
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller摩羯座2011年4月星座运势

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Capricorn Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

No matter what you thought you might be doing in April, the message is clear: Your home (or other property) or perhaps a certain family member, such as a parent, will become the center of thinking. After a slow and on-and-off start, your plans will shape up faster than you ever thought possible, especially at month's end. You will need to give your project lots of attention between now and the start of June, and if you do, you will get an enormous amount of satisfaction from your efforts. You may have been mapping out this home / property or family-related plan for some time, and may have been waiting for the right time to strike. Your time has come!

What is shaping up in the heavens can only be called once-in-a-lifetime aspects. Your window for action will be very narrow, made more so by Mercury in retrograde from March 30 to April 23, but if you know what you want to achieve, you will find all the right options between now and June 1. Due to Mercury in retrograde in Aries, which is your sector of the home, you won't be able to sign papers or make major actions quite yet, but you can plan, have talks, collect bids and estimates, and plot your course. Once you reach April 23, you will have an open road. Plan to complete the major parts of your plan by the end of May.

Most of the planets in the solar system will be lining up to support you, although some will be cranky with one another at times, acting like Moe, Curly, and Larry of the Three Stooges as they bat one another over the head like little punch-drunk party revelers. Trust that you will meet these planets' challenges and eventually make much progress despite the very narrow window of time. When this trend starts on the new moon, April 3, you may be taken completely by surprise at how strong it will be.

What makes this month so extraordinary is that a remarkable number of planets - six at the start of the month and one more later - will be crowded into the constellation of Aries. For you, all these planets will queue up behind the other, like friendly little people waiting in line at the bank. These planets will fill your fourth house of home and family, with a special emphasis on mother and father. In this house will be: Jupiter (giver of gifts and luck), Uranus (surprises and completely unexpected developments), Mercury (news), Mars (action), the Sun (favor from authority figures), and the new moon (opportunity). The new moon will get the ball rolling April 3.

Last January 22, Jupiter entered Aries and promised you great luck with home and property matters, or help in regard to the welfare of one family member. Since then, you may have started to draw up plans, but perhaps you found it hard to translate them into reality because you had no new moon to help you roll everything forward. Now you will have the perfect new moon, April 3, in Aries, so suddenly you'll see your chance to run with the banner.

I am very gratified to see Jupiter, the great planet of gifts and luck, standing shoulder to shoulder with the new moon and the Sun. This is extraordinary, and shows how powerfully Jupiter can help you click things into place. This is your most benefic aspect, and you will want to harness its energy. After Jupiter leaves your home sector on June 4, he will not be back to this part of your chart again until 2022. You would be wise to use this time to maximum advantage.

In the meantime, I would like you to watch what happens the day Jupiter conjoins the Sun on April 6. That day has what astrologers call a void moon, meaning not much can stick, so instead, I will underscore April 5 as your most fortunate day of the year. While you can't sign or seal any deals on this day (Mercury will be retrograde), you can get very, very lucky. It's possible you'll find your dream space, or get a loan from your parents for a down payment on a house. For sure, in April and May family support should be very strong.

With so many planets in Aries in hard angle to your Sun, as well as to your ruler, Saturn, which will be in opposition to the transiting Sun and new moon, I will admit that you may feel tense at times. Concentrating on your career and your home at the same time will not be easy, and I understand that. Yet April and May will be the only months in the coming DECADE that will offer such superb assistance in home related matters, and of the two months, May will be your best - simply divine. In both months, Jupiter will be standing guard and will work hard to protect all your interests. You need to start looking at your options in April, despite the crosscurrents in the air that at times could stymie you, because the new moon will be very powerful and will help to get things organized quickly.

Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, healing, optimism, and even miracles, so you can prevail, but you must show the universe your intent. You cannot sit back and hope the phone will ring with the news you had hoped to hear - in this case, you must be part of the process. Some of the tension that you are feeling regarding your career is because it slowly appears to be changing or evolving, and now, and over the course of many months to come, needs quite a bit of time and attention from you.

As said, Mercury is currently retrograde from the start of the month until April 23, so you can have discussions, but don't seal things in ink yet. In fact, you should not even give your final word verbally. Conditions are rapidly shifting, and if you act hastily now, you will later regret making your final decisions before you've had time to look at a few more options. If you have a buyer to a piece of your property, it could be that your buyer won't be able to meet your price, or perhaps your buyer won't be able to get a mortgage in time. If you are the bidder, there may be a few snags, such as when your appraiser finds costly repairs that would be necessary on the property you want to buy. Glitches proliferate when Mercury, the planet of agreements, contracts, and negotiations, is retrograde. Be patient - this period will pass.

One good side of Mercury retrograde is that if you had put in a prior bid, you may be invited back to make another one now, with greater success. This is because you have had a history with the seller. The same would be true in reverse if you are the seller - you may decide to invite someone back to bid a second time, and this time reach agreement. Mercury in retrograde is a good time to go back to the past to strengthen an old bond or relationship, but it is not the time to start a brand new relationship.

During Mercury retrograde you CAN successfully schedule repairs, paint, continue ongoing renovations, or even move house if you signed papers prior to March 30. However, the period from March 30 to April 23 would not be the time to close on a house, choose a new contractor, or commence work on a new project. It is also not the time to buy new furniture, appliances, electronics, a new car, or anything else expensive.

The fact that Mars is part of the gang of six in this part of your chart is a reliable indication of just how determined you will be to settle home-related plans. Mars will help you throughout April by giving you high energy and motivation to plow forward until May 11. Mars has a way of making things happen - fast!

Venus, the planet that beautifies all that it touches, will be in Aries too, from April 21 to May 15, so again, you will have plenty of time to make your home beautiful. From April 24 onward, you can order furniture, rugs, and other furnishings, choose wallpaper and fabrics, and all kinds of decorative items from chandeliers to crystal doorknobs. If you wait until after April 23 to buy things, when Mercury goes direct, you will enjoy your purchases.

I am a little concerned that Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, will combine energies with warrior Mars in Aries on the date of the new moon, April 3. This aspect is not operative for just a day, but for ten days. Make safety a priority in your home. Do things like change the batteries in your fire alarm / carbon monoxide detectors, and ask an electrician to check that you have the right wiring to handle all the electronic items you need. Use only reputable brands of appliances (small and large), and if you use candles, never leave one burning in a room unattended. Keep walkways clear at night for the safety of you and others. Uranus will remain in your fourth house until 2019, a place he took up in your chart last month. By setting up safety standards now, you will be ready for the coming years.

Sometimes Uranus, when combined with Mars, causes a sudden move to a new address, perhaps due to career opportunities that arise. Mars conjunct Uranus is considered a "hot" aspect, however, so sometimes the way things manifest is not through physical means (like the one listed above) but rather emotionally, causing an argument with a family member, landlord, roommate, or anyone connected with your home. Knowing most people will be a bit more sensitive at this time of the month (near April 3), you might want to avoid broaching difficult subjects with a parent or other person connected with your home, lest you trigger an angry reaction.

If you are a Capricorn born at the start of your sign, near December 23, you will be somewhat more likely to notice this aspect involving Mars and Uranus than other Capricorns. I am sorry to have to say this, for I know everyone strives for supreme harmony and peace at home. Keep in mind that aspects like this one will search for unresolved issues that need to be brought to the surface to alert you to something you need to correct or clarify. If Mars does find something, these types of episodes can be upsetting. If Mars finds nothing, however, you will not notice this aspect at all.

Your career will bring a big development over the full moon, April 17, plus or minus four days. Talks you may have started weeks ago will now reach critical mass, or a creative project you have been working on will finish. Some sort of news seems to be important and will affect your status in the industry. Neptune will be very friendly to this full moon, which is why artistic ventures will bring such welcome news.

This month, Neptune will enter Pisces, your third house of the mind, giving your imagination and design skills a huge shot of inspiration, from April 4 to August 4. After August 4, Neptune will retrograde briefly back into Aquarius. He will be back to Pisces again (again, your sector of the mind) next year, starting in February 2012, and will then stay until 2026! This is a big, important trend, and one you will like. Neptune will be more helpful to you in Pisces than it ever could have been in Aquarius, for Pisces, a water sign, blends beautifully with your earth sign element. You'll get a wonderful preview of this new trend immediately, starting April 4!

If you write for a living, having Neptune in your third house could mean your work will become more poetic, imaginative, and possibly even inspirational. Another bonus of Neptune moving out of Aquarius and into Pisces is that you will find managing money much easier from now on, and that's always welcome!

Romantically, you have such a sensational outlook starting in June that I would not be concerned one bit about your romantic future! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter your true love sector for the first time in a decade, and Jupiter will assist you in matters of the heart for twelve months. This is very high-level help, to say the least!

For now, in April, you will have Venus in your third house, which also rules quick, short travel, so why not plan a sweet weekend away to relax and think about your home and family plans? It seems like you could use a break, and Venus will see to it that you enjoy pretty surroundings. Your best weekend to go would be from Friday night, April 8, to Sunday, April 10.

Also, once the Sun moves into divinely compatible Taurus, April 20, you will be in your element, dear Capricorn. Every day, in every way, you'll see, things are getting better!


This month will be all about your home and making it just as you always wanted it to be. Planets are bonding together to help you accomplish your dream in a way you've rarely seen. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime phase, as slow moving planets like Uranus and Jupiter are now on hand to help - the last time Uranus was in Aries, the place you need him to be to create big change, was 1927-1936, and the last time for Jupiter was in 1999! To get them at the same place at the same time is hard, but now, great news, when it comes to home and family - there is almost nothing you cannot accomplish!

You can move or stay and tear out walls, restructure your space, rearrange furniture, design a daring decorating plan, buy beautiful furniture or appliances, find a roommate or dispel one - you decide! Possibly for the first time, with generous Jupiter and the new moon, April 3, supporting your every move, you can make more progress now than you have ever seen. Be patient though, because for the first 23 days of April, Mercury will be retrograde. You will not miss your chance - in fact, by going slowly, you'll accomplish even more.

You will be thinking big, and should you need financing, say, in terms of a mortgage or home improvement plan, you will find you can get approvals. I didn't mention this in your main report, but thought of it now, and this news should be comforting. This doesn't mean that bank examiners or other financial types won't be tough on you - with Saturn challenging the Sun at the new moon April 3, they will be - but if you make sure your paperwork is perfect, you will likely see success. A major expense or overrun may come up, but don't let that news unnerve you. You can find a solution, for Jupiter, now in your home sector, will protect your interests, so press forward.

In the first few days of April, create a safe home environment, as Mars will conjunct Uranus on April 3. Don't overload electrical sockets, avoid standing on the top rung of the ladder, and keep walkways clear, especially at night. Mercury will be retrograde until April 23 so also, don't sign papers, close on a house, or buy electronics or furniture until you get beyond April 23.

Pressures at work will be prevalent as well, and trying to keep your domestic plan on track while you keep VIPs happy on the job would be a challenge to Houdini, but, dear Capricorn, if anyone can do it, you can. Capricorn excels in times like this, for you always keep cool under pressure, and that's why you make such a wise leader.

You'll likely be feeling split between home and work as the month opens, but professional demands will become much more pronounced at the full moon, April 17, plus or minus four days. As vital as it will be to keep your eye on home and family matters, you'll need to switch your attention quickly to work-related deadlines, meetings, and developments. Happily, once you get through the full moon period, you can revert back to what's going on at home, which will likely continue very productively through May.

Your outlook for romance will be very strong during the second half of the year, but for now, it will remain on a back burner to other priorities. With Venus, the ruler of your house of love now in your travel sector, your best hope of finding a way to relax and enjoy romance will be to take a short, three-day trip from time to time. Your best weekend to flee will be April 8-10.

Later, after April 20, the Sun will move into your house of true love, so that will make the coming weeks brighter for love. The month of May will give you a lovely prologue of more romantic life to come, and things will only continue to improve for love as you progress through the year.

Feather your nest now, and love will follow you there, dear Capricorn!

Dates to Note for Capricorn

With six planets filling your home sector, chances are miracles will happen at home, starting at the new moon, April 3. With Mars conjunct Uranus, you could have arguments or cost overruns, or trip over something. Avoid all!

With Mercury retrograde, you cannot close on a house or buy furniture or electronics from April 1-23.

You can get lucky on April 5 or 6. Might your family offer a check, perhaps for a proper down payment?

Neptune will visit Pisces this year for only four months - April 4 to August 4 - but will return in February 2012 to stay until 2026! Your writing, if you write, will become more spiritual or creative. Screenplays and poetry will be favored.

Work will be very pressing at the full moon, April 17, and it appears you'll be expected to deliver the goods within four days of this date.

Romance will be best while you travel out of town during the first three weeks. You'll be busy, and it appears you will need to be in a new setting to unwind enough to enjoy love.

Best romantic dates: April 5, 8-10 (for travel), 14, 23-24, and 28.



















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