
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2010年1月运势

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Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

You are not a materialistic soul, for ideas and concepts both ignite your imagination and spring you to action. This month, however, you will have to think about the more mundane world of money. This month brings two eclipses, one in Cancer and one in Capricorn, and together they will cause some sort of shifts in your income. Financial considerations won't be the whole story of January, however - there will be a surprise or two to delight you on other fronts, so stay with me. Let's go through the month in detail.

The first eclipse will arrive on December 31 or January 1, depending on what part of the world and which time zone you live in. The point of this full moon lunar eclipse will be to end a source of funding. The house involved in this event is your eighth house of other people's money, so if you have received monthly severance, child support, alimony, or steady investment capital from one source, for example, it appears this stream of money will now end on December 31, 2009, or January 1, 2010. Perhaps that was the agreement, and if so, you may now need to change certain lifestyle arrangements to reflect this financial change.

In the case of venture capital, you may now be busy drawing up a business plan to find funds from a new source. If you work on commission or have a licensing deal with another company, you will either change your arrangement with that company or leave and make a new agreement with another company, now or later.

Alternatively, if you've been in negotiation, say, over a divorce settlement, or in the division of property at the end of a business, then you may now settle the talks, once and for all. Or, if you've been battling an insurance company for a final payout, it appears you may have one now. As you walk down that long hall after you've given your final answer, you'll hear the door behind you click shut. You won't turn around to look back - this will be the end of it. If you owe money, it appears you will pay or make a final promise or binding deal.

Saturn will be in hard angle to this eclipse, so in the case of owing money or accepting a settlement, you won't have many options. You will have to work within practical perimeters. If you can revisit this issue later, it may be worth doing so, but for now, just keep as many options open as possible (as few as they may be).

If you would like to re-read last month's report where I discuss this December 31-January 1 lunar eclipse, you can go to the link on this report. The last month's report is always left up on Astrology Zone and you can always find the link below the summary but above my P.S. (my post script). For the simple way to find that link now, on a Mac, just do a Command + Find. For a PC, just do a Ctrl + F. In either case, search these words: "Previous Month's Forecast."

While this first eclipse will be about endings, the second one, January 15, will be about fresh starts and opening a new financial chapter. This will be a new moon solar eclipse, always considered favorable, and it is set to fall in your second solar house of earned income.

You may get a raise, new job, or freelance assignment that allows you to earn more money instantly. Uranus will send a lovely beam to this eclipse, suggesting a sudden breakthrough will come up to help you unlock a long-standing financial dilemma. Things could occur in a strange, almost weird way, or you could be the recipient of plain dumb luck. Remember, this would be money you earn, not money given to you or won, but you would have an opportunity to make some nice income, and that's always happy news.

It seems you've been thinking about money all year. On July 7 and 21 two financial eclipses came by in the same area of your chart. The problem back then was that Jupiter, your ruler and planet of financial gain, was retrograde and therefore weak. This time Jupiter will be strong, and that will give you a good chance to get things right this time.

Saturn, however, the ruler of your solar second house of earned income, is about to retrograde on January 13, so it may be a bit early to give your final answer. If you happen to be working on a massive financial deal, one that would involve hundreds of thousands of dollars - say, if you are starting a business or a new division of your company - then you will need to wait for Saturn to turn direct, May 31, before you finalize things.

For now, it seems that someone you know from the past will be effective in helping you find your new source of income. Everything seems a bit tentative, so don't rush into anything if you feel too many issues have been left open for discussion. Have faith that you are moving in the right direction.

Your company or investors may be in the throes of a vast financial restructuring too, and that may change the way your salary is calculated, how you can get approved for raises, and how commissions, bonuses, and benefits are calculated. Until the dust settles you may not know exactly how the new system will affect you.

A medical or dental matter may be on your mind this month too, such as surgery or dental work, but if so, Pluto's proximity to Venus should give you reason for cheer. Go for help while you have some very positive aspects to help you - namely, now! Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth, a good sign of a happy, even speedy, recovery. Saturn will be at hard angles to Pluto, however, underscoring the importance of following your doctor's advice to the letter.

The one area you can count on to become lucky for you will be real estate, including your home and other property. You will also have luck in regard to family support, which will be really substantial. This is because this month, on January 17, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Pisces and light your fourth house of home for the first time since 1998-early 1999.

This is very happy news for me to report to you because over the past few years, you have had to deal with Uranus, planet of volatile events, in your house of home and family. Some Sagittarians had to move more than once over the past years, for this proved to be one of your least stable parts of your life. Now, Jupiter is bringing in the militia to help you.

You won't likely see the effects of Jupiter in January, but you will in February and March, two of your best months of the year to see progress in home and family matters. This will be true for you whether you were born a Sagittarius, or if you have Sagittarius rising. (If you don't know what a rising sign is, it has to do with what sign was rising on the eastern horizon at the precise time of your birth. The rising sign can only be discovered by erecting a natal chart, but once you know the rising sign, remember it, for it will never change throughout your life. You should read for your rising sign and Sun sign each month here on Astrology Zone, but in any other horoscope or book you read, too.)

(Note: If you want more information on how to get a chart done affordably, we have a book that we print one at a time, for each individual reader who orders one, 64 pages in length. Just go to My Personal Horoscope for more information on the "adult" version (as opposed to the version for babies and little children). The cost is $49.95 plus shipping, and keep in mind that we can't sell this book to anyone else - it is custom made for you, has your unique chart in it, and your name is mentioned throughout.)

If you don't feel ready to buy, sell, rent, renovate, repair, get a mortgage or refinancing plan, or do anything else that is home or property related, you will have another window during the last week of August - but that window will be smaller and less attractive for these home and real estate matters. It would be wiser to investigate choices in February or March, even if you don't get to actually act on them until the full moon, August 24.

For example, you may find your dream condo apartment in February or March, and make an agreement with the seller to agree to terms now - but to finalize your move into the space at the end of August. Things could work out well for you that way, so if it is too early for you to act, think of this as a two-step process.

Now let's turn to something that appears to have been going on at a distance, perhaps in a foreign country or that involves a global matter. Mars has been lighting this part of your chart since mid-October, but as of December 20, Mars began to retrograde, and progress on that project on distant shores began to stall. Mars won't turn on his power until March 10.

Still, having said that, there will be news about this trip or international matter at the full moon, January 30, plus or minus four days. You may be taking a long trip at that time, or finishing a big assignment for a foreign country. Your book may be translated into another language, or you may complete a speaking tour in a foreign land.

This full moon will be conjunct Mars, indicating an active time. You may be traveling to take a seminar or class, attend a trade show, or you may visit your sibling.

If you are in college or hope to go to college, you may be taking an exam. If so, don't become overly worried - things look good for you to do well. The theme of learning, taking in information and giving it out, will be very strong at this point of the month.

Romantically, all the talk about money may make you feel a little less than in the mood for love. However, as you get closer to the end of the month, all that changes, and your mood will lighten and become much more relaxed. The tour of Venus in Aquarius from January 18 is good news. Love and travel are going to be linked again this month, but not for long, so take advantage of this lovely trend by spending a weekend away with the one you love. You may meet someone in a resort or charming town near your home, so you may plan a weekend away for a little R&R. Love could happen.

Romance will be best this month on January 2, 10, 16, 20, 21, 26, 30, and 31.

Month's end would also be the moment to spend a little time on your appearance. Next month - February - will be everyone's favorite, for it holds what I call the luckiest day of the year, the alignment of your ruler, Jupiter, to the Sun. It's due to be a glorious month! Get ready, dear Sagittarius!


The eclipse of December 31-January 1 brought a financial matter to a head. As you begin January you may still be thinking about how to best handle the matter. The eclipse that appeared directly on New Year's Eve lit your house of credit, mortgage, loans, and money others give you, by loan, through a legal or insurance settlement, or as a bonus, commission, prize, inheritance, or scholarship. If you did get a sum of money, you may still need to decide how best to invest or direct its use.

It also seems likely that money will go out. If so, you may feel drained by a check you will write in January's first week (or wrote on December 31). Finding a pipeline of money will be in the forefront of your mind. You are not materialistic by nature, but like anyone else, you can feel squeezed and motivated to find more.

A new source of income is likely to show up at the new moon solar eclipse, January 15, much to your delight. Best of all, it would be a new source of steady income that would revitalize your financial picture. Often an eclipse will ask you to forfeit one source to give you another, but have faith that the new job or client that is on the way will be far better than the one you gave up. The money you see would represent earned income, not money given, loaned, or won. Pluto and Saturn will be at odds, so be prepared to present your case clearly but forcefully, with passion. Pluto would expect nothing less.

Sagittarius has been under volatile home-and-family conditions for years. In fact, you may have had to move more than once, had difficult family questions to sort out, or had a steady stream of roommates come and go. If you still feel unsettled, you will love the new trend that will start up this month.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck is about to move into your home, real estate, and family sector on January 17 for a full year. (Jupiter will temporarily move out from June 6 to September 8 but be back in the fall until January 2011.) Soon you'll have your chance to find the perfect apartment or house for you or to make substantial improvements to your present space, on any level you please. Change your rug, renovate your kitchen, paint your bedroom, get new linens - the choice will be yours. When you are done you will feel as cozy as a puppy in clover when home.

You may spend a bit more than you had planned, but you will do so because the value of the choices you find will be so remarkable. You'll be smart to snap things up - your aspects will be simply sensational.

There is nothing like a distant, possibly foreign trip to send your spirits soaring. Within days of the full moon, January 30, you will likely be on the road again, humming a happy tune. Venus will be prominent at this full moon junction, so the people, scenery, accommodations, food, and your overall experience will be quite lovely. Mars will also send blessings, suggesting this will be a very action-packed journey, with many people to see and a plethora of places to go. No matter what your goals happen to be for your trip, whether for business or pleasure, with Saturn in perfect angle to the Sun, you will accomplish them in style.

You'll have a lot on your agenda in early January but will get into the mood for love once Venus moves into air sign Aquarius, January 18 and beyond. With Mars in Leo, this will be the ideal placement to support you - you'll feel excited and radiant, and you will be quite open to meeting new people. It would be a good time to refresh your look, for you'll be offered ideas from stylists and makeup artists that will have you turning heads in no time flat. In all ways, life is getting better, a fact you'll see as obvious by month's end.

Sagittarius Dates to Note

Huge changes in your cash flow are going on now. The eclipses are sweeping out the old and bringing in the new.

December 31 / January 1 may end a source of income. Don't worry.

January 15 may bring in a new way to make money.

Finding accord about money may be difficult due to Saturn in hard angle to Pluto until January 31.

Love and travel appear to be linked: all month.

Home, real estate, and family support all begin to become very lucky areas for most of the year, beginning: January 17.

A long distance trip will come up within four days of January 30.

Alternatively, you may take a seminar, set of classes, or even a major exam near the full moon January 30.

Romance will be best: January 2, 10, 16, 20, 21, 26, 30, and 31.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:13:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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YC53YC   顺便翻译下嘛
发表于 2010-1-2 21:01:39 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-1-3 19:36:14 | 只看该作者

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你不是一个享乐物质的灵魂灵感和观念思想一并燃烧你的想象力 发展你的行动力. 但这个月 你得考虑一下金钱咯. 这个月魔蝎座和巨蟹对你的收入有影响  钱不会是1月的全部 所以 1到2个惊喜会点亮你 所以我们一起探索!
发表于 2010-1-9 12:43:59 | 只看该作者

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不想看了都- -


此月要没爱 哎。。。
发表于 2010-1-9 12:49:22 | 只看该作者

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