
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年9月运势

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在走过10月之后,星象开始渐入佳境,冥王星也逐渐放松了它的掌控,再也无法像今年大部分时间那样严厉苛刻地讥讽其他行星了。到最后,我想,11月就是改变一切的重大月份!幸运的是,11月正是你的诞辰月,因此你一旦临近生日,就会觉得如鱼得水啦。可你 不必等到11月才能感觉解放——它就在迎面而来,现在,就在9月下半,我会告诉你原因的。







发表于 2010-9-1 10:52:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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September Horoscope for Scorpio

You have a simply beautiful chart in September. It's remarkable how many planets will be working together to support you, especially when it comes to finding love and having fun. You've not had a month this special all year, and it's only the beginning. September, October, and November will be pivotal and positive ones for you. Of the three, November will be your best, so as you go along, keep that thought in mind. How wonderful it would be that November, birthday month, is the most glorious month of 2010!

All year, Pluto has held the other planets ransom in a kind of steel grip. Last year when I began studying 2010, I have never seen a year like the one we are in now. I was astonished to see how much tension filled so many months, from February through October, due to the way Pluto was interacting with other planets.

Each year, in order to write my calendar that I sell on this site, I print out a full moon and new moon chart for each of the 12 signs - 24 charts - for all 13 lunar months, a total of 312 charts. Each year this gives me a Polaroid snapshot of the sky for all the months. As I paged through each sign for each month, I noticed November 2010 would break the chain of discord that each of us would feel during most of the year.

After we get through October, the planets begin to migrate into better places, and Pluto will gradually let go of his grip and no longer be able to taunt the other planets as harshly as he has during the bulk of 2010. At long last, I thought, November is that big month that changes everything! Fortunately, November is YOUR month so you will be right at home once you get to birthday time. You need not wait until November to feel relief, however - that's coming NOW, in the second half of September, and I will show you why.

As you begin September, it may seem eerily quiet. Not much will happen, so you are safe to take a vacation in September's first or second week if you like, because Mercury, planet of intelligent thinking, contractual negotiations, shipping, transportation, and commerce, will be in retrograde until September 12. This is a holdover from August 20, so you might as well go with the flow, because you won't miss anything at the office or socially while Mercury retrogrades.

When Mercury turns direct September 12, you will see the pace of life begin to move very quickly. If you don't rest in early September you will risk being tired when everyone else is returning from their vacations recharged, putting you at a competitive disadvantage. As a Scorpio, you understand this idea, for you know that you have to have the energy to be present and engaged with all that you do if you are ever to stand out.

There are many reasons why the second half of September will be important to you. Pluto, your ruler, will turn direct on September 14 for the first time since April 6, giving you much more power and force in your interactions and communications than you've had in those intervening months.

If you couldn't quite get your act together to take action in any particular phase of your life, it looks as though your timing was right. When your ruling planet is out of phase, it's often best to go back to look over past actions and study the results - re-think strategy and former assumptions. You were doing the research necessary to lay the groundwork for a major initiative that will begin later.

The time to act is now drawing near, and will begin when Pluto goes direct on September 14. Confusion will lift and suddenly you will know what you need to do. You will become energized and more confident in your abilities, and once you begin there will be no stopping you.

Remarkably, your OTHER ruler, Mars, will move into Scorpio for the first time since October 2008. This is incredibly fortunate, and when combined with Pluto's strong speed forward, this is headline news.

Mars is considered the energy planet that helps us focus our attention and helps display leadership, determination, courage, and drive. When Mars enters Scorpio on September 14, you will start a new two-ye you to defend yourself. Someone may try to steal credit for your work or may work at cross-purposes to you. It can be a day that leaves you frustrated or deflated but only temporarily. Like the phoenix that is your symbol, soon you will rise again.

Dates to Note:

Mercury will retrograde in your friendship sector, a holdover from August 20, until September 12. You may run into several old pals in the first half of the month.

The new moon in Virgo on September 8 will help you make new friends and acquaintances - delicious! Consider joining a club or getting involved in social media.

The full moon will bring a work project or new job to fruition, September 23 plus or minus four days.

If you were born at the end of the sign, near November 19 or 20, you may see a romantic episode reach fullness, too.

Mars will enter Scorpio September 14, the time you will move to the head of the class. Mars in your sign will give you quite an advantage!

Venus will conjoin Mars - the most alluring aspect possible - as you get closer to month's end (to meet in early October). Your charm is on the rise, dear Scorpio!

Now that Pluto, your other ruler, is turning direct September 14 after five months of being retrograde, you'll see your life move at fast forward. If you were born October 25 or 26, or near these dates, you will have exceptional rejuvenation powers.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus could bring all sorts of cosmic gifts on September 18: new love, a baby, a very fun memorable time with someone you love, greater creativity, or even news of a pregnancy. It's all so good for you and none of these are mutually exclusive! Spectacular!

You may see a sports or fitness breakthrough at the full moon, September 23, plus or minus four days. This full moon will be perfect for competitive athletics.

Stay strong on September 30 when you may feel a bit tired. A political situation at work could prove troubling. However, this day would be perfect for making a long-term promise that will last nearly forever. In health, see about bones and teeth.

Your most romantic dates: September 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 16-19.

This has been a gratifying year for your career, but a strenuous one, too. Now that you've achieved quite a bit of professional momentum, you can safely turn your attention away from work for a few weeks. Relax, kick back, and plan to connect with friends, dear Scorpio. The new moon of September 8 will help you expand your circle of friends and you may be surprised how inspired you become by one or two you meet this month.

Clearly things are looking up. Mercury, the planet that has delayed your plans since mid-August, will now move ahead September 12. Also this month, Mars, your ruling planet, will enter Scorpio, allowing you to begin a critical new cycle. From now on, you are the leader of the parade, and others will march to your tune. You've not had this advantage since October 2008, so you will notice the difference! Mars in Scorpio will make you more vibrant and energetic too, and in love, more alluring.

The signs are everywhere that you are coming into your own and this has to be so exciting! Pluto, your ruler, will turn direct speed too, on September 14, after months of being retrograde. In weeks ahead, you may be gratified to see others will be more willing to support your causes. Rather than spend so much time looking back, you can pioneer forward. For months, you've had to use all your powers of persuasion to get critics on your side. Now they will admit you were right all along.

It will be funny to see former critics rush to your side. They will profess that they always supported you and never doubted you'd become the rock star that others are saying you are about to be. The old axiom, "Defeat is an orphan, but success has 100 fathers," comes to mind. Just smile and say thank you - you finally rallied others to your side.

Jupiter will be back in Pisces as of September 9, giving you an enormous boost both creatively and romantically. In fact, the fall should be your best period that you've enjoyed in a very long time!

Jupiter in his new position will also boost your health and vitality (as will Pluto and Mars) and also protect you by giving you a margin of error other signs won't have. If you make a mistake, you will be able to dust yourself off and keep going as if nothing happened, but other signs won't be so fortunate!

One of your very favorite days of the month - possibly of the year - will arrive on September 18 when benefic Jupiter and sparking Uranus will link in your house of true love. If you do meet someone special, you may feel hit by lightning - it could be THAT powerful! In the days leading to this day, September 16 and 17, present a creative idea.

Admittedly, September 21 could bring an upset in love or friendship, and the resulting hurt could run deep. It's not a day to take a risk but to sit back and find out what is to be revealed. Alternatively, a friend or lover may need your help. In that case, you'll be right there.

September 21 may also be stressful at work, too. An authority figure may make a shocking comment or criticism that sends you reeling. Stay on guard, but don't read things into this incident. Take what is helpful and discard the rest.

On September 30, you may find yourself in a political situation at the office that requires you to defend yourself. Someone may try to steal credit for your work or may work at cross-purposes to you. It can be a day that leaves you frustrated or deflated but only temporarily. Like the phoenix that is your symbol, soon you will rise again.

Dates to Note:

Mercury will retrograde in your friendship sector, a holdover from August 20, until September 12. You may run into several old pals in the first half of the month.

The new moon in Virgo on September 8 will help you make new friends and acquaintances - delicious! Consider joining a club or getting involved in social media.

The full moon will bring a work project or new job to fruition, September 23 plus or minus four days.

If you were born at the end of the sign, near November 19 or 20, you may see a romantic episode reach fullness, too.

Mars will enter Scorpio September 14, the time you will move to the head of the class. Mars in your sign will give you quite an advantage!

Venus will conjoin Mars - the most alluring aspect possible - as you get closer to month's end (to meet in early October). Your charm is on the rise, dear Scorpio!

Now that Pluto, your other ruler, is turning direct September 14 after five months of being retrograde, you'll see your life move at fast forward. If you were born October 25 or 26, or near these dates, you will have exceptional rejuvenation powers.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus could bring all sorts of cosmic gifts on September 18: new love, a baby, a very fun memorable time with someone you love, greater creativity, or even news of a pregnancy. It's all so good for you and none of these are mutually exclusive! Spectacular!

You may see a sports or fitness breakthrough at the full moon, September 23, plus or minus four days. This full moon will be perfect for competitive athletics.

Stay strong on September 30 when you may feel a bit tired. A political situation at work could prove troubling. However, this day would be perfect for making a long-term promise that will last nearly forever. In health, see about bones and teeth.

Your most romantic dates: September 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 16-19.
发表于 2010-9-1 10:52:48 | 只看该作者

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