
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2010年9月运势

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发表于 2010-9-1 10:22:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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你可能和你的兄弟姐妹挤做一团在9月8日之后- 当你们中的一两个说谎话时, 一个计划逐渐形成。




爱情最佳日:9月4, 8, 11-13, 17-18, 和27.
发表于 2010-9-1 10:23:06 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-9-1 10:23:11 | 只看该作者

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September Horoscope for Cancer

Your sign and Capricorn have been through some of the most dramatic lifestyle and relationship changes of any of the signs, due to the appearance of the recent eclipses. This month, Saturn will move over the degree of the June 26 eclipse on September 8, a date you may want to pay attention to for any possible changes regarding a close, serious relationship.

The June 26 lunar) eclipse in Capricorn was a very powerful full moon eclipse and asked you to think about your relationship to someone close and important to you. Now, another piece of news is likely to come September 8.

On sensitive days such as these, it's best to just open the window and see what flies in. Don't initiate anything on these days, but rather respond to what comes up. Those born at the last days of June might notice that something dramatic comes up with a relationship - either very positive or not so positive at all - at that time. Also, if you have planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn near 5 degrees, you may find early September important.

For most, September will be a calm, mostly happy month. It starts out with Mercury still in retrograde until September 12, so you'll find you have time to ease into the month in a quiet, gentle way.

You've had a lot of family or real estate / decorating / refurbishing matters to take care of lately, so hearing that you can take things easier might sound very appealing. If you are feeling especially energetic, you can tackle repair, painting, or other maintenance projects at home while Mars remains in your home sector, September 1-14. Venus will be there too, ensuring a beautiful result.

If you are not involved in any changes in the home, it might be that you are determined to spend more time with family, most notably, your parents. With Venus so beautifully positioned with Mars, the first two weeks of September would be a great time to stage a family reunion or to host a party for friends.

Early September would NOT be the right time to sign a lease or buy / sell property and furniture, as Mercury will be retrograde then and would be likely bring a need to re-negotiate the contract later. Going back to fix things, though, is always the best way to use Mercury retrograde periods productively. You can make repairs, clean out closets, rearrange furniture - you get the idea!

The new moon September 8 will bring opportunities to travel nearby and relax. You seem to travel not for work, but to enjoy your closest partner or to see family, most notably your sister, brother, or cousin. Or, you may travel a short distance with no particular purpose in mind. You may want to simply chill out and enjoy being in a new setting - a spa weekend comes to mind here, as does apple picking or enjoying nature in her changing season, all good reasons to take a little trip .

A new moon in the third house, as you will have, often brings a chance to get excellent publicity or to launch an advertising campaign. You might design a new website or blog, commission a new logo, or be asked to speak or write. Your communication skills will be prized and it will be a good time to focus here, with the date to launch (or to hand in your manuscript or report) being September 13 or a few days later.

There is also a very good chance you'll be given a contract to sign. If that proves true for you, you'd be best to wait until after September 12 to do so. Mercury retrograde is a notoriously bad time to sign, but as soon as you pass September 12, the air will clear and you will have a better idea of what you are getting into. If you sign prior to September 12, the contract will have to be re-negotiated later.

It would also not be wise to buy expensive things now either - something about the purchase will prove regrettable. The item may arrive damaged, be delivered late or to the wrong address, or not function properly. The price may later drop, or in time the company will stage a recall. Or, it may simply be that you find you rarely use the item or might not even you get back seems to be precisely what you'd hoped to hear. You may get a new job or promotion, or you may make the decision to open your own business soon. It's a key moment in time, and very possibly a moment you'll never forget. Jupiter will shower this full moon with radiant luck, so expect the best - this news seems to come just when you need it most.

One of your favorite days of the month will happen September 18, plus or minus one day, when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will conjoin Uranus, planet of surprise. This is a rare aspect, and it just brims with spontaneity. You may travel or get some excellent publicity from the media. You also may get some good news concerning an educational goal. This day is delicious, and if your birthday falls on or within days of July 20, you will love it even more.

Dates to Note:

If you can travel on a mini-trip just after the new moon September 8, do. You will find the peace and relaxation you need.

On September 7, Saturn will reach a mathematical point that will trigger the eclipse of last June 26. News will concern your relationship to a present or former partner. Don't bring up any controversial subjects - let the day go as it will, but be ready to handle something sudden should it come up. Those born near June 26 will likely notice this more than other Cancers.

Longer-distance travel may come up over the weekend of September 18-19, and if so, it will arise suddenly. Just in case, have your passport ready.

You may be huddled with a sister or brother after September 8, too - a plan may begin to jump to life soon, one that the two of you have cooked up.

Mars' move into your fifth house of true love will be a great help to your romantic life, so no matter what your status, you will benefit from Mars from September 14 to October 28.

Be home by the full moon, September 23, plus or minus four days, when career news should make you jump for joy.

Financial details and arrangements will be settled on or near September 23, too.

Home-related obligations will press on you on September 30. You'll be needed, so keep your schedule light. Pay special attention to your father.

Romance will be best on September 4, 8, 11-13, 17-18, and 27.

The first part of September will be your happiest. You will be able to travel a little, and if you can squeeze in the time, you should take full advantage to pack and go. The new moon of September 8 will set off a few offers - chose one!

Keep in mind Mercury will be retrograde as you begin the month, causing delays and confusion. If you do travel, have the necessary maps and directions, and keep track of your personal electronic devices, lest you leave one behind. Be kind to yourself and don't sign contracts until after Mercury turns direct on September 12.

A lot has been expected of you from your family lately. Or, alternatively, you may have been charged with overseeing a certain residential or property project of your own. Either way, the responsibilities you've been faced with have been considerable, and there seems no end in sight for the short term. Even so, you've shown grace under pressure, and now, when Mars leaves your home sector on September 14, you will feel some relief. From that point on you'll have more fun and love - that will make all the difference in your outlook.

Indeed, Mars in the divine-for-Cancer sign of Scorpio will light your house of true love for the first time in two years. If you have felt a little lonely and have wished you could find a special someone to share the joys of life, your angels may be listening. Venus will enter this same romantic part of your chart, and when Venus and Mars are together, it's exiting - expect a few fireworks! Your popularity continues to increase as you move through the month. Also, with Jupiter back in Pisces, a fellow water sign, supporting your Sun, you will be dealt a very strong hand for fun and love this month. Of all the signs, you have some of the very best for finding true love or for fanning the fires of love you already share with someone.

If you are married or in other ways committed to a person romantically, the turn of Pluto to direct speed on November 14 will help you plan the future with greater certainty. A number of Cancers have had meditations about their current relationship lately, for the eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn have asked you to clarify your plans and intentions. Some Cancers are done and are heading in a new direction, and others are staying and fixing areas that may have gone off course. If you are still in limbo, Pluto's stronger orbit will help you see progress.

You will need to get through two very turbulent days that will involve money, first on September 21 and then later on September 30. On the first date, Uranus will oppose the Sun, so you may have an unexpected expense or demand for payment. On September 30, you will have to find a way to keep a creditor satisfied, and you won't get much warning this is coming. You may have been trying to help a family member in a financial way - such as one of your parents - and this may be why you are feeling the financial squeeze.

On both of these days, September 21 and 30, keep an eye on the men in your life, such as your father, husband, boss - the Sun is always read as "male."

Still, your career may bring exciting news at the full moon, September 23, when your house of honors, awards, and achievement will be brilliantly lit. Within days of this date, your reputation will shine, and news you get back seems to be precisely what you'd hoped to hear. You may get a new job or promotion, or you may make the decision to open your own business soon. It's a key moment in time, and very possibly a moment you'll never forget. Jupiter will shower this full moon with radiant luck, so expect the best - this news seems to come just when you need it most.

One of your favorite days of the month will happen September 18, plus or minus one day, when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will conjoin Uranus, planet of surprise. This is a rare aspect, and it just brims with spontaneity. You may travel or get some excellent publicity from the media. You also may get some good news concerning an educational goal. This day is delicious, and if your birthday falls on or within days of July 20, you will love it even more.

Dates to Note:

If you can travel on a mini-trip just after the new moon September 8, do. You will find the peace and relaxation you need.

On September 7, Saturn will reach a mathematical point that will trigger the eclipse of last June 26. News will concern your relationship to a present or former partner. Don't bring up any controversial subjects - let the day go as it will, but be ready to handle something sudden should it come up. Those born near June 26 will likely notice this more than other Cancers.

Longer-distance travel may come up over the weekend of September 18-19, and if so, it will arise suddenly. Just in case, have your passport ready.

You may be huddled with a sister or brother after September 8, too - a plan may begin to jump to life soon, one that the two of you have cooked up.

Mars' move into your fifth house of true love will be a great help to your romantic life, so no matter what your status, you will benefit from Mars from September 14 to October 28.

Be home by the full moon, September 23, plus or minus four days, when career news should make you jump for joy.

Financial details and arrangements will be settled on or near September 23, too.

Home-related obligations will press on you on September 30. You'll be needed, so keep your schedule light. Pay special attention to your father.

Romance will be best on September 4, 8, 11-13, 17-18, and 27.
发表于 2010-9-1 10:25:51 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-9-1 20:10:57 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-9-2 15:00:57 | 只看该作者

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