
Susan Miller每日星座运势 2.1- 2.7

7 5551
Monday February 1, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
Interesting changes at your place of employment may continue to unfold today, along with developments in other public activities. You may feel the effects indirectly through business partners or your significant other. Your main interest in these new situations could be financial, but adapting to the changes could be challenging. Your best approach will be to support your business associates and partner. The extra attention and empathy you provide now likely will be deeply appreciated

Taurus April 20 to May 20
An air of confusion may take hold of your workplace today. Rumors might be started by someone who feels unfairly treated or who believes that undeserved treatment will soon begin. Individuals in positions of authority might be unable to dispel the rumors, but you may have the ability to set any misunderstandings straight now. The stars hint that you and your co-workers are in exceptionally strong positions with regard to your organization now. Evaluate the positives to find the positives.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Today, you'll likely make an important decision that will have long-lasting consequences. Your relationships with business and personal partners may be involved, as well as any joint financial arrangements you currently have with them or the organizations they work for. Your choices might between risky and non-risky investments. You might be far more conservative in these matters than your optimistic associates or significant other. Happily, there is room for compromise, and you might find the middle ground.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Your moon ruler in your communication and transportation sector today makes this the time to write, give presentations, provide instruction, or make local sales contacts. All commercial activities likely will be successful now, so shop on your lunch hour or after work. Later, you might visit relatives, your child's school, your library, bookstore, or health-food market. Once home, the busy day of phone calls and emails could continue. Your main goal now may be to gather enough information to make an important judgment.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Mars in Leo might cause you to draw fire from family members today, so weigh your words carefully if you are around nervous or irritable relatives. Your working relationships, however, should be excellent now: the stars suggest that you've formed a strong alliance with your employer and business associates. One of your primary tasks now may be to soothe others' irritations. You can be the voice of authority to which others will listen, so use your excellent diplomacy skills to bring peace to your workplace.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
The stars suggest that you might benefit from more leisure activities. Begin by enjoying the company of friends and co-workers today. A few hearty laughs over lunch could set a happy tone for your afternoon. After working hours, children will be spirited and delightful - and they may put a big smile on your face, too. Your goal today should be to indulge yourself in a form of recreation that is pure pleasure.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You'll launch a busy week today, and it may be one of your most creative of the month. You will have an important message to relate through your work, and you can do it now in a most original way. You might have a humanitarian cause that you wish to promote or one that is related to children, education, or the arts. To do this, you might need to hold conversations with groups of talented people. One individual who is already in the limelight could become your mentor.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Today, you might revive your interest in your career or public life. You may be building a home-based business, remodeling your home, or caring for a family member now, which could divert your attention from your occupation. The stars suggest that you will have less focus on your job until the middle of next month, when you will be able to focus more completely on your work. Reassess your long-term career goals, and discuss your future plans with a close friend.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your employer may be close to experiencing a financial situation that could impact you indirectly. You may learn some of the details today, but most of the important details should be known by the end of this week. It's also possible that one of your parents may have a similar but not identical situation. Because your Jupiter sign ruler is exceptionally strong in Pisces now, the stars hint that you'll manage any personal inconveniences easily - and you may benefit in the long run from them.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You're likely to feel self-confident and in charge of your destiny today. You may be in the process of detaching from existing business or personal relationships and replacing them with new ones. You will meet the usual challenges at work successfully when you are patient with others. You likely will be in tune with the public now and will have a deep understanding of how to provide products or services that meet their needs.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Although they always have been loyal, your closest friends likely will become a great emotional resource for you. Today, it's possible that you will benefit from the time, talents, or services of your favorite people - those on whom you can depend to help you move or to feed your pets while you're on vacation. Now, they may become your cheerleaders as you involve yourself with the latest work project or when you take on new responsibilities.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Today, you may contemplate the significant life changes that your friends and co-workers have experienced recently. Perhaps you've been the strong one in your social group, the one on whom others depend to be a focused listener and to give sound advice. One of your favorite companions or associates may need your words of wisdom now, so continue to be a reliable resource. Your upbeat messages will do much to lighten the mood of someone close to you.
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Tuesday February 2, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
Even a brief contact will help you to fortify a relationship. You will be able to converse with at least one person whose opinion you value, even if that means putting your personal agenda aside temporarily. At the same time, if someone continually knocks on your door, you will need to set limits. Your challenge for today will be to do so while enjoying the company of the people who will seek you out.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
Now that Saturn, the lord of discipline, is in your work zone, you will want to become as organized as possible. You certainly will succeed in doing that today. As the moon conjuncts Saturn, you will feel determined to accomplish tasks. Also, over the next few months, you likely will come to love having a well-balanced workout at the gym. If you have always been someone who exercises irregularly, now is the time to change that.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
Today, tune into the fun-loving side of your nature. With the moon and Saturn in your house of recreation, introducing an element of structure into your play will be to your advantage. That might mean, for example, joining a sports team or a choir. It could also mean setting up a schedule for a creative undertaking. Saturn may be a tough taskmaster, but it will help you to turn a fantasy into a reality.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
A parent or other older female relative may seek you out, not to criticize you but to discuss an important issue with you. This could be a rite of passage in which you feel recognized as an adult and valued for your insight and experience. This also will be an excellent day for attending to other domestic matters, such as making repairs or visiting family members. On a day like this, family will come first.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Do you have a list of messages you need to answer, emails that require a response, or cold calls you have been meaning to make? If so, you can look forward to a busy and productive day. You will easily connect with people, and the conversations, including those centered on serious topics, will be amiable and to the point. Also, if you have felt blocked on a writing project, you will have a breakthrough now.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Whether you work in a traditional office, at home, or in any other environment, work will become your main focus now. A plum assignment could come your way midmonth, but meanwhile, you will have a chance to complete a previous commitment and to demonstrate your ability to work with grace, including paying your bills or figuring out a budget. That may not sound like fun, but it will benefit you in the long run.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Saturn, the planet of perseverance, may present you with fresh responsibilities and hard work, but it also will encourage you to concentrate on those projects on which you should focus and to try new methods for achieving those goals. Today, as the moon in Libra links up with Saturn, you will be patient and effective. If there is something you want to do that requires an extra dose of courage, do it now. You will be able to accomplish it.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Today, your obligations and responsibilities come first - no time for staying in bed and pulling a blanket over your head. Still, a yoga class, a meditation, or any other way of acknowledging your spiritual side will clear the cobwebs from your mind and help you to prepare for the rest of the week. Soon, the moon in Scorpio will empower you to take action, and you will make an impact.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Over the next few months, a friend or acquaintance, possibly someone who is significantly older, will be available to offer guidance or to assist you. You may be emboldened to accept a leadership position in an organization. If that happens, there likely will be challenges, but your efforts will surely be recognized. As for today, if you need (or want) to communicate with others, you can expect a sociable, enjoyable day.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your ambitions may seem as strong as your insecurities, a consequence of a conjunction of the moon and Saturn in the most public part of your chart. Yet your success has been apparent to everyone, and as a result, your duties are likely to increase. Over the next two years, the praise that comes to you will be fully earned. If a salary discussion seems to be going nowhere, don't fret. Negotiations will move forward in the spring.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, is in your higher-education sector, making the next two years an ideal time in which to return to school. Although doing so will be demanding, it will be one of the most satisfying uses of this transit. Right now, as the moon meets Saturn, you may want to think about the possibility of getting additional training. It could catapult you to a whole new level, now and in the future.
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
As the moon and Saturn connect in your house of rebirth, you may be in an introspective mood. Indeed, that could be true right up to February 18, when the Sun enters Pisces. During this valuable period, you will have an opportunity to reflect on your direction and aspirations. With Jupiter, the bringer of abundance, in Pisces all year, you can make amazing strides, especially if you have defined your goals. This quiet time will serve you well.
发表于 2010-2-1 09:11:47 | 只看该作者

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Wednesday February 3, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
This will be a spectacular day to spend time with friends or to attend a social gathering. The moon will be in your seventh house of partnership and at an angle to Venus, the planet of love and harmony, now in your eleventh house. You'll be popular if you attend a party or event, as this aspect will not only draw people to you but will allow your finest qualities to be highlighted.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Expect a productive day at the office, a day when you'll feel valued by all of your co-workers. The moon will be in your sixth house of service, which is typically a placement that causes you to focus heavily on work. Today, the moon will align with Venus, your ruling planet, now in your career sector. You do great work, and today, a female supervisor likely will validate your efforts.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Today will be a day for romance. The moon will be in your fifth house of true love all day and will link up to Venus, the planet of love, now in your ninth house of expansion. You and a partner may decide to book a trip together, or you may sign up for an exciting learning adventure. Whatever you decide to do, both of you will surely enjoy each other - and the excursion.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
This could be an opportune day to deal with real estate matters. The moon will be in your fourth house of home and family, which typically is positive for real estate issues or family. Today, the moon will be at a friendly angle to Venus, the planet of money, now in your eighth house of shared money. You may hear news about a mortgage, or there may be money coming to you from a relative.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
You could receive a heartfelt note from your partner today. In fact, it will be a good idea to send one to express how much you appreciate the one you love. The moon will be in your third house of communication all day and will connect favorably to Venus, the planet of love, now in your partnership sector. Today will be favorable for expressing your love for someone special.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
The moon will be in your second house of earned income and talents today, highlighting your security needs. Because it will be at a gorgeous angle to Venus, the planet of money, now in your work sector, you could receive an opportunity to do additional work for extra pay. It's also possible that you will feel your self-worth soar, as a co-worker will give you an exceptional compliment.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
The moon will be in your first house of self and personality today, which tends to indicate an energy that has you wearing your heart on your sleeve. Luckily for you, it will be an incredibly fortunate time to let your feelings known. The moon will engage love planet Venus in a magnificent link, and this will boost all romantic feelings and sentiments. With Venus in your fifth house of romance, you can expect an enjoyable date night.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Quiet moments at home will be savored. Expect to have a delicious opportunity to enjoy peace and harmony with relatives. The moon will be in your twelfth house of solitude and will be at an angle to Venus, now in your fourth house of home. Your feelings of love and compassion toward your family will be magnified, and this will contribute to a more positive family bond.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
This will be an ideal day to schedule a speech or to convey your ideas to a crowd. The moon will be in sociable Libra and will connect favorably to Venus, the planet of harmony, now in your third house of communication. This energy will be outstanding - others will not only listen to your words, they will be appreciative. And you will feel admired and charming.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
The moon will be at the top of your chart today, indicating the potential for incredible career opportunities. You may receive a reward or recognition, as the moon will be aligned with Venus, the planet of money and beauty, now in your second house of income and self-worth. Your talents surely will be noticed by the boss, and you will have even more ability than usual to captivate authority figures.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Your level of optimism today will be sky-high. The moon will be in your ninth house of expansion, which tends to help you to be optimistic. Today, the moon will also connect to Venus, the planet of harmony and beauty, now in your first house of personality. Your enthusiasm and zest for life will be obvious to all around you - even better, it will be contagious, bringing joy to everyone.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Your instincts will be razor-sharp, and you will have incredible insight as you analyze a dream or spend time alone, listening to your inner voice. The moon will be in your eighth house of transformation and will be at a spectacular angle to Venus in your twelfth house of the subconscious mind. Additionally, you will have exceptional healing ability today and will be able to assist someone who really needs your help.
发表于 2010-2-1 09:11:55 | 只看该作者

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Thursday February 4, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
The moon will embrace Jupiter in a fortunate link to expand happy thoughts and feelings. In your case, it will also expand your benevolent spirit and the ability to use your creative talents in a way that can help to heal others. The moon will be in your eighth house of transformation and Jupiter will be in your twelfth house of compassion. It will be a great day to plan a charitable event.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
A spouse or partner might come to you with an exhilarating opportunity today. The moon will be in your seventh house of relationships and will link up in a fortunate way to Jupiter, the planet of luck, in your eleventh house of groups and goals. It's possible that your partner will introduce you to someone who has the ability to take one of your visions to the next level. How exciting!

Gemini May 21 to June 20
You can expect a fantastic day at the office. The moon will be in your sixth house of work and service and it will embrace Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in your career sector. It's possible that a VIP will be inspired by your ability to share the bigger picture with everyone else on your team at the office. Thinking big is sure to get you ahead!

Cancer June 21 to July 22
This could be a day filled with adventure and romance. The moon will be in your fifth house of true love and fun, which tends to put your emotions in a happy place. Lucky for you, it gets even better since the moon will be at a fortunate angle to Jupiter, in your ninth house of expansion. A sweetheart might propose an exciting vacation or retreat together. Make it count!

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
This will be an ideal day to discuss long term financial matters with an elderly relative or your spouse. The moon will be in your fourth house of home and family and will create a positive link to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your eighth house of shared resources. Real estate matters will be favored as well as planning for your future. Go for it!

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
If you're a writer, this could be an ideal day to secure an agent or someone else interested in your work. The moon will be in your third house of communication and will connect favorably to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your seventh house of partnerships. You'll have an incredible ability to collaborate and speak to any potential business partner with enthusiasm. Your ideas are sure to be well received. Wonderful!

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You're likely to feel valued at the office in a magnificent way! The moon will be in your second house of self-worth, which tends to highlight security needs and an emotional focus to create greater fulfillment by using your gifts. Today the moon will be at a fine angle to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your workaday sector. You may even receive an offer for an extra assignment that could bring more income your way!

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
This could be an incredible day for romance! The moon will be in your first house of personality, which will make it easy for you to demonstrate feelings and sentiments to a sweetheart. Since the moon will also link up to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your fifth house of true love, the day will likely be filled with plenty of candlelight and sweet conversation. It will be enchanting!

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
This will be an ideal day to use your imagination and cultivate an artistic project around the house. The moon will be in your hidden twelfth house, which tends to give an emotional need for solitude and reflection. Today the moon will link up favorably to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your fourth house of home and family. Domestic comforts and time spent in your own company will soothe your soul.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
The moon will be in your social eleventh house, which will help you to be more popular and charming in any group situation. Since the moon will also link up in a positive way to Jupiter, in your communication sector, it will be an ideal time to give a speech. You'll have an expansive ability to touch the heart of others since you will come across in a genuine way. Your words will be filled with optimism.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
This could be the perfect day to ask a VIP for a raise or plant the seeds of a possible promotion. The moon will be at the top of your chart, which is always a nice aspect to promote reward and recognition. Today however, it's even more astounding since the moon will link up to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your second house of earned income and talents. Enjoy your climb up that ladder of success!

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
The moon will be in your ninth house of expansion, which could give you an urge to travel or study a new subject. Since the moon will be at a fine angle to Jupiter in your first house of personality, it's likely that you'll be interested in having a philosophical discussion with a mentor or someone that you look up to. Your ideas and visions are exceptionally bright now. Be sure to share them!
发表于 2010-2-1 09:12:04 | 只看该作者

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Friday February 5, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
This might not be an ideal day to take any financial risks, although you might be tempted. The moon will be in your eighth house of shared resources, which does give you an exceptional instinct for business. However, today the moon will be at a tense angle to Mars in your fifth house of speculation. Mars will be moving retrograde, so it's possible that an old opportunity to take a gamble will be revisited. Walk away.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
It's possible that you will have some conflict to navigate at home with a spouse or partner. The moon will be in your seventh house of partnership and will rub elbows with Mars, the planet of energy, in your fourth house of home and family. A domestic squabble might need to run its course, but you'll be able to let off some steam and then move on. Remember what's important.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
It's possible that you and a co-worker will have a difference of opinion when it comes to managing time or a vital assignment that you're required to collaborate on. The moon will be in your sixth house of work and will be at a tense angle to Mars, the planet of assertion, in your communication sector. Edit your words before you say something in the heat of conversation that you might later regret. It's not worth it.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
This could be a day when you defend your value and personal talents valiantly. The moon will be in your fifth house of creative pursuits - however, she will be at a challenging link to Mars, the planet of assertive drive, in your second house of abilities. If anyone has tried to prevent you from expressing yourself artistically, you will finally stand up for your rights. Your artistic talent must be shown.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
You might feel as if you've lost a battle in a family matter. The moon will be in your fourth house and will rub elbows with Mars, the planet of action, retrograde in your first house of self. Retrograde Mars in Leo prevents you from pushing ahead with enough bravado. Because of this, it could be difficult to get your point across to a relative. Remember: Even if you lose the battle, you can still win the war.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
You might need to take some time away from the noise in order to hear yourself think. The moon will be in your third house of communication, which tends to give you a boost in emotional intelligence. Since the moon will also square off with Mars in your twelfth house, you may decide that you need to get things off your chest without confrontation. It will be a good day to write a letter to someone, spilling out your feelings.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You might be a little hypersensitive when it comes to a friend. The moon will be in your second house of self-worth and it will create a challenging square to Mars, the planet of drive, in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and goals. Emotions will run high today, so if you and a pal have had any troubles recently, this might be a time when things come to a boil. Try not to overreact.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
If you've been holding tension inside when it comes to a career matter, then you might finally release it. The moon will be in your first house, which tends to bring a greater emotional awareness. Today the moon will square off with Mars, moving retrograde in your tenth house of honors. You might need to vent your frustration about not being able to move ahead as quickly as you'd like now. Just know that "this too shall pass."

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
The moon will be in your twelfth house, which tends to give you a greater need to help someone in need. Today the moon will be at odds with Mars, the planet of energy, in your ninth house of expansion. It's possible that you will be a little short on faith and optimism when it comes to your charitable aspirations. Don't doubt your ability to make a difference. It's enormous!

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
It's possible that you'll experience some tension with a friend if you push him past his emotional comfort zone today. The moon will be in your eleventh house of friendship, which tends to give you more of a need to socialize. Today, however, the moon will be square Mars in your eighth house of transformation. Your urge to dig into emotional depths with a pal may be strong. But for your friend, it could be too close for comfort.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
A career matter will likely need your attention. There's the potential for some conflict between you and a business partner since the moon, at the top of your chart, will be square Mars, the planet of action, in your seventh house of partnership. Your associate might be concerned that you are trying to upstage him or her. Reinforce that you're simply trying to succeed - there's no harm in that.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Sometimes it's difficult to keep your opinions to yourself and usually that doesn't cause a problem. Today, however, it might. The moon will be in your ninth house of beliefs and will be at a tense angle to Mars in your sixth house of work. It's possible that you'll come across as self-righteous about your point of view to someone at the office and as a result cause some strife.
发表于 2010-2-1 09:12:13 | 只看该作者

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Saturday February 6, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
If you're a fan of foreign movies or cuisines from faraway cultures, prepare to indulge yourself, preferably with a new pal. Your chart is bubbling over with social energy, but you may not be inclined to hang out in the same old places with the same predictable folks. Something even slightly out of the ordinary will stimulate your intellect and calm your restlessness. Also, the moon and Mars, each in a fire sign, will offer support across the board.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Careerwise, you will be in a privileged position, thanks to Venus and the Sun, which will be lighting up the most public area of your chart. Your interactions with supervisors, community leaders, or other VIPs will go smoothly, and your hopes could start to manifest themselves. If you often collaborate, this would be an auspicious time for sitting down and discussing your plans. The more specific you can be, the more likely you will be to achieve your objective.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
The moon will be void-of-course for much of the day, which makes this a heavenly time for tying up loose ends and a less-than-stellar one for launching a new endeavor. Moreover, a stream of interruptions could reduce your efficiency. Rather than trying to gain control or worrying about everything you're not getting done, go with the flow. Also, with the moon in your relationship zone, a significant other or business partner will crave your attention. You may as well comply.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Kicking back would be wonderful, but given everything you have to do, it's not likely to happen. Instead, you may feel a burst of vitality, enthusiasm, and focus this weekend as the moon spins into Sagittarius. Soon you could be making a list, putting a final polish on at least one undertaking, and tinkering with two or three more. Will you find satisfaction? You will. But be sure to exercise. A brisk walk through a scenic landscape will revitalize you.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
As the weekend begins, you may find yourself thinking that nothing beats relaxing at home. But that may change. The moon's entrance into your recreation and entertainment zone could propel you out of your nest and into the world. Going on a date, taking in a show, devoting yourself to an artistic venture, or doing anything that makes you laugh will bring you joy. Don't let the weekend go by without having fun. It's a cosmic imperative.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
A link between Pluto, the planet of transformation, and Jupiter, the bringer of abundance, could electrify your romantic life. If you are part of a committed duo, this aspect could allow you to rejuvenate and deepen that union. If you are single and longing to meet someone special, you have every reason to feel encouraged. This could easily be the year, especially after Venus illuminates your marriage zone on February 11. Your efforts will be rewarded.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Running around doing errands or making phone calls may not sound thrilling, but you will find pleasure in the process. This will also be an ideal time to connect with a brother or sister or to invite a neighbor over for coffee. Plus, there's one more thing: If you are a party-giver, or even if you're not, consider hosting a gathering next weekend to celebrate a double holiday: Valentines Day and Chinese New Year, both on Sunday.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
As the lunar cycle winds down, you have a chance to complete a project with flair, particularly if it involves writing, and while you're at it, to nail a financial matter into place. On Thursday, Venus will join Jupiter, the symbol of luck, in your house of romance and creativity, making this an excellent time to concentrate on either area. A blind date, online dating, or a serendipitous real-life meeting could make this a marvelous year.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Contemplative, internal feelings of the past few days may evaporate as the moon enters Sagittarius, augmenting your determination and your confidence. You will feel more outgoing and will make a positive impression on others, but you need not cater to them. Indeed, if there is something you would like to do for yourself, the moment has arrived. Another cause for optimism: a harmonious tie between Jupiter and Pluto means that practical tasks will be a piece of cake.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
As the moon slips into your house of the subconscious, you will benefit from getting plenty of rest, being in tranquil surroundings, and acknowledging your spiritual needs. Solitude, yoga, and anything that puts you in touch with your intuition will soothe your soul. Volunteering, perhaps at a hospital, an animal shelter, or a nursing home, will also be in keeping with this transit. When the moon revisits Capricorn on Tuesday, your vigor will return in full.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
A relationship may not be moving in the direction you'd prefer, and you may be frustrated by your inability to prod things into shape. Actually, this slow period, a consequence of retrograde Mars, can serve a useful function by helping you to resolve a lingering issue in that association. Next week's new moon in Aquarius will encourage you to define your goals and take definitive steps toward accomplishing them. Meanwhile, mix and mingle. You'll have a great time.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
A friend or acquaintance could be of immense assistance to you. This person, probably not your closest companion, might be a member of your immediate circle, but he or she could also be someone you barely know or have yet to meet. By participating in a group, whether that means a regular Pilates class or a professional guild (or any other organization in alignment with your aspirations), you could meet a person who will transform your life.
发表于 2010-2-1 09:12:22 | 只看该作者

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Sunday February 7, 2010

Aries March 21 to April 19
Venus in harmony with Neptune can make for a pleasant day. Enjoy company or relax on your own. Monday could bring an unexpected addition to your schedule or, but at least it should make for a fast-paced day. Mercury's advance into Aquarius on Wednesday and the Venus advance into Pisces on Thursday can lighten your mood and the atmosphere around you, too. Saturday's lively full moon in Aquarius can keep you busy!

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Renew your spirit by taking time to yourself on Sunday. If you must shop, try to avoid the busier times of the day. Use Monday through Wednesday to get ahead and accomplish everything on your to-do list. Once Mercury advances into Aquarius on Wednesday, unexpected activities could crop up and distract you. You may find it is harder to reach people or to stay motivated on Thursday and Friday. Saturday's new moon in Aquarius should find you ready for anything.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Sunday can be a day to travel, shop, do brunch, or to simply give yourself license to do as you please. Monday could prove to be busier than you anticipate. Straightforward Tuesday could slip by before you know it. Wednesday can bring fresh ideas and people to meet, thanks to Mercury's advance into social and spontaneous Aquarius. Once Venus advances into Pisces on Thursday, you could find it more difficult to stick your rules, your budget, or your diet.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Make sure to keep your plans and projects simple on Sunday. It could be easy to take on more than you should. On Monday, a new consideration could need to be factored into the equation. You could find an answer, piece of information, a financial advantage, or a better way as Mercury advances into Aquarius on Wednesday. Once Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, you could gain piece of mind. Creativity, social enjoyment, and romantic prospects should get a boost, too.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Sports or outdoor activity could recharge you beautifully on Sunday. Then again, a day to indulge in romance, to play with the kids, or even to zone out could hit the spot quite nicely. Look for unique solutions, or start fresh again on Monday. On Tuesday, handle practical or office matters, book appointments, and work to organize your thoughts or your presentation. From Wednesday through Saturday, the new moon in Aquarius fires up the right time to talk, negotiate, promote, and to socialize more.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Family, travel, or a big project could wear you out on Sunday. Once you get to the end of the workday on Monday, you could feel like you have been on a marathon. From Tuesday forward, you should find a more comfortable pace. Mercury will advance into Aquarius on Wednesday, and Venus will advance into Pisces on Thursday. After Saturday's new moon, you should feel that you gain a fresh perspective and are more relaxed.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Exercise and fresh air can do you a world of good on Sunday. Retail therapy or catching up with friends could boost your endorphins, too. Monday can be best used to travel, promote, study, or plan ahead. On Tuesday aim finish what you've already started. By Wednesday, Mercury's entrance into Aquarius could see your love life or social life come alive again. On Thursday, Venus will advance into Pisces, so remember to boost your immune system and try to get extra rest.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
On Sunday and Monday, you could get completely consumed with a plan, idea, or dilemma. A flash of inspiration, clarity, or resolution may be found by the end of Monday. Tuesday can be a straightforward day to hash things out or just get them done. From Wednesday through Saturday's new moon in Aquarius, you are likely to make faster progress. Watch for fresh ideas and projects, new prospects to aim for, and a more lively social life to re-energize you.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
On Sunday and Monday, the Sagittarius moon can bring you cabin fever or energy to burn. Along with several planetary sign advances, the week ahead could deliver fresh stimulus or opportunity, or unexpected extras to deal with. Take each day as it comes and aim to stay a step ahead so that when new priorities take over, that you will be free to partake or to address them. From Wednesday through Saturday's new moon, spontaneous choices could prove to be among your best.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Staying out of sight could be your preference for Sunday. While you may want to do the same on Monday, your presence is likely to be not only required, but essential. On Tuesday, you are likely to find you have good control and command. Mercury's advance into Aquarius on Wednesday can put you in the mood to try something new. The move of Venus into Pisces on Thursday can make your compassionate heart more vulnerable to sweet talk or to people in need.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Sunday can be a fun day to socialize and to let others lavish you with attention. Through Wednesday, Venus in Aquarius can bring you added attention or favor. The added bonus of Mercury's advance into Aquarius at mid-week can continue your popularity run. Perhaps a new person, love interest (or one with potential) could capture your attention. Watch for Saturday's new moon in upbeat and social Aquarius to launch a busy few weeks.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
On Sunday and Monday, you may feel that you need to be on for others, even though you may have to work to put on the show. Still, the moon in Sagittarius suggests that you are likely to go over and above what is required of you. By Tuesday, you should feel that you have accomplished what you set out to do. From Wednesday through Saturday, you are likely to find that things ease up on you and that you can do the same.
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