retrograde May 7 to 30. Mercury retrograde always has a strong influence, something you'll see next month. It won't be a time to buy anything expensive, so if you need a computer or other pricey item, buy it in April, as early in the month as possible.

When Mars moves into your commitment sector, you may grow very close to your one-and-only. One rare and special day deserving of double gold stars is when Mars and Venus will align, April 21. Plan a surprise for the one you love.

Dates to note:

A full moon in Libra will crystallize a deeply held dream, April 9 plus or minus four days.

Watch for a difficult co-worker or subordinate to conflict vehemently with you on or near April 15. You could have a melt down and things will be very touchy.

Protect your health, especially your feet, on or near April 15.

Your office life will calm down after April 22 when Mars goes into Aries.

When Venus turns direct, you will enter into a much more encouraging phase: April 17.

You will be moving closer to a significant other, personally or in business, from April 22 to 30. Time to make things official!

Mercury will go retrograde: May 7 to 30. Make this month count!

Romance should be sweet this month, particularly if you are dating and ready to commit soon.

Best romantic date: April 21 (four stars).

All strong romantic dates: April 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23, and 30.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:29:41 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 天秤4月运势中文版
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
中文翻译来自:来自: 让爱随风(侠骨丹心)



susan miller(苏三) 天秤4月运势中文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:29:55 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-4-2 23:30:10 | 只看该作者

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