
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天秤座2011年5月星座运势

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Libra Horoscope for May 2011

By Susan Miller

Last month, true to the legend about your sign, you began to prove you are a wizard when it comes to setting up effective partnerships. With more than half the solar system in your seventh house of partnership, commitment, and joint ventures of all kinds, you certainly know whom you'd like to work closely with and are anxious to get things going. Planets filled this house last month, and you had a very favorable new moon, but Mercury was not cooperating. Mercury was retrograde from March 30 to April 23, causing various delays and problems to arise. Talks probably slowed down when you saw points you still hadn't had a chance to discuss. It was no time to sign a contract. Now you are looking at a very different picture.

As you enter May, you will find a clear and open road ahead. Mercury is now speeding ahead, and there's nothing to stop you now. After May 11, Mercury will move even faster, so buckle up! Not only do you have the support of Mercury, but also in your house of partnership, you will have no less than FIVE major planets, including Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. They will stay until mid-month, with the exception of Uranus, a major outer planet that just entered this area of your chart and is due to stay not a few weeks but many years - until 2019.

Each planet, like guests at a party, has arrived with a gift in hand for you. Uranus' gift will be to bring surprise and excitement through the one (or several) serious partnerships that you create, and this will be true not only for May, but for many years down the road. The position of Uranus always indicates the place (or person) we go to for stimulation, and so, from now on, for you, that's through your partner, whether in business, or in your personal life, through your mate, or long-term romantic partner. Uranus just entered this area of your chart on March 11, and as you see, will stay for seven years. (During the last year, 2018 and early 2019, Uranus will go in and out of Aries as it retrogrades, which is why it will seem like eight years.)

This is a new trend for you, because until now, you've looked to your work for excitement, but something radical has changed, either within you or due to external events. For example, it is possible you left your long-term position and have been rethinking your life as it's been - that could account for some radical changes. Uranus has never filled this house in your lifetime (the last time he visited Aries, it was 1927-1935), so you will enjoy seeing the world through a new filter. Surely, partners will hold a lot of the control this month. They will be good for you, so there's no reason to be worried about this step - go ahead now with plans if this relationship feels good to you.

Uranus is highly creative, idiosyncratic, probing, and pioneering, and this would describe your partner. You may have changed careers and work alongside highly talented, artistic, or innovative types who keep you guessing with all they say and want to invent. Your partner may work in science or medical research, in entertainment such as in Internet or television programming or transmission, or in high-tech such as with the creation of software, gaming, electronics, or telecommunications. The one other area ruled by Uranus relates to areas of study that are not completely understood, such as the realm of astrology.

In your personal life, there are other ways you may experience this trend. You may decide that your culture's norms don't suit you, and so you'll be determined to design your own type of marriage or partnership, even if it flies in the face of convention. Your union may turn out to be one very different from the traditional union you were taught as the norm as you grew up. Or, the impulsive side of Uranus may assert itself, where you decide to marry very quickly for any variety of reasons. That would not be an ideal way to use Uranus, not unless you know the person well and some outside event causes you to radically move up your timetable.

My father was born with Uranus in his seventh house at birth, which indicated he would marry someone very unusual - my mother. If you were to meet Little Mom, you would find nothing idiosyncratic, rebellious, or very different about her. She is very stable and practical, in many ways predictable in a comforting way. I feel I am that way, too. Yet back when my mother and father married, astrology was not accepted.

My mother kept her interest and knowledge of astrology under wraps, and she became, in time, quite a scholar, reading, studying - and doing her own empirical research. She devoted her time to the subject at the end of the day, when her work was done. She loved the stillness of the night and often I would awaken in the night to get a glass of water, only to see Little Mom intently studying the charts of our family, curled up on the couch, night after night.

My mother tells me that at first, my father used to make fun of her interest in astrology. Later, however, after they married and had their two children, he used to us that Little Mom was proven right so often, he stopped making comments about astrology. In fact, in dire times, such as when my uncle was lost in the War when they had just met (years before they were married and years before I was born), she correctly pinpointed the day and time when my father would hear that my uncle not only survived but was well and unscathed. (It turned out only two survived in the platoon, my uncle being one.) Uranus can work in many ways. In a day when few people knew about how astrology worked, my father would shake his head, unable to know how my mother could possibly look at mathematics and know such things.

According to old astrologic texts, Uranus also often points to "stranger" or "foreigner" to describe the partner. True to form, my mother wasn't from Italy like my father's parents were, but instead, her parents were from Germany. She wasn't Catholic like my father's very religious family, but Protestant. Yet both families embraced the other and all lived in the same neighborhood very happily.

In their day, differences in background mattered to some before considering marriage, but not so much anymore. It certainly didn't matter to my father, although I hear my Grandmother was worried at first. Uranus always points the way to future trends. My father loved my mother with all his heart, until the day he died. They were loyal and true blue to each other for forty-six years. As you see, hosting Uranus in the seventh house can have many possible manifestations, and this can be a very positive trend. Thinking about it now, my father seemed destined to marry my mother, who really was unusual and ahead of her time, but in a quiet, studious way. I'm so happy for that. The link of Uranus to mathematics, science, and to space is there too, with my mother's love of astrology. (I was to get a business degree from NYU, never in a million years thinking I would ever make public my knowledge of astrology! Uranus is very prominent in my chart, so I guess I should have known things would take a different course.)

You, dear Libra, were not necessarily born with Uranus in the seventh house, but you do have this planet of sudden change, innovation, experimentation, intellect, and genius currently transiting your seventh house until 2019, and so you will feel the influence quite strongly. I gave you this story to get you thinking about how things might work out for you.

Let's now go back to the other planets currently filling your seventh house of partnership in early May.

Aside from Uranus, the other most important planet visiting this sector is Jupiter, called the giver of gifts and luck. You've had Jupiter in this house all year, but he is set to leave next month on June 4. This means if you had hoped to form a serious partnership in business, or if you hope to get engaged or married, you might want to act before Jupiter leaves in June, for he will not be back to this part of your chart again until May 2022. Jupiter brings blessings of happiness as well as financial rewards and profits too, something to keep in mind no matter what kind of partnership you are considering.

Venus is there too, and will bring happy feelings to the surface. Venus always makes things smooth and sweet, so apparently your closest relationship is going very well these days.

Mars' presence shows a certain urgency to make things official, for Mars is the planet of energy and action. Mars will leave on May 11, but will be strong during those first ten days of May.

Mercury continues to be in your partnership house, too. Mercury brings news and conversation, intellect, and the ability to plan. As you see, you have all the elements you need to make a successful partnership.

As you begin May, you have a sensational day on May 1 when Mars will meet with Jupiter and bring you enormous satisfaction from a partner in love or business. Mars rules your solar seventh house of marriage and commitment, and your third house is ruled by Jupiter - the third house has to do with contracts and agreements. On May 1, these two houses, committed partnership (seventh house) and contractual promises (third house), will be linked in a highly beneficial way. Promises made will be promises kept, so circle this day in red! It would be an ideal day to sign a contract. Give May 1 a plus or minus two days of influence.

Your next big day will be May 10, when both Venus and Mercury will link to Jupiter. Both planets will align with Jupiter on the very same day! Wow! Mercury rules contracts and promises, and Venus, love, so you really do have a great day for an engagement or marriage, or for signing partnership papers. Venus also rules Libra, as well as all financial matters, so you should be very happy with how things go on May 10! There's a good chance you will need to fly to another city on this day to complete a deal, and if so, again, you've got the right day to do it. If you get an offer, even if you had no plans to accept, you may hear yourself saying - yes!!! Yes!! The moon in Leo will only bring more happiness and more optimism.

Let's talk a little more about your finances because all the news is wonderful! When most of the planets finally leave your partnership sector, an entourage of planets will move into your eighth house of other people's money. In the second half of May, and throughout the rest of 2011, this is where a powerful emphasis will be.

Let's look at this trend, which will actually get kicked off in the first days of May.

On May 3, the new moon will appear, accompanied by the Sun, and you will hear a drum roll. From then on, talks about commissions, payments, or other financial matters will come to the surface and be ready for action. This is the natural house ruling benefits and perks, severance, royalties, bonuses, mortgage, refinancing plans, unemployment insurance, insurance payouts, divorce, and other court settlements - and these types of talks will get very productive. This new moon is in a very friendly, strong angle to Pluto, a very good sign that things will move quickly! If any of your talks involve real estate or an inherited estate, again, you're favored.

The eighth house, so lit up, rules things like taxes, credit, loans, venture capital, investments, scholarships, pensions - all kinds of money outside of salary or personal savings - and this is where that new moon of May 3 will activate. In the two weeks that follow that moon, you can make some excellent new deals or tweak existing arrangements. Your fortunes are looking up, dear Libra.

Keep in mind that the actions you take just after a new moon arrives have the power to change - and improve - the activities of the house where the new moon appears, and those changes will influence the twelve months to come. It will be that long until another new moon comes along in that house to refresh the energy, so do take this opportunity to get on the stick and settle things.

We are moving into eclipse season, with two eclipses in June and one July 1. They will arrive next month, and this time each eclipse will become progressively stronger: June 1, June 15, and July 1, one coming every two weeks. It's unusual to see three eclipses in a row, but this happens when the current family of eclipses ends (Cancer-Capricorn in this case, July 1) and a new one starts up (Gemini-Sagittarius, a solar eclipse on June 1, and a full moon lunar eclipse June 15, respectively).

Eclipses are the most powerful initiator change that the universe can employ, so next month will bring all kinds of news, that's for sure. You will almost certainly want to seal arrangements in May, rather than hold off to June or else wait until mid-July. Deals made under an eclipse rarely work out as planned. August will bring Mercury retrograde again, so you won't want to hold off until August.

It looks as though you will continue to concentrate on financial talks in May, because the full moon May 17, plus or minus four days, will finish off negotiations and arrangements. This full moon will fall in Scorpio at 26 degrees and will be in close, friendly range of Uranus, the planet of surprise. You may get good news you don't expect!

On the weekend of May 21-22, Venus, your ruler, will link to Mars, a lovely and rare meeting, considered to be one that is super-romantic. These planets will meet in your eighth house of money, so at this time, you may get a check or a gift on this weekend, out of the blue! Money matters will get a nice boost!

Romantically, this same weekend, May 21-22, should be your best. This is combination of planetary energies is pure magic, bringing on a sexy sheen of stardust. There is nothing like Venus and Mars to get the bonfire going! Do you remember in chemistry class when you added two elements from the element chart, and you would have a completely new element created? That is what you have with Venus plus Mars! Use it to your advantage - attached or single, this weekend is for you.

Of course, if you are hoping to get engaged, this month's powerful emphasis on marriage and commitment could be a banner time for you. Sometimes the stars favor single Libras, and other times, attached ones. This is definitely a month for those who are attached. If you've been together for a long time, your partner will be a blessing to you, dear Libra. Ask your romantic partner for advice, introductions, or other kinds of special help - this person will be there for you.


This will be a very important month for setting up long-term partnerships. Many planets in your romantic or business partner sector will be setting the agenda and creating the news, and you seem gloriously content to follow in your partner's footsteps. Your partner will be good for you now, so while this is not a month for you to try to gain full control, you need not do so, for you will benefit from your partner's actions and advice. Planets in Aries show that you have adopted a courageous, experimental, optimistic view of this venture. Good! That's precisely right!

It appears a home or family situation or responsibility has weighed on you too, and if so, your partner will be willing to lend a hand and even to offer advice or financial help. If you have no partner, a professional that you hire may also be valuable, and this person might be a lawyer or financial advisor. While you would still need to check references if choosing such a professional, the point is that you will be able to find a qualified person to help you navigate the new territory you will find yourself within this month. The start of the month, in the days following May 3, would be your best time to locate advisors of all kinds.

All sorts of money transactions will be going on, and with the new moon May 3 in your house of "other people's money," you may be filling out paperwork, and making application for a mortgage, bank loan, scholarship, or sorting out an inheritance. You may also be reconsidering and realigning your financial investments, perhaps for a retirement portfolio, or changing your financial accounts due to a change in marital status. On a small scale, you may be motivated to find a better deal with your everyday digital Internet and cell phone providers, or with your credit card companies. May 11 brings good news about money, and would be an ideal day for a negotiation or interview that involves money. If you have ended a job or a marriage, the division of property settlement will be generous if made this month.

Your financial focus will end either at the full moon, May 17, or within three days of this date. Whatever stress you felt earlier in the month will subside, and you'll be pleased with the decisions you made.

You are ruled by Venus, so two of the most romantic moments of the month will occur on May 11, when Jupiter and Venus meet, or on May 21-23, when macho Mars and delicate Venus embrace in the dance of love. These days deserve five stars, so either way, no matter what you do, and you will have a stellar experience!

Dates to Note for Libra

Your partner may surprise you with good news or deed on May 1.

The new moon May 3 will sound the bell for financial talks of all sorts.

Final decisions and payoffs will be made about money at the full moon, May 17, plus or minus four days.

May 11 is sure to be an outstanding, lucky day for you, for many reasons, but money will surely be one. It's a great day for an interview or to make a presentation.

You'll feel sexy and attractive on May 23, when divine Venus meets her sweetheart, Mars, a rare union.

Your partner may amaze you on May 24, when Uranus and the Sun blink at one another!

Romance will be best: May 1, 4-5, 10, 11, 14, 22, 23, and 31.

发表于 2011-5-1 13:04:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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