
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2010年11月运势

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11月 Horoscope for Gemini

In so many ways, November may bring your greatest moments in your career. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is now in his final hours of Pisces. Once you get to January 22, Jupiter will leave Pisces and your tenth house of fame, not to return until 2021, a decade from now. Jupiter is the planet that brings good fortune and even miracles, and in November, many of the planets will click into position to support Jupiter and allow him to do his best work for you.

Pay attention to the new offers that come up suddenly this month, for chances are, among them will be ury (commerce) in hard angle to Uranus (unexpected developments) shopping could prove to be a disaster. In this case on these days, not spending will be the best bargain of all.

Dates to Note for Gemini

Jupiter is orbiting close to Uranus in your fame and achievement sector for the coming months - when good news comes it will hit like lightning! Your reputation is due to skyrocket - everyone will be talking about you by March.

Once the November 6 new moon arrives, plum assignments will come your way. Investigate them! Something you do now will affect your status by March.

On November 7, Neptune turns direct after having been retrograde since May 31, and that's slowed your career progress. The whole pace will pick up now, so watch the two days surrounding November 7.

Overseas contacts and arrangements will start to become lucrative too this month. Watch for broadcasting and print opportunities as well, whether as writer / producer / editor (part of staff) or guest / subject of a flattering story.

Your efforts to get fit may not have shown a breakthrough lately, but keep the faith. After November 6, your efforts will pay off.

You may be working on a contractual arrangement with a business partner, or you may be getting engaged or married soon. Already married? Your partner is leading the relationship now.

Saturn in Libra is making you either shy of romance or super-practical. Go slowly in all matters of love to please Saturn.

Venus rules your fifth house of love, so things won't go well in matters of romance until Venus goes direct on and after November 18.

Near the full moon, you may be tired. Rest near November 21.

Shopping to be a disaster on Black Friday, November 26, and Black Saturday, November 27. Keep money, credit cards at home!

Romance will be best: November 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 21.

November will give your career a big boost, for Jupiter (good luck) and Uranus (surprise) are perfectly positioned at the very top of your chart to bring attention and acclaim to your accomplishments. In November - one of the most benefic months of 2010 - a project will likely be presented to you that will allow you to show off a full array of your talents. By the time this month is out, VIPs' expectations of you will have risen considerably and that's good, for you will make their short list of stars to groom for the top.

Once the new moon in Scorpio appears, November 6, new projects will come up, and when they do, take those offers seriously. (Earlier, on November 4 or 5, when your ruler, Mercury, contacts Jupiter, you may get a hint of what's to come.). No matter what the project, trust that it will become a key to your future progress. Give your work your all, for by the start of 2011, or at the latest, at the start of March, your hard work will begin to pay off.

Specifically, by March you will likely be invited to interview for a responsible position that has prestige, power, and an impressive title. If you are self-employed, have faith that all you are doing in November will lead you through the right doors, assuming you've worked hard and smart. All you've done prior to March (including this month's assignments) will, in time, add up to something big.

Jupiter and Neptune have been retrograde for months, so you will enjoy seeing your qualifications recognized and praised on November 7, when Neptune moves forward, and November 18, when Jupiter moves forward. Either or both could become quite a special time, when you will find that you are at the right place at the right time for some sort of sensational career breakthrough.

In matters of health, your efforts to get fit and strong should bring you to a new level just after the new moon, November 6. If you have not been active, no matter - you can begin at that time. All sorts of health matters will show benefits. Before these vibrations fade, make appointments with your doctor to have a variety of checkups, exams, and procedures, and perhaps also a flu shot if desired. Check eyes, teeth, blood chemistry, and if you are female, schedule a mammogram and other tests. You will be glad you took the time to get advice to ascertain that you'd feel your best.

Mars is now circulating in your partnership sector, so your mode of operation, in both love and business, will be collaborative. You won't be able to get everything the way you want it to be, in purest form, so that means some compromise will be in order. Still, you may be fine with that, for your partner or collaborator will advance things, possibly with creative ideas, and will give you an equal say in matters.

Plan to get extra rest as you move later into the month. The full moon on November 21 could be somewhat draining, even though it will bring more good news about your career. If you were born on or near May 21, you will hear about a matter of enormous importance to you - it could pertain to career, and if so, the news will likely be sensational. You'll be surprised by this - and make it all the more delicious.

There will be two days, November 26 and 27, to stay out of the line of fire. That's traditionally the days to do holiday shopping but with Mercmake appointments with your doctor to have a variety of checkups, exams, and procedures, and perhaps also a flu shot if desired. Check eyes, teeth, blood chemistry, and if you are female, schedule a mammogram and other tests. You will be glad you took the time to get advice to ascertain that you'd feel your best.

Mars is now circulating in your partnership sector, so your mode of operation, in both love and business, will be collaborative. You won't be able to get everything the way you want it to be, in purest form, so that means some compromise will be in order. Still, you may be fine with that, for your partner or collaborator will advance things, possibly with creative ideas, and will give you an equal say in matters.

Plan to get extra rest as you move later into the month. The full moon on November 21 could be somewhat draining, even though it will bring more good news about your career. If you were born on or near May 21, you will hear about a matter of enormous importance to you - it could pertain to career, and if so, the news will likely be sensational. You'll be surprised by this - and make it all the more delicious.

There will be two days, November 26 and 27, to stay out of the line of fire. That's traditionally the days to do holiday shopping but with Mercury (commerce) in hard angle to Uranus (unexpected developments) shopping could prove to be a disaster. In this case on these days, not spending will be the best bargain of all.

Dates to Note for Gemini

Jupiter is orbiting close to Uranus in your fame and achievement sector for the coming months - when good news comes it will hit like lightning! Your reputation is due to skyrocket - everyone will be talking about you by March.

Once the November 6 new moon arrives, plum assignments will come your way. Investigate them! Something you do now will affect your status by March.

On November 7, Neptune turns direct after having been retrograde since May 31, and that's slowed your career progress. The whole pace will pick up now, so watch the two days surrounding November 7.

Overseas contacts and arrangements will start to become lucrative too this month. Watch for broadcasting and print opportunities as well, whether as writer / producer / editor (part of staff) or guest / subject of a flattering story.

Your efforts to get fit may not have shown a breakthrough lately, but keep the faith. After November 6, your efforts will pay off.

You may be working on a contractual arrangement with a business partner, or you may be getting engaged or married soon. Already married? Your partner is leading the relationship now.

Saturn in Libra is making you either shy of romance or super-practical. Go slowly in all matters of love to please Saturn.

Venus rules your fifth house of love, so things won't go well in matters of romance until Venus goes direct on and after November 18.

Near the full moon, you may be tired. Rest near November 21.

Shopping to be a disaster on Black Friday, November 26, and Black Saturday, November 27. Keep money, credit cards at home!

Romance will be best: November 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 21.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:25:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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木星正在接近你的名声和未来几个月的成就部门天王星 - 当好消息是它会像闪电一样击中!您的声誉,是因为焰火 - 每个人都会谈论你的三月。




你的努力得到适合可能没有表现出突破近来,但保持信心。 11月6日之后,你的努力将会获得回报。







11月将让你的事业一大推动,因为木星(好运气)和天王星(惊喜)是完全在为你的图表上方的位置,使您的关注和好评成就。在日 - 2010年的最提供有益的月份之一 - 一个项目可能会被提交给你,让你炫耀你的才能充分阵列。但与此同时,这一个月了,你们贵宾的预期将大幅上升,这就是好,你就可以使他们的明星候选名单为最高新郎。

一旦新月出现在天蝎座,11月6日,新的项目上来了,而在这个时候,采取这些优惠重视。 (此前,11月4日或5,当你的统治者,水星,木星接触,你可能会得到一个什么样的来提示。)。不管什么项目,相信它将成为你的未来进步的关键。 2011年放弃了,开始你的工作你的一切,因为,或至少应在三月开始最新的,你们的辛勤工作将开始获得回报。



在卫生方面,你的努力得到适合的强烈新月刚过,11月6日应带你到一个新的水平。如果你没有被激活,不管 - 你可以在那个时候开始。各式各样的健康问题会出现的好处。这些振动消失之前,你与你的医生有一个检查,考试,任用和各种手续,或许也是一种流感疫苗如果需要的话。检查眼睛,牙齿,血液化学,如果你是女性,安排一次乳房检查及其他检测。你会很高兴你花时间,向他咨询,以确定你会觉得你最好的。


计划你获得额外的休息一个月后搬入。 11月21日的满月可能会略有排水,即使它会带来更多的关心自己的事业的好消息。如果你是在5月21日出生,你会听到一个极为重要的问题给你 - 它可能涉及到的职业生涯,如果是这样,这个消息可能会轰动。你会惊讶于这个 - 使这一切更好吃。



计划你获得额外的休息一个月后搬入。 11月21日的满月可能会略有排水,即使它会带来更多的关心自己的事业的好消息。如果你是在5月21日出生,你会听到一个极为重要的问题给你 - 它可能涉及到的职业生涯,如果是这样,这个消息可能会轰动。你会惊讶于这个 - 使这一切更好吃。



木星正在接近你的名声和未来几个月的成就部门天王星 - 当好消息是它会像闪电一样击中!您的声誉,是因为焰火 - 每个人都会谈论你的三月。




你的努力得到适合可能没有表现出突破近来,但保持信心。 11月6日之后,你的努力将会获得回报。






发表于 2010-11-1 16:26:02 | 只看该作者

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