

5 2050

Associated Rulerships: Sagittarius-Virgo

Discovered in 1977, Chiron is a planetoid, larger than an asteroid, but smaller than a planet, and there is currently discussion that it may indeed be a comet. Some astronomers believe that Chiron originated outside our solar system, and it is possible that it will leave again someday.

In mythological stories, Chiron came from another realm and left the human plane once he had completed his teachings. Chiron is considered a link between our solar system and the galaxy, the known (Saturn) and the unknown (Uranus).

Chiron was the son of Kronos (Saturn), and a nymph, Philyra. Fearing his affair would be discovered by his wife Rhea, Kronos hid in the form of a horse, and thus Chiron was born as a centaur. He was renowned for his teaching skills and the archery skills that were taught to him by Apollo. His students included Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius, who learned of medicinal herbs and surgery. There are various stories, but at some point, Chiron is wounded in the knee or foot by a poisoned arrow, and for all his knowledge, he is unable to heal himself. He is eventually transformed into the constellation Sagittarius by his father.

Chiron is often referred to as the "wounded healer". Chiron knows all too well human heartbreaks and sorrows like physical injury and emotional abandonment, and these themes are echoed in the lives of people with prominent Chiron placements. He is also a guide and teacher. Chiron transforms through self-understanding. Stressful placements point to limited understanding, dogmatic thinking, or spiritual unrest. Aspect to the planets associate an intuitive, higher knowledge with the activities of that planet, and can indicate blessings or lessons that often may only be realized by enduring stressful events.

The natal house placement reveals the quality of understanding about the soul purpose. Some of the most critical life experiences occur with the issues of the house that contains Chiron.

Chiron Square Chiron can occur at 5 and 1/2 to age 24.

This aspect prepares a person for sensitivity to the outer planets. There will be greatly transformative experiences, and this has been a time of activation or realization of psychic or spiritual gifts. The insight can be traumatic or frightening, but it later leads to positive psychic and spiritual transformations which may become apparent though later Chiron transits.

I know a psychic and astrologer who went through this transit at a fairly late age, in her early 20's. Looking back she says it was clearly the defining moment of her life, a time when she realized that everything she knew was false and she was forced through a deep and painful spiritual crisis. It was not until much later that she came to appreciate how much she had grown from the experience, and she now says she would not want to be who she was before that time. So while the experiences Chiron delivers can be painful, there is always more given in the end than is taken away - and the experience is highly transformational.

Chiron Return

Chiron returns to it's natal position at 50 to 51. If we attain awareness at the Chiron return, we are able to express the higher aspects of our natures, free of the emotional baggage of youth. Unfortunately there are many who cannot process these transformations. There is a dramatic shift in the number of deaths during this period, which some might call the "last gasp of the middle-age crisis". That's because some people are unable to reach their potential, because the fire of transformation is too great, and they burn out. The key to processing this return successfully is to welcome and accept and adapt to the changes Chiron demands in your life. The exact nature of this demands of course will be dictated by the house and sign placement of Chiron in your natal chart.

Chiron through the Signs and Houses

Chiron in Aries or the First House: Chiron in Aries is an exercise of self-discovery. You will often find the natives speaking of their spiritual quest, the need to find personal meaning in awareness and existence. Some cope with their early wounds by withdrawing, others over-compensate aggressively. While the latter group may be courageous trailblazers when there is a personal investment in the spiritual process, unless there are other spiritual aspects in the chart, their spiritual seeking rarely extends beyond a purely personal quest. There are associations between head wounds, headaches and other head-area injuries with an afflicted Chiron in Aries, but one should look to other aspects for confirmation.

Chiron in Taurus or the Second House: Chiron in Taurus seeks comfort from physical material, money and sex. They may have unusual sexual interests as a result of deprivation of appropriate physical affection or sexual abuse in early childhood. Sometimes they become teachers or counselors, with the subject of interest related in some way to the aspect of life they felt deprived of in childhood. They can be powerful teachers of the lesson of "self-worth" if they can overcome their own self-esteem issues.

Chiron in Gemini or the Third House: The nervous system, communication skills and ability to tap race consciousness are all keywords of Chiron in Gemini. There can be early injuries to the voice, or painful shyness that comes from an early problem with self-expression. You may find that the native with Chiron in Gemini takes their time with thoughts and words, because they want to be certain that they express themselves correctly. Later in life, they may express themselves with painful precision to over-compensate.

Chiron in Cancer or the Fourth House: This person feels like a fish out of water. They often express feelings of "otherness". Some joke about being adopted or being space aliens because they feel so different from their home and cultural groups. There can be indications of childhood abuse, abandonment by the father, and early childhood trauma, if other aspects support this, or there are hard aspects related to family. Chiron in Cancer can indicate difficulties in starting one's own family later in life. Some actively refuse to start families of their own because their early life was so insecure.

Chiron in Leo or the Fifth House: Like Chiron in Cancer, Chiron in Leo comes from another place. The influence of Uranus may make them identify strongly with the "otherworldly" mystique of science fiction. At some point, Chiron in Leo will face an ego crisis where they discover and draw the firm boundary of will and ego they need to survive. They can expect difficult Saturn Returns, because the experience completely breaks their ego down, and forces them to rebuild with a new sense of purpose. Grounding exercises and relaxation therapy can be helpful during periods of stress, and creative hobbies can also help. Strangely enough, many of these people will deny they have any creative skills, but talk to their friends and you'll discover a hobby or craft they should be giving more time.

Chiron in Virgo or the Sixth House: This is a tough placement for Chiron, because you have the "wounded healer" in a sign closely related to health and well-being, so naturally there are health issues with Chiron in Virgo. The precise manifestation can often be tracked trough the depositor or other aspects of the chart related to Virgo, Chiron or the 6th house. Stress and emotional reactions can aggravate health problems for these natives, and they have to be careful with diet and exercise. Those with hard aspects can also become compulsive workaholics who express their creative potential with kinky sexual behaviour.

Chiron in Libra or the Seventh House: This placement indicates some kind of wounding or rejection related to relationships. Because this person is sensitized to the emotions and reactions of others, they may be quite sensitive and even psychic. They definitely need to learn grounding principles, and need to demark strong boundaries between themselves and their loved ones to prevent or stop a cycle of codependency or abuse. Unfortunately, they tend to define themselves through others, through those they relate to, and they are often disappointed when others do not rise to their expectations. They may find art and past-life therapy to be helpful in their personal and spiritual growth.

Chiron in Scorpio or the Eighth House: The path of Chiron in Scorpio is somewhat akin to Dante's Inferno. The path to growth and life may come through repeated experiences with the great mysteries of life, death, birth and transformation. These are the powerful mystics whose inner visions dominate their life-path. They may have empathic and psychic abilities which are sharpened through experiences of profound insight. They may suffer deaths and losses when Chiron is adversely aspected, but each loss will be followed by benefits or insights that boost them to new levels of understanding.

Chiron in Sagittarius or the Ninth House: Chiron placed in Sagittarius indicates a wounding or break with the traditions or spiritual teachings in youth. These people find that life is one continuing spiritual crisis, and they are often on the edge of spiritual thinking. They can be drawn to atheism on the one side or fundamentalism on the other, but regardless of what they may say, they are passionate "believers" of one sort or another - they are almost never true agnostics. They are avid students and make excellent teachers.

Chiron in Capricorn or the Tenth House: Chiron in Capricorn is something similar to Sun in Capricorn, in that it emphasizes the strong need of this sign to strive for a prominent place in society or career. They may be workaholics to the point of obsessive dysfunction, because they feel so strongly motivated to justify their self-worth. This often betrays an early childhood rejection, possibly by the mother. Even when both parents are dead, this person can still be trapped in an obsessive desire to prove their worth. Unfortunately, if they don't eventually come to understand this motivation, they may never feel secure, no matter how many awards line their walls, no matter how much money they accrue.

Chiron in Aquarius or the Eleventh House: These folks may seem utterly other-worldly. They may be drawn to technology in order to feel comfortable, safe and accepted. They may avoid social interaction and feel uncomfortable in large groups of people, mainly because of peer problems in their youth, or because they seem odd or different to their peers. Social rejection makes them withdraw into only those groups of people who share their interests and concerns, and they currently find great comfort in the opportunities provided by the Internet.

Chiron in Pisces or the Twelfth House: It's a little hard to describe Chiron in Pisces, because the crisis it creates is on a level of "Universal Consciousness". There are often religious or spiritual crises related to this placement, because the native feels more connected to the spiritual or "God" level than to the physical or material plane. The native can be drawn to angelic imagery, and they are often psychic, empathic or exhibit healing ability. Depression and drug usage are a risk, because these individuals are so psychically sensitive. Working to help or heal others can be healing to this placement, but it can also be harmful if they are not sufficiently mature to handle dealing with the stress. The native can benefit from the study of psychic protection.

Aspects to Chiron

In the average chart, unless your client is actively involved in the psychic, holistic or healing arts, you are going to be looking at Chiron as an indicator of "early childhood issues" which affect and in some ways determine their physical and psychological well-being as adults. Chiron can be a bit of a "blind spot" with some folks and thus much be approached with tact and compassion. These are often sore-spots, and there can be outright denial or rejection if you get too close to the truth. The upside to Chiron is that when the placement is in relatively good condition, there can be something of a "blessing in disguise" energy related to Chiron. One could lose a job for example, then discover that they are in the perfect place to start a new business. Or, they could lose an abusive partner days before meeting someone they might have rejected previously.

Healing ability: A prominent Chiron can indicate healing ability. In general, the number of aspects between Chiron and the other planets indicates the degree of healing potential in a client, but you will find it is almost inevitable when Chiron is close to an axis-point, especially the Ascendant or Midheaven. Look at Neptune, Uranus and the sign where Chiron is placed to determine the over-all pattern of the client's healing skills.

Chiron - Sun: In positive aspects, Sun and Chiron combine to create harmony, empathy and understanding in the native. A positive self-image can be enhanced by beneficial contacts. The harsher contacts can bring out rage, anger and frustration stemming from a lack of self-worth or a blow to the ego. It can be hard for the individual to express their inner needs, ideas, and emotions when Chiron is adversely affected in transits. Positive Sun-Chiron contacts in the natal chart can indicate profound depth and a good self-esteem build at an early age. If the natal Chiron has stressful aspects, they can find that the years before mid-life are difficult, that they have to struggle to assert themselves. Their can be frustration and resentment related to their position in life.

Chiron - Moon: In the natal chart, a positive aspect can indicate a person who is extremely sensitive, empathic and mystical. "Boundary problems" are a big-time problem here, regardless of the supportive or challenging aspects. The degree to which this is a problem will be indicated by the aspects. Anyone with a Chiron-Moon placement should learn grounding principles and psychic protection. There can be indications of rejection by the mother if the aspects are challenging.

Chiron - Mercury: This placement, when positively supported, can indicate a highly developed mind, a sharp intuition, perhaps clairvoyant ability. Unless there are also positive aspects to Neptune or the Moon, however, this may not translate to healing ability. This is the realm of the mind rather than the heart. The native can tend to be a bit of a "know it all", and the degree to which this is a benefit or a drawback may be indicated by the number of supportive versus challenging aspects.

Chiron - Venus: This native approaches sexual and sensual experiences with a childlike charm and innocence that makes them incredibly attractive. When the two planets are in harmonious contact, a client might be having sexual or creative experiences which are out of the normal realms of social tastes, but are absolutely vital to their own personal development. There can be problems with sexual or gender identity when the two planets are not in harmony, and a challenging aspect can indicate physical, emotional or sexual abuse in childhood. These people become expert at "reading" the motives of other people, and learn to use their sexuality as a shield of protection.

Chiron - Mars: If you want to discover the true meaning of the old phrase "immovable object meets irresistible force", get in between this native and some goal they have in mind. This placement can be described as the sacred warrior archetype. They are not afraid to pick up the sword in defense of others, and can be drawn to military careers. Energy and intuition come together with a strong drive to take action, to accomplish demonstrable goals. In early life, they may feel that their personal desires were challenged continually, so they fight hard for their desires. They do not count on others to come to their rescue. These people tend to take on leadership positions, but can become dictators if the placement is challenging. If their desire to lead is thwarted, they can become bitter and petty.

Chiron - Jupiter: Chiron together with Jupiter lends itself to creative abilities and these people do tend to have something of a "magic touch", especially those with strong contacts to Leo or the 5th house. Excellent teachers and healers, they are bright, lucky and talented when the two planets aspect in harmony, but when they are stressed, the native is often challenged by their own high expectations for themselves and others. Religious and spiritual intolerance can become a problem as they tend to see their own beliefs as "universal".

Chiron - Saturn: Where were you in 1966? It was the year of Haight-Ashbury, a period of general stress in families and the greater social culture, and Saturn was conjunct Chiron. Chiron and Saturn is a tough placement regardless of the aspect. It often indicates problems with father and authority figures. The native may struggle to find their own place in the world as a result of abandonment or abuse during childhood. Society and culture at large can be viewed with distrust and suspicion. If the aspects are positive, and the native takes the time to learn about their own motivation, they can become powerful authority figures, teachers and leaders themselves. If they are unable to overcome the cynicism of the placement they can fall prey to bitterness and reject social contact altogether.

Chiron - Uranus: Individualistic, opinionated, energetic and constantly changing, these people can find it difficult to find a place within the greater social culture because they are so passionate, yet "otherworldly". Freedom-loving and independent, they find it difficult to settle down. They love to experiment, to innovate, and can be most at home in creative fields involving technology.

Chiron - Neptune: A stressful Neptune-Chiron placement can indicate that the native is, frankly, not living in the real world. They can often be quite aware that they are "professional daydreamers", and a career in the arts, television or film can be a positive expression of a good contact between these two planets. However, they can indicate self-deception and delusional thinking, drug and sexual abuse when they are strongly challenged. It is Neptune that will tell the astrologer where this client's "idealism", their dreams and desires, are strongest.

Chiron - Pluto: The native blessed (or cursed) with this combination is intense, dramatic, profound and deep. There can be deep and hidden scars from childhood that either strengthen or break the individual later in life. Stressed, there can be huge struggles throughout life, and there is a virtual certainty of some form of childhood abandonment or rejection. If you have this placement, there are two keys to healing: Know yourself, and find a way to turn your own pain into a tool to heal others.

Chiron - Nodes: This placement is strongly indicative of an important karmic lifetime. The native may exhibit strong interest in spiritual or holistic healing, and they are often powerful teachers and leaders. They may struggle in early life to achieve social acceptance.

Chiron - MC: Chiron placed in this position is a strong indicator that the native's career will have some kind of Chironic flavor. They can end up as teachers, healers or leaders. At the same time, they remain perpetual students (which may be one key to their frequent successes in such fields). The early career is mainly set back by feelings of low self-worth, which they overcome so they are stronger examples of the lessons they will teach.




发表于 2008-12-30 01:09:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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发表于 2008-12-30 01:10:23 | 只看该作者

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Associated Rulerships : Libra/Scorpio

Polarities: Intimacy/Manipulation

Juno is the "Divine Consort", goddess of marriage, revered for her loyalty and fidelity. Juno was known to the Greeks as Hera, from the roots he-era, "the earth", also translated as "lady", the feminine form of "hero". Her symbols are a peacock and rainbow, she holds a pomegranate in her left hand and a scepter surmounted by a cuckoo on the right.

According to the Romans, each man possesses an indwelling productive power, called his genius, and each woman had her "juno", her conceiving and bearing power. June is sacred to her, even today many women seek her blessing as "June Brides". Juno also governed the menstrual cycle. Juno symbolizes the principle of relatedness, the compulsion to realize a balanced union. She symbolizes the yearning for the "soulmate" union that is emotionally, sexually and psychologically fulfilling. When stressed, her symbol becomes that of suffering, jealousy and bitterness caused by the absence of deep spiritual and sexual union.

Individuals with prominent Juno placements express themselves through their primary relationship. In horary or mundane charts, she represents the mate, or those qualities we project onto the mate, or any other close one-to-one relationship. Along with an analysis of the 5th, 7th and 8th houses, she answers the question "What do I need in an intimate, committed relationship?"

By transit, Juno describes the timings for the inceptions of relationships as well as periods of crisis and separation. She governs the rituals of courtship, engagement, marriage, anniversaries and divorce.

In Synastry, Juno is one indicator of compatibility and karmic connection.

Juno in the Signs

Juno in Aries needs independence and freedom in relationships. Outbursts of temper and anger are the release mechanisms for the frustrated need for autonomy. The suppression of identity needs can give rise to illnesses such as migraine headaches. Attraction to a domineering and assertive individual is possible when one projects one's power onto the partner.

Juno in Taurus people need stability and groundedness in relationships. Nagging, complaining about money, and need to possess tangible assets can result from fears of abandonment and insecurity. They may possess these traits, or attract partners who express malcontent.

Juno in Gemini indicates the need for verbal stimulation and exchange in a relationship. A lack of daily communication can lead to tension. There can be a desire fore more than one mate.

Juno in Cancer people desire emotional closeness and nurturing from the relationship. Moody, withdrawn and clinging when these needs are not secured.

Juno in Leo needs admiration and excitement. The courtship must continue into the marriage, and they take pride in the partner. Being taken for granted, rejected, or ignored can produce egocentric selfish behaviour.

Juno in Virgo desires to achieve perfection in the relationship. A working relationship. May be overly critical and compulsive when the partner is unwilling to change.

Juno in Libra needs to feel an equal give and take in a relationship. Juno Libra becomes uncooperative, or combative when this need is not met.

Juno in Scorpio people crave emotional and sexual intensity and intimate bonding with the partner. There may be attempts to control the partner, or to desire exclusive attention. Jealousy, manipulation or sexual withdrawal can result.

Juno in Sagittarius individuals require intellectual stimulation with their partner. Consensus on a belief system or a shared vision of the future is required.

Juno in Capricorn people seek depth and the assurance of long term commitment and may need the security of traditional and legally sanctioned forms. They may be controlling or withdraw emotionally if their need for respect and security is threatened.

Juno in Aquarius requires the freedom to be an individual and have a life apart from the relationship. They may engage in non-committal, unreliable or erratic behavior.

Juno in Pisces people desire to realize their highest ideals through relationships. Complete faith, reverence towards/from the partner is what gives meaning and value. Martyrdom and victimization result when the idealistic expectations are not met.


Juno - Sun

The relating principle combines with identity and purpose. One's relationships tend to become a factor in personal identity. In relationship, the Juno individual tends to become wrapped up or lost in the relationship, losing personal identity to the Sun person, who usually is the leader of the two, depending on supporting factors in the chart.

Juno - Moon

The relatedness principle combines with emotional responsiveness. Need to express oneself through partnership. Stress, depression over the lack of a partner, or a partner who manifests as overbearing or overshadowing.

Juno - Mercury

The relatedness principle combines with mental expression. A partner may manifest as detached or cold, if s/he manifests at all. The person may be attracted to emotionless people as a balance or polarity to his or her deeply emotional expression, especially if the Moon is aspected as well.

Juno - Venus

The relatedness principle combines with the feminine principle of love and sexuality.

Juno - Mars

The relatedness principle combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. Sexual troubles, conflicts, ego-struggles in relationships.


The relatedness principle combines with the expansive urge. Idealized husband and wife.

Juno - Saturn

The urge to create a solid, realistic and grounded approach to relationships.

Juno - Uranus

The relatedness principle combines with individuality and intuition. The potential to revolutionize traditional relationships role models.

Juno - Neptune

The relatedness principle combines with the transcendent urge. Psychic sensitivity and idealism in relationships.

Juno - Pluto

The relatedness principle combines with the transformative urge. Deep personal transformation through a partnership.

Juno - Athene

The mental-creative combines with the relating urge. Using partnerships to enhance the creative process. Fatherly persons may manifest as friends. Stressed, conflict between creativity needs and relationship needs. The partner may place limitations on one's creativity and accomplishments. Early father complexes may be carried over into adult relationships.

Juno - Ceres

The nurturing principle combines with relationship needs. The partner or children may become the primary recipient of unconditional love and nurturance. Stressed, there may be disagreements with one's mate over childrearing, or issues and concerns surrounding parenting generally.

Juno - Chiron

An opportunity to heal natal issues surrounding the commitment urge. One may experience the loss, or drastic reassessment of a major relationship.

Juno - Vesta

The focusing principle combines with the relating urge. This combination suggests an evolutionary path that begins with the autonomy of the self and ends with a joining with others. The ability to make a serious commitment to another. They dedicate themselves to purifying and perfecting partnerships which often take on the form of sexually fulfilled, spiritual relationships. Stressed, a conflict between personal and relationship needs. These people may feel alienated from relationships, or feel isolated within them. Sexual domination or control may also be part of the interaction.

Juno - Nodes

The relatedness principle combines with prevailing social trends.

Juno - Asc

The relatedness principle combines with the outer expression of personality. This person will have a tendency to define herself by the kinds of relationships she experiences. In relationship, the Ascendant personality takes over the Juno personality, becase Juno identifies herself so deeply with the relationship, she becomes lost within it (In a very similar manner to Juno/Sun). There is a compulsion to assist the ascendant personality in any way possible to achieve his goals, even when that means sacrifice for the Juno personality. The ascendant is not likely to appreciate this assistance, taking it for granted as part of the relationship, and unless there are trines or sextiles to support it, resentments can build on both sides.
发表于 2008-12-30 01:11:24 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2008-12-30 01:12:24 | 只看该作者

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Vesta: The Eternal Flame

Known to the ancient Greeks as Hestia, Vesta is symbolized by the Virgin, who appears as the Virgin in the Virgo pictograph. The Romans worshipped her as goddess of the hearth and keeper of the sacred flame. Vesta is not the largest asteroid, but is the only one bright enough to be seen with the human eye. Vesta is composed of an unusual type of volcanic rock, caused by extremely high internal temperatures, that reflects a remarkable amount of sunlight. The vestal virgins were selected at the very early age and were permitted no expression of individuality or personality. There were severe consequences for loss of virginity: the vestal was buried alive in the "Field of Crime."

The preistesses of Vesta were also responsible for securing legal documents. Octavian was able to secure "Mark Antony's will, held by the Priestesses of Vesta". ("Anthony and Cleopatra" in Civilizations in History, by M. Dale Davis (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1986) p. 135

She had no iconographic representations and very little mythological drama associated with her. The gentle goddess never participated in warfare, conflicts, or love affairs, activities that were central to the mythology of all the other gods. When Apollo and Poseidon both approached her as suitors, she swore an oath of eternal virginity to avoid an Olympian war between them.

Hestia was placed at the prythaneum, the public hearth which contained the sacred fire. Women leaving home brought fire from their mothers hearths to begin their own, and Greek colonists brought a portion of fire with them to link them to the new homeland.

Because she was the first of the Olympians, the Greeks started a tradition that ceremonies and new enterprises would begin with an offering to the altar of Hestia. Her name was used to seal oaths and faithful dealings. If Vesta is well aspected in the birth chart we enjoy our work, and dedicate ourselves to achieving goals through hard work.

Following the Greeks, the Romans absorbed Hestia, and renamed her Vesta. The sacred responsibility of tending the flames fell to the priestesses of the goddess Vesta, the Vestal virgins. Admitted to the temple at age six, they took vows of chastity and celibacy which lasted for the duration of their 30 year service.

In the chart, Vesta can represent either sexual freedom or repression. Many individuals with prominent Vesta experience shame, guilt and self-denial over their sexuality. Vesta types need to find a balance that avoids the extremes of promiscuity and total repression. There is an association of sex with fear. Extremely high standards concerning sex, modesty and chastity. Most sexual couplings are seen as mundane, unfulfilling, even degrading. The inability to participate in ordinary sex generally results in not much sex at all.

The goddess Vesta represents the human capacity to commit, focus and concentrate. This can manifest as attention on a relationship, a mental subject, a vocation or the task at hand. Vesta is also devotion, purity and the sacred dimension of work and daily deeds, as in karma yoga, where all one's activities contain the significance of prayer.

Vesta will be prominent in the chart when it is conjunct the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Descendant, IC or Midheaven. Qualities of discrimination, productivity and focus will be emphasized. Work and work-related issues can be significant. The Vesta characteristics of focus, dedication and commitment to doing a good job often produce individuals who excel in their chosen areas: their work is their obsession.

Vesta types have the fortunate potential of being congruent with their work. Vesta needs to be compatible with its work like others need to be compatible with their spouses. Vesta people actually need to love their work, or at least to become completely absorbed in a satisfying subject or activity that consumes them. They like to organized their lives around their work and chores.

There is a spiritual quality to Vesta. This can manifest as devotion, asceticism, service and charitable activity. Yogic practitioners, ascetic clerics and devotees frequently have Vesta prominent. St. Teresa of Avila and St. Frances Cabrini both had Vesta conjunct the ascendant. St. Bernadette of Lourdes had Vesta conjunct the Descendant.

When Vesta aspects Venus or Juno, a woman may feel unable to love or relate meaningfully, adopting a false veneer of independence, claiming she doesn't need men while inwardly longing for a relationship. When Vesta contacts the Sun or Mars, a potential partner may be seen as brutal, tyrannical, demanding or manipulating. A stressful aspect may indicate someone who fears commitment.

Transits to Vesta signify those times when we need to retreat from the outer world to purify, replenish and reintegrate ourselves. These withdrawals often follow times when we have depleted our resources due to excessive involvement with people or events. This explains why Vesta transits point to relationship separations. When stressfully aspected in a chart, the personality may be unable to integrate itself, and remains depleted of energy. Infertility, barrenness or sterility are another response.

When transiting Vesta aspects a planet, it focuses the native's attention upon the issues that planet represents. A strong Vesta symbolizes a person who is centered in her own identity, and self determined in her activities. Vesta suggests the sacrifices one must make in order to follow a self-directed path. (Home, family, children, relationships, etc) One must be careful not to become a martyr. Vesta symbolizes the type of severe alienation that occurs when an individual becomes too absorbed in her personal quest.


Albert Einstein was a ripe example of Vesta incarnate. Modest and mild-mannered, he had Vesta conjunct the Ascendant in Cancer. He was a man totally consumed by his work. As early as age 12, he had committed himself to decoding the mystery of the universe. The object of his obsessive focus was physics, the scientific version of universal law. Theorizing on the nature of ultimate reality gave meaningful expression to his Pisces-Sag nature.

Einstein was profoundly committed to pacifism and worked with characteristic devotion on behalf of world peace. Vesta's instinct to provide refuge and shelter motivated him to support Zionism, which guaranteed a homeland in Israel to the Jewish people.

Vesta in Aries people work with a high degree of self- involvement. Motivation arises within the self, and these people work best on their own ideas. Strong independence needs may bring alienation if one becomes too self-centered.

Vesta in Taurus best focus energy by being firmly grounded in a stable space. Sexuality is based on the organic release of natural instincts, a pragmatic and accepting approach to sexuality.

Vesta in Gemini people focus their work ability through words and conveying information. Alienation can occur through getting so caught up in the words that the meaning is lost. Communication and mental interchange are important to sexually fulfilling relationships.

Vesta in Cancer people require the feeling of being needed in order to activate commitment. Emotionally hypersensitive, alienation can occur through withdrawal for protection sake. Sexual fulfillment comes from feeling loved and cherished.

Vesta in Leo people work best when allowed a creative free rein in their efforts. The capacity to have pride in one's work focuses the lens of aesthetic output. Alienation can result through "burning out" those in close proximity, excessive pride or arrogance. Sexuality can be inhibited if the reproductive energy is diverted solely to one's creative effort.

Vesta in Virgo emphasizes the work effort, the drive to be perfect fuels the need to concentrate and perform. A workaholic or overly critical attitude can alienate one from relating to others. Sex can be seen as a service to comfort the partner or as a duty. Because of the high degree of discrimination, these people can obsess on the imperfections of others.

Vesta in Libra people prefer to work with others rather than alone. They can still be extremely competitive. The need to be taken as an equal is important in sexual response.

Vesta in Scorpio expresses itself in an intense and penetrating manner. People with this placement seek depth and thoroughness in all their commitments. Sexuality is regarded as a peak experience to be had regardless of existing social taboos. On the other hand, these people may experience feelings of guilt, sin, and shame in sexual affairs which cause them to become sexually repressed or inhibited. Tremendous concentration and dedication are available for creative and spiritual endeavors.

Vesta in Sagittarius people focus best when they are working for something they can believe in. Alienation can occur if they become totally consumed with spreading or elaborating their own vision until there is no consideration for the beliefs of others. A high sense of adventure and truth seeking stimulates sexual receptivity, yet lack of honesty can undermine trust in a relationship.

Vesta in Capricorn individuals work best in a structures and disciplined fashion. The work is often motivated by personal ambition and drive to succeed. There can be excessive rigidity in the individual. The presence of commitment and honor in the relationship is needed for sexual fulfillment. Disciple is marked, these people can expect success by moving in the system.

Vesta in Aquarius individuals work best between through humanitarianism, social or political motivations. Alienation can occur through insufficient focus on the needs of loved ones. Sexual response is activated through the unusual, and one can engage in sexuality with friends on a nonposessive and noncommittal basis.

Vesta in Pisces souls can best focus their energy by serving others. Because of the defuse, scattered nature of Pisces, Vesta can point to a difficulty in finding a focus, or maintaining a commitment. This person can play the role of a martyr, and make others feel guilty for the suffering. One can serve to heal others through sexual interaction, or sublimate sexuality into spiritual realization.

Vesta - Sun

The focusing principle combines with identity and purpose. This combination indicates that one's work and sense of commitment has become a major part of life's purpose. A person who is self-identified and demonstrates a high level of personal integration. They avoid possessive relationships. Stressed, possible conflicts between work focus and life purpose, the inability to find a satisfying career, frustrations and denials in sexuality, and fear of intimacy and commitment.

Vesta - Moon

The focusing principle combines with emotional responsiveness. This combination indicates that one's emotional world may become the field of self-involvement and integration. A fertile nature, mentally and physically. A sympathetic understanding and emotional rapport in responding to a variety of sexual situations. They have a free and open attitude about sex. Stressed, alienation from one's own needs. Excessive emotional introspection may also occur. The resolution of these challenges lies in understanding and deconditioning socially imposed morality concerning sexual standards. Love and friendship come together in a powerful yet unusual moment with a mate or potential partner. You may feel you cannot bond sexually yet there is a powerful attraction you can’t put into words.

Vesta - Mercury

The focusing principle combines with mental expression. This combination emphasizes the need to focus one's thought and communication processes. A highly developed mind, research or the media. Stressed, communications difficulties, excessive mental introspection, poor concentration. One must clarify one's personal objectives and thoughts and eliminating mental baggage.

Vesta - Venus

The focusing principle combines with the feminine principle of love and sexuality. This aspect can indicate a self-determined and independent attitude concerning intimate relationships. The ability to integrate one's femininity with one's individual identity. There can exist a devotion to sexual expression and the sensitive understanding of feminine psychology. These people may also choose to sublimate their sexual expression into artistic expression or a spiritual path. Stressed may point to conflicts between independence/work needs and relationship needs, often resulting in alienation from people. This may manifest as psychological or physical frigidity, fear and withdrawal from intimacy, puritanical attitudes, or the opposite, promiscuity.

Vesta - Mars

The focusing principle combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. This combination emphasizes the ability too concentrate and direct one's energy at will. The ability to integrate autonomy and self-determination in intimate relationships as well as sensitivity and skill in sexual expression. The ability to sublimate sexual energy to a cause, the spiritual warrior. Stressed, depicts restrictions in the expression of masculine energies which can lead to physical or psychological impotence, to alienation from relationships.

Vesta - Jupiter

The focusing principle combines with the expansive/broadening urge. This can indicate enlargement and a social vision within one's field of dedication and commitment. These people possess the ability to focus on and synthesize the details of broad scale issues. The sexual force of Vesta may sublimated into the areas of politics, teaching, the ministry or spiritual devotion.

Vesta - Saturn

There is a focus of attention upon the urge to create form and structure. This combination can signify intensely focused and committed energies, an individual who possesses self-discipline, seriousness of purpose, and the ability to actualize goals and aspirations through dedication and hard work. Once realized, these aspirations, through dedication and hard work, are grounded in a solid secure foundation. Stressful aspects describe conflicts between one's personal needs and one's obligations towards others. The result may manifest either as an avoidance of commitment or as suffering under the burden of too much responsibility. These people set harsh standards of perfection for themselves and others.

Vesta - Uranus

The focusing principle combines with individuality and intuition. People with this combination have the potential to infuse original and universal impulses into personal dedication. A mind that can focus and concentrate on innovative and intuitive ideas. Stimulation of interest in scientific and occult studies. Stressed, conflicts between a desire to focus oneself, versus the desire for innovation and change. Rebellion from obligation or erratic behavior that thwarts relationships.

Vesta - Neptune

The focusing principle combines with the transcendent urge, a devotion to spiritual or artistic ideals. A depth of compassion that can lead one to participate as a universal world-server. A long term commitment to a spiritual path or a focused devotion to the fine arts. Some people may use sexual union as the means of experiencing Neptune's mystic unity. Stressed, a diffusion of focus and confusion about one's commitments. There is a misconception of reality that leads to inappropriate self-denial and self-sacrifice. Other problems may include a problem with sexuality or spirituality or escapism from work.

Vesta - Pluto

The focusing principle combines with transformation urge. This combination can signify a sense of destiny and personal commitment to the transformation of society. A person who can focus and direct a large amount of energy to penetrate hidden and unknown realms. There may exist the ability to transmute sexuality for regeneration, healing and illumination. This can signify a dedication to use personal power in the service of social or spiritual ideals. Stressed, conflicts between using one's power for personal versus transpersonal ends. This may lead to the blocking of one's power needs or releasing them destructively on a mass scale. Obsessive sexual compulsions, exaggerated fears of death, paranoia may occur. One may feel isolated from society.

Vesta - Juno

The focusing principle combines with the relating urge. This combination suggests an evolutionary path that begins with the autonomy of the self and ends with a joining with others. The ability to make a serious commitment to another. They dedicate themselves to purifying and perfecting partnerships which often take on the form of sexually fulfilled, spiritual relationships. Stressed, a conflict between personal and relationship needs. These people may feel alienated from relationships, or feel isolated within them. Sexual domination or control may also be part of the interaction.

Vesta - Athene

The focusing principle combines with the Mental-Creative urge. A commitment to learning?

Vesta - Ceres

The focusing principle combines with the Mothering Principle. An interest in psychology. Adds a warm and nurturing influence to a situation. While my progressed Ceres approaches natal Vesta, I find myself drawn to identify very much with the goddess as nurturing.

Vesta - Chiron

The focusing principle combines with the principle of Holistic understanding. (Greater interest or knowledge of holistic, psychic or occult matters?)

Vesta - ASC

Self awareness.

Vesta - MC

An illumination of the issues surrounding career and ambition.
发表于 2008-12-30 01:13:10 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-3-15 20:40:22 | 只看该作者

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