
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年3月运势

4 9661
You are going to love this month! From the moment the month begins, five darling little planets will begin to gather in your fifth house of true love and will be there to help you build a richer, more satisfying private life. While single Scorpios will benefit the most dramatically, attached Scorpios will find this month divine, too.


The planets that have gathered in your fifth house - Jupiter (gifts and luck), Uranus (surprise), Mercury (news), the Sun (warmth) - are all waiting for the new moon (March 15) to enter to take their energy, merge it together, and send it straight to you, as only a new moon can do. Very soon they will begin to shout in unison: "Have fun, dear Scorpio!"


When it comes to love, you've not seen anything like this since 1998-1999. In truth, this year will be even better than it was then, and March brings it all into focus. You might have been too young to enjoy the gifts the planets had for you 12 years ago. Back then you only had four heavenly bodies helping you - now, with the addition of surprise-a-minute Uranus, you have five.


You can't help but feel their presence, of course. All these happy little planets will be touring fellow water sign Pisces, an exquisitely sensitive and emotional sign that blends beautifully with yours. Each will be happy to see one another, and while they wait for the new moon to appear on March 15, like dressed-up guests at a wedding, they will begin whispering to each other, cooking up all sorts of romantic pleasures for you to enjoy even before the new moon arrives. Oh, what a month you have in store! You will have to be an active part of all this, for you can't just barricade yourself inside and hope someone comes knocking. That's not how astrology works best.


While it's possible that your best friend will set you up with a dream date this year, you need to make an effort to show the universe your intent. Try socializing a bit differently, and be out and about much more.


Venus, always pivotal to any forecast involving love, will be on assignment in Aries, but will stop by to make an appearance in Pisces and your true love sector from March 1-6. Venus spent a lot of time last month (February) preparing the groundwork and setting the stage for love, even if you were not aware of her presence. Once in Aries, Venus can help you find career and money success this month on a large scale, for she'll be working with Mars, now in your house of fame, as he tours Leo on that particular assignment. More about what Venus and Mars will be cooking up for you career-wise later.

When it comes to love, the first day to watch will be when Venus combines forces with Uranus on March 3. This is a zinger of a day, when love comes to you in the oddest, yet sweetest, way, and when you least expect it to strike. You are a walking love magnet, and your friends have been telling you this for some time. Venus will be in Pisces, the perfect place for Venus to be for you, from March 1 to 6. The first week of March will be special, thanks to Venus.

Your next highly social day to watch for news will be March 7, although the whole weekend of March 6-7 should be quite sensational. Mercury will be conjunct Jupiter, in a once-a-year meeting, and - you guessed it - this year they will meet for the first time in your house of love. Mercury rules your eleventh house of groups and friends, so this would be the perfect, most lovely weekend to throw a party or attend a charity benefit or other gathering. Your friends seem near, so they'll be part of the fun, too. If you have to travel, your trip would go exceptionally well, and you'd love your luxurious accommodations.

March 7 is also a day when financial luck will run very high, so you can sign a contract or cut a deal with the expectation that you would make a fine profit, too.

Your biggest moment will occur at the new moon in your fifth house of true love on March 15 - the only one of the year. From that day forward, you will get your best opportunities to enjoy romance, so if you should meet someone now, you may be together a very long time, possibly forever. Truly, with this high level energy circulating in your chart, you could find this month downright life changing.

You must circulate, dear Scorpio! The reason this new moon is so special is that it will conjoin - and unlock - the gifts of Uranus, planet of surprise, and will also be close to Mercury, the planet that rules your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. No doubt about it, this new moon is big and very special. So stop grumbling that you never meet anyone! You need to first think about ways you can improve your looks (do that in the first week while Venus will be in highly compatible Pisces, from March 1 to 6.) My vote for best day to consult a stylist would be March 3 or 4 while the moon tours Scorpio. Gosh, Scorpio, you have everything working for you!

The fact that this new moon will speak to Mercury on your behalf tells me that a friend may be instrumental in introducing you to someone new and very intriguing. Or, it may be that you attend an event where you will meet someone this month. (Mercury is tied to your group events sector, too.) When you get aspects this special, you must use them for all they are worth.

The week of March 15 will be interesting for other reasons. On March 15, something else is happening. Mercury will conjoin Uranus, planet of surprise and innovation, and two days later, March 17, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin. The implications are clear - you'll get invitations, and the possibility of a chance meeting will be high. Throw out that rigid list of qualifiers for a perfect date - that list has been working against you, not for you! This month, you'll feel spontaneous, free, and playful - and rightly so! Be open to what the universe brings you!

If you are attached and have hoped to have a baby, or have applied for an adoption or foster child, this week could bring very big news. This month would be one of your BEST ever for conception (especially in the second half of March) or to get the news from the adoption agency that you have the green light and that the child is due - right out of the blue! If you have been worried about children you have in a custody suit, you have every reason to believe the courts will favor you this month.

Your most romantic, happy good-news dates this month will be March 3-7, 9, 13-14, 23, 24, 27-28, and 31.

Were you born on November 17 or within five days of this date? Mama mia, you have won the cosmic love lottery! All the aspects swirling around will be speaking directly to you! You will feel the energies of this new moon, for sure!

Were you born on or near October 31 to November 3? Jupiter in Pisces is moving into a perfect conversation with you in March. You have a sensational outlook as well. Actually, I would be hard pressed to find a Scorpio who is NOT favored for love in March!

In your career, you are getting all green lights on the highway of life, and now, at long last, you've picked up the pace and will be speeding straight toward success.

It may help to know what's been going on in your chart lately. Since mid-2009, you've been racking up good words about your work, but you may have been frustrated by your inability to get a new job or promotion. On the plus side, you've had Mars, the energy planet and also your secondary ruler, in your tenth house of fame and honors - but on the minus side, Mars has been retrograde since December 20.

This meant your progress has been slow - so slow you may feel you haven't seen any real progress at all. That's not true, but it would be understandable if you felt that way. Since October and November 2009, Mars began to run down his batteries so far that he was moving at a turtle's pace. A fast moving planet is a potent one, but Mars was anything but speedy or potent.

Now all that changes on March 10 when Mars will resume full power. This will make an enormous difference to your career! You are so fortunate to have Mars gleaming like a beacon at the very top of your chart (where the 12 could be on a clock) as he tours your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Now that Mars is back in business, he will be busy putting your name in lights on the big marquee.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:22:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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From March 10 to June 7, the period Mars will remain in your career sector at the very top of your chart, you must go after career victory, for that is when it will be easiest for you to grasp your prize. Cast a wide net! If you are serious about changing jobs, you must go after that new position with a passion. If you love your present job, you can now voice your riskiest ideas, confident you have the support of VIPs. Everyone wants you in their corner, so you need not be timid - share your ideas! It's now or never!

Next month you will encounter a slight complication to your plan, however, when Mercury will be retrograde, from April 18 to May 11. You will feel Mercury's slowdown as early as April 4, so April and the first two weeks of May won't be the time to accept a new job - but it will be excellent for reconnecting with a former, well-established boss or client to discuss future possibilities.

It's always a good idea to go back to old friends and colleagues when Mercury retrogrades, but since a Mercury retrograde period is an instant signal that the wind is about to change direction in a big way, it is not wise to make any big decisions or announcements. Wait until the new moon May 13 to do that and you will be glad you did.

Even with Mercury retrograde causing a pause, you will still have all of March and the second half of May and first week of June to score your biggest victories - that's a lot of time!

After that, looking ahead, you will have the positive and very friendly new moon, August 9, to help you scale new heights. As you see, this year is a good one for you to get a promotion or new job, and you are only beginning to enter this brilliant phase now. Be optimistic, Scorpio!

Do you work in a creative or artistic profession or do you support artists or actors in the course of your work? Planets in your fifth house are encouraging a very high degree of creativity, on a scale you've not seen in more than a decade. Those born on the dates mentioned earlier, near October 31-November 3, and near November 17, all plus or minus five days, will get a double dip of luck.

The only year I can compare this to would be 1998-early 1999, but this year will trump even that period. If you work in a creative field, you will be in the perfect position to show off your talents. Alternatively, if you have a serious hobby you enjoy, or if you have a big creative project that you've been tweaking that means a great deal to you, be sure to spend quality time on it in March. Set aside time to brainstorm, especially over the gold-star weekend of March 6-7 and on March 15 and 17-18 when innovative ideas and concepts will rain down on you. Actually, the whole week of March 14-19 will be magic.

Speaking of work, over the weekend of March 20-21, when Saturn will be ready to oppose the Sun, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. It's the one day I need to flag for you as one that you may feel tired or less than optimistic. You've been busy, and over that weekend you may feel you have too many tasks and obligations to complete and not enough time to get them all done. You may be feeling that you are always the one who has to do everything for everyone else. Knowing this date is coming up may help - you can prepare for it by having a light schedule or by asking for help.

What you need most is a weekend break from your to-do list. Plan something fun to do over March 20 or 21, and enjoy taking a day or two off. You really do need it. Saturn opposed to the Sun can be draining, so it's best to get off the treadmill of life and take a deep breath. Find something inspiring to do, perhaps by going to a lecture, or go to the movies. Enjoy a book signing at a bookstore in your neighborhood or visit the museum. The point is, step out of your usual routine this weekend and treat yourself to happy time off.

You must also protect your health at month's end, which is only one other reason you need to go slowly over the proceeding weekend of March 20-21.

I say this because you will have a full moon in Libra in your twelfth house on March 29, affecting your weekend of March 27-28. The twelfth house is associated with rest and reflection, not with strenuous activity. This weekend would be a good one for thinking about small ways you can change your lifestyle and diet to be healthier. By month's end, planets will be moving out of Pisces and begin to stack up in Aries. By next month, you may become more interested in increasing your fitness, and you may even want to enter a sports competition, such as a tennis tournament or relay race. If so, you can start training early next month - that could be something you'd enjoy!

The memory of this month will linger, dear Scorpio, possibly forever. See March as the opening of a new path and the beginning of a trend. This will not be just any old month with a few happy days but a month capable of helping you start a whole new way of life. You have to show that you want love in your life to get it, of course, so be sure to circulate, and look your best. Rarely have you seen a month like this - March could change EVERYTHING for you, for the better, of course!


In February, you began to see the start of the promise of a better romantic life come alive. Now, in March, you see even more evidence that overcast clouds have parted and the brilliant sunshine is starting to poke though.

This month will be extraordinary because you will have HALF the solar system - Jupiter, the Sun, Uranus, Mercury, and by March 15, the new moon - in your house of true love. Venus will stop by your true love sector too, in the first week. Wow, aren't you the lucky one? It does not matter if you are single or married - this month will bring a chance to rejuvenate your love life. If you are attached, you'll have much more time to connect with your one-and-only and to spin a memory you'll both look back on with tenderness, now and forever.

If you are attached and want a baby, this is the month to discuss the idea with your partner in earnest. If you've already applied for an adoption or foster child, good news could easily break through.

Certain days may stand out. First, on March 3, when chemistry with someone new may be so exciting and so unexpected you may find yourself feeling breathless. Attached? Have some fun with your partner and have a "date" night together in the middle of the week.

March 7 may bring a lasting romantic alliance, thanks to the introduction of a friend, or someone you met at a group event.

On St. Patrick's Day, March 17, the Sun conjunct Uranus will bring even more surprises - hopefully they'll be all the right ones (seems so)!
发表于 2010-2-28 13:23:01 | 只看该作者

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Your best days for fun and love will be in the first week, while Venus tours Pisces, but honestly, you'll be humming a happy tune during the first three weeks, all the way until the Sun moves into Aries March 20.

Often when love forms such a strong theme (as you have now), everything thing else in life pales by comparison. That won't be the case for you - your career is about to take flight in a big way, too! My goodness, you really do have it all, don't you, dear Scorpio!

Mars, your ruler, has been in lethargic mode since December 20 but will jump to life in your career status, honors, and awards (tenth) house on March 10. From then until June 7 you'll get attention and applause for work well done and could easily nab a promotion or prestigious new position. Show you're serious about being considered for more, and more should come to you.

The only day I need to flag is March 20 or 21, a weekend when you may feel you have with too much to do and too little help. Take a deep breath and if everyone seems on edge, know that things will get better in a few days. Over the weekend of March 20-21, plan something fun to do, something you can thoroughly enjoy. You need a break and this is the weekend to take it.

If you are in a creative field - an artist, actor, designer, musician, dancer, writer, or poet, for example - or work with creative types, all month you'll be will be on top of your game. Gather up your courage and present your ideas. Don't hold back and don't try to figure out what you think they expect to see - they want to see what's inside you, and that includes your most risky and far out ideas.

Near the full moon March 29, you'll want to hibernate a bit. You've had an active month by then, so retreat a little if you are feeling tired or run down. You may hear of someone who's in the hospital or in a nursing home - you'll want to save time to bring flowers and your unstoppable brand of cheer.

This month could bring dazzling news on just about every front, from love to career. Those developments will come rapidly, too - so buckle up. March will be a very exciting ride.

Dates to Note:

Love arrives on the wings of angels this month!

First, March 3 brings Venus conjunct Uranus, planet of surprise, so a chance meeting could occur - allow for random help from Cupid!

If you were attached, the weekend of March 6-7 would be ideal for celebrating love on a weekend away, or for giving a party at your home. It's an extraordinary day, when Mercury will have its annual meeting with the good fortune planet Jupiter. Friends could be part of the mix too and add to the fun.

Mars goes direct March 10, so from March 10 to June 7, your career will gain outstanding momentum. Progress will be exciting! More progress will come in August. It will be a four-star weekend for communication and travel.

If you are single, you will have the best opportunity of the year to find love at the new moon, March 15. Make the acquaintance of someone new and exciting in the days that follow that bright new moon. The second half of March is very strong, but the week of March 15-20 will be doubly so.

Attached? A baby will create part of the picture - soon!

If you work in a creative field, set aside time to work on your project on March 15-17, when brilliant ideas will fall to you from heaven.

Everyone's most worn-to-the bone day will be March 21 when cold, frozen Saturn opposes the fiery Sun. Duties may seem overwhelming. This is a weekend date, so plan something fun and put aside your long to-do list to tackle another day. If you don't rest, by month's end you could come down with a bad cold or other illness.

If you work on weekends, proceed in a slow, methodical way on March 21.

Over the weekend of March 27-28, you may hear of someone who is in a hospital or nursing home who would do well to see you. Go to her this weekend.

By the full moon, plus or minus four days from March 29, you will crave privacy and rest. Indulge.

Most romantic dates: March 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13-14, 23, 24, 27-28, and 31.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:23:05 | 只看该作者

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即在你的第五家收集的行星 - 木星(礼品和运气),天王星(惊讶),汞(新闻),太阳(温暖) - 都在等待新的月球(3月15日)进入其能源利用,合并一起,并直接发送给您,因为只有一个新的月球可以做。很快他们将开始齐声大喊:“玩得开心,亲爱的天蝎座!”

当谈到爱,你自1998-1999年以来没有见过这样的事情。事实上,今年会更好比那时,3月使人们集中一切。你可能已经太年轻,享受礼物的行星为你12年前。当时你只曾与另外4惊讶的天体帮助你 - 现在,一分钟的天王星,你有5。




当谈到爱情,第一天看时,金星将结合3月3日与天王星的力量。这是一天辛格尔,当爱来给你最奇怪的,但甜的,这样,当你最不期望它罢工。你是一个爱走磁铁,和您的朋友已经有一段时间告诉你这一点。金星将在双鱼座,对金星好地方对你,从3月1至6。 3月第一个星期将是特别的,金星感谢。

你的下一个高度的社会每天收看新闻将于3月7日,虽然3月6号至七号整个周末应该是很轰动。水星木星将相合,在一次的年度会议, - 你猜对了 - 今年,他们将举行在您的爱心之家的第一次。汞规则您的团体和朋友第十一房子,所以这将是完美的,最可爱的周末,举办聚会或出席慈善福利或其他聚会。您的朋友似乎接近,因此他们将其中的乐趣的一部分。如果你有旅行,您的旅行会去特别好,而且你爱你的豪华的住宿。


你最大的时刻将出现在你的真爱第五家3月15日新月 - 今年唯一的一个。从那天开始,你会得到你最好的机会享受浪漫,所以如果你要适应现在的人,你可能会在一起很长一段时间,可能永远。诚然,这种高层次的能源循环的图表,你会发现这个月简直是生活的改变。

你必须流通,亲爱的天蝎!这之所以新月特别之处是,它会conjoin - 和解锁 - 天王星,地球上的惊喜礼物,也将接近水星,地球的规则的第11家的希望和愿望。毫无疑问,这种新的月亮大,非常特别。因此,停止抱怨,你永不满足的人!您需要首先考虑方法可以改善您的期待(这样做的第一个星期,而金星将在双鱼座高度兼容从3月1日至6日。)我的投票当天最佳发型师咨询会3月3日或4而月球旅游天蝎座。天哪,天蝎座,你的一切为你工作!

事实上,这一新的月亮会就代表您的水星告诉我,一个朋友可能会向你介绍新的工具的人非常耐人寻味。或者,它可能是您参加活动,您将在本月的人见面。 (汞是联系在一起的团体项目部门也。)当您收到这方面特别的,你必须使用他们,他们都值得。

3月15日的一周将是很有意思的其他原因。 3月15日是另外一些问题发生。水星会conjoin天王星,惊奇和创新的行星,两天后,3月17日,太阳和天王星将conjoin。的含义是明确的 - 你将得到邀请,以及会议的可能性的机会将会很高。赶走了一个完美的日期,刚性的预选赛名单 - 该名单一直对你,对你不是!这个月,你会感到自然,自由,好玩的 - 这是正确的!开放的宇宙带来什么你!

如果您是重视,并希望能有一个孩子,或者有一个收养或寄养儿童申请,本周可能会带来非常大新闻。这个月将是你最好的永远的概念之一(特别是在三月下半月)或从收养机构的消息,你开绿灯,并让儿童是由于 - 权利出乎意料!如果你一直对孩子你在羁押诉讼的担心,你有充分的理由相信法庭会赞成你这个月。





它可以帮助知道什么是已持续在图表上近来。自2009年中期,你已经费尽了你的工作好话,但你可能被你无法找到新的职位或晋升受挫。从积极的一面,你已经在你的名声和荣誉第十家火星,地球的能量,并次要的统治者, - 但在消极方面,火星一直逆行自去年12月20。

这意味着你的工作进展缓慢 - 如此缓慢你可能会觉得你没有看到任何实质的进展。这不是事实,但这是可以理解的,如果你觉得这种方式。自10月和2009年11月,火星开始了他的电池运行至今,他在乌龟的速度移动。一个快速发展的地球是一个强有力的,但火星上根本就没有迅速和有力。


三月十日至六月七日期间,火星将留在你的事业部门在很图表顶部,你必须去后,职业生涯的胜利,因为这是何时会为您最容易掌握的奖金。广泛撒网!如果您对转业严重,你必须追求与激情的新位置。如果你爱你现在的工作,你现在可以语音的最危险的想法,相信您有贵宾的支持。每个人都希望在他们的角落你,所以你不用胆怯 - 分享您的想法!这是机不可失,时不再来!

下个月你会遇到稍微复杂的你的计划,但是,当水星将逆行4月18日至5月11日。你会觉得早在4月4日,因此,4月和5月头两个星期,水星的放缓将不会是一次接受新的工作 - 但将与前,完善的老板或客户端重新连接良好讨论未来的可能性。


即使水星逆行造成暂停,您仍然都在3月和5月6月的第一周和下半年的评分你最大的胜利 - 这是很多时间!


发表于 2010-2-28 13:23:46 | 只看该作者

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在谈到工作在3月20-21日在土星将准备反对太阳周末,你可能会感到有点不知所措。这是有一天,我需要你的标志之一,您可能会感到疲倦或低于不容乐观。你一直很忙,在那个周末你可能会觉得你有太多的任务和义务,完整,没有足够的时间和精力去一一完成。你可能会觉得你永远是一个谁也做了其他人的一切。知道这个日子即将到来,也许会帮助 - 你可以为它编写具有光的时间表或寻求帮助。

你最需要的是从你的to - do列表周末休息。一些有趣的计划做了3月20日或21日,并愉快的一两天了。您真的需要它。土星反对Sun的排水,因此,最好下车跑步机的生命和深呼吸。寻找一些启发这样做,也许去演讲,或去看电影。享受在您附近的书店的书签名,或浏览博物馆。问题是,走出你的例行常规,本周末和对待自己,快乐的时候了。


我这样说是因为您将在您的第十二家3月29日在天秤座满月,影响你的3月27-28日的周末。第十二届房子是与休息和思考,而不是剧烈的活动。本周末,将是对小方法可以改变你的生活方式和饮食思想的一个更健康。月底之前,行星将迁出,双鱼座,并开始堆栈白羊座了。在下个月,你也许会更感兴趣的是提高你的健康,你甚至可以进入一个体育比赛,如网球赛和接力赛。如果是这样,您就可以开始训练,下月初 - 这可能是你会喜欢!

本月底内存会持续,亲爱的天蝎座,可能是永远。见作为一个新的路径开放和3月开始的趋势。这将不会是任何与一些快乐的日子,但1个月的帮助你开始一个全新的新的生活方式能够老一个月。你必须证明你想在你的生活很想要得到它,当然,因此一定要流通,并期待您的最佳。很少有你见过这样的月 - 3月可能会改变你的一切,为更好的,当然!



这个月将是非凡的,因为你将有一半的太阳能系统 - 木星,太阳,天王星,水星,以及3月15日,新的月球 - 在你的真爱房子。金星将停止你的真爱机构也在第一周。哇,你不是幸运的呢?这不要紧,如果你是单身或已婚 - 这个月将有机会振兴你的爱情生活。如果你是连接,您将有更多的时间来连接您的一和,只旋转记忆你的感觉是与柔情回来,现在和永远。




在圣帕特里克节,3月17日,太阳相合天王星会带来更大的惊喜 - 他们最好的是正确的(似乎如此)!


很多时候,当爱形成如此强烈的主题(如你现在),在生活中的一切其他事情相比相形见绌。这将不会是您的情况 - 你的职业生涯即将参加一个大的机票,也!天啊,你确实拥有一切,不是吗,亲爱的天蝎!

火星,你的统治者,一直在昏睡的方式,因为12月20日,但会跳在你的职业地位,荣誉的生活,和奖励(第十届)3月10日房子。从那时起直到6月 7日,您将享受到出色地完成工作的关注和掌声,很容易捉拿晋升或著名的新位置。显示您担心被更多的,更应该来找你认为是严重的。


如果你是在创意领域 - 一个艺术家,演员,设计师,音乐家,舞蹈家,作家,或者诗人,例如 - 或与创造型的工作,所有您将每月将在这场游戏的王者。收集你的勇气和陈述自己的观点。不隐瞒,不试图找出你的想法,他们希望看到 - 他们想看看里面有什么你,包括你最危险的和深远的思路。

接近满月3月29日,您需要冬眠一点。你有一个活跃的月份,届时,因此退却一点,如果你感到疲倦或往下跑。你可以听到别人谁是在医院或疗养院 - 你想节省时间,使您的鲜花和欢呼不可阻挡的品牌。

这个月就可以实现几乎所有方面的消息,从令人眼花缭乱的爱,对事业。这些事态发展会很快,也 - 所以扣上。 3月将是一个非常令人兴奋的旅程。



首先,3月3日金星合取带来了天王星,惊讶的行星,因此会议的机会可能发生 - 允许来自丘比特随机的帮助!



如果你是单身,你将有今年最好的机会找到新的月球,3月15日的爱。使某人结识新的和令人激动的日子后面是光明的新的月球。在三月下半月很强,但 3月15日至20日一周将是加倍的。

附?一名婴儿将创建图片的一部分 - 很快!






发表于 2010-2-28 13:23:51 | 只看该作者

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