
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年3月运势

4 9002
irgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan Miller
2010-02-28 00:28:57 来自: 裙裙**碎花(假前综合症候群)

Life can be so mysterious at times. Over the past two or three years, at some point you struggled with a partnership situation that you never expected to face. Perhaps you left a bad personal or business relationship. If you were very fortunate, you found a way to fix it. Either way, what you faced forced you on a long and arduous path. You learned a lot about yourself, and also about human nature. At times you may have felt it was a disillusioning experience, but Saturn asked you to be practical and realistic - there was no room for fantasy.

In a few rare cases, the problem you faced may have been brought on by you. If so, you now can see that, and you won't repeat that in the future.

If you did leave a relationship because you were wronged - which was very possible, considering the severity of the aspects - you might have felt you'd never trust anyone again. It would be understandable if you felt that way, as you faced quite a serious set of circumstances. Now, however, comes March, with the very best partnership aspects possible in the universe. A new partner seems to have arrived that you know is truly good for you, and all this comes so much sooner than you ever thought possible.

Keep your eye on the new moon, March 15, which will be the fulcrum point of the month. That new moon will take all the generous partnership aspects and package them into one, and in so doing open the door for talks. You may get engaged or married, or you may instead think of ways to bring a business relationship to the official, "let's sign papers" stage. If you are writing a book or working on a new creative project with a collaborator, things will begin to shape up after March 15. These endeavors take time, but the beginning of those talks would start March 15.

It is also possible that you will decide to finally end a bad relationship and take action on March 15 as well. All sorts of actions and meditations about a significant other will come into play at this time.

If your birthday falls on or within four days of September 17, this new moon will affect you the most. Think back to last September, to birthday time. It likely was one of the toughest months of your life, especially if you were born on or near September 17. Now you will decide your future course, either with a partner or without one.

March 17 will bring surprise news. The Sun will conjoin Uranus, so any kind of news will be possible from a partner - including what you would least expect. If you suddenly hear news and decide, "This is it, I have to leave," your decision is probably for the best. On the other hand, you may hear wonderful news - that will be possible. I cannot see all that is in your chart from where I sit. With Uranus, the planet of lightning bolt surprises, you never know, so it's sure to be a topsy-turvy month.

You won't have full control, for you will have five planets in your partnership house, but thankfully they will be in a benefic, generous mood, and not angry. You will have your ruler, Mercury (communication and news), Uranus (unanticipated events), Jupiter (luck and happiness), the Sun (authority figures and your ego), and new moon (new paths, starting march 15). Each will be in your opposite sign of Pisces, falling 180 degrees away from your Sun on the horoscope wheel. With so many planets opposing your Sun, you will need to cooperate and compromise rather than expect to see your plans accepted in pure form.

Uranus is the only planet that concerns me in this gang of five, so if you were born on or near September 16-21, you need to keep your guard up. Earlier born Virgos (that is, born prior to September 16) already faced Uranus squarely in previous months and years.

Mars will move direct on March 10 (and no longer be retrograde), which is good news, for since December 20, Mars has been in debilitated form. There are two ways you can benefit from this change. First, if you have been doing research or writing behind closed doors, you will see that your project goes far better and that you become more productive in less time.

Also, if you have been ill and in treatment, or if you have been in psychotherapy, in either case, you will start to see lots of progress, at long last! This is a very good development! It's very possible that you will feel completely renewed by early June.

After June 7, Mars will be in Virgo, the moment you've long awaited. Until then, plan your future (with partners, for work, and in any phase of your life), but don't act just yet. You will really enjoy the vibrations of June and July, for you will have a complete picture of the road ahead and ultimate control over events in your life. You don't have either now, but if you are patient, you will soon.

Next month, Mercury, your ruler, will go retrograde from April 18 to May 11, and you will begin to feel the maddening setbacks and postponements as soon as April 4. You won't want to initiate new goals going into such a scrambled landscape. Take it slow - you have time. When you hear that Mercury is about to retrograde, it should be an instant signal that conditions are changing but are still in flux. You won't know where things are heading for a while, which is why it is not a good time to make serious decisions.

This month Mercury will be meeting with eight different planets, which means you will encounter all sorts of circumstances, and you may change your mind about things as you go through the month and gain more information from others. That's good - keep an open mind.

It is extraordinary for Mercury to be meeting so many planets as your ambassador, so let's look at all the meetings. You will soon see that the first week of the month will be your best:

On March 4, Mercury will meet with Pluto in friendly way - a good time to talk about contractual matters. It's also a great time to collaborate on a creative project, because you will find accord.

March 7 will be a glorious, five-star day - one of the best of the year! Mercury, your ruler, will meet with Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck so it rates a big wow in anyone's book. This is the day to circle in red. Prepare to sign papers, plan, and think big. This could be not only the best day of the month, but one of your best days of the year. You will feel the effects of this day a little earlier, on Friday, March 5.

On March 15, Mercury will conjoin Uranus, a great day for generating original ideas. Brainstorm and let your mind be free - play. You may come up with some very innovative thoughts and expressions. News that comes in will be completely unexpected.

On March 17, Mercury will send a golden, friendly beam to Mars, so despite the volatility of the day (due to the Sun conjunct Uranus), talking helps. (Note: If your birthday falls on or near September 19, you may get an untoward surprise from a partner. Be prepared.)

On March 18, Mercury will oppose Saturn - do not sign a contract or seal any deal, even a little one. Nothing you sign will stay in place over the long haul.

The next two days, March 19-20, won't be much better: Mercury will be in hard angle to Pluto, and someone may try to force you into accepting a position you won't like one bit.

On March 31, Mercury will send a high-five hello to Neptune, a divinely glamorous and creative vibration. You will have made it though March, and from this point on, things will get better. Of course Mercury is about to retrograde in April, but at least your ruler won't be sending you mixed messages like Mercury will be in March.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:27:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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如果是9月17号前后4天内的处处,新月会对你影响好大。回想下去年9月份,生日的时候,这会是你生命中最难熬的一个月,尤其是你生日是9月17 或接近9月17。现在你会决定自己的将来,是有伴侣or无伴侣。
















3月31号,水星会与海王星say hello,会有一次庄严,迷人,有创意的震动。你会挺过去的,从此之后就会好起来了。当然4月水星又要开始逆行,但至少你的守护星不会像3月一样发混乱的信息。
发表于 2010-2-28 13:27:52 | 只看该作者

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Now let's discuss money, which seems to have been tightening up for you lately. There is one weekend, March 20-21, I would like to point out to you that may make this situation clear. It does not involve Mercury but rather an opposition of the Sun and Saturn, a rather draining aspect. These two heavenly bodies will oppose each other from your two financial houses, for Saturn is in Libra, and by then, the Sun will be in Aries.

You may overreact to a shortfall of cash, so try to do the best you can. To be sure you keep your spirits up, plan to go to the movies or plan to have brunch with a friend. Or, plan to hear an inspirational talk. Take it slow and easy so that you can think if you get news that is adverse.

The full moon on March 29 falls in Libra in your solar second house of income, so you may have to satisfy a large bill at this time. It's possible that you will get money sent to you as well, so see how this works out for you. That would be wonderful, if money did come in - let's hope it does.

Next month you will have your single best new moon of the year to improve cash flow, thanks to a new influx of cash. This moment will come at the new moon April 14. Be ready.

This summer brings truly excellent financial aspects too, so your long-range picture dazzles with opportunity. The plans you will make now to increase your income will be the reason why you are "in the chips" later. Keep working toward that financial goal, because it looks like you'll be celebrating by the time you get to early June.


At some point over the past two years, you may have felt wronged by a partner, and the hurt of that experience caused a deep scar. Now the universe will flip the switch and restore the faith in others that you lost in love or business. You seem to have found a gem of a person who has earned your trust. This person may be someone you are thinking about seriously now, in terms of combining energies in love or business. You have time, so take things slowly.

Your best month will be June, when Mars enters Virgo. That will be the month to set things in stone.

In the meantime, on March 7 your rapport will be excellent and you'll have plenty of progress to report. You seem to be in the preliminary stages of forming your alliance, and if so, your timing will be perfect. This day brings the meeting of Mercury, your guardian planet, in combination with Jupiter, the good fortune planet, so this could become one of your favorite days of the year.

As you reach the new moon, March 15, in your partnership sector - the only one of 2010 - you may be anxious to finalize plans, but don't be too hasty. Mercury, your ruler, will be aligned with Uranus, adding a level of instability and prompting you to feel impulsive. You won't want to, as the old axiom goes, "act in haste and repent in leisure." Many points apparently still need to be discussed, especially those related to money. Take all the time you need to talk things out. You will have an even more favorable time to seal your pact after the new moon in Taurus on May 13.

Speaking of money, this month you may be frustrated by a tight cash flow, obvious near the full moon, March 29. In fact, you may know about monies due at month's end, and begin to panic earlier, by the weekend of March 20-21, when Saturn opposes the Sun in two financial houses of your chart. Keep calm - things are not nearly as bad as you suppose.

You'll have to write a hefty check at the full moon, March 29, plus or minus four days. If you are feeling tense, it may help to know that from April through July you should see an easing of your cash crunch. Even so, don't let up your efforts to contain spending, because you won't be completely out of the woods for a while. The good news is that at the new moon April 14 you will have your best chance of the year to get a raise approved. Be ready to present your case.

Dates to Note

Research, writing, or editing - or really any kind of work - done behind closed doors in solitude will begin to move more quickly than it has until now from March 10 to June 7, thanks to Mars' move ahead.

A partner may thrill you with a surprise: March 3.

One of the best three days of the year for an engagement, wedding, to make a promise or set a goal with a partner, or to sign a business contract: March 5-7.

March 6-7 is also the perfect "me" day for you - when your ruler, Mercury, touches Jupiter, a once-a-year event, the world will be your oyster. Your luck will come though the efforts of an agent, romantic partner, or other intermediary.

A partner will surprise you for good, or not so good, on March 15 and 17. If you were born September 17-19, keep your guard up, as surprises are not likely to be ones that please you.

If you have had a health problem, the treatment seems to work much better after March 10, thanks to Mars' turn direct.

If you work with a collaborator at work, say, as an art director and a copywriter would do, or a writer and an editor would do, you will generate a lot of ideas on March 15 and 17.

A very difficult weekend to deal with a partner would be March 20-21. If you go through a confrontation, you may both feel drained and depressed. It would be best not to have a big talk this weekend.

You may need to pay a large bill on March 29, but you may also get a payment from someone who has owed you.

Most romantic evenings: March 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 23, 27, 28, and 31.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:28:00 | 只看该作者

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3月31号,水星会与海王星say hello,会有一次庄严,迷人,有创意的震动。你会挺过去的,从此之后就会好起来了。当然4月水星又要开始逆行,但至少你的守护星不会像3月一样发混乱的信息。
























发表于 2010-3-5 20:05:51 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-3-6 02:02:21 | 只看该作者

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