
Susan Miller(苏三)四月星座运势(中英文版)

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susan miller(苏三) 射手4月运势
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2009
  By Susan Miller
  Your personal life needs attention, and migrating planets in the lower half of your chart will help you address and find solutions to any pressing issues. Your living quarters, other property, tenants, or your family should stay on the top of your mind, for with a potentially "hot" situation building by mid-month, you should keep your antenna up. Stay flexible and ready to roll when necessary. Let me explain in more detail.
  At the end of February, you had a new moon that opened the possibilities toward finding a better solution for a home, property, or family dilemma.
  Pluto was standing by at the time to help you too, so if you needed funds to institute plans, they'd be there for you if you looked. For example, if you needed a mortgage or home-improvement loan, or refinancing plan, your lender seemed to be understanding and willing to work with you from the end of February through early March.
  Then, in mid-March, Mars zoomed into your home sector to help you take your blueprints and actualize them. Mars brings major energy and drive, so if you decided to initiate your plans at that time last month, you were able to accomplish more in a few weeks than most people could do in a year. That's the power of Mars in action!
  As you begin April, Mars will still be in your home sector (fourth house), but will move very close to Uranus until these two planets make an exact conjunction on April 15. On this day, you need to expect the unexpected. What will surface could easily rock you, but there won't be much time to think, for an instant response will be required from you. Uranus rules all things that we would never anticipate - even things that are a bit weird or off the grid.
  With Mars and Uranus both in Pisces, you need to guard against any possible problems with water, mold, ice, tainted drinking water, or gas. Mars' position also suggests you keep your smoke alarms in good working order and that you make sure you don't leave candles burning unattended. Uranus' presence warns against overloading electrical sockets. Keep nightlights on, for family members or a roommate could walk into something if they can't see where are going.
  Statistics say that 80 percent of mishaps happen in the home simply because we are there more than anywhere else. Make safety a priority by not rushing around - take sensible steps to keep everyone in your household safe. If you are doing renovation work, ask the workers to go slowly and carefully so that they don't accidentally hit something inside the walls or leave things for others to trip over.
  While often Mars conjunct Uranus could create a physical manifestation similar to ones I just detailed, alternatively, these two planets may instead create a tense emotional interaction with someone you live with or in your family. Parents are also ruled by the fourth house of home, so it could be that you have a disagreement with your mother or father.
  Mars, when mixed with Uranus, usually brings about either forceful or impulsive reactions. During the time near April 15, don't bring up any touchy or controversial subjects with anyone you live with, or with one of your parents, even on the phone. You probably won't be able to hold back your feelings - doing so will be very difficult.
  I should say that when these two planets line up, there is always the possibility for a happy development too, because when Uranus is involved, you never know which ways things will go, negative or positive. You don't have to plan for an upside - those are easy to take - but you would have to take steps for any possible downside. Not being able to see everything in your chart leaves me at a disadvantage because I can't quite narrow things down any further for you.
  Still, even though I will admit it's possible for you to get upbeat news, I feel that with planets in water sign Pisces, a sign that does not blend easily with your fire sign Sagittarius Sun, it looks like something unexpected and untoward would come up that would require you to make a fast adjustment. The area of influence for this aspect could be wide, as much four days on either side of April 15.
  If you were born on December 15 or close to this day, you would more likely feel this aspect.
  Several years ago, when Attorney General Janet Reno ordered US immigration agents to pull the small 6-year old Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez, out of the Miami house he was living in with his aunt and uncle on April 23, 2000, a similar aspect was at play. At the time Mars squared Uranus. This event happened four days after the aspect had reached a peak (although the plan was probably hatched and approved by Attorney General Reno a few days earlier). Some might say that this was a very good day for the child, while others may say it was a very bad day for the child, depending on which side of the issue you were on. Everyone agreed it was a very forceful event, and shocking too - and so Mars and Uranus left their signature. Remember, this aspect may affect you in a physical or emotional way, and when it does it would be surprising.
  You do have a sterling aspect a few days later, which only goes to show you what a rollercoaster month this is due to be. On April 21, Venus and Mars will conjoin in this same house of home and family - a very loving, sparkling vibration, suggesting you will get some sort of family support or good news about money. If you are about to sell a house or buy one or rent a space, you may find the right circumstance or buyer, seller, or renter at this time, much to your amazement.
  One last point - and it's a happy one. Keep in mind that you will be quite lucky in the area of home and family in 2009. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, will orbit very close to Neptune, the planet ruling your solar fourth house of home, from April though December. This close orbit of Jupiter and Neptune will give you outstanding luck in all matters involving home, property, and family. While you may get a shock on April 15, you seem to be more than capable of rising above whatever happens and turning the tables to your favor.
  At the end of the month, April 24, you will have a new moon in your workaday sector, so if you have been out of work and hope to get a new position similar to the job you had before, this new moon will help you accomplish that. You need to be ready to interview the moment this new moon arrives - get your resume shipshape so you can show it when you need it.
  If you have a job but hope to find another side job or a freelance job, or if you are self-employed and hope to generate new business, you can be successful in the last week of April, after the new moon April 24. Pluto will be perfectly positioned to protect your financial interests.
  If you have a job you love, you will start to see new types of assignments come your way and the work would be very refreshing. Your creativity will be very high as well, thanks to the proximity of Mars and Venus in the fifth house of artistic expression.
  Coincidentally, on this same day, April 24, Mercury and Uranus will be beautifully angled, suggesting to me that you will get enormously good news about your career. Give that day a gold star.
  (To be clear, the area of influence of a new moon is always two weeks, but the area of influence for Mercury aligned to Uranus will be only plus or minus one day. Remember that a new moon opens a door, but that it may take time to actually win your goal. That's fine - just be sure to START. Even if it takes six months to accomplish what you had in mind, what matters is when you start. Starting at the right time helps to ensure success.)
  It looks like someone from your past is about to help you professionally. It may be a former boss, co-worker, colleague, or friend. I say this because 1) Mercury rules your tenth house of fame and honors, and 2) Mercury is about to retrograde May 7 to 30.
  Don't worry about Mercury - as long as you look back to your past for ideas about whom to speak with, you'll do fine. While it is not advised to take a new job with a company or boss that you don't know in May, it will be fine for you to take a position with someone with whom you share a past. I will explain more about this next month, but suffice to say that you seem to have help from those who know and respect you.
  In regard to bikini time coming up, if you have been thinking it's time to get into better shape, the new moon on April 24 will bring you one of the best opportunities of the year to start a routine you enjoy. This new moon will revitalize your house of preventative health and fitness, and because it's in Taurus, the clue to success will be consistency. Make your first moves the weekend of April 25-26 by joining a class, hiring a trainer, or taking up a new sport. Soon you'll be raking in the compliments!
  Romantically, there'll be lots of good news, too!
  On the full moon, April 9, plus four days (bringing you to the weekend of April 12) you should be invited to a beautiful event. It may be a party, a special dinner or charity benefit, seminar, or weekend workshop. With Jupiter so favorable, you'll be invited to a very special event with lovely appointments, such as accommodations, food, music, and/or flowers. It would be very hip and cool, too. It appears you may have to go out of town to attend, but if so, it would only be a quick trip away. With the moon in Libra, it appears you would not go alone, but with someone else, and it would not likely be for work, but for pleasure. Sounds good!
  This full moon of April 9 will help all Sagittarians, but especially those born on December 12 or within five days of this date.
  There is more news to celebrate. Venus went into Aries a few months ago - one of the best places for Venus to be for you because Venus was in a fellow fire sign and touring your house of true love. However, on March 6 Venus went retrograde, weakening Venus' powers and adding a confusing element to a relationship or to your dating progress.
  If you had been dating someone new, you might have had a change of heart about that person, or you may have felt you needed to slow down the relationship because it was moving forward too quickly. If you had not met anyone, it might have been even harder to meet people after Venus went retrograde.
  Happily, Venus will turn direct on April 17 in your house of true love and from then on, you'll be back on track.
  Just a few days later on April 22, Mars will enter your true love sector too, and will stay until May 30. While there, Mars will help you get out more and also increase your magnetism. This is some of the biggest news I have for you, for having Mars here is a fantastic development! While there, Mars will do everything possible to bring more love and romance to your life. If you are single and hoping to find a romantic partner, this is superb news.
  With Mercury about to retrograde next month, you may decide to reconcile with an old lover. If you are still in love with this person, then give a call and make plans to meet while Mercury is retrograde May 7 to 30.
  If you are attached, open your appointment book and line up fun events to do with your partner. If you hope to have a baby, it's a grand time to summon the stork.
  Mars does his best work when Venus is near - this is a classic, said to start the spark of love - so be optimistic, dear Sagittarius. Venus will leave this area of your chart on June 6.
  Take special note of April 21, when Venus and Mars will conjoin. This is a darling day when the sparks of love will fly!
  Most enjoyable romantic evenings: April 4, 8 -12 (four star), 18, 21, 22-23, 26-27, and 30.
  The end of the month will open opportunities for more work if you would like to change jobs or pick up a part time job. Watch for options to arise just after April 24 onward.
  This is not necessarily the time of the year to get a job with a better title and more responsibility (mid-September would be better for that), but it would be the time to get a job similar to the one you had before, say, if you were downsized out of your last job.
  The exception to this rule is if you get a phone call directly ON April 24, because on that day, coincidentally, Mercury and Uranus will be in a dazzling communication, turning up the dial on all sorts of career surprises. Mercury is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors. If you have a career meeting or phone conversation set for this day, things should go exceptionally well, with lots discussed and possibly offered that you would have never expected.
  If you are self-employed, this new moon April 24 could bring in quite a bit of new business. While it may take time to develop the assignments, if you begin to have meetings with potential clients at this time, or begin your advertising or direct mail campaign at this time, your efforts should lead you in precisely the right direction. If you work in a creative field, the turn of Venus to direct orbit will allow you to charge higher fees, as Venus has governance over not only beauty and art, but over profits, too.
  This same new moon April 24 will be the perfect time to begin exercising to get ready for the coming beach season. Do so any time after this date, from April 24 to April 30. You'll want to be in shape, so be consistent in your efforts! Start your program now, at the new moon, and enjoy looking fit and toned by June or July. This is also the time to go for checkups and dental exams to keep feeling tiptop.

  When it comes to love, life is about to become more lively and vibrant. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, has been in your house of true love for a while - a wonderful development - but suddenly went retrograde on March 6. From then on, you may have found navigating a new relationship more difficult, or meeting someone new and interesting quite hard. Now, with the turn of Venus to stronger orbit on April 17, life will brighten almost immediately. From then until June 6, you'll be one of the most favored of all signs for finding romance.
  When Mars begins to tour Aries from April 22 to May 30, your romantic life will get a double dip of pleasure. Mercury will be retrograde next month, May 7 to 30, which may get you thinking of "the one that got away." If there is someone you keep thinking about and might want to reconcile with, the day is nearing when you might want to make that phone call.
  Make home a safe place to be over April 15 when Mars meets up with Uranus and an "accident" could occur. This could be troublesome in a physical OR an emotional way. In the latter case, don't provoke your Mom by saying something you know she'll react to, and don't argue with your roommate for eating up all your lamb chops and gobbling up your favorite box of chocolates. This is a "hot" aspect that could bring on the Third World War without you ever realizing what happened.
  Plan to initiate a consistent new fitness program on the new moon in your health sector, April 24, or in the days following, perhaps over the weekend of April 25-26. With a new moon in reliable Taurus, what you need to do is set up a routine. The amount of time you spend working out won't matter quite as much as the faithfulness you show in following your new program. If you start now, you'll be looking your best by June or July.
  The same new moon, April 24 will help open up job opportunities in the days that follow, most likely for work on the level you had before this. Chances to try for part-time or freelance work also shine. Self-employed Sagittarians should be pleased with the increased demand for their goods and services.
  One day shines for major career advancement and publicity - April 24 - when Mercury and Uranus cook up all sorts of surprises to reward you for hard work well done in the past.
  Dates to Note:
  A big social event that will put you among many happy people should thrill you near April 9, plus four days.
  Keep alert for surprising or shocking home or family related developments on April 15 or within 4 days of this date.
  A new job may be in the cards for you at month's end, after the new moon April 24-30, especially if you are looking to find a new job similar to the one you had previously.
  Coincidentally, due to the interplay of Mercury and Uranus, an unexpected professional breakthrough or opportunity could occur right on April 24, or you may get special praise or publicity for your work.
  If self-employed, pitch new business: From April 24-30.
  Good news about your home or family could come April 21.
  Begin a new fitness routine, or get on the fitness bandwagon: over the weekend of April 25-26 or any time in April's last week, April 27-30. Aim for consistency over anything else. All sorts of medical matters are favored, too.
  Romance will be your very best from April 22 onward, after Mars enters Aries and your fifth house of true love.
  Most fun romantic evenings: April 4, 8 -12 (four star), 18, 21, 22-23, 26-27, and 30.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:30:59 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 射手4月运势 中文版
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
中文翻译来自: 眩雪凝星(正文+摘要)&珉珉(需要注意的日子) 如有错误欢迎指正,转载请注明出处。

   几年前,当2003年4月23号,首席检察官Janet Reno命令美国移民代理把一个六岁的古巴小男孩Elian Gonzalez拉出他和他的叔叔阿姨一起住的迈阿密的房子时,发生着类似的天象。那一次,火星90度角刑了天王星。这个时间发生在天象到达顶点后的四天(虽然首席检察官Reno要在几天前酝酿并批准这个计划)。有些人说这对小孩是好的,有些人会说对小孩不好,这只是取决于你站在这个事件的哪一边。每个人都同意它是一个非常有力的时间,并且令人震惊-因此,火星和天王星留下了他们的印记。记住,这个天象可能在物质上或者是情绪上影响你,当事件发生,它会让你吃惊。
    如果你不是单身,打开你的预约本,并和你的配偶组织有乐趣的活动。如果你希望有一个小孩,这是一个召唤鹤的好时间。(西方传统故事里小孩是鹤叼来的,补充自桃小满★ )

    当火星容四月22号到五月30号开始在白羊座观光旅行,你的浪漫的生活将会得到双倍过山车(double dip )的快乐。水星将会在下个月开始逆行,五月7号到30号,它将会使你思考“那个离开的人”。如果有某个人你一直在想念,并可能想与之和解,这天可能就是你想要打电话的时候。


      4月22日之后:火星进入白羊座,在你真爱的第五宫。  4月4日,8 - 12(4星)、18、21、22-23,26-27,30日:十分浪漫的夜晚。

susan miller(苏三) 射手4月运势 中文版 完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:31:31 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 魔羯4月运势
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2009

By Susan Miller

A cornucopia of goodies will be coming your way in April, with upbeat developments in travel, career, money, romance, home, and family.

Your possibilities for progress will be impressive on all fronts in this highly productive, satisfying month. Wow! Do as much as you can this month, dear Capricorn, because from May 7 to 30, Mercury will be retrograde. Long story short: THIS will be your golden month, so be decisive and make your most important moves before you get to May.

Your career will be first to draw your attention. Watch what occurs on or in the four days surrounding the full moon April 9. A professional development should prove to be very heartening and possibly quite profitable, too. News should be just what you want to hear - your status in the company or in the industry could be on the rise. You may get a promotion or new position, and if so, more power and responsibility will be yours, too. If you are self-employed, you have an excellent opportunity to find new clients, and you may even have newsworthy achievements to report, triggering thrilling attention from the media.

This full moon of April 9 will receive friendly, golden beams from planet of luck, Jupiter, and because Jupiter is associated with money too, you may also see a solid increase in salary. While a promotion or new job usually would come with a higher salary, we are currently in difficult times, so we can't take for granted an offer of more money. Fortunately, you will be in the right place at the right time because Jupiter will see that you are compensated generously. This full moon will also signal Neptune, allowing you to show off your creative talents as well. This seems like an ideal moment to move ahead rapidly in your career. Think of this full moon as reward for months, and possibly even years, of hard work.

If you have been interviewing for a new job lately, don't call to see how thing are going until you get close to the full moon, April 9. Full moons are very effective for bringing matters to conclusion. Be confident, dear Capricorn. This will be the only full moon of 2009 in your career sector, so it's sure to be a decisive moment. If you don't get what you want (a possibility that I find hard to even fathom), you will have another shot at career advancement and a far better salary in mid-October.

You may encounter an obstacle toward getting the high position you want in your career, and that involves Venus, the ruler of your house of career status. Venus will be in hard angle to Pluto at the time of the full moon, so you will have to expect stiff competition for this job. Pluto suggests some political intrigue, so there may be something about the way the interview process is conducted that you feel is not quite fair. In other words, office politics may be at play.

To counter this, you'll have to find a way to differentiate yourself from the pack of applicants and diffuse any favoritism. In the end, never forget that managers will always make choices that work to their long-term advantage. If you can prove you really are the better, smarter, safer choice, you will win this contest. You do have Jupiter and Neptune on your side and that is quite a bit of planetary artillery. Pluto's harsh angle to Venus simply shows the competitive atmosphere but does not predict the outcome - the outcome is up to you.

You may be in contractual talks this month, and if so, the other party may make an unexpected demand on you near April 15. If what is being asked of you shocks you, stand your ground and take your time. Don't let anyone rush you, for you first need a moment to regain your balance. Mars will conjunct Uranus on this day, a very hot aspect that could bring almost any sort of news, suddenly and without warning.

If you were born on or near January 15, you have a far better chance than other Capricorns of making the unexpected developments of April 15 work to your benefit. To be truthful, however, when Uranus is involved with any aspect, you can never be sure which way things will go.

Uranus does rule surprises, but fortunately, these planets will be in Pisces, a sign that blends very well with your Capricorn Sun.

You will have lots of help from Venus this month, and that is new. Venus has been retrograde since March 6 but will turn direct on April 17.

That's wonderful news because a retrograde Venus is weak. Venus is the natural ruler of your house of career reputation, so all things regarding your professional life may have been stalled and you may have wondered why - now you know. Rest assured, all things related to your career (and also your home, since Venus is currently moving through your home sector) will start to go better, first near the full moon, April 9 and then even more so after April 17.

Most people think of Venus in terms of grace beauty and love, but Venus also holds sway over profits and money. While Venus has been retrograde since March 6, your prospects for financial gain were limited. Because your financial prospects will do better after April 17, I will ask you not to sign a contract until then. You don't want to sign a long-term financial deal when you have a weak, debilitated Venus. Should you be surprised by difficult demands by the other party during negotiations on or near April 15, let the dust settle and regain your balance before you respond.

Another trend that is strong in your chart concerns an increase in short distance travel and communication with others. Mars will enliven this area, your third house, from April 1 to 22, so you should have plenty of reason to leave town for business or pleasure. You'll be getting an avalanche of emails and phone calls, so you'll have to keep track of many details.

You may travel for any number of reasons, but near April 15 you may have to go away very suddenly. As said earlier, Mars and Uranus will be conjunct, a classic aspect for unexpected news. Mars rules your fourth sector of home, property, and parents, so you may be traveling suddenly to take care of a real estate or family business. This aspect is hard to predict because Uranus brings such strong alternating current.

If you have a car, take it to your mechanic for maintenance. Mars conjunct Uranus raises the probability for possible car trouble, and because you may need to drive a few hundred miles, you will want your car to be in good working order. This is a precaution, but if I were you, I would do it.

If you have any family business to discuss, or an event to attend, say, for work, it may help to know that everything will go amazingly well April 21, when Venus and Mars will link. Actually, all types of business and real estate matters will go quite well.

Your home will ALSO begin to be your center of interest the moment Mars moves through Aries from April 22 to May 31. As you see, you will have plenty on your agenda. If you have been trying to move to a new apartment, sell your current house, or buy new property, you'll have a window of opportunity that will open wide at month's end. It's a good time to do repairs on your home, reorganize closets, and thoroughly clean your home, too.

If you are sure about a decision you want to make regarding your home or other property, or concerning a decision you need to make on behalf of one of your parents, mobilize your thoughts and get ready to act in late April. You've not a moment to spare.

If you can't take actions in April, and decisions get tabled for May, you will encounter frustrating delays and setbacks next month. These will be due to Mercury in retrograde from May 7 to 30, but you will feel them sooner, as soon as May begins. I will explain how to work with Mercury in retrograde in your next month's report, but let's just say it's not a time to make deals or to sign any papers. You will want to stay as FAR away from Mercury retrograde as possible, which means never signing the night before the retrograde starts, nor the day it ends.

I would recommend not doing anything in May. If you can't initiate your home-and-family related plans in April, hold off until June.

The only exception to this rule would be if you go back to an old situation that now seems to bring a second chance. Here's an example. If you have tried to buy a house only to have your bid turned down because your offer was said to be too low, you may now be invited back by the seller to make another bid. Make some revisions, but know that this time you have a really good chance of having it accepted.

If you need an expensive electronic item or appliance, a car, beautiful rug, or piece of furniture, it would be best for you to wait to buy it in June. It seems unlikely that you would be ready to purchase it in early April, but if you are, then do so. You don't ever want to make costly acquisitions anywhere even close to a Mercury retrograde phase. Keep a space of a week at the very least before you buy.

The month will end on a glorious note. The new moon April 24 will brighten your house of true love. From then on, everything will seem softer, sweeter and happier. The no-frills, all-business emphasis of the month will suddenly change, and you'll feel more playful and humorous. If you are hoping to meet someone, this new moon's for you.

If you were born on or within five days of December 26, this new moon will be your best buddy, and you will feel the effects the most.

If you are attached and thinking "baby," then you should be very pleased as well. The new moon in Taurus is considered one of the most fertile new moons of the year to try for conception. If your cycle (or your partner's) cooperates, try within two weeks of the appearance of this new moon.

Your best romantic days will occur in the last week. Here are all your special days, but keep in mind that the days after April 25 truly will be four-star terrific.

Your most romantic evenings include: April 2, 11, 21, 24-25, and 29.


You've got a good month ahead! First, you have one of your best moments to get closure on a career matter on the full moon, April 9 (watch the four days surrounding this date, too.) What makes it so interesting is that this particular new moon - the only one to light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement fame in 2009 - will send a beam to Jupiter and Neptune. This will give you an opportunity to negotiate a good salary AND to show off creative talents, if you like.

If you are self-employed, this full moon will allow you to land a lucrative client that elevates your status in the industry.

If you don't get the job you want at this time (that seems impossible, because you are holding all aces on this full moon, but if this should prove to be true because you haven't been looking for a promotion or new position), you can pitch a new situation on October 18 and the days to follow. Be ready.

Travel may happen any time this month, for almost any reason, including business. It would be good for you to be out and about, showing your face to the world. Go the extra mile to get publicity or to launch an advertising or direct mail self-promotion campaign, for you are likely to get results.

After April 22, you will begin to focus much more on your living situation. You may move, repair, paint, or reorganize your closets or space - you can do the works. It's a really good time to think about making your home or family life a more comfortable place to be from April 22 through May 30.

Because Mercury will be retrograde throughout almost all of May, you should not buy any furniture, expensive appliances, or electronics next month. Make your choices in April or better yet, buy them in June. Sign all-important papers in April, but sign nothing in May. You can move or do home maintenance or repair projects next month, but the major decisions would be best done April 23-30. If you are organized, you can be ready to act and better yet, you'll love the results.

The end of April will be amazingly busy for you, for you will have the new moon, April 24, sure to usher in a much brighter social life. You may be smiling and saying, "Well, well, it's about time!" Right you are!

If you are single and hoping for love, you will be in an enviable position in the weeks to come. Pluto will help you find love at this new moon, which is extraordinary, because Pluto is the one planet with the power to catapult you into a new situation, and in so doing, completely transform your life - it's that strong. Even if you feel that you never meet anyone interesting, this new moon period may change all that. Watch the two weeks that flow from April 23. Look your best, dear Capricorn!

If you are hoping for a baby, this new moon can help in that regard, too.

What a full month you have coming!

Dates to Note:

You should be savoring exciting, lucrative career developments near the full moon April 9, plus or minus 4 days.

More money should wind up in your pocket as well at this full moon period, April 9. You may have to battle a political situation, but if you want the job, just distinguish yourself from the crowd.

Other positive days for financial talks: April 3 and 10.

Travel is very possible from April 1 to 22.

A sudden, unexpected trip may come up on or close to April 15. Make sure your car is in top condition for this trip.

One perfect day for a short sojourn into the country: April 22, when Venus and Mars conjoin.

Financially, there are several days that gently favor talks. Mark down April 3 and 10 as especially good for talks with your boss or client. With Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, beaming Mercury first and the Sun later, you should walk away a bit richer than you were before your meeting.

Romance will begin to heat up in the most exciting way from the new moon April 24-30. Other good days for fun and love: 2, 11, and 21 (travel ups the fun quotient).

Mercury will be retrograde May 7 to 30.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:31:47 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-4-2 23:32:03 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 双鱼4月运势
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces Horoscope for April 2009

By Susan Miller

What a pivotal time of the year this month is for you! You still have Mars in Pisces giving you a lovely advantage! Mars first entered your sign on March 15 and will continue to stand by you until April 21. During the first three weeks of April, you must push all your dearest plans and goals forward with all your might, while you have the force of the universe behind you. You won't have any problem getting the attention of key people, so proceed confidently. Having Mars in Pisces will be a huge plus - and this is a once-in-two-year edge that you have for only three more weeks.

It's time to think about yourself, which is a change for you. As a Pisces you are very oriented toward helping others, but now taking extra "me" time will work to your benefit. Everyone should have their own needs met sometimes, so this month, take care of the parts of you that you've neglected, dear Pisces. Also, you will be in a highly creative mode, and you will be turning out impressive work - even surprising yourself with how original you can be.

On the full moon, April 9 (operative April 8 to 13), you are likely to see a financial culmination to a deal, or get the answer to a question about a commission, advance, royalty, or licensing fee. You may need to write a check too, but there's a strong chance that money would be coming in to you, too. This point in the month should be upbeat. The reason for your optimistic outlook is that this particular full moon, April 9, will reach out to Jupiter, planet of good fortune, and Neptune, your ruler and planet of imagination. You may get news of a wonderful career development, and as a result, be told you'll be getting a generous sum of money. To be clear, the focus of this full moon will be on your finances, but your career may be the channel that delivers it to you.

The house so strongly lit is not a house ruling salary but rather one-time cash payments. If you do see cash coming in, it will be money that comes in one large chunk, not cash that is distributed over long-term periods, as would be the case in a paycheck. You may hear good news about a business loan or scholarship, venture capital investment, mortgage, refinancing plan, inheritance, or severance package. If you are starting a job, you may go over your new benefits package that will come with the job. If you feel you are due a refund for taxes, this full moon may bring better-than-expected news.

In terms of health, this same full moon may bring surgery or an important dental procedure to your attention, and actually, it may be scheduled for sometime between April 8 and 13. If so, you have fine aspects to Jupiter, which rules, among other things, healing and vitality. As you see, you'll have an excellent chance of success with this procedure. Jupiter is currently visiting your twelfth house, the area of the chart ruling hospitals, physical therapy, rehab, and other areas that we go to from time to time to get well.

Now let's turn to a wild card part of the month, due on April 15. To understand what's happening, we need to look back to your recent past for a moment. You seem to be frustrated by the slow, overly cautious attitude or response from a partner. This person might be your marriage partner, or someone you collaborate with at work in a close, committed way. In this sense, it could be your business partner, agent, investor, publicist, or other person you depend upon and who is committed to the outcome of the projects that you do together. Yet your frustration appears to be building with this person, for he or she seems not to be "getting" what you need or are trying to do, and as a result you feel held back.

On April 15, you may boil over, when Mars, planet of aggressive action and courage, will align with Uranus, planet of surprise and rebellion. Both planets will meet at 24 degrees of Pisces. As you see, this is as hot an aspect as you can get, and it may make you impulsive, angry, or ready to very rapidly go solo. Count to ten and keep your head. You may feel shocked about something you learn at this time. If you were born on March 14 or within five days of this date, you will feel this aspect more closely than most.

Even though classic astrology books will tell you to calm down on this day, there is a part of me that feels there is something refreshing about an honest response. If you want to proclaim, "Enough is enough!" be my guest. Whatever it is, you seem to be a bit unnerved by what you hear, doubly so if you were born on March 14, plus or minus five days. Keep your schedule light so you can more easily deal with what comes up, because it will be hard to concentrate on anything else near April 15.

While Mars conjunct Uranus can bring an emotional response, sometimes we see a physical manifestation instead. Just in case, at the time near April 15, be very careful in sports, and do everything you can to protect your health. Take special care of your feet, for Pisces rules that part of the body. You can avoid problems by being conscious of the need to do so. For example, women Pisces should not wear super-high platform stilettos on or near April 15, even if you're used to walking in them. One odd crack in the sidewalk that you don't see could send you flying, or make you turn your ankle. Walking around at night could make you hurt a toe if you bump into furniture.

Mars also holds sway over your solar second house of money, so on April 15 you may get some news about your finances that you never would expect to hear. I can't say if news will be upbeat or not, for with Uranus, you can never know. Indeed, Uranus is the planet of completely unexpected developments, so things could go quite in the extreme either positive or negative, but will come up in some odd, offhand way. Keep thinking good thoughts. Maybe the news will be good.

Speaking about money, Venus has been retrograde in your financial house since March 6, so you may have found that checks due you may have been held up. If so, the check(s) should start to come through the moment Venus goes direct on April 17. That's the good news.

The not-so-good news is that Mars will move into this same personal financial sector (second house) two days later and begin to force up your expenses between April 22 and May 30.

You may be getting ready to buy something expensive, so you might already know what could come up. Even so, be aware that Mercury will retrograde from May 7 to 30, never a wise time to purchase expensive items. The month of May would be a bad time to buy a new house, kitchen appliance, car, computer, camera, flat screen TV, piece of furniture, or other such things. (Never buy electronics when Mercury is retrograde, even those that aren't that expensive.) If you do need to buy something, do so while Venus is direct, from April 17 to April 30. The closer you can act to April 17, the better.

With Mercury due to be out of phase during the whole month of May, you will need to get as much done in April as possible.

You seem to be traveling quite a bit near April 24, and at the same time, you may have a writing assignment or a speaking appearance to do. You may be speaking to an audience, or you may be on TV or radio.

If you have been working hard, publicity for work well done should come your way. This would be a wonderful time to initiate an important publicity, direct mail, or advertising campaign. If you are self-employed, this would also be a good time to design a logo for your business, order personal or business stationery, or unveil a website or blog. This new moon is all about communication! It would also be a time to begin a writing project, sell a book, or even sign a contact. (In the case of signing a contract, do so on April 25, 26, 27 or 29, your best days.)

This new moon will be exciting for you because it will receive a golden beam from Pluto. Pluto's involvement tells me that you will be able to reach a very large audience, for Pluto rules the masses of people.

If your birthday falls on February 24 or within five days of this date, or you have planets at very early degrees of Pisces, you will feel, and benefit from, the effects of this new moon.

On this same day as the new moon, April 24, coincidentally, Mercury will be in perfect angle to Uranus - expect incoming news to be sensational! This would also be the perfect day to do brainstorming for new creative ideas.

Romantically, you have a VERY special day, April 21. On this day Venus will meet her lover Mars in Pisces - a very rare event - and you are so lucky these two are having their rendezvous in your sign! Those born at the very end of Pisces, near March 18-20, will do best on this glorious day, but honestly, all will have something to celebrate! The moon will move through Pisces too, making this day perfect for romance and love. Your magnetism will be so high that I can't imagine anyone being able to resist your powers.

If you are single and looking for love, plan to have a blind date on this day. Attached Pisces should make something special out of this day - plan a sweet surprise for your significant other, no matter how small. This day could be a day to remember.

This same day would be great for you to shop for something new to wear (even if you go to a resale shop - you may get a designer outfit) or to treat yourself to a spa or salon treatment. Women Pisces may want to buy makeup or a new fragrance. You deserve pampering and on this lovely day, April 21, you will enjoy yourself to the fullest.

Generally, the first three weeks of April will be exceptionally bright for the romantic meeting of someone new if you are single. At that time, you will have Mars in Pisces, a planet famous for increasing charisma. You will have no trouble generating waves! You'll be noticed, for all the right reasons. Pisces is a reserved sign, and sometimes you may even feel a little invisible. Not this month! From April 1 to 21, you'll be at your charming, confident, and radiant best - all the qualities you need to make someone want to see you again.

While April 21 is likely to be your very best day, there are others that you'll enjoy. Best romantic evenings: April 1, 2, 10 (perfect for a blind date), 11, 21 (four stars), 25, 28, and 29.

All in all, April looks productive and highly romantic, too. Dear Pisces, you've got it all!


This will be a wonderful month for you! Lucky you - having Mars in Pisces will give you presence and authority, and will put you out in front. It's time to launch something dear to you, for others will sit up and take notice. Your magnetism will be high too, so you'll find that other people seem attracted to you, in the romantic sense and in other ways as well. Be sure to make your key initiations between April 1 and 21, the time Mars will be in Pisces.

Finances will be on your mind at the full moon, April 9 plus or minus four days. The house that will be brilliantly lit will be your house of other people's money. You may be talking about venture capital, a signing bonus, benefits package, court settlement or inheritance, a bank loan or line of credit, or a mortgage or refinancing plan. You may be selling something big, like a car or your condo. There are many possibilities, but you get the idea. The end result will be upbeat because generous Jupiter will be so very friendly to this full moon.

After April 22, Mars will move into Aries and force up your expenses. Perhaps the money you get over the full moon April 9 will be spent in the weeks after April 22. It's possible. Or, it may be that you've planned to pay for your tuition or send a deposit for your child's camp. A financial obligation that you had incurred a while back may now be due, so no surprises there.

On the plus side, you may have been frustrated with checks that were late lately, due to Venus retrograde, but once Venus moves ahead on April 17, your financial picture will brighten so very much! What wonderful news, dear Pisces! If you are self-employed, you'll find business picks up, and if you work for others, you may finally hear about that raise, and the news is likely to be news you wanted to hear.

Speaking of surprises, there is one point of the month that is likely to bring news that is completely unanticipated, and that's April 15. Mars will conjunct Uranus in Pisces, and those Pisces born on or near March 14 will feel this aspect most. Uranus always brings weird or out-of-the-blue experiences, so I cannot tell you if the surprise will be a good one or not. I can say that this influence could create a strong feeling for independence and need for space. You may be upset with a partner over what you see or learn. Don't provoke anyone on this day or you may trigger a melt down.

Just after this, you will have a sensational day for fun and love, when Venus and Mars will link in YOUR sign of Pisces, April 21. Make sure you do something fun and pampering on this lovely day. It's rare and very sweet, worthy of five stars!

The new moon April 24 will emphasize your communication skills. You may have an engagement to speak or write, or you may receive exciting publicity!

Work hard in April because May will not be nearly as productive, due to an impending Mercury retrograde period, May 7-30, but operative all month. This is your month now, dear Pisces, so use it to push forward all your dreams!

Dates to Note:

Mars in Pisces will be a huge advantage on all levels: April 1-21.

Your expenses are likely to climb: April 22-May 30.

Do not buy anything expensive next month, in May. Do so instead April 17-30, the earliest possible in that time frame.

Travel, writing, speaking, publicity, advertising, and sales: All do well after April 24-30.

Financial developments should be upbeat: April 9 and in surrounding days.

If checks have been late to you, they should flow: after April 17.

Your career should do very well from now through December, thanks to the proximity of Jupiter and Neptune from now on. You'll notice this doubly so, if you work in a creative field.

Brainstorm new ideas: April 24, plus or minus one day.

Sign a contract; April 24, 25, 27 and 29. Also: April 4 and 10.

Romance should be divine on April 21, runner-up day: April 10.

All romantic dates: April 1, 2, 10 (perfect for a blind date), 11, 21 (four stars!), 25, 28, and 29.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:32:19 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三) 双鱼4月运势 中文版
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

中文翻译来自:来自: findingout·璇(我们都寂寞)

  现在让我们转向4月15日,一个本月的未知因素部分。为了理解即将发生什么,我们需要先回顾一下新近的过去。 你似乎为一位伙伴的迟缓与过于谨慎感到沮丧。他可能是你的婚姻伴侣,或工作上亲密的合作伙伴。这可能是你的生意合伙人,代理人,投资者,宣传人员,或者其他你需要依赖而保证你们的合作工程的结果的人。你的沮丧情绪似乎建立在此人之上,因为他或她似乎并没有尝试满足你的需要,因此你感觉被隐瞒。
  火星也统治你的第二宫(金钱宫), 因此在4月15日你可能听说一些你从未认为会听说的有关你的财政方面的消息。我不能说消息是否乐观,因为天王星的存在,你不得而知。低确,天王星是主宰完全意想不到的发展的行星,因此事情能变十分及其好或坏,但是将以一些古怪,随即的形式出现。保持乐观,说不定会是好消息。
  说到意外,这个月有一天,4月15日,可能会带来完全没有预料到的消息。火星和天王星在双鱼座相遇,出生在3月14日左右的鱼的感受会最强烈。天王星总是会带来怪异或者突然的经历,所以我难以预言这些意外究竟是好是坏。 我只能说,这次的影响会带来很强烈的独立感与空间需要。你可能因为你知道的事情对你的伙伴感到失望。这一天不要挑衅他人,不然你可能激起矛盾。

susan miller(苏三) 双鱼4月运势 中文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:32:41 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三)狮子座4月运势——翻译完毕
中文来自: Kane

Leo Horoscope for April 2009
  By Susan Miller
  Finances are again on the agenda, and this month you'll want to stay on your toes to keep up with fast-moving developments. April will be one of those high contrast months, where things might start looking dim one moment but then become very bright the next. Let's talk about one possibly troubling day, April 15, and get it out of the way so we can then focus on the happier ones.

First, I need to give you some background. Last month, on March 15, Mars entered Pisces and your eighth house of joint resources. Mars will continue to zoom through this sector until April 22. It is never easy to host Mars in this house, because Mars has an inflammatory effect and tends to force expenses up. The problem is that on this very day Mars will catch up with Uranus and meet in conjunction on precisely April 15 in this same eighth house of financial obligations and resources.

  To complicate matters a little more, on the same day that Mars will meet Uranus, Saturn will be in direct 180-degree opposition to both Mars and Uranus, from your second house of personal earned income. You need to brace for a completely unexpected financial development that might leave you shaken. It looks like it's a "take it or leave it, and face it head on" kind of a day. Said another way, I am not sure if you have much room to maneuver. See how it goes - you might.
  In America, this is tax day, so the most obvious manifestation is that you may get bad news about how much you owe. However, may people pay their taxes early, and even rate a refund, so there are other possible outcomes. If you are in the process of a divorce, talks may now turn very contentious. It is alternatively possible that you may have problems with a business partner, agent or someone you represent, a tax man, a venture capitalist, an insurance company adjuster, or the courts concerning an inheritance. Or, news may concern a financial aid letter you receive from college, or it may be that you have a conflict or untoward news about a sum of money that you anticipated soon or that you are told you owe.
  Whatever financial news you receive, you will likely be quite shocked. Now at this point I should mention that you might hear some very positive news - you never know what to expect when you are dealing with Uranus - but it does seem clear what you hear will be about money. You don't have to plan for uplifting news (that's easy to take), but you might have to brace for any possible difficult financial news. I will say that Saturn's position makes me concerned that this day won't be one of your favorites. Saturn will remind you of legal promises you made previously and won't give you any room to be off the hook. It may help to know that many people of various zodiac signs will be having problems with April 15, so you won't be alone.

  As you start out the month, think of all the possible ways this financial news may play out. Try to avoid big meetings with your accountant, your investors, the courts, an ex (or a soon-to-be-ex), government people, or anyone else in your financial life on or near April 15.   在这个月开始之后,你最好认真思考所有会出现财务问题的可能。尽量避免出现大的问题,这问题可能与你的账户,投资人,法院,前XX(或即将成为前XX)的人,zf人员或者其他任何有可能在4月15左右和你的财务有关系的人。

  Things will calm down considerably once you reach April 22, when Mars moves out of Pisces and into a far better place for you. Thankfully, Mars will not create this type of aspect ever again in your lifetime. By the time Mars comes back to Pisces in two years (the place it is now), Uranus and Saturn will have moved into other, more gentle placements. It is unusual to have all these planets clustered on the head of a pin, as they are now. This tells me that if you are determined to never see this type of situation repeated, the steps you will take in the near future will be successful and will ensure greater financial stability.

  During the first three weeks of April, your expenses will continue to run high. I am so sorry to have to say that, because I know by doing so, I am adding salt to the wound. I thought about not telling you, but I think it is better you know so that you could put off any unnecessary outlays of cash, if that's possible. Later, in June, you will have more cash coming in, so put off getting things you want but don't absolutely need right now.

  Mercury will retrograde next month from May 7 to 30, and you will feel the delays, forgetfulness, and errors in judgment that Mercury retrograde is famous for bringing a week or more before the date of the retrograde - in this case, on May 7. While I will explain Mercury in retrograde in more detail next month, let's suffice to say that Mercury retrograde is not a time to buy anything expensive. Don't buy a piece of furniture or pricy rug, a car, or any electronic items. If you need a new computer badly, then it will be important to get it early in April, staying clear of this possibly upsetting, wild card day, April 15. Actually, not being able to buy things until June could work in your favor, for you'll be able to get ahead financially. By June you'll be feeling quite good about the way your ledger is balancing. Let's go back to April, however.

  On the heels of this possibly jarring day of April 15 will be quite a lovely day.

  On April 21, Venus and Mars will meet in this same area of your chart, your eighth house of other people's money, and remarkably, you may hear some really good financial news that helps you feel a little better. It may mitigate whatever happens on April 15.

  I had said that that there would be lots of other good news this month, and there is, so let's look at that now.
  Opportunities for travel will be written all over your chart. You may have been trying to plan a long, important trip, possibly abroad. Last month, when Venus went retrograde on March 6, you may have found that plans were hard to pin down. Or, if you did travel while Venus was retrograde, you might have found your trip not very productive. Venus will turn direct this month from April 17 onward.

  Before I continue down this line, you may be saying to yourself, "But I am worried about money! How can I travel?" It's possible your trips may be for work, or that you will use frequent flier miles, or that kind relatives will send you a ticket to come visit them.

  Not only will Venus be more helpful to you in all these matters, but also Mars, the great energizer, will rev up your travel sector, starting April 22 through May 30. This suggests to me that no matter what you've been trying to accomplish that involves foreign people and places, or travel, you are about to see big progress. If you can't leave home, its very possible people from afar will come to visit you. Or, it may be that you are on the phone and email so much with people at a distance that you feel that you actually did leave home - and you might have found it a lot easier if you actually had left home for a face-to-face!

  Other areas of gain, thanks to the new moves of Mars into your ninth house, include publishing, broadcasting, the Internet and new media, as well as matters related to academia and goals to achieve higher education - all of these shine, too.

  The full moon, April 9, is almost certain to bring a trip - possibly a short, quick one - and if so, you should be quite excited about how things work out. It looks like if you do hit the road at this time of the month (plus or minus four days), you'd go with a partner, your steady lover or mate, or with a business partner. This would be a good idea, as this person would account for the success of the trip, for the Sun and fortunate Jupiter, now in your partnership house, will be so beautifully angled. With this friendly full moon, and the placement of Mars after April 22, there is much evidence that you can get so much accomplished this month by reaching outside your usual base.

  Alternatively, you may get some very happy news in the mail, by courier, fax, or email on this day. This will be one of your very favorite points of the month. Projects involving writing, editing, public speaking, publicity, marketing, sales, and advertising should go very well, too.

  If your birthday falls on August 12, or within five days of this date, you will benefit most from this lovely full moon, April 9.

  Now let's turn to the subject of your career, which should bring sensational developments at month's end. Watch for opportunities that come up just after the new moon of April 24 arrives. In the days and weeks that follow this new moon, you could score a major professional breakthrough. All new moons bring a window of about two weeks, but this one brings your most interesting opportunities during the first week, April 24-30.

  To be clear, top jobs take weeks and months to win. What matters is that you begin to interview for the right job now. Opportunities should start to emerge at this new moon, and that's what will be new.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:33:04 | 只看该作者

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susan miller(苏三)狮子座4月运势续

  If you are looking for a new job, this new moon will usher in one of your best moments of the year to find the right position to make use of your talents. Have your bio and resume written and ready to send out when the right VIP asks for it at the end of April. Actually, when Pluto and the Sun line up on April 23, you may have a very encouraging meeting with a VIP.


  The timing of this new moon will be superb because Mars will come in to help raise your profile in your industry once it moves through your tenth house of career success from June 1 through July 11. This shows me you can now start to build good momentum, and you'll find that with each initiation you will be building speed and getting closer to your goal.

  It's ironic and VERY helpful that Mars is due to help you in your career directly after Mercury will be done retrograding in May - great. While you wait for Mars to enter your tenth house of fame, honors, and achievement during May, contact anyone you used to work with for tips and possible references.

  Also, and quite coincidentally, along with the new moon in your career sector April 24, you will also have help from a very sparkling aspect involving Mercury in friendly angle to Uranus. Mercury (news) will be, by then, in your house of career success, and Uranus (surprises), will be based in your house of other people's money. On this day, April 24, career and money come together to bring outstanding news and it would be news you'd never expect.

  There is another interesting twist that brings more reasons for you to be excited by your career prospects. Your fame and honors career sector (tenth house) is ruled by Taurus, which is in turn ruled by Venus. Venus, as I detailed earlier, has been retrograde for the past month. It is very possible that since early March you could have been frustrated by how hard it's been to make any sort of progress. Now you will, in spades!

  Forget those past disappointments, dear Leo. You are looking at a whole new picture, and it's a brighter, happier one than you had in your head. Learn from past interviews and experiences in your job search, of course, but be optimistic, too. Rarely have you had such a perfect time to claim your rightful place in the industry you work within.

  Romantically, your chart of the moment clearly gives the edge to Leos who are currently attached, or to those dating and hoping to become seriously attached soon. You may have weathered many storms together, but the sky has become bright blue and clear, and together you can build a lovely future. Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck, is traveling in your marriage and commitment house for the first time in 12 years, so if you feel ready to tie the knot, then make plans soon, for Jupiter is now the best place possible for making a long and lasting commitment. Early to mid-August could be a key month for engagement or marriage, just in time for your birthday.

  If you are single, this month travel will refresh and relax you and put you in the perfect frame of mind to meet someone new. So if you are single, think of a place you can visit not far from home near the full moon, April 9 and the coming weekend. If possible, see if you can take a four-day weekend. On Friday, April 10, we have Good Friday, and Easter will occur that Sunday, April 12. For our Jewish friends, the start of Passover will occur on the full moon, April 9. Perhaps you can get away for a little break. With the Sun and Jupiter sending a signal on April 10, that's your best day of all.

  One last word: April 22 should be highly affectionate - you'll feel treasured and smothered with kisses if you have someone dear to you in the most romantic sense. If you don't, your appeal will be reaching all-time highs, for sure!

  Best days for love: April 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17-19, and 22.

  The financial emphasis of the month continues, but as you see, you have but one day that you need to keep your antenna up, and that's April 15. Stay away from financial meetings of importance on that date.

  You may have a hard time holding the line on expenses from April 1 to 22, but after that, things should simmer down quite a bit, much to your relief. Just before Mars leaves, however, he will meet with Venus on April 22, one of the sweetest days of the month, for it should bring good news about money, and it might come just in the nick of time to keep your spirits up.

  Put off any big purchases until June if you can. If you can't, because say, you need a computer, buy that in early April. You want to stay as far away as you can from Mercury retrograde - due in May. May will be messy, so view April as your far more productive month. May will be best used to see people from your past, for in May, those people will help you the most. Good to know, yes?

  Your career is about to get an enormous boost from the new moon, April 24. Now it often takes weeks or months to win a top job, but the point is, from April 24 onward, you should be able to find the right opportunities, ones you would be really enthusiastic about and that will use your talents well. Get things moving, for in June, Mars will come in to push your name to the top of the list from June 1 to July 11. Make sure you are not on vacation in June or early July, because if you are, you may miss your very best career opportunities to move ahead.

  Lots of chances to travel will happen this month, too. The full moon, April 9, seems like a perfect time to go a short distance. Even though you may be concerned about money, you seem to find a way to pack and go anyway, perhaps thanks to someone else who will cover costs. Getting into a new setting will be good for you. Romance will be lovely on trips, too - for you love and travel are definitely linked!

  Dates to Note
  Brace for a shock about money when Mars conjoins Uranus on April 15. When you discover that you owe money, it may suddenly put you in a panic, or you may discover that money you had anticipated won't be coming. You'll likely need Plan B.
  As difficult as news may be April 15, bright and happy financial new is due April 21.
  Travel over the full moon, April 9, should be successful and fun. Try to stay away during April 9-12 if you can get the days off.
  When Mars leaves your financial sector on April 22, you will start to see your expenses drop.
  Have a meeting with a VIP on April 23 - it should go well, thanks to the interplay of the Sun and Pluto.
  Venus will go direct at long last on April 17, allowing progress with travel, international relationships and deals, matters related to colleges and universities, and publishing and broadcasting. Mars will enter the same sector on April 22 and push interests in this area even more.

  Be ready to assertively look for a better job after the new moon April 24. Now that Venus, the ruler of your house of honors and career success, is going at full speed, you have an excellent chance at getting that prized spot!

  Coincidentally, on the same day as the sensational new moon, April 24, you will have a stunningly positive aspect involving Mercury and Uranus, linking your houses of career and money in a very sudden and unexpected way. Be ready to roll when opportunity comes your way.

  Romance and travel will be linked all month. You can jumpstart a tired relationship or find new love while out and about.

  Best days for love: April 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17-19, and 22.

                susan miller(苏三)狮子座4月运势中英文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:33:21 | 只看该作者

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Susan Miller 处女座4月运势

  Virgo Horoscope for April 2009   
  By Susan Miller
      中文来自: Ginie

       Relationships aren't always easy, especially when both sides have opinions. This month you will be very aware of this truth and it may be a little frustrating getting accord on a matter important to you. Since mid-March, you've been dealing with Mars in your seventh house of partnerships, never the easiest place for you to host Mars, for it tends to bring out one (if not more) vocal critics. You may wonder to yourself, "Why is it that I can't seem to get along with anybody these days? Everyone has advice for me, or worse, is out to tear me down!" Ah, it's not your fault, dear Virgo. It's just the way things are right now, so do the best you can.

       If you are married, in a long-term established relationship, or dating seriously, your partner may seem cranky or unusually needy of your attention. There may be other critics around you, certain types who seem impossible to please. A competitor may suddenly become quite aggressive, or a detractor may try to poke holes in a plan you've recently put forth. You may mumble to yourself, "Is there no justice?" Fortunately, this is a temporary phase and is due to end by the third week in April. Before it does, you may have to compromise more than you'd like, but doing so will help you keep the peace and keep things moving forward.

       You have only one really tense day due, and it's coming on April 15. On this day, Mars (war, energy) and Uranus (surprise, outbursts, and explosions) will merge energies and in so doing, oppose your Sun and be conjunct transiting Saturn. That's a potent brew. Those Virgos who were born on or within four days of September 16 will feel this aspect most, although it might be wise for all Virgos to brace for some sort of unexpected news about a partner, collaborator, or competitor.

       When news strikes, it will be sudden - something you'd never have expected. This could be the kind of day that starts off quietly but can turn out to be anything but easy as you go along.

       This aspect is a hard one, and the fact that both Mars and Uranus will be positioned loosely opposite Saturn seems to suggest you won't have much room to maneuver. You may feel penned in a "take it or leave it" situation.

       Saturn's position also shows just how much work and responsibility you've had to shoulder alone lately, seemingly without help. You are very capable of doing so, of course, but it would be nice to have a little help and emotional support. Instead you appear to be swimming in high seas alone this month. I am sure you are thinking as you read this, "No help is often better than having the wrong help." How right you are, dear Virgo.

       Try not to have an overly packed schedule near April 15. Whatever surfaces will require a bit of time to digest. At least after this episode you will know the truth about one person you are dealing with, and you will be able to plan your life with greater certainty.

        Yet April will be an up and down month, and you'll be due for some luck. On the heels of this tough aspect of April 15 will come quite a divine one on April 21. That's when Venus and Mars will align in your seventh house of close relationships, a day that could well spark feelings of warm affection. If you were born at the end of your sign, near September 21, this day will be for you.

       This leads me to think that while there may be one partner who'll drive you crazy this month, there will be at least one loyal, supportive person who will care about you and who'll be willing to show you how much on this day. Put a gold star on April 21.

       Once Mars leaves Pisces on April 22, your life will instantly improve because you won't feel so challenged by partners and collaborators anymore. You will find that your plans, both personal and professional, will get approved more easily, and life won't be so much of a negotiation anymore.

       I f you need to sign papers or schedule a day to have an important meeting, mark down April 4, when Mercury will send a lovely vibration to Jupiter.

      April 24 is due to be a fantastic day to generate original ideas - it's a spectacular day for Virgos. Things should go well. Pluto, however, will retrograde from the start of the month onward, so a creative project may need a bit more tweaking or take a new direction. Be ready for that and take things in stride.

       Financially, the full moon of April 9 will bring a deal you've been working on to fruition, or you may see a check come in. It's also likely you will be writing a large check. If you are wondering if your raise was approved, within days of April 9 you will know, and it looks like news will be really upbeat, enough to make you want to celebrate. Of course, you deserve this raise, dear Virgo - you are so industrious! Who would want to lose you?

       If you are self-employed, you may pick up a new piece of business or exciting assignment on this full moon April 9. Jupiter and Neptune will be very encouraging, so artistic, creative deals are favored, too.

       More good news - Venus, which is now in your eighth house of other people's money - has been retrograde since March 6, but will turn direct on April 17. This should help you see funds that have been held up until now. For example, if you have tried to get another round of investment capital, you should have much better luck now. You may finally get a check from an insurance company or settle on a book advance. If you are a mother, and your ex has not sent child support, it may be forthcoming after April 17.

        These are just a few of many possible outcomes - there are other possibilities, of course. Venus has strong ties to profit, so when Venus sleeps, you find your financial situation suffers, but when Venus moves out of retrograde, things perk up. You may also see more help from women, as Venus rules all the women in your life, both those you know and those you don't - in the latter case, customers and women in public.

       I will admit that once Mars moves through your eighth house, April 22 to May 31, you may be spending more, and credit card balances will climb. Mercury will be retrograde in May, however, so if you do need something expensive, like a new computer or car, buy it early in April. You will want to stay as far away from May as you can. You never want to buy anything expensive when Mercury retrogrades, is about to retrograde, or on the day or two Mercury goes out of retrograde! Shop this month and refrain from pulling out the plastic next month - you'll be glad you did.

        Travel plans will glitter at the new moon April 24 and for the week that follows. If you have had to delay a trip, after this new moon you will be able to finally take it, and you can expect excellent results, too. It appears you may have a business reason to travel, because Venus rules your ninth house, and if so, expect the best. With Pluto supporting this new moon all the way, if you have to present a creative idea, you'll do well.

       Virgo is a sign that does well in the communicative arts. If you are a screenplay writer, producer, author, editor, or in other ways work in broadcasting or publishing, you will find opportunity at month's end. Import, export, and all sorts of international projects do well at this time as well - think global. Saturn will be in perfect angle to this new moon too, so the moves you make can easily lead to more stability for you. You may be building a very long-term relationship with someone overseas or at a distance in your own country, and if so, great.

       If you will be going to college in the fall, you will be busy making plans in the weeks that flow from April 24. This new moon will be very strong and positive, because Pluto will be so well angled - the decisions and plans you make at this time could transform you into a whole better place within six months.

       If your birthday falls near August 28, you will benefit most from this lovely new moon.

       Romance is even indicated as possible at this new moon, as travel and love appear to be linked.

       Keep in mind that April will be your productive month, but next month, May, is due to be your slacker month. Mercury, your guardian planet, will be retrograde from May 7 to 30, but in truth the whole month will be useless for starting projects, negotiating deals, or accepting new professional offers. Mercury will retrograde in Gemini, in your house of professional success, so you see the picture. Get as much done now as you can!


A close relationship, collaboration, or competitor may have been a handful lately, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. You won't feel that managing this alliance is such a big focus in the future. Once Mars leaves Pisces on April 22, your relationships will be easier and less time consuming.

Before Mars leaves, you will have one day to get through, April 15, which may shock or surprise you when it comes to one person on your radar. This person is likely to be either linked to you romantically (as someone you date or are married to, for example) or in business, say, in terms of a business partner, agent, manager, or other expert you hire. There's no way to plan for this day, as Uranus always brings something you'd never expect. Just keep your antenna up and don't provoke by choosing this to be your big day to talk. Lie low.

A few days later, April 22, you will have just the opposite - a day filled with charm and love. I am not sure if the happiness you experience on this day is from the same partner, or someone different. You'll have to wait and see!

Financial issues are likely to be on your mind too, especially at the full moon, April 9. Fortunately, this a friendly full moon, so even though you may have to write a large check, there's a good chance you'd see more money come in, too.

If you need extra work, say, part time or in terms of freelance, April 10 could be an excellent day to look or to ask your present boss for a way to earn overtime. Actually, this day, falling on a Friday, April 10, could work out to be a gold star day - one of your favorites.

Costs will climb after Mars enters your eighth house on April 22 until May 30. If you need something expensive, see if you can hold off until June. I feel you will have one or two unanticipated expenses, and besides, with Mercury due to retrograde from May 7 to 30, it would be wise to make your major purchases after Mercury is out of retrograde. Do your research, but shop in June. If you urgently need something that is expensive, such as a new computer, buy it in early April for best results. I love April 4 and 10.

Do you need or want to take a trip that will take you over many miles? Choose to go in the last week of April. You may go for fun or business - either way, you'll be going at a time when everything goes your way. If you can take time off, month's end and early May will be an ideal time to connect with the one you love or to circulate in the right place where you might meet someone new. Truly, travel will be a true joy in weeks to come, no matter what reason you choose to go away.

Dates to note:

Financially, you're favored at the full moon, April 9. Money may come in, or go out, or a deal may be crystallized.

When Venus goes direct April 17, you will find it easier to get payments due you that have been running late.

One close partner or collaborator is apt to give you rapid heartbeat, not in the good way, on April 15. This will be a very tense day when a certain development shocks you. Don't have too much on your schedule.

One sterling day for love, however, sure to be the exception to the rule, will be April 21, a gold star day, thanks to the meeting of Venus and Mars.

Once Mars moves out of Pisces, your relationships will improve: after April 22.

Travel is encouraged after the new moon, April 24. International trade and relationships will glow as well.

You may hear of a broadcasting or publishing opportunity, or appear in the media in the last week of April, too.

Mercury will retrograde May 7 to 30 next month. If you need to shop for something expensive, do so this month, not in May. Electronic items or things with moving parts are not things to buy when Mercury is out of phase.

Romance is linked to travel this month, so if you can take off on a happy vacation in April's last week, do!

Best romantic evenings: April 2, 6, 7, 11, 21 (gold star), 25-25, and 29.
发表于 2009-4-2 23:33:35 | 只看该作者

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Susan Miller (苏三)处女座4月运势中文翻译
来自: Ginie

  真正意义上的黑莓日其实只有一天,就是4月15日。这一天,火星和天王星同宫,与太阳相刑,并且将与土星会合(这里估计翻译的有问题Mars (war, energy) and Uranus (surprise, outbursts, and explosions) will merge energies and in so doing, oppose your Sun and be conjunct transiting Saturn.)。
  事情一定发生的很突然,-- 完全出乎你的意料之外。这将是在平静的开始的一天,然而最后结局如何却也是无人能料。
  土星的相位同样表示出你最近独自背负了繁重的工作和他人的期望,你仿佛很无助。你或许有能力搞得定,但是一些精神的支持和实际的帮助也不是什么坏事。 可实际上,本月对于你来说真的是独自高处不胜寒的境况,但是亲爱的处处们,你们心底里却不这么认为是不是,帮倒忙还不如不帮。这也是绝对的真理。(这段翻得好勉强)
  好消息越来越多啦。金星位于掌管财务的第八宫。她从3月6号该死的逆行到现在,终于在4月17日要掉头转向了。这将有利于你被套牢的股票基金们。如果你想要开始新一轮的投资,那你的运气可会较之以前大大提升哦。 或者你将终于拿到保险公司的赔偿,或者你将成功搞定一个预约。如果你已经是孩子妈了,并且你前夫迟迟不肯支付赡养费(靠,ex。。),那他在4月17日之后也终将松开钱包(哦,一定不情愿的。)
  本次新月同样昭示着浪漫的降临(thx god,终于到了爱情)。而爱情将和旅行紧密相连,形影不离。(靠,爱情就这一句)

  但是在这之前,有那么一天是需要格外注意的 --- 4月15日。半路杀出的程咬金可能会吓你一跳。这可能是你的恋人,或者是工作当中相处的人。别试图去预测或是逃避,因为那根本就不可能。你永远不可能料到天王星会给你带来什么。你只需保持警惕,避免重要商谈,尽量低调。低调。


  浪漫之夜的最佳选择: April 2, 6, 7, 11, 21 (金星日), 25-25, and 29.

Susan Miller (苏三)处女座4月运势中文版完结
发表于 2009-4-2 23:33:48 | 只看该作者

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