
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2011年4月星座运势

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Cancer Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

What an important career development you have in store! It's a wow of a month, for you will have no less than six heavenly bodies in Aries filling your house of career success and honors. Mama mia! That is a huge number of planets to occupy one little slice of the horoscope, and with a new moon April 3 among the heavenly bodies in that house (a critical ingredient to make things happen), you are all set to hear amazing professional news!

All the planets will be in Aries, the sign associated with pioneering into new realms, and offers should be intriguing. You seem poised to be doing something very new, perhaps in an emerging industry that few, if any, have had experience working in previously. You may get a chance to work for yourself in your own business, or if you work for others, you'll be given a great deal of autonomy to work without much supervision. You've earned this opportunity and whatever you will be discussing seems to fit you like a glove. You'll love the newness of it all, for sure. If you've been working hard, you may get lots of publicity and attention now, too. These aspects are the very best for getting a better position or for earning quite a bit of press and publicity. What an exciting month!

Dear Cancer, I want you to focus ONLY on career matters this month and do very little socializing, for it will be in your career that you will make the biggest and most important gains! Will you ever find love or have time for love? Yes, that's coming in June, but during April and May, it's all about hunkering down to make progress in professional matters! While planets in Aries can be tension producing for Cancer, because all six will be in fire signs (you are water, a very different element), you will need to garner your courage and forge ahead anyway. Tension can be good in that it keeps us alert and on our toes, and this month, that's the way to be!

The new moon will appear in Aries on April 3, but I will admit that this new moon will bring lots of conflicting messages. You won't have a straightforward month, as there will be a lot of crosscurrents in the air. One moment you'll be up, the next down, and so forth, but I feel you can prevail and surmount any obstacles you encounter. You will have to keep your wits about you, but you have no problem with that! April could bring quite an exciting ride!

As said, this new moon will bring every possible kind of aspect, both good and not-so-good, and all of them will be landing on the same day or within a few tiny days of each other. Let's talk about the best aspect of all that you will receive first, because you need to keep this one in your mind at all times. This new moon will send a beautiful beam to Jupiter, the planet known as the giver of gifts and luck, on April 3, giving you incredibly fortunate opportunities and lucky breaks from higher ups. Influential people will take to your causes, and they will want to know how they can help you. Have an answer ready to give, for this is no month to blink.

Jupiter has been moving through your most prestigious part of your chart, ruling profession, since late January, but what makes April different is that now you have the Sun (authority) and new moon (opportunity) to set off Jupiter's goodness. Think of a new moon as the stick you would need to poke the pinata. Without it, it just hangs like a lantern above your head, filling you with intrigue and excitement, but, oddly, with not much happening. It's wonderful to know the pinata is there, but you may have been a little frustrated in that you couldn't figure out how to unlock the career goodies inside. Now, you can.

That will happen on April 3, the date of the new moon. Three days later, on an even more important day, on April 6, Jupiter will conjoin the Sun, making for the luckiest day of the year. That day has a void moon, however, which means the moon is not participating in any discussions with the other planets, so you would need to move your luckiest day of the year up one day, to April 5. Circle it on your calendar! April 5 could be spectacular for career progress!

Mars is one of the crowd of planets in the same part of your chart, the tenth house of fame, which by itself is wonderful. Mars will give you presence, dignity, control, and popularity. He will allow you to stand out, for there is nothing shy about Mars, and you've got him to yourself in your career house until May 11. You've not had Mars here since April 22 to May 31, 2009. Mars is back to help you relaunch your career, and if necessary, reinvent yourself. Mars is fiercely competitive, and will make you that way too, which in this market represents fantastic help.

Mars will be traveling close to Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, both in Aries, so together that adds up to a lot of power and light. With such a powerful and at times combustible combination, you will need to be ready for anything.

An unusual event may come up near April 3, for on this day they will meet in conjunction, which is the same day as the new moon and the same day the moon meets with Jupiter. (I told you these aspects were stacked up together - you thought I was exaggerating, didn't you? Ha, ha, you see I am not!) Do not be tempted to disagree with a VIP in the first week of April, even if this person makes you mad enough to punch a hole in the wall. Tell yourself it's just not worth it. Uranus, when mixed with Mars, can bring on a very angry response. If you are an athlete, six planets lining up in Aries can give you an injury if you go beyond your limits. Keep your attention sharp by getting enough rest. If you suffer a setback at the new moon, think nothing of it - get back on the horse and find another sterling opportunity. Jupiter will protect you in April and May, so you'll be simply unstoppable.

There is something else going on at the new moon, April 3, and that's the fact that Saturn will oppose the Sun and new moon. (Yes, this is like having dozens of clowns run out of a Volkswagen. How many MORE aspects can I find stuffed into one day?) As you see, this new moon will bring completely opposite aspects, sending you fantastic luck from Jupiter, along with a few home-related obstacles from Saturn. Teacher-planet Saturn is currently spending a long time in your home sector, so the fact that Saturn will conjoin the new moon tells me that you will feel the weight of responsibility for family at home. You may have small children, or you may be a caretaker for a parent. Alternatively you may be concerned about a housing situation that has been pressing on you. Money seems to form part of the equation too, as Saturn opposed to the Sun on April 3 could make your finances tight, just when you are trying to pay a sizable bill. Or, it may be you wish you had more funds to take care of whatever is happening in regard to your home or family.

It looks as though an emerging career matter will take you away from home, say, because you will need to travel or relocate to a new address, but your promises to be present for one or more family members may pose a conflict. See if you can enlist other relatives or friends to help you, for you really do have to investigate all the career opportunities that come up now. I won't have anything like this to give you later. This is your moment to shine in your career. The window is very, very narrow, so you must use it to your full advantage.

There is another complication. Mercury will be retrograde during most of April, so you cannot accept a new position quite yet. It does not matter if you give your acceptance verbally or in writing - when Mercury is retrograde you cannot accept a job, period. There is one exception and that is if you knew the person you are about to join from a long time ago. Let's say you used to work together, or you are old friends. In that case, you CAN work together now, because you started your association a long time ago, long before Mercury began to retrograde. If you didn't know this person from your past, and you are trying to convince yourself that you did ("I think we met at the National Widget Convention during Happy Hour"), that does not count! Taking a job under Mercury retrograde is a treacherous business, so don't try to make your foot fit the shoe in a contorted way!

Mercury is the planet that affects our thinking and judgment, and when retrograde, its powers are reduced. It is never a good time to initiate anything new, not even a new product or service. Conditions are changing rapidly, but the truth of this won't be apparent until later. If you make your decision now, chances are strong that you will regret your decision later on. You may say later, "If I had only known what was coming around the next corner!" Keep your options open, dear Cancer. You can take a job after April 23, not before. Actually, I love April 27, when Pluto will be in good angle to the Sun.

If you are in sales, you should not count your chickens before they hatch this month. If the client says the order is about to be sent, that's good news, but until you have a signed purchase order in hand, or the advance check, do not relax your efforts. People you are dealing with will change their minds quite a bit during the retrograde. I am sorry to have to report this to you. Dear Cancer, be your usual caring, attentive self, and you will find a way to secure the situation.

This new moon of April 3 is further complicated by a partner (business partner, agent, collaborator, spouse, sweetheart) who gives you a hard time about a career opportunity you want to pursue. I am sure you are saying to yourself, "Finding a top position is hard enough, and now I have to take grief from the home team, too?" Yes, it looks that way. Family wants you, your partner wants you to listen, and all you can see is the glittering plum on the tree that you want to grab for your own and screen out the pleas from the peanut gallery. Actually, listen to what your partner has to say. This person will be very practical, and some of what this person has to say might apply. Use what you find helpful and disregard the rest. By April 27, you and this person will be on FAR better terms - a comforting thought, yes?

The full moon of April 17 will bring your family matter to a conclusion within four days of this date, at least for now. Still, with Mercury retrograde, you can't really sign on a house or lease an apartment. If you do, down the road, you will have to undo what you did, or the person you are selling to will back out. It would not be wise at all to buy furniture or any electronic items, like a computer, smartphone, or flat screen TV, not until after Mercury goes direct, April 23. Those Cancers born at the end of the sign, say, near July 19, will feel tension at this full moon.

This month seems to have every possible aspect and also has another on April 22, but it is a sweet one. Venus and Uranus will meet in your house of fame. On this lovely day you will charm everyone you meet. VIPs will be on your side, and you may hear very good news - even news that translates into money.

Financially, you are about to find you will have an easier time managing your money now that Neptune, the "foggy" planet, will move out of your eighth house of credit, taxes, loans, and other joint financial obligations. Neptune will only be gone for four months before he retrogrades back into your financial eighth house, but between April 4 and August 4 you will get a grip on things. You will love the change, for suddenly your financial situation will come into focus. While it is true Neptune is retrograding back into Aquarius for a few months, once he returns to Pisces from February 2012 to January 2026, you will be in better financial shape than you've ever been before. Neptune is a slow moving planet, so you will not only keep him out of your financial house for the rest of your life, but you will enjoy this presence in your long-distance travel house from then on. Inspiration will come from long journeys - what a future you have, dear Cancer!

I mentioned that socializing will be better in months ahead. Yes, that's true. Once Jupiter moves into Taurus on June 4, you will see a big up-tick to your social life, and it will last a full twelve months. However, from June on, you won't get his help in your career. That's why it's critical that you keep your nose to the grindstone now.

I will grant that you have divine Venus in Pisces from April 1 to 19, a perfect place to send you happy experiences, so it won't be an arid desert by any means!

You do have one day that seems to stand out, April 27, when Pluto, the ruler of your fifth house of true love, will signal the Sun. That should be a sweet day for love, even though it's a Wednesday!

Here are other days you should enjoy for love and fun, but remember, in April, put your career first: April 1, 6, 9, 20, 23, 27, and 28.


This will be one of the most powerful months of 2011 for your career, for you will have Uranus (surprise), Mars (energy), Mercury (news), Jupiter (powerful luck), the Sun (favor from authority), plus the new moon April 3, all in your house of honors and awards, an extraordinary situation that has never happened before.

Things will start to percolate briskly just after the new moon appears April 3, and with Mars conjoining Uranus on the same day, things will happen fast, in unusual or even strange ways. Entrepreneurial, unexplored paths will beckon that will allow you a great deal of freedom to run your own show. When you hear the offer, you will "catch fire" almost instantly. Don't rush ahead too quickly, however, because it will be critical that you look at the details and be knowledgeable about all industry and government standards and requirements. Not knowing could bring problems later, so you'll have to do your homework thoroughly.

The most important heavenly body in this gang of six, based in your prestigious tenth house of career, will be Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Remarkably, Jupiter will meet with the new moon on April 3, and the Sun on April 6, and the latter day is the day that could turn out to be your luckiest day of the year. Due to a void moon on April 5, circle April 5 as your best and luckiest day of the month, possibly of the year. Wow! You can talk, but don't put anything in stone yet, as Mercury is retrograde. Progress will delight you near April 5.

Saturn's opposition to the Sun at the very same time will steal some of the thunder, but it shows that your responsibilities would be heavy at home. The compensation for the new offer may be low, or it may be that you have a great many expenses, and writing checks might be painful at this time. Thankfully, Neptune will move out of your financial house this month on April 3 for the first time in fourteen years, and you will be thinking more clearly than ever when it comes to money.

Still, you may not take this particular position as it is presented. Mercury will be retrograde most of the month and will create delays and confusion over facts and details. Don't rush. You will need to wait until after Mercury regulates its orbit on April 23 before you can settle deals. Lingering concerns about the salary or about promises you've made to family may cause you to hesitate about jumping at a new offer. If you decline something in April, it seems you'll get a second chance in May.

Certainly this position seems special, but you'll find that nothing is quite easy. You may have to move or put up with a long commute. Family members who depend on you may be alarmed by the prospect of you not being there for them, and their concern may weigh heavily on you.

The conflict you have regarding your home or family situation will be resolved by the full moon, April 17, plus or minus four days. It is anyone's guess what you will decide, but the situation will become complicated by a difficult partner who will pressure you to accept a certain course of action that you won't like and will strongly resist. No one can tell you what to do - you know your own mind, so keep your own counsel. Keep talking with your partner, and try to stretch out the decision to make it later. You'll have a far better opportunity to come to a compromise on April 27, when Pluto is beautifully angled to the Sun.

Romantically, the move of Pluto, ruler of your house of true love, to retrograde April 9 to September 18 suggests the one for you may well be someone you already met. Concentrate on those who you love now, not someone new you might meet in the future. You may be overlooking sterling qualities in someone you love now, or used to love a while ago.

The move of Neptune to Pisces will herald a new area of clearer thinking in regard to your finances. Although Neptune will only spend a short time in better-for-you Pisces from April 4 to August 4, you will quickly see the benefits of Neptune's new placement in your chart. On August 4, Neptune will slide back to Aquarius for a while, so the important part to remember is that the future is bright. Neptune will return to beautiful Pisces in February 2012, not to leave until 2026. You'll love the change. Those difficult financial days you suffered, starting as far back as 2003 through today, are almost over. More fun is in store for you, too.

Dates to Note for Cancer

Career opportunities that are very entrepreneurial in feel will start to come at the new moon, April 3.

Events will come to you so quickly that you will have to slow yourself down, lest you become too impulsive: April 3.

A family or housing concern may complicate plans this month, but will be decided at the full moon April 17.

A partner will be strangely pushy - keep talking and try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. By April 27 you will reach a better time to pacify your partner.

The most romantic times of the month will occur when Venus tours Pisces, from April 1 to 19.

Mercury will be retrograde April 1 to 23, causing delays and forgetfulness, lost items, and a need for repairs. Do not sign contracts at that time.

Neptune will enter Pisces April 4 to August 4 and add clarity to financial matters. Neptune will be back on February 2012 to stay for fourteen years.

Venus in Pisces will be divine for love, especially if you travel together to a foreign country (Canada and Mexico "count" too for US citizens, as would island adventures). Go away anytime from April 1 to 20.

Pluto's turn retrograde from April 9 to September 16 indicates you may have already met "the one for you."

Although you may find it hard to get along with a spouse or a business partner all month, by April 27, you'll enter a sweeter phase.

Your best romantic dates include: April 1, 6, 9, 20, 23, 27, and 28.
发表于 2011-4-1 15:22:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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译者——兔子,乔一 ,猫井不太空









==========以下部分由乔一翻译 ===============



一切结果将会在4月3日的新月后迅速的表现出来,加上当日火星与天王星的合相,事情将会以一种不同寻常且陌生的方式快速发生。对于企业的决策者来说,某些从未被探索过的机会在吸引着你以更自由的方式去做你自己想做的事。一旦听到邀请,你立刻做出反应。但是我劝你,千万不要着急,最好谨慎的了解一下具体细节,掌握行业和zf方面的要求和准则。 如果不了解情况的话以后会有麻烦,所以奉劝你最好提前做好功课。


















发表于 2011-4-1 17:17:29 | 只看该作者

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