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2021-5-14 17:55| 发布者: 汽车人| 查看: 12756| 评论: 0

摘要: "Seeing the beauty of a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature."——Eckhart Tolle"花的美艳让人怦然心 ...

The Conference 大会介绍

The International Transpersonal Conference "The Flowering of Consciousness" brings together in one event, the most important transpersonal associations of Brazil and the world. They meet for the first time in collaboration for the realization of the IX International Congress of Transpersonal Alubrat / 18th International Congress of Transpersonal ITA.

国际超个人会议“意识的绽放”会集了来自巴西和世界各地最重要的超个人协会。这些组织首次合作起来,以实现第九届国际超个人大会ALUBRAT(Associação Luso Brasileira de Transpessoal 巴西超个人协会)和第十八届国际超个人大会ITA(International Transpersonal Association)的召开。

Along with Alubrat Brazil and ITA, also collaborate with this great event: Alubrat Portugal, EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association), ATP (Association for Transpersonal Psychology), ATI (Asociación Iberoamericana Transpersonal) and ABRAPET (Brazilian Association for Transpersonal Research and Teaching)

Together, researchers from Brazil, Portugal, United States, England, France, Germany, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina, South Africa and China will be in Salvador, Bahia, presenting their latest work and strengthening the flowering of Transpersonal movement in Brazil and the world


In order to promote and disseminate knowledge of the most recent scientific literature in Transpersonal Psychology, on the 04th of September our Congress hosts the IV Brazilian Transpersonal Research Colloquium - an initiative of ABRAPET and ALUBRAT which aims to create networks of cooperation and strengthen the scientific production among national and international transpersonal researchers.

为了促进和传播知识超个人心理学方面最新的科学文献,我们的大会将在9月4日主办第四届巴西超个人研究讨论会 – 这是由ABRAPET和ALUBRAT共同发起的的一项举措,旨在创立一个合作网络,巩固各个国家乃至国际超个人的研究者的科研成果。

IV Brazilian Transpersonal Research Colloquium

Being an important part of the IX International Transpersonal Congress, The Brazilian Research Colloquium aims to promote knoledge about the latest scientific studies on transpersonal psychology and to establish international networks of cooperation with researchers form Latin America, Europe, United States, Africa and Asia.


Target Audience 目标受众

Professionals, teachers, researchers, students of Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology and related fields. Also to all of those interested in the welfare, health and the relationship between spirituality and personal and collective well-being.





