
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller魔羯座2010年2月运势

2 8376

February Horoscope for Capricorn

As a Capricorn you've been going through vast life changes. The lunar eclipse of January 1 in Cancer and the solar eclipse of January 15 in Capricorn have spoken, and you may need to make adjustments in the weeks and months ahead. Your view of yourself, a close relationship, your career, finances, and living situation could be shifting radically and you may need the coming weeks to adjust.

A close relationship seems to have been on your mind. Some Capricorns are leaving a long-term relationship, and others are staying with their partner, despite what came to light, and still others are not yet sure what to do. You have time. There is no one answer that will fit all, as so much depends on what has transpired in your relationship until now. Eclipses bring visions of truth, quite rapidly, and sometimes the news is quite shocking.

If you are not feeling this vibration in a personal relationship, you may be feeling it in a business way. Hopefully you won't feel it in either sense, business or personal. Eclipses look for weak links to bring to your attention. If all is strong, you may sail through these cosmic tests quite easily. The next set of eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer will come June 26 and July 11.

This month, you will turn your main attention to your finances. The full moon last month on January 30 lit up your house of credit, debts, and loans. That house includes things such as your ability to get or pay a mortgage, inheritance, college tuition, and other financial obligations. It appears you wrote a large check at the end of January, and when you did, it only reminded you of your determination and need to improve your cash flow.

Since mid-October, your expenses have run high and will not slow down until Mars leaves your eighth house on June 7. It is also possible you may have finalized a court settlement or the division of property in a divorce or at the end of a business. It is also possible you were thinking about your taxes too, as the eighth house rules taxes. Perhaps you finished and sent your tax return for 2009.

No matter what happened to your finances last month, you will have your best chance in a long time of improving your income this month. This will happen at two points in the month: first, just after the new moon, February 13, and then again later, at month's end, near February 25-28.

The new moon, February 13, seems to be coming right in time. That new moon will conjoin Neptune, the planet of the arts. If you work as an actor or are a fine art artist or an illustrator; or work in music, dance, film, photography, or electronic art installations; or if you write screenplays or imaginative novels, you will do well at this time. If you are self-employed, be ready to present your work to influential people to get final approvals and funding so that you can materialize your project. You may sell a painting, for example, or bring in new sponsors if you need funding for a movie. If you work for others, then ask your bosses for a raise - your timing would be right!

If you don't work in the arts, Neptune's presence can be confusing or downright deceptive. Shady people may try to sell you a clever, sophisticated scam that no one would ever suspect is not on the up and up (such as a Bernard Madoff type of scam). Neptune is notorious about obscuring facts, so you may fall for an idea that sounds a little too good to be true, is not practical, and that has only a flimsy foundation - stay away. You could get hurt financially.

If you work in the arts or as a support to creative people, however, this possibility would not apply to you or would be greatly reduced because Neptune rules imagination and artistic endeavors and will be orbiting closely to the new moon and Sun. A lot depends on the industry you work in now. If you do need money and an opportunity comes up, you will need to look at it with a critical eye and ask lots of questions. That does not mean you should not enter the situation, but it does mean you need to be skeptical.

Even though there are dangers, I do think you can sidestep them if you are careful. There may be money to be made because of another aspect happening at just about the same time involving Venus and Jupiter. (Venus is another planet of the arts, but she also is connected to money, as is Jupiter.) Let's look at what is about to happen on February 16.

Venus rules your solar tenth house of career. Amazingly, Venus will make her once-only annual contact to generous Jupiter, planet of financial success and also happiness and growth, on February 16, just days after the new moon, February 13. This bodes well for a professional and financial breakthrough. This new moon and the actions for Venus and Jupiter's position relates to earned income and does not relate to prize winnings, investments, or funds of that nature. Plan to have a key career meeting on February 15 or 16. If you are interviewing for a new job, you will get powerful support this month from Venus and Jupiter.

I am very encouraged by this aspect for you, dear Capricorn. Schedule a meeting or action on your calendar, ideally on February 15 or 16. That new moon will pave the way for a rise in your earned income, and Jupiter and Venus will provide you with the advantage of having an extra shot of luck for a prestigious development in your career. You need to gather up your courage and try because as said, your expenses will be high until early June.

Venus and Jupiter will meet in your sector of communication, so you will find all the right words. Both will send a beam to Pluto, suggesting that a VIP is likely to be impressed with you and your ideas. You have all the aspects you need to score a career and salary victory after February 13. So, dear Capricorn, don't lose heart, just be your best, practical self when you venture forth. Ask questions and be practical - you can make this new moon work for you.

Travel taken this month would be a good idea and your best chance will happen at two points: early and late in the month. It's good for you to get a change of scene, so it's wonderful that the universe is about to help you get just that!

First, you may be ready to pack and go on February 5 or 6. That time of the month will be very lively, thanks to the positive interplay between Mercury and Uranus. If you do go, it might be a decision you make very quickly and spontaneously!

Later, a distant trip could come up for you over the full moon, February 28 plus or minus four days. Now that Saturn has left your ninth house, an important long trip would become more likely and feasible. If you journey for business, the outcome could be very upbeat, for with Pluto beaming perfect vibrations to that moon, it looks like you will easily reach accord with the party you're seeing. Your moon rules your close business and personal relationships, and at month's end, you and others will be in sync. Money can be made too, so if you hope to sell goods, information, or a service, it looks like you'll return with the purchase order! If you can't go away, then you may complete all your plans from your chair at home or office by communicating overseas or to those based at a distance in your own country.

I have saved the best for last. You have a sensational day coming that I would like you to circle in red on your calendar: February 27 or 28 (spanning two days) - the luckiest day of the year! On that day Jupiter will schedule his annual meeting with the Sun. What a glorious day this will be! They will meet in your third house of communication, so you may be ready to sign a very lucrative contract - this could be a deal that grows much bigger than you ever supposed it would! Jupiter rules your eighth house of jointly held funds, so you truly have an outstanding chance of walking away with a mammoth deal.

Alternatively, at month's end you may launch your own radio show, make a TV pilot, get your book published, or start a Website that will later be read by millions. Anything communication oriented will have an outstanding chance for success in time. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, has the power to expand the popularity of your venture and profits enormously in time. The Sun, center of our solar system, will help Jupiter do so. The fact that this is also a time of the full moon will only help to crystallize the assignment or deal to a final stage. For example, if you work in broadcasting or publishing, you may be concluding a major story now, and it would be one that would bring you quite a bit of attention and praise, possibly even an award. I say praise because the moon will be high in your chart, bringing lots of positive attention to you!

Before I go, let's touch on romance. If your relationship is strong, you have every reason to believe that Valentine's Day will be outstanding this year. Venus not only rules your house of career (as I discussed earlier), but Venus also rules your solar fifth house of true love. The fact that Venus and Jupiter are meeting on February 16 will be a wonderful coincidence, for the glow of that rare alignment is close enough to February 15 to spin their magic.

The moon will be in Pisces, a lovely place for you - you really do have all the right planetary power to create a lyrical, memorable evening. You may want to travel this Valentine's weekend, for you have the right aspects for a trip for two - go to a nearby resort or charming village where you can have quiet time together. With Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all in your short-distance travel sector (third house), this could be a trip you long remember - and have an experience of a holiday that was made in heaven.

Your best romantic dates: February 13-16 are your very best. Also: February 4, 5, 20, and 24-28.

Life is changing, something you saw at the end of December and mid-January, but February brings a lovely burst of cosmic opportunity. Last year 2009 was likely a strong and positive financial year, but this year seems to have started on an expensive note. You will need more cash in weeks ahead, but this month you may have a chance to do so.

With Jupiter brightening your third house, the way you communicate can now make or break your success. You can become more articulate and masterful with the communication arts and even surprise yourself with your growing sophistication with words. Be open to honing your skills and, if necessary, take classes.

Here are some examples to illustrate this trend. If you have always been in marketing, your company may ask you to become a spokesperson for your company or to teach others what you have learned. You may come up with an idea for a new app or blog or sell a book concept. If you are a writer, you may get an opportunity to host a radio or TV show. As you see by these examples, you seem to be moving into new realms. By doing so, you will broaden your talents and open up new areas for profits.

When Jupiter conjoins energies with the mighty Sun on February 27-28, an aspect that brings of the luckiest phases of the year, it would be the perfect time to see how bright this whole area of communication is for you. You may need to hand in an important document, white paper, or manuscript. Anything that allows you to show off your communication or negotiation skills will be fortunate and highly lucrative for you. February 26, 27, or 28 would be an ideal time to sign a contract.

To make sure you enjoy the project you commit to now - and one seems to be coming up soon, if not in February, then in March - Venus, the planet of happiness, will be on hand to help. This will be particularly evident on February 16 when Venus and Jupiter will combine forces in your communication house. Jupiter's presence connotes generous financial benefits from the work you do too, so you will want to pay attention to the opportunities being presented.

Ideas that you come up with will be quite brilliant when Mercury in Capricorn sends a beam to Uranus, planet of genius, February 5-6.

Finances will also be on your mind too this month, particularly after the new moon, February 13. Ever since Mars entered your credit, debt, taxes, and other people's money sector - your eighth house - your expenses have been high. Now, with the new moon, you can find ways to generate more income. If you are in a creative field, or are an actor, designer, director, choreographer, or musician, or do anything else artistic - or work with artists in a support function - you will do especially well at this new moon. That's because Neptune, a planet associated with art, will be quite prominent.

Because the Sun rules money that comes to you through others, you may see a huge sum of cash on February 28, or two-three days prior to this date. This would not be earned income but money given to you as a loan, commission, inheritance, court settlement, or outright gift.

Neptune's presence underscores that you will need to be clear about financial dealings, for you could be led into a confusing situation that becomes unnecessarily complicated or could glitter brightly, but upon closer inspection not be all it first seemed to be. If you are not sure, talk over impending deals with your accountant or financial advisor.

A matter at a distance may come to fruition at the full moon, February 28. Alternatively you may be visiting a college campus, taking a major exam, or handing in a thesis or other key paper. It is also possible you may have to see the passport agency, do jury duty, or have an international matter to finish up. It's a positive time - enjoy it.

Romantically, how you fare will depend on what happened in December and January in your closest relationship. The eclipses were affecting your partnerships quite strongly. If you are still together, happily, you might decide to take a little trip out of town simply to enjoy one another. Grown up time to celebrate your love together would be a perfect idea for Valentine's Day weekend.

Dates to Note for Capricorn:

Any project involving speaking, writing, editing, teaching, or selling will be laden with opportunity and financial gain if accepted or done on or near February 26-28, the luckiest day of the year, due to Jupiter conjunct the Sun. So much good will flow from the endeavor you start then!

Brainstorm for ideas on any project on February 5-6 when you come up with ideas that stun others, and you, too! They'll be brilliant!

Romantically, if attached, the eclipses in January brought news. If you broke up last month, you may want a very quiet month in the company of friends.

A short trip is very likely for Valentine's Day, February 14, and would be an ideal way to enjoy your love.

Finances may get a boost in the second half, after the new moon February 13. You've had very high expenses lately - this new moon will help you catch up and improve your cash flow. Those who work in the arts will be most favored.

Be clear about financial management and read all fine print in any deals you make. You may not completely understand some of the ramifications, due to Neptune's position.

Fantastic financial news could hit on February 26-28, some of the best ever! Again, it won't be earned income but income that comes in other ways.

Venus will tour your house of communication from February 11 to March 7, insuring you will like the project you work on.

Sign a contract on February 26-27. You will make money and see growth if you do.

A trip, or an overseas deal or one involving academia, will come to fruition at the full moon February 28 plus or minus four days. Finances will be discussed at this time too, but it's all-good!

Best romantic dates: February 13-16 is your very best. Also: February 4, 5, 20, and 24-28.
发表于 2010-2-2 09:50:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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如果你不在艺术领域工作,海王星的存在可能会引起混乱或彻头彻尾的欺骗。阴暗的人可能会尝试向你推销一个聪明的,复杂的骗局,没有人会怀疑你正在陷入骗局(如伯纳德 马多夫那种类型的诈骗)。海王星在有关掩盖事实方面是臭名昭著的,所以你可能因为一个想法/结果太好而误认为这是真实的、将会发生的,事实上它可能是不切实际的,而且只有一个薄弱的基础 - 远离。为此你可能会破财的。


即使有危险,我认为如果你很小心,你就可以避开他们。甚至可能有钱赚,因为发生在另一个方面几乎同一时间,涉及金星和木星。 (金星是另一种艺术行星,但她又连接到钱,因为是木星。)让我们来看看即将发生在2月16日的是什么。

发表于 2010-2-2 09:58:34 | 只看该作者

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YC37YC 怎么感觉好像不够呢
发表于 2010-2-2 13:43:04 | 只看该作者

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