
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天平座天秤座2010年11月运势

2 7631
11月 Horoscope for Libra

Lately you may have felt like the famous Tantalus from Greek mythology. Immortal Tantalus, having committed unspeakable crimes and having stolen food from the gods, sits in a pool of crystal clear water that recedes from him each time bends to drink. As he reaches for the delicious, ripe grapes hanging directly overhead, he finds that they are just a little too far for his fingers to grasp. No matter how hard he tries, the fruit eludes him, leaving him perpetually frustrated. He can see his goal, but he just can't touch it. Unlike Tantalus, you are not being punished for past sins, dear Libra. It has a much simpler cause.

Planets in retrograde have made you feel that progress was nearly impossible, a situation that has gone on for weeks, possibly months. Noll conditions will be right for a pleasing, courageous result, thanks to the Sun and Uranus in friendly conversation.

Venus will be in Libra most of the month, but will be retrograde and therefore weak until November 18. Make no radical chances to your looks until after that date.

Your most romantic dates include: November 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18 (best), 19-21, 22, 26, and 30.

You seem to be nearly obsessed with managing your money. Happily, the new moon on November 6 could help you get a raise or new part-time job in the two weeks that follow. That increase in income would help you deal with any temporary shortfall of cash you may have felt recently due to the tour of Mars through your second house from mid-September through October. Mars may have raised your expenses at the time, but thankfully that phase is over! Now you can find new sources of income to pay for the spending you most likely had to do.

You may also be working on the household ledgers or helping a parent or other family members do theirs. If you've been in a dispute about money with an individual or company, you will see one of your best opportunities of the year open to reach a settlement to everyone's satisfaction within four days of the full moon, November 21. You may see a commission or court settlement - some sort of lump sum is likely to show up at your doorstep.

Happy developments involving work projects and matters pertaining to health will also bring cause for celebration. All around, you should have lots of reasons to be thankful to a loving universe.

Mercury retrograde is due to create havoc during most of December, so you'd be wise to shop for holiday gifts before you reach December. If you start early, you will be able to find the perfect presents that fit your budget with no need to spend extra for express shipping. Check addresses, preferences, and sizes before you buy, as Mercury's gremlins will be out and about, determined to trip you up.

Your sister or brother may be in the news this month, so keep an ear to the ground for news. Mars will be sending lots of energy to your third house, and that rules siblings and cousins. Your sister or brother will have celebratory news to share, so continue to check in to hear all the late-breaking news! (I didn't have room to tell you about this earlier in your report, so I put it in the summary. I guess you know I do this sometimes.)

Happy developments involving work projects and matters pertaining to health will also bring cause for celebration. All around, you should have lots of reasons to be thankful to a loving universe.

Mercury retrograde is due to create havoc during most of December, so you'd be wise to shop for holiday gifts before you reach December. If you start early, you will be able to find the perfect presents that fit your budget with no need to spend extra for express shipping. Check addresses, preferences, and sizes before you buy, as Mercury's gremlins will be out and about, determined to trip you up.

Your sister or brother may be in the news this month, so keep an ear to the ground for news. Mars will be sending lots of energy to your third house, and that rules siblings and cousins. Your sister or brother will have celebratory news to share, so continue to check in to hear all the late-breaking news! (I didn't have room to tell you about this earlier in your report, so I put it in the summary. I guess you know I do this sometimes.)

You'll be busy, for it appears you'll be fitting in a number of quick business trips to nearby towns and cities before the holidays. Good idea - those meetings will be harder to schedule later. Travel over the weekend of November 20-21 to fan the fires of love, too - you deserve a fun break.

Life will improve noticeably once Venus, the love planet and your ruler, ends being retrograde on November 18, the same day Jupiter, the good luck planet, also ends its retrograde orbit. Plans you put on hold will again jump to life.

To celebrate Venus' turn direct, on Friday, November 19, consider getting a holiday makeover, with a fresh haircut or new beauty products. Guys, you can have your hair cut, and your stylist can advise you about whether to shave your beard off or grow one.

For now, Libras of either gender, tuck away all the black you've been wearing, too. In November, looking vibrant will give you the courage and confidence to tackle any endeavor, whether to interview for an important new job, ask for a raise, launch an entrepreneurial venture, or meet a new romantic partner. As I always say, looking great is the best revenge to undo any past disappointment.

Truly, now that Saturn is in Libra, you seem to have a much more serious outlook on life, but you really needn't carry around a little dark cloud over your head anymore, like the one you started to travel with last month. With Venus in Libra from November 7 to 29, you will be the darling of the zodiac, so lighten up, flash a smile, and you will attract positive people around you.

Dates to Note for Libra:

The new moon November 6 will be a call to action when it comes to finances. You may get good news when a new source of income shows up or news of a raise. If you need a new client for your business or a side job to pay for holiday gifts, this new moon could make it happen.

If you're in a dispute with a company or individual about money you feel is due you, you've an excellent chance to resolve differences November 21, plus or minus four days.

Next month, Mercury will retrograde, so buy nothing of importance next month. Do so now, in November, but be careful to avoid shopping on November 26-27.

Several trips may come up this month and seem to have a goal, so they may be business oriented.

Your sister or brother may be bringing news this month - stay tuned.

In matters of health and fitness, you will do exceptionally well after November 6. Keep up efforts to exercise, build strength, and get fit.

Feel you'd like to stage a makeover? Do so November 19, when agt;You'll be busy, for it appears you'll be fitting in a number of quick business trips to nearby towns and cities before the holidays. Good idea - those meetings will be harder to schedule later. Travel over the weekend of November 20-21 to fan the fires of love, too - you deserve a fun break.

Life will improve noticeably once Venus, the love planet and your ruler, ends being retrograde on November 18, the same day Jupiter, the good luck planet, also ends its retrograde orbit. Plans you put on hold will again jump to life.

To celebrate Venus' turn direct, on Friday, November 19, consider getting a holiday makeover, with a fresh haircut or new beauty products. Guys, you can have your hair cut, and your stylist can advise you about whether to shave your beard off or grow one.

For now, Libras of either gender, tuck away all the black you've been wearing, too. In November, looking vibrant will give you the courage and confidence to tackle any endeavor, whether to interview for an important new job, ask for a raise, launch an entrepreneurial venture, or meet a new romantic partner. As I always say, looking great is the best revenge to undo any past disappointment.

Truly, now that Saturn is in Libra, you seem to have a much more serious outlook on life, but you really needn't carry around a little dark cloud over your head anymore, like the one you started to travel with last month. With Venus in Libra from November 7 to 29, you will be the darling of the zodiac, so lighten up, flash a smile, and you will attract positive people around you.

Dates to Note for Libra:

The new moon November 6 will be a call to action when it comes to finances. You may get good news when a new source of income shows up or news of a raise. If you need a new client for your business or a side job to pay for holiday gifts, this new moon could make it happen.

If you're in a dispute with a company or individual about money you feel is due you, you've an excellent chance to resolve differences November 21, plus or minus four days.

Next month, Mercury will retrograde, so buy nothing of importance next month. Do so now, in November, but be careful to avoid shopping on November 26-27.

Several trips may come up this month and seem to have a goal, so they may be business oriented.

Your sister or brother may be bringing news this month - stay tuned.

In matters of health and fitness, you will do exceptionally well after November 6. Keep up efforts to exercise, build strength, and get fit.

Feel you'd like to stage a makeover? Do so November 19, when all conditions will be right for a pleasing, courageous result, thanks to the Sun and Uranus in friendly conversation.

Venus will be in Libra most of the month, but will be retrograde and therefore weak until November 18. Make no radical chances to your looks until after that date.

Your most romantic dates include: November 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18 (best), 19-21, 22, 26, and 30.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:29:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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您可能还对工作对家庭账簿或帮助父母或其他家庭成员做他们的。如果你在一个关于金钱与个人或公司的纠纷了,你会看到你的最好的一年内达到四开放的满月,11月21日达成和解,各方都满意的机会之一。您可能会看到一个委员会或庭外和解 - 有些事是一笔很可能出现在你家门口了。



你的兄弟姐妹可能在这个月的消息,所以只能暂时新闻耳朵在地上。火星将发送到你的第三宫能量手,兄弟姐妹和表兄弟的规则。你的兄弟姐妹将有庆祝的消息分享,所以继续检查,听取所有的最新消息! (我没有足够的空间向大家介绍这一早期在您的报告,所以我把它总结。我猜你知道我这样做的时候。)



你的兄弟姐妹可能在这个月的消息,所以只能暂时新闻耳朵在地上。火星将发送到你的第三宫能量手,兄弟姐妹和表兄弟的规则。你的兄弟姐妹将有庆祝的消息分享,所以继续检查,听取所有的最新消息! (我没有足够的空间向大家介绍这一早期在您的报告,所以我把它总结。我猜你知道我这样做的时候。)

你会变得很忙,因为你会出现在一个快速出差到附近的城镇和城市的数量在假期前装修。好主意 - 这些会议将延后更难。在十一月20-21日的周末煽动爱的火灾,太旅游 - 你应该得到一个有趣的突破。










你的兄弟姐妹带来的消息可能会在本月 - 敬请关注。


感觉你想阶段改头换面?这样做,11月19日的AGT时,你会非常忙,因为你会出现在一个快速出差到附近的城镇和城市的数量在假期前装修。好主意 - 这些会议将延后更难。在十一月20-21日的周末煽动爱的火灾,太旅游 - 你应该得到一个有趣的突破。










你的兄弟姐妹带来的消息可能会在本月 - 敬请关注。




发表于 2010-11-1 16:29:40 | 只看该作者

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来看一下了,翻译 的有些看不太明白
发表于 2010-11-13 15:00:38 | 只看该作者

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