
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller水瓶座2010年11月运势

2 8910
11月 Horoscope for Aquarius


In November, you'll move into prime time for career success. The new moon on November 6 will start the clock, so start to make calls and appointments with the aim to improve your status in your industry. With Jupiter and Uranus smiling at you from your second house of earned income, you could land a job with status AND money. Lucky you, you have the advantage you need to score a major victory in coming weeks, but you must begin soon after November 6 (not before).

Ready your resume quickly, and if you're an artist, update your portfolio or reel so it's ready to for you to show. Leave no stone unturned. Mars in Sagittarius suggests one or two friends - or your membership in a professional organization - will be helpful in giving you tips on new opportunities to pursue.

It's rare to have so many planets lined up in such wildly supportive positions, but you have just that now. It seems you've ALREADY impressed one or more VIPs over the past months, so your task to nab an important new position should not be too difficult to do. Not only that, but with Venus shining at the very top of your chart, and turning on full power from November 18 onward when Venus goes direct, the buzz about your accomplishments should be very upbeat among top people who matter.

Your best day for job-related efforts will be Friday, November 19, a Friday, when Uranus, your ruler and planet of surprise, will beam the Sun in your house of career success - a sudden raise or professional offer may be forthcoming. That is the day you want to sign contracts or give your final answer verbally.

At the full moon November 21, your attention will switch to home and family. You may be working hard to get your home ready to welcome holiday visitors. Good idea. Because you will be starting your holiday preparations early, you won't feel stressed when friends and family begin to arrive. If you are buying, selling, or leasing real estate, you will get your price, and if acquiring new furniture, you will love your selections. This full moon wipositions, but you have just that now. It seems you've ALREADY impressed one or more VIPs over the past months, so your task to nab an important new position should not be too difficult to do. Not only that, but with Venus shining at the very top of your chart, and turning on full power from November 18 onward when Venus goes direct, the buzz about your accomplishments should be very upbeat among top people who matter.

Your best day for job-related efforts will be Friday, November 19, a Friday, when Uranus, your ruler and planet of surprise, will beam the Sun in your house of career success - a sudden raise or professional offer may be forthcoming. That is the day you want to sign contracts or give your final answer verbally.

At the full moon November 21, your attention will switch to home and family. You may be working hard to get your home ready to welcome holiday visitors. Good idea. Because you will be starting your holiday preparations early, you won't feel stressed when friends and family begin to arrive. If you are buying, selling, or leasing real estate, you will get your price, and if acquiring new furniture, you will love your selections. This full moon will be a dream, so be decisive - you won't find a better time to focus on home and family matters.

Romantically, you will have plenty of people to see and places to go now that Mars is lighting your house of fun, friends, and events all month. It would be good for you to get out of the office and mingle.

If you are single, put a circle around November 4, which should sparkle for romance. November 15, 19, and 20-21 will be special, too.

With Venus retrograde until November 18, and Mercury, the ruler of your house of true love, about to create confusion and mayhem in our love sector next month, you won't want to heat up the relationship too fast. You may meet your future mate in November, or you may meet someone who just wants you to think you have but is not really serious. Until the fog lifts, you will have to proceed slowly. By New Year's Eve, you'll know if your relationship is real or not, for you will have had an eclipse in your house of true love December 21. Eclipses always reveal a great deal of truthful information, either shocking or thrilling. More about that next month, but for now, savor any new relationship very slowly, like a fine piece of chocolate.

Enjoy November, dear Aquarius - and take steps to get that better position! It may take months of interviews (good jobs can be that way) but what matters is that you begin now. If you want to stay where you are now, then go ahead and pull out those risky ideas that you've been harboring but have been hesitant to show anyone. Present them now. If you sell for a living, you will close so many deals you may wonder what happened. If you are in a job that allows you to do something to help people or society, that's important to an Aquarius, and that will fuel you even more.

By month's end you'll be called a brilliant overnight success, but you and I will know better - you've been working hard and smart for a very long time. It's only now the world is catching up with you, and thank goodness it is.

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

Be alert - this is one of your most critical months of the year for career success. Mars can make your dreams come true, but only if you help him along!

Jupiter and Uranus will make sure you get paid surprisingly well, too! This is a rare aspect - make it work for you! Watch November 18, due to be especially bright.

On top of all this, with Venus shining at the very top of your chart, you will find the buzz about you among VIPs is fantastic. Your fine reputation precedes you. After Venus goes direct, November 19, you will see proof of this on your best day, November 19, and in weeks to come.

Romantically, you will have plenty of people to see and places to go now that Mars is lighting your house of fun, friends, and events all month. It would be good for you to get out of the office and mingle.

If you are single, put a circle around November 4, which should sparkle for romance. November 15, 19, and 20-21 will be special, too.

With Venus retrograde until November 18, and Mercury, the ruler of your house of true love, about to create confusion and mayhem in our love sector next month, you won't want to heat up the relationship too fast. You may meet your future mate in November, or you may meet someone who just wants you to think you have but is not really serious. Until the fog lifts, you will have to proceed slowly. By New Year's Eve, you'll know if your relationship is real or not, for you will have had an eclipse in your house of true love December 21. Eclipses always reveal a great deal of truthful information, either shocking or thrilling. More about that next month, but for now, savor any new relationship very slowly, like a fine piece of chocolate.

Enjoy November, dear Aquarius - and take steps to get that better position! It may take months of interviews (good jobs can be that way) but what matters is that you begin now. If you want to stay where you are now, then go ahead and pull out those risky ideas that you've been harboring but have been hesitant to show anyone. Present them now. If you sell for a living, you will close so many deals you may wonder what happened. If you are in a job that allows you to do something to help people or society, that's important to an Aquarius, and that will fuel you even more.

By month's end you'll be called a brilliant overnight success, but you and I will know better - you've been working hard and smart for a very long time. It's only now the world is catching up with you, and thank goodness it is.

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

Be alert - this is one of your most critical months of the year for career success. Mars can make your dreams come true, but only if you help him along!

Jupiter and Uranus will make sure you get paid surprisingly well, too! This is a rare aspect - make it work for you! Watch November 18, due to be especially bright.

On top of all this, with Venus shining at the very top of your chart, you will find the buzz about you among VIPs is fantastic. Your fine reputation precedes you. After Venus goes direct, November 19, you will see proof of this on your best day, November 19, and in weeks to come.

Actually, your luckiest day of the month will be November 18-19 on all levels.

Your home will need your attention November 21, plus or minus four days.

Your hardest day of the month will be November 27, when Mercury is in hard angle to Uranus. You may write, email, or blurt out something you later wish you had not.

In love, go slowly and try not to embellish the qualities of a new romantic interest that this person might not merit. The only remedy to Neptune in hard angle to Mercury is to go slowly and let the relationship develop at its own pace.

If you are attached, your partner will give you loving attention all month, but doubly so near November 15 and 19.

Neptune will move direct on November 7, and help you get better salary. In so many ways, the universe is working to see you properly compensated.

Venus will be in air sign Libra all month, but be retrograde until November 18. From November 18-26, you have your best chances to enjoy love.

Your best romantic dates will be: November 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, and 22.
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十一月,你会进入事业成功的黄金时间。 11月6日的新月将启动时钟,所以开始进行,目的是提高你在业内的地位电话和约会。随着木星和天王星在对人微笑,从你的收入的第二宫,你可以土地与地位和金钱的工作。你真幸运,你有优势,你需要在未来几周内得分重大胜利,但你必须在11月6日开始(不是之前)很快。

准备好你的简历很快,如果你是一个艺术家,所以它更新你的投资组合或卷筒的准备,为您展现。不遗余力。在射手座火星建议一个或两个朋友 - 或者你在一个专业组织的成员 - 将在新的机会给你提示,以追求很有帮助。


你最好的工作相关的工作日子是星期五,11月19日,星期五,当天王星,你的守护星和地球上的惊喜,将梁的太阳在你的事业成功的房子 - 突然提高或敬业奉献可能即将到来。这是天要签署合同或口头给你的最终答案。


你最好的工作相关的工作日子是星期五,11月19日,星期五,当天王星,你的守护星和地球上的惊喜,将梁的太阳在你的事业成功的房子 - 突然提高或敬业奉献可能即将到来。这是天要签署合同或口头给你的最终答案。

在11月21日满月,你的注意力将转向家庭和家人。你可能会努力让你的家里准备迎接节日游客。好主意。因为你将开始你的假期准备早,你不会感到压力时,朋友和家人开始到达。如果您购买,出售或出租房地产,你会得到你的价格,如果购买新家具,你会爱上你的选择。这个满月将是一个梦想,所以是决定性的 - 你不会找到一个更好的时间专注于家庭和家庭事务。


如果你是单身,11月4日四周放上一个圆,这应该浪漫的火花。 11月15日,19日和20日-21日将是特别的,太。


享受十一月,亲爱的水瓶座 - 并且采取措施,使更好的位置!这可能需要几个月的采访(良好作业可以这样),但真正的问题是你现在就开始。如果你想留你现在在哪里,就勇往直前,拉出那些你一直在庇护,但一直不愿让任何人冒险的想法。目前他们现在。如果你为生活卖,你这么多的交易将关闭你可能不知道发生了什么。如果您有一份工作,让你做一些事来帮助别人或社会,这是非常重要的一水瓶座,这将推动你甚至更多。

按月份的最后您会在一夜之间被称为一个辉煌的成功,但你和我会更了解 - 你已经工作了很长一段时间努力,聪明。这只是现在的世界是赶上你,并感谢它是善良。


警惕 - 这是最关键的是职业成功的一年的月份之一。火星就能让你梦想成真,但只有当你帮他一起!

木星和天王星将确保你得到报酬出奇地好,也!这是一个极为罕见的现象 - 让他为你工作!观看11月18日,由于是特别明亮。



如果你是单身,11月4日四周放上一个圆,这应该浪漫的火花。 11月15日,19日和20日-21日将是特别的,太。


享受十一月,亲爱的水瓶座 - 并且采取措施,使更好的位置!这可能需要几个月的采访(良好作业可以这样),但真正的问题是你现在就开始。如果你想留你现在在哪里,就勇往直前,拉出那些你一直在庇护,但一直不愿让任何人冒险的想法。目前他们现在。如果你为生活卖,你这么多的交易将关闭你可能不知道发生了什么。如果您有一份工作,让你做一些事来帮助别人或社会,这是非常重要的一水瓶座,这将推动你甚至更多。

按月份的最后您会在一夜之间被称为一个辉煌的成功,但你和我会更了解 - 你已经工作了很长一段时间努力,聪明。这只是现在的世界是赶上你,并感谢它是善良。


警惕 - 这是最关键的是职业成功的一年的月份之一。火星就能让你梦想成真,但只有当你帮他一起!

木星和天王星将确保你得到报酬出奇地好,也!这是一个极为罕见的现象 - 让他为你工作!观看11月18日,由于是特别明亮。






如果你是,你的伴侣会给你爱所有的注意力一个月,但26-3 11月15日和19日。



发表于 2010-11-1 16:20:24 | 只看该作者

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