
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2010年2月运势

2 8121

February Horoscope for Leo

As you begin the month, you may be still feeling the glow of the full moon, January 30, for that one fell in Leo, highlighting something that is a number one priority for you. You will be charged with energy and ready to go after the things in life that really matter to you. Whatever you will be involved in during February 1 to 4, when the full moon will still be exerting energy, will rapidly be brought to a final stage, for you will laser into that endeavor with a passion, and rightly so!

Money has been a meditation for you for a very long time, for clearly it looked like gremlins were undoing all that you did to get control of your finances. Going back as far as 2003, when Uranus, the planet of surprise, instability, and volatility, entered your eighth house of debt, credit cards, and loans, you found managing money to become increasingly challenging. You were probably doing a fairly good job with dealing with the ups and downs you faced, until Saturn came by.

Saturn entered your salary house in September 2007, and you began to see that getting a raise was going to become harder, and if self-employed, generating new business tougher. Having Saturn alone in that house would have been enough to have you rethinking how you earn and spend, but when Saturn began to oppose Uranus directly, starting in November 2008 and continuing in 2009 (and will a little bit more in late April), you began to think nothing you did would help you tame the tigers at your door. That's not true, but I can completely see how you might have felt that way.

Saturn's appearance upped the ante appreciably, and from that point on, November 2008, it's certainly been a rollercoaster. Last March and September 2009 might have been very fraught with tension, especially over money. Happily, those days seem to be over. Even if you are thinking, "Well, it was not THAT bad," you are apparently among the few who managed to sidestep this trend, perhaps because you have planets in your chart that I cannot see from here that helped you. You too will benefit from the aspects of February, and even you may be tap dancing in the streets by month's end. Indeed, all of 2010 will be better than 2009 ever could be - you'll see.

This month Jupiter will be very prominent in your chart, and now that he has set up shop in your eighth house of other people's money, you will find a whole new environment at play that will be more supportive of your efforts. Finally, you will be in a position to generate money, not see it flow out all the time. If you need venture capital or want to settle a divorce or other court case, you can, with results that please you.

There will be several events this month that will make you see that better days are due. The first will come on February 5 or 6, when you are likely to be very, very fortunate. Mercury will receive a beam from Uranus, planet of surprise, so you may win something or find a check in your mailbox that you had not expected. Alternatively, it could be that you will get a lucrative freelance assignment that will come out of the blue, or a new business client will choose your firm after a round of presentations by a number of firms.

I love February 6, a Saturday, for you because you will ALSO have Jupiter about to make a key call to Pluto on your behalf. Yes - on the same day! This day is as powerful as it is rare! Whenever Jupiter and Pluto are talking together, you can be sure financial success is around the corner. All aspects have a tolerance of a day or two area of influence, so in this case, you will feel things perking up not only on the day that these two aspects peak, February 6, but on Friday, February 5, too.

Then, on February 23, when Pluto meets with the Sun, your ruler, you will have an excellent day to generate business with a new client or to win a lucrative new job or freelance assignments. It appears you will be dealing with a very high level client - or you should be!

Things will be heating up even more, as you get to month's end.

On February 27-28, you will have an even more exciting day for financial developments, for that is when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun, marking the luckiest two days of the year! You are RULED by the Sun, so it's even more fortunate for you than it might be for most signs. This time, money (or a valuable gift or prize) could come to you. Sometimes luck comes in ways you would never expect, so just open your window and watch for something to fly in!

This will be a weekend, but most people do business during the week. You will find that Friday, February 26, should be amazingly lucky too, and the runner up day, Thursday, February 25. Use these days for an important initiation or launch, or for a special meeting, interview, presentation, or audition. This is your time, dear Leo!

Adding to the energy of this very powerful and rare five-star aspect at month's end will be the full moon, ironically falling in Virgo and lighting your second house of personal income. Talks about a deal or settlement may now reach a final stage, but this week of the month seems so very positive, I can only imagine that you will be pleased with the results. Pluto will be in the perfect place in the sky to send support to that moon, suggesting a chance to reinvent or rebuild yourself or your finances.

You are also fortunate in that Mars is in Leo. I admit, the fact that Mars is retrograde right now doesn't always feel all that lucky. Mars is in sleepy mode now, and with the Sun moving into the opposite side of your chart, your critics have been assertive and quite vocal. They know you've been a little vulnerable and they are taking the opportunity to pipe up. Let them.

What they don't know is that you are about to make a big comeback at month's end - at the start of the month the Sun will be 180 degrees away from your natal Sun, as far away as possible as he can be from Leo, so it's your "winter." If you have felt that others have not been as supportive as they could be, well, just wait. At month's end the Sun will have looped around and started his journey back to Leo, a place he will reach in late July. But by month's end the Sun will be in Pisces, and with each passing week, from now on, you will gain in strength and control. Let's not forget either that very soon Mars will awaken in Leo on March 10. The picture that is shaping up is very positive!

In the meantime, take this opportunity to be cooperative and conciliatory. The new moon on February 13 will light your house of partnership efforts, and the same house also rules serious commitments, marriage, and partnerships of a business nature. I will talk about the romantic side of this new moon in a minute, but keep in mind, too, that you can work with people in a team situation now and be quite effective.

Neptune will be prominent at this new moon, so make sure if you sign any key business papers from February 13 onward that 1) you ask a lot of questions first to make sure you aren't being carried away with enthusiasm of the moment, and 2) try to sign papers later, if possible, near February 25-28. If you cannot wait that long, then choose February 13-16, almost equally strong.

Actually, on February 16, you may see an exciting development for your career! You have been saying to yourself that you could use a blast of professional luck, and actually, this will be a big one! Venus will conjoin Jupiter on your behalf on that day, although there is a little elasticity to this day, and you may hear good news one day earlier, February 15.

Venus governs your tenth house of fame and honors, so Venus' meeting with Jupiter on February 16 suggests you will be singled out for a new job, promotion, praise, or publicity. Your good fortune will have been earned and based on achievements you made earlier. This should be a red-letter moment for you, and your work appears to have come to the attention to some very high level people. Good! This day seems to be more about career and acclaim than money, but hey, I am sure you'll take it!

Adding more oomph to the picture is that Venus will ALSO be in perfect angle to Pluto, peaking on February 15 and 16 too, linking your houses of money and work assignments. Wow, when you are hot, you're hot!

Use February 15 and 16 for any sort of career initiative. It's possible you may get a surprise phone call, too! You may want to wear your favorite outfit to work on February 16 - all eyes may be on you at the office! In fact you may need to be on TV or in another high profile situation that day!

This is a month that holds Valentine's Day, and of course, you will want to know how things will work for you. Dear Leo, again, you have a dazzling outlook! The new moon of February 13 will fall in your marriage house and combine Neptune, planet of dreams and inspiration. This could be a truly magical time for you, when you both decide to get engaged or married on Valentine's Day. This energy will be in place for two weeks.

I would be remiss if I didn't add the slight note of caution about Neptune's tendency to sweep you up in the enthusiasm and magic of the moment. As long as you aren't planning to elope to the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas with a person you just met, I think you will be fine. As a friend once said to me, "Never sign a contract in the light of neon." I always laugh when I think of it. It could be the name of a country song, couldn't it?

If you know your sweetheart well, and you're in love, go right ahead - you have an enchanting month to celebrate your love! This would be the most likely month for you to make plans for the future together, for you will have the support of the new moon (powerful through the whole second half of the month) and the optimism of Jupiter contacting your Sun. You are seeing more money arrive - all in all, the picture is brighter than you've seen in years.

As you enter February, you are coming off an important full moon in Leo and you'll be feeling centered and ready to make a few announcements.

Before you do, keep in mind that you still have Mars in Leo, and that's a big advantage, but Mars is still sluggish, for it is orbiting in retrograde. This means you need to reconsider a few recent actions and fix any relationship or course that has come off the rails. Use your time this month to sharpen your plans and to rethink assumptions. Once Mars goes direct in Leo on March 10, you won't have a moment's rest. It will be go, go, go - be ready!

Valentine's Day, February 14, may work out to be sexy and sweet. With Venus so close to Jupiter in your "touch me, hold me" sector, this could turn out to be the most romantic and affectionate day for lovers that you've seen in ages. If you have a partner, this is great news!

If you don't have someone, gather friends together who also don't have dates and come up with an idea of how you can help to recommend people to each other. Your romantic prospects glow after March 10, so don't be blue.

For those who are attached and dating seriously, you seem ready to form an important, serious relationship. That will happen on or just after the new moon, February 16 (plus two weeks). This could mean you're getting engaged or married! If this should prove true for you, with this moon contacting Neptune, you'll be walking on air and quite happy about merging energies with this dear person.

Whether you are linking for love or business, make sure you have your eyes wide open. Sometimes when Neptune is involved, you may become carried away with the feelings and spirit of the moment, but not look closely enough at what you are really entering into before you leap. If this alliance is for love, however, it surely looks to be a very glamorous time to discuss your future together. The days that lie ahead appear to be like a collection of glittering scenes from a romantic movie - a movie you will star in soon.

Now let's turn to your finances. For years, money has been tight for you, and try as you may to control them, you've been beset with many unexpected developments involving your finances. The area of your chart that has been the most problematic was the eighth house of credit and debt, but the difficulties you faced might not have been of your making. Someone near might have let you down, leaving you to cope as best you could. You may have tried to fix your income shortfall by finding better paying work, but securing more pay proved to be harder than anticipated. Your employers were trimming back, and lucrative jobs were getting harder to find. Now all that changes, and you will see solid evidence that the tide has finally turned to your favor.

Keep your eyes on your very best day of the month, and possibly the best day of year, February 28, when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun, your ruling star. On this day, or two days prior, February 26, you should see an influx of cash, or at the very least, news that it will soon arrive. It's a joyous day, so use the money that arrives to your best advantage.

In truth there will be another positive set of days for fattening your wallet, and those will arrive Februarhave Jupiter about to make a key call to Pluto on your behalf. Yes - on the same day! This day is as powerful as it is rare! Whenever Jupiter and Pluto are talking together, you can be sure financial success is around the corner. All aspects have a tolerance of a day or two area of influence, so in this case, you will feel things perking up not only on the day that these two aspects peak, February 6, but on Friday, February 5, too.

Then, on February 23, when Pluto meets with the Sun, your ruler, you will have an excellent day to generate business with a new client or to win a lucrative new job or freelance assignments. It appears you will be dealing with a very high level client - or you should be!

Things will be heating up even more, as you get to month's end.

On February 27-28, you will have an even more exciting day for financial developments, for that is when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun, marking the luckiest two days of the year! You are RULED by the Sun, so it's even more fortunate for you than it might be for most signs. This time, money (or a valuable gift or prize) could come to you. Sometimes luck comes in ways you would never expect, so just open your window and watch for something to fly in!

This will be a weekend, but most people do business during the week. You will find that Friday, February 26, should be amazingly lucky too, and the runner up day, Thursday, February 25. Use these days for an important initiation or launch, or for a special meeting, interview, presentation, or audition. This is your time, dear Leo!

Adding to the energy of this very powerful and rare five-star aspect at month's end will be the full moon, ironically falling in Virgo and lighting your second house of personal income. Talks about a deal or settlement may now reach a final stage, but this week of the month seems so very positive, I can only imagine that you will be pleased with the results. Pluto will be in the perfect place in the sky to send support to that moon, suggesting a chance to reinvent or rebuild yourself or your finances.

You are also fortunate in that Mars is in Leo. I admit, the fact that Mars is retrograde right now doesn't always feel all that lucky. Mars is in sleepy mode now, and with the Sun moving into the opposite side of your chart, your critics have been assertive and quite vocal. They know you've been a little vulnerable and they are taking the opportunity to pipe up. Let them.

What they don't know is that you are about to make a big comeback at month's end - at the start of the month the Sun will be 180 degrees away from your natal Sun, as far away as possible as he can be from Leo, so it's your "winter." If you have felt that others have not been as supportive as they could be, well, just wait. At month's end the Sun will have looped around and started his journey back to Leo, a place he will reach in late July. But by month's end the Sun will be in Pisces, and with each passing week, from now on, you will gain in strength and control. Let's not forget either that very soon Mars will awaken in Leo on March 10. The picture that is shaping up is very positive!

In the meantime, take this opportunity to be cooperative and conciliatory. The new moon on February 13 will light your house of partnership efforts, and the same house also rules serious commitments, marriage, and partnerships of a business nature. I will talk about the romantic side of this new moon in a minute, but keep in mind, too, that you can work with people in a team situation now and be quite effective.

Neptune will be prominent at this new moon, so make sure if you sign any key business papers from February 13 onward that 1) you ask a lot of questions first to make sure you aren't being carried away with enthusiasm of the moment, and 2) try to sign papers later, if possible, near February 25-28. If you cannot wait that long, then choose February 13-16, almost equally strong.

Actually, on February 16, you may see an exciting development for your career! You have been saying to yourself that you could use a blast of professional luck, and actually, this will be a big one! Venus will conjoin Jupiter on your behalf on that day, although there is a little elasticity to this day, and you may hear good news one day earlier, February 15.

Venus governs your tenth house of fame and honors, so Venus' meeting with Jupiter on February 16 suggests you will be singled out for a new job, promotion, praise, or publicity. Your good fortune will have been earned and based on achievements you made earlier. This should be a red-letter moment for you, and your work appears to have come to the attention to some very high level people. Good! This day seems to be more about career and acclaim than money, but hey, I am sure you'll take it!

Adding more oomph to the picture is that Venus will ALSO be in perfect angle to Pluto, peaking on February 15 and 16 too, linking your houses of money and work assignments. Wow, when you are hot, you're hot!

Use February 15 and 16 for any sort of career initiative. It's possible you may get a surprise phone call, too! You may want to wear your favorite outfit to work on February 16 - all eyes may be on you at the office! In fact you may need to be on TV or in another high profile situation that day!

This is a month that holds Valentine's Day, and of course, you will want to know how things will work for you. Dear Leo, again, you have a dazzling outlook! The new moon of February 13 will fall in your marriage house and combine Neptune, planet of dreams and inspiration. This could be a truly magical time for you, when you both decide to get engaged or married on Valentine's Day. This energy will be in place for two weeks.

I would be remiss if I didn't add the slight note of caution about Neptune's tendency to sweep you up in the enthusiasm and magic of the moment. As long as you aren't planning to elope to the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas with a person you just met, I think you will be fine. As a friend once said to me, "Never sign a contract in the light of neon." I always laugh when I think of it. It could be the name of a country song, couldn't it?

If you know your sweetheart well, and you're in love, go right ahead - you have an enchanting month to celebrate your love! This would be the most likely month for you to make plans for the future together, for you will have the support of the new moon (powerful through the whole second half of the month) and the optimism of Jupiter contacting your Sun. You are seeing more money arrive - all in all, the picture is brighter than you've seen in years.
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