
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller摩羯座2010年11月运势

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11月 Horoscope for Capricorn

In October, you had a number of tough career decisions to make, and although Mars brought moments of levity, the overall message of last month was to buckle down and work. Now, sweet relief is at hand. November will be breezy and much more fun, and planets will work to get you out more and make new friends. Everything begins with the new moon, November 6.

You may find that suddenly you really do have time to catch up with pals for lunches, dinners, parties, and cultural events, and when you do, you'll be able to leave the office behind and clear your head for a welcome feeling of refreshment.

This same house that will be so brilliantly lit (eleventh house) also rules charity and humanitarian efforts. You may decide to get involved and help raise money and awareness for a cause dear to you. You might do this on a large scale or a small one, but either way you'll be proud of your involvement.

Your biggest personal growth this month will occur from rubbing shoulders with others, so although you tend to be such a hard worker, you really should push yourself to get out more. You may make a new friend this month, or you may join a new group and be pleasantly surprised to find benefits that you had not anticipated.

You may be invited to a party, luncheon, an industry convention, or set of seminars, so you should consider making time to go. You may also make a friend online too, when a friendly stranger sends you a message on Twitter or Facebook. Here I am referring to a platonic friend, but a happy happenstance nevertheless! If your birthday falls on January 4, you will be especially favored by this new moon, but all Capricorns will be enveloped with lovely vibrations.

With Jupiter and Uranus sending greetings to the little band of planets in your eleventh house, it appears you may get more than one opportunity to travel to cities and towns not too far from home. At first, you may travel for your work, and even so, you can still enjoy those little sojourns. Later, your trip may be highly romantic - and I will get to THAT later!

Two days that would be perfect for a trip would be November 15, when Jupiter will send a golden beam to the Sun, and November 19, when Uranus will do the same. In the second instance, your trip may be taken spontaneously, something you as a Capricorn are not prone to do. Enjoy life, Capricorn - not everything has to be scheduled!

Neptune will turn direct on November 7 after having been retrograde since the end of May, ending a period of uncertainty and confusion in your finances. Watch the days surrounding November 7 for a clue, for often when a big planet changes direction it leaves a few clues about why you should feel that there would be better days to come.

The big moment of the month for everyone will be November 18 when both Jupiter and Venus will go direct on the very same day. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and governs all sorts of big money deals, so the turn of Jupiter direct will be a big relief to just about everyone. Finally, you can make a deal that sticks AND that has real profit potential!

You have Jupiter in your third house of travel and communications projects (including agreements and contracts), so you should see a difference immediately. You never want to start a new venture while Jupiter is in weak, retrograde motion, because he would not be in a position to help you nearly as much as he could if he were moving direct. If you have been trying to settle a contract or agreement, for best luck you should wait to sign on or after November 19 (leaving one day's space from the date Jupiter moves ahead).

Last month Venus went retrograde on October 18, so news of this planet's move direct on November 18 will also be met with celebration. You can book appointments with your stylist on November 19 or in the days that follow if you have been feeling you wanted to make a big change in your appearance, say, to cut or color your hair in a radically new way. If you were planning a simple trim or touch up, Venus retrograde won't affect you. You can do simple grooming at any time.

Planning plastic surgery on your face? Honestly I don't think you need it, but if you feel you do, you should never schedule that kind of appointment with Venus retrograde. Venus is the planet of beauty and embellishment, and when she naps she withholds her sweetest powers, so you would want Venus moving at top speed when making any kind of change to your face or overall appearance, or when buying jewelry or other expensive clothing.

Venus also rules love and romance, as well as parties, so you would want Venus moving direct on the day you choose to get engaged or married or when you choose to throw a big, expensive affair.

Many people don't realize that Venus, like Jupiter, is associated with money and prosperity too, so it's better to have Venus moving direct when signing a contract. Thankfully, Venus only retrogrades for a few weeks every two years. This month, AFTER November 18, you have an open road.

Venus won't retrograde again until May 15 to June 27, 2012. That's prime marriage time, but I hope brides will not choose that time to wed.

I should add that Venus is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, dear Capricorn, so with the move of Venus direct, you may hear some very heartening news about your career near or just after November 18. Something that was held up now gets released and starts to move forward again, much to your surprise. You'll be excited.

With Uranus and the Sun so beautifully oriented on November 19, that day gets my pick for a contract signing.

Do NOT sign when Mercury, the planet ruling agreements, is in hard angle to Uranus on November 26 and 27. Those are not days to travel either.

I should add that December is due to be a troublesome month for many reasons. Mercury will be retrograde all month, from December 10 to 30, but you will feel the slowdowns, miscommunications, problems with shipping and travel, and other difficulties mount from December 1 onward. Also, December 21 will bring a difficult lunar eclipse in Gemini 29 degrees, sure to change your priorities and your agenda at the last minute because it falls so close to Cancer, your opposite sign. No one, not Capricorn, or any other sign, should be doing anything important in December.

This information makes it clear that you need to make tracks in November. Get things done now and do not put things off for December. There really is a great urgency to finish talks and sign, and do so AFTER November 18. You can negotiate, plan, make lists, and prepare - and those activities are what you should be doing - but don't seal any decisions until AFTER November 18. If you can't get everything done by the end of November 30 (avoiding November 26 and 27) then table key decisions until January.

This also means you HAVE to shop for holiday gifts in November. You must shop for electronics now, in November, but not in December. If you shop for anything electronic in December you would never be happy with your purchase and neither would your recipient. You can get a gift certificate though, and then go shopping together in January for the perfect model. I think that's a good option. If you want to buy expensive jewelry or perfume, do so from November 19-30 but not November 26 or 27.You can find the perfect fragrance then!

Mars will be touring Sagittarius all month and on December 7, will move into your sign, dear Capricorn. You will be very busy during that coming phase, from December 7 to January 15 when Mars will be in Capricorn, for you will be starting a new two-year personal cycle.

With a solar eclipse in Capricorn due January 4, life won't be dull in January, but you will have lots of control, for many planets will be gathering in your sign. Use the weeks leading to January to set up your blueprints for a bright new future, to start near your birthday. After the January 4 solar eclipse, you will have a better picture of what's to come, and you can plan with greater certainty.

I have saved the best news for last.

You have a five-star full moon coming on November 21, when the full moon will arrive in late degrees of Taurus, filling your house of true love with brilliant, golden light. This year many of the full moons have been flawed, but this one will be enchanting and lyrical in every way. The day it falls is a Sunday, but because a full moon has an area of influence of four days on either side, you can feel this as soon as Friday, November 19, or as late as November 24 or 25.

I love this full moon because Jupiter and Uranus will be so perfectly positioned to make this time a standout for you. It looks as though you will be traveling again, but this time, the reason will be purely personal. This will be a rare moment in time, so I want you to plan something special if you've been dating. This is a night to celebrate your love, for sure. If you are single and looking, you could meet your one true love on this full moon.

Children could also be part of the excitement at this time. You may find out that you or your partner is pregnant, because the full moon in Taurus is considered a very fertile placement. If you are already pregnant and have a due date that falls near November 21, have your bags packed, because your little baby is likely show up at this glorious full moon. If you have children now, one or more of them will make you laugh and be proud, no matter what your child's age. Indeed, this full moon is my favorite of the year, and will shower you with love in many forms.

Finally, do you work in a creative profession or do you have an artistic pastime that you are serious about? Near this same full moon, November 21, your output will be very impressive. A creative project you have been nurturing seems to be nearing conclusion, and you are likely to hear some amazing praise.

Were you born near January 19, plus or minus five days? This full moon will give you a double-dip of pleasure.

What a wonderful month, dear Capricorn!

At long last, November will be an easier month than you've seen in some time. You may chuckle, but you've practically become used to living on the edge of a war zone, so it would be understandable if the lighter feel to November may take you completely by surprise.

Mars Is now in your twelfth house of privacy until December 7, so for now, takes things slow and easy. Once Mars enters Capricorn December 7, there will be no time for rest - events will be moving very quickly. You will need to be rested so that you can start to put the pieces of your puzzle in place. In truth, you should wait until the new moon eclipse of January 4, 2011, has appeared and delivered its news before you make even more changes.

Your activities in the coming weeks will be complicated by an upcoming Mercury retrograde next month, and Mercury will bring frustrating slowdowns in December. You'd be wise to complete all your most serious plans, as well as all of your holiday shopping now, in November.

For most of November, the two sweetest and best parts of life will have to do with being with friends and travel. In fact, you might combine the two and go on a short trip to see a friend, or to ask one to come along with you on a quick trip. If you don't have a friend who is free to go out of town with you, don't let that stop you. Treat yourself to a long weekend alone if you feel the urge, perhaps to a spa, for you do need rest. A new setting, even close by, could work wonders to recharge your batteries in very short time.

The new moon, November 6, will bring at least one friend into a prominent role in your life. Due to the year's eclipses, you've had a lot of adjustments to make and challenges to meet, so you shouldn't feel guilty about taking time off to kick back with your friends occasionally.

Your private life will become more exciting in the two weeks following November 6, thanks to lovely support from generous Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus. In fact, November is likely to be busier and more social than December, so as invitations come up, accept them!

Your very best weekend for romance will be over November 20-21, when the full moon will arrive in fellow earth sign Taurus in your house of true love. A tender episode will come up then, and surprises abound. This is my favorite full moon of the year, and for you it could prove downright life changing. You may hear a confession of love, or if you are single, meet someone new that you find unforgettable. Follow your heart! This full moon will be worthy of four stars!

Venus, the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love, will have turned direct by then, just a few days earlier on November 18, ending an all-too-serious, no-frills phase that first began in early October. Finally, life appears to be returning to the way you want it to be and you couldn't be happier.

Your career progress may have temporarily slowed over the past few weeks, but by mid-November, any snags that you may have encountered will begin to untangle with a little bit of effort. During November's first two weeks, re-consider your job strategy and decide what you hope will happen next in your profession. Plan to enact your plans in January, which will be your best time, when Mars in Capricorn will be staunchly behind you and Mercury will be in top form, too. Venus also rules your house of fame, so from November 18 on, you'll start to see gratifying progress, even if you almost were ready to give up!

For now, November will be made for fun, love, and creativity. Rather than try to cram too much into your life now, let things unfold naturally. Although it may be hard, you must resist the urge to press higher ups for answers because honestly, this month, they probably don't yet know the answers you seek. You may have better luck after November 18.

Neptune will turn direct on November 7, so you may be surprised to see your finances improve soon after, with the promise of better things to come in February.

Admittedly, if you have something truly important on your agenda, you will have to attend to it now, for as said, Mercury will be out of phase and making a mess of December, sending everything into a holding pattern.

If you are ready to make an initiation, act on November 19 when Venus, a planet linked to career and profit, will be strongly positioned to help you. On November 19, you will also have the powerful full moon reaching fullness soon, giving everything stronger impact.

Dates to Note:

With Mars in Sagittarius, you need to wait a bit before it will be your turn to initiate more changes in your life. You've already had a number of radical changes. Wait until the January 4 eclipse has spoken first before you do more.

Travel will be very likely, all month, and lots of fun. You will go over short distances, not long ones.

Rest is on the agenda in November, so before the holidays come, take a weekend off, perhaps to a spa, to catch your breath.

Friends will take on a big role in your life in November, after the new moon, November 6. You'll enjoy the change. Accept invitations, for November will be more exciting socially than even most of December!

For love, it may be hard to beat the heart-stopping effect of the full moon over the week of November 20-21. It's four-star!

Finances will get a boost too, in this lovely month, after Neptune goes direct November 7.

You must act in November, because December will be a month rife with delays and problems.

Your best day to make an initiation: November 15, when Mars will support your ruler Saturn, and Jupiter will support the Sun. It's good for signing a contact, too.

Another day to make a big action: November 19, especially onsier and more social than December, so as invitations come up, accept them!

Your very best weekend for romance will be over November 20-21, when the full moon will arrive in fellow earth sign Taurus in your house of true love. A tender episode will come up then, and surprises abound. This is my favorite full moon of the year, and for you it could prove downright life changing. You may hear a confession of love, or if you are single, meet someone new that you find unforgettable. Follow your heart! This full moon will be worthy of four stars!

Venus, the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love, will have turned direct by then, just a few days earlier on November 18, ending an all-too-serious, no-frills phase that first began in early October. Finally, life appears to be returning to the way you want it to be and you couldn't be happier.

Your career progress may have temporarily slowed over the past few weeks, but by mid-November, any snags that you may have encountered will begin to untangle with a little bit of effort. During November's first two weeks, re-consider your job strategy and decide what you hope will happen next in your profession. Plan to enact your plans in January, which will be your best time, when Mars in Capricorn will be staunchly behind you and Mercury will be in top form, too. Venus also rules your house of fame, so from November 18 on, you'll start to see gratifying progress, even if you almost were ready to give up!

For now, November will be made for fun, love, and creativity. Rather than try to cram too much into your life now, let things unfold naturally. Although it may be hard, you must resist the urge to press higher ups for answers because honestly, this month, they probably don't yet know the answers you seek. You may have better luck after November 18.

Neptune will turn direct on November 7, so you may be surprised to see your finances improve soon after, with the promise of better things to come in February.

Admittedly, if you have something truly important on your agenda, you will have to attend to it now, for as said, Mercury will be out of phase and making a mess of December, sending everything into a holding pattern.

If you are ready to make an initiation, act on November 19 when Venus, a planet linked to career and profit, will be strongly positioned to help you. On November 19, you will also have the powerful full moon reaching fullness soon, giving everything stronger impact.

Dates to Note:

With Mars in Sagittarius, you need to wait a bit before it will be your turn to initiate more changes in your life. You've already had a number of radical changes. Wait until the January 4 eclipse has spoken first before you do more.

Travel will be very likely, all month, and lots of fun. You will go over short distances, not long ones.

Rest is on the agenda in November, so before the holidays come, take a weekend off, perhaps to a spa, to catch your breath.

Friends will take on a big role in your life in November, after the new moon, November 6. You'll enjoy the change. Accept invitations, for November will be more exciting socially than even most of December!

For love, it may be hard to beat the heart-stopping effect of the full moon over the week of November 20-21. It's four-star!

Finances will get a boost too, in this lovely month, after Neptune goes direct November 7.

You must act in November, because December will be a month rife with delays and problems.

Your best day to make an initiation: November 15, when Mars will support your ruler Saturn, and Jupiter will support the Sun. It's good for signing a contact, too.

Another day to make a big action: November 19, especially ones involving money and profit.

Romance will be best in January, but in the meantime, your best days for love will be November 1, 4-6, 9, 14-15, 19-20, and 21.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:18:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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十月份,你有一个艰难的事业做出一些决定,虽然火星带来了轻率的时刻,在上月的总体信息是扎扎实实工作。现在,甜救济就在眼前。 11月将是轻松愉快和更加有趣,行星将努力让你出更多,结交新朋友。一切都开始新的月球,11月6日。





随着木星和天王星在第十一宫发送问候行星的小乐队,看来你可能会得到一个以上的机会前往城镇离家不太远。起初,你可能会为您的工作旅行,即使如此,你仍然可以享受那些小的休假。后来,你的行程可能非常浪漫 - 我稍后会去!

两天的行程将是一个完美的将是11月15日,木星将派遣一个金色的光束的太阳,11月19日,当天王星也将这样做。在第二个实例,你的行程可采取自发地,作为一个摩羯座的东西你是不容易的事。享受生活,摩羯座 - 而不是一切都要预定!








金星不会再逆行直到5月15 6月27 2012年。这是黄金结婚了,但我希望新娘不会选择到结婚的时间。





这个信息清楚地表明,你需要在十一月曲目。现在做事情,不要把十二月份的事情了。确实是一个刻不容缓的完成谈判和签署,并打完11月18日。你可以通过谈判,策划制作清单,并准备 - 而且这些活动都是你应该做的事情 - 但不封口直到11月18日作出任何决定。如果你不能得到一切工作由11月30日(避免11月26日和27日),那么关键的决定,直到一月表的末尾。












火星现在在你的隐私第十二宫,直到12月7日,所以现在,需要的东西慢和容易。一旦火星进入摩羯座12月7日,将不会有休息的时间 - 事件将非常迅速。您将需要休息,这样你就可以开始把你的位置拼图的碎片。事实上,你应该等待,直到新的月全食的2011年1月4日,已经出现并交付之前,你的新闻,甚至更多的变化。











如果你准备做一个启动,11月19日金星时采取行动,与职业和利润的行星,会受到强烈地帮助你。 11月19日,你也有强大的满月不久达到丰满,让一切都较强的影响。

















如果你准备做一个启动,11月19日金星时采取行动,与职业和利润的行星,会受到强烈地帮助你。 11月19日,你也有强大的满月不久达到丰满,让一切都较强的影响。











发表于 2010-11-1 16:19:19 | 只看该作者

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