
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller金牛座2011年4月星座运势

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Taurus Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

Your time in the Sun is coming, dear Taurus. You are on the verge of so much goodness, but it's still two months away. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is about to enter Taurus for the first time since the year 2000, and once Jupiter arrives in early June, he will remain at your side until June 2012. For this reason, you must spend April finishing up loose ends. You need to finish up old chapters and close down relationships or alliances that simply are not working anymore. Your goal should be to free up time - soon Jupiter will offer you lots of new things to opt into, but you will need to be free and clear to be able to do so in your professional life and also your personal, private life.

With Mars, Uranus, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon in your twelfth house this month, you will work well alone, by yourself, not as part of a team and not with a collaborator. You will need time to think, and if you work with other people, it will seem as though they will only create a distraction or a series of delays. Be smart and close your door and work by yourself. Many of us have assistants, and of course, you will want to keep that person, but to work best in April, have a list of things your helper can do for you so that he or she doesn't have to keep asking you, "What's next to do?" You'll have that all planned in advanced. It's also a perfect month to talk about - but not finalize - new plans. For that, you need to wait until month's end, but I would suggest you wait even a little longer, until early May to set things in place and to sign papers.

As April opens, you will have an unusually large number of planets in your twelfth house of secrets. You may be having confidential talks about a new product or service launch, or you may be secretly meeting with headhunters, agents, or others about new job opportunities. You may be having health tests this month (very possible, for the twelfth house is associated with hospitals and procedures), or you may have met someone new who you are just getting to know in the romantic sense.

You are right to keep whatever you are doing hidden. Now is not the time to talk about private matters, even to your best friend, for your secrets will leak out if you do. Wait until next month, at the new moon in Taurus on May 3, to talk about what you've been doing.

Next month, May, will be a glorious month - it's one of the best months of the year - and although Jupiter won't be ready to give you his bag of goodies yet (for that, you need to wait until June and beyond), you will still love May. For once, all the planets will be cooperating with one another like a group of little people who had a little too much to drink at Happy Hour. They will be sweet, cooperative, and adorable. You will be the apple of these planets' eyes in May, so truly, you need to wait for the right time.

Mercury will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23, in Aries - the sign most of the planets will be traveling in this month. This is not the only reason you can't debut your plans, but it is, admittedly, a huge reason. Mercury is the planet of thinking, perception, communication, reasoning, research, negotiation, and other elements of the mental process. When Mercury retrogrades, all these functions are debilitated, so we tend to make bad decisions that need to be redone later. Mercury governs buying and selling, and neither of those activities is favored, so put off buying expensive things for now. It is a doubly bad time to buy electronics, for Mercury also rules moving parts. You will want to wait until after April 23 to make your big moves.

For now, spend April plotting and planning your future course of action. Decide about what should stay in your life, and what should go. It is time to toss off anything that is not useful in your life. This annual process takes place the month prior to your birthday. The ancients felt that the examined life was best, and that one should never mindlessly carry out responsibilities or actions without considering if you really were getting benefit from them. Perhaps your goals have changed since you last accepted those responsibilities at work, now that you know your job well. Perhaps it is time for a new mountain to climb. There are many ways you can examine your life in all the different roles you play, but the point is, you should be thinking about them all.

You won't want to be weighed down with things once Jupiter enters Taurus on June 4, for Jupiter will give you an array of options to consider. If you are overly committed, you won't have room to accept more. You will need flexibility to accept some of those new offers, not only in your career, but in all phases of life.

Your subconscious mind will be extremely active and rich this month, and ideas will flow as quickly as a waterfall in a swirling, swelling river. You will want to write down all the ideas that come to you, lest some are forgotten later. The same is true of your dreams, for you may notice you will have lots of them now. Those dreams will reflect what you feel, so be sure to write down those dream sequences, for they will be clues to your true feelings.

If you work in a creative field, you are fortunate, for you are likely to be highly imaginative now, as the twelfth house is naturally "owned" by Pisces, the most creative sign of the zodiac. This house is associated with sensual, right brain thinking - that is, thinking though pictures, art, music, dance - all nonverbal methods of expression and thinking. It would be a shame not to use these stunning aspects to their full potential. Even if you are not in a creative field, you might have a hobby or pastime that gives you enormous pleasure. This, then, is the month to devote time to it, especially early in the month when you will have the most time available.

The buildup of planets in your twelfth house, including Uranus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun, and new moon on April 3, indicates a strong emphasis on mental health. This would be a perfect time to check into a rehab center or see a psychiatrist or coach to banish a problem or habit that has plagued you. I know this is something that many people put off for another day, but truly, starting now would be ideal. Here's your chance to live a healthier, happier life without being burdened with that habit that is probably tearing you down. It could be just about any habit - even eating too much - that you can regulate now. There are coaches, support groups, websites, and so much help out there. You do not have to do this alone.

Your physical body and health will also be accented at the full moon of April 17, plus or minus four days. If you have been overworked, you will feel as through you might be battling a cold at this time. Since you don't want to spend a day home sleeping, make sure you eat right and get enough sleep as you get closer to the full moon, April 17.

At work, you will be very busy with a project due on or within days of April 17. That's a Sunday, so it seems April 15 will more likely be the due date, or at the latest, April 22. If you can get the extra days, that would be great, for Mercury will go direct the following day, on Saturday, April 23, making flaws, typos, and inconsistencies less likely to plague you.

If you do have to meet a deadline during the retrograde period, you will need to go slowly and make sure you have everything in order. Otherwise, the project will bounce back to your desk for corrections.

Saturn is currently visiting your sixth house, and his presence shows that you probably don't have enough help to get your assignments done. This means more work for you, of course, and it's a situation that will continue for a while, until October 2012. Your only option is to be sure you are super-organized, stay on schedule, and eliminate any wasted effort or distractions from others. Working alone keeps showing up in your chart, and it is your best way to get a lot done. Also, find ways to use technology to save time, steps, and (always important to me) finger strokes.

Romantically, if you are single, you would do better meeting a new person once the Sun moves into Taurus, April 20. Mercury will still be retrograde at that time, so wait until the last week of April - I like April 27. May will be an even better month, for Venus will enter Taurus on May 15 for a month, and Mars will enter too, on May 11 until June 22. That will be your very best time to find love or enjoy the love you already have.

There is one very difficult day due. Watch April 3 for pent-up anger to explode - either from within you or from another person toward you. Mars will join Uranus, and because these two planets are so powerful and assertive, things could become quite heated. You might have to count to ten, but if someone provokes you, do!

On April 22, you might have luck with a blind date. You could find the chemistry quite good! On that day, your guardian planet, Venus, will conjoin Uranus, making this an effervescent, exciting day for a first meeting. Mercury will be retrograde, but even so, Venus will be so giddy that I feel you might like the person you meet.

On April 4, Neptune will enter Pisces, the place it rules. Indeed, Neptune is very comfortable in Pisces. This change to a new sign of such a major planet will boost your social life quite a bit. While Neptune will only remain in this house until August 4, Neptune will return to Pisces in February 2012, to stay until January 2026. Neptune's not been in Pisces since 1847 to 1862.

As you can see, Neptune's move into Pisces represents a big trend is on the way, but you'll get a welcome, sweet little taste of this now, before Neptune retrogrades back into Aquarius on August 4. For example, when Venus in Cancer sends a golden beam to Neptune in Pisces on July 4, three months from now, it will have a beautiful, highly romantic effect on your social life in a way you've never experienced. It will be enchanting. Venus is your ruler, therefore she has a stronger effect on you than on most others, the reason I used Venus as an example. Also, Venus rules love and fun, so it was an especially good planet to choose to show you how things will be changing. In months to come, I will tell you more about Neptune's major move into its new sign, but for now, just sit back and enjoy it, dear Taurus!

This month, your most romantic nights will be: April 6, 9-10, 11, 22-23, and 28.


This is a month where you'll get enormous amounts of work done when you are alone, behind closed doors. You'll need to be a bit firm about banishing time-burning people from your life to accomplish goals, but if you do, you'll be able to polish off a huge project that requires detail and concentration. Start at the new moon in Aries, April 3.

If you are planning a new venture, start working on plans now, but tell no one about them. Make announcements just after the new moon in Taurus on May 3, or in months to come, after Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, enters Taurus (his first time back since 2000) on June 4. From June on, you'll be flying high, for Jupiter will be in Taurus for twelve months, until June 12, 2012.

Health matters appear to need attention now, and if you have neglected your body, you may see consequences. With planets in Aries, protect teeth and guard against headaches. (Actually, a filled tooth that was not filed down properly can cause severe headaches.) With Saturn in Libra, protect your lower back, too, by lifting packages properly. The twelfth house, where so many of the planets will be based, also rules hospitals and rehab centers, making this an excellent time to schedule procedures that help to heal your mind and body.

Should you need medical or dental help, with Jupiter in your twelfth house, the right distinguished professional, with all the right experience, should appear. Get references, and if those please you, schedule actions for anytime after April 23, the time Mercury will be done being retrograde.

Work may be a bit arduous and pressured near the full moon, April 17, when something you are working on will be due. Knowing this, pace yourself prior to this date so that too much work does not pile up near the end and overwhelm you. You will have too few people to help you, so a lot will fall on you to get done. Don't run yourself down, as you will need your strength.

Romantically, with Venus in Pisces until April 20, friends will be joyous supporters, inviting you to many fun events. You will have a lot of work to do, however, so you may try to beg off their invitations. If so, they'll organize a posse to drag you out of the house anyway, and guess what? Getting out a few hours occasionally will be good for you.

Mercury rules your house of new love, so if looking for romance, have a first date with someone you met waiting in line somewhere (like the book store or the coffee shop) on April 11, when Mercury (now in retrograde until April 23) will link to Jupiter. If you are hoping to reconcile with a special person from the past, do so during April's first three weeks for best luck. Incredible love is on the way to you in late 2011, so don't worry if you feel you've not been in the mood to flirt and lure love to you. You will, you will.

Neptune's move to Pisces for a four-month preview of what's to come in 2012 will also work to add beauty and grace to your social interactions. If you feel things have become a bit too "digital" and unemotional for your taste, Neptune in loving, affectionate Pisces should help all that. Neptune will stay in Pisces from 2012 to 2026, so this is a huge difference, and with you as an earth sign that gets along great with water signs like Pisces, this has to be very good news!

Dates to Note for Taurus

Venus in Pisces favors you until April 20.

Mercury will be retrograde until April 23.

With six planets in your twelfth house of secrets, you'd be super productive working behind closed doors, but as you do, be careful to keep all plans tightly under wraps.

Plan to reveal and launch your grandest plans on or after June 4 when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will enter Taurus for the first time since the year 2000.

A big project is due at work at the full moon, April 17 plus or minus four days. It will be hard to finish, and there won't be enough people to help you, leaving you to handle details.

Health might be on your mind this month, too. Guard against headaches, and protect teeth, bones, and lower back.

If you need a procedure, you can find a qualified doctor or dentist to help you. Proceed after April 23 if you are doing elective work, but if an emergency, act immediately.

Some sort of altercation could blow up with someone you work with behind the scenes, April 3. It's a hot weekend, when tempers will flair.

Most romantic date nights: April 6, 9-10, 11, 22-23, and 28.
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