
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2011年4月星座运势

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Aries Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

The cosmos will be sending you many mixed messages this month, so maneuvering through your birthday month will take a little bit more attention and agility than most months. On the plus side, you will have some of the sweetest aspects possible - some of the best you've seen in a decade - but on the minus side, a few challenging ones will show up, too. The good, the bad, the brave, and the ugly aspects will come tumbling down, at times, all at once.

This means that you will have to be careful about which days you choose to have your biggest meetings and initiations, say, for job interviews, first dates, when you sign key paperwork, and so forth. You CAN outwit the tough aspects and take advantage of the good ones - if you stay alert.

As you begin April, you will see your ruler, Mars, move in into Aries, giving you a huge advantage that you've not had since the period that spanned April 22 to May 31, 2009. Mars will give you presence and bring out your leadership abilities. You'll be courageous and enthusiastic, ready to get things in motion. This visit from the most energetic and action-oriented planet in our solar system, Mars, which is also the planet that rules Aries, is reason for celebration, for it marks the start of a new two-year cycle.

Uranus is now in Aries too, a place it moved into in March, and that's another reason that you'll be chomping at the bit and anxious to get the ball rolling. The move of Uranus to Aries marks a huge development in your timeline, for Uranus has not been in your sign since 1927 to 1936, and so you've (probably) never experienced this trend. Uranus will put you in the forefront of all that is new and exciting in society. Your talents and insights will be valued, and you will feel that your services are in demand.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, also still in Aries, is now moving into the second half of the sign, sending blessings to those born April 3 to 22. If your birthday is highlighted, you will be given an extra dollop of luck, although all Aries will enjoy this rare opportunity and access to high-level people. Jupiter in Aries is the best possible aspect, and comes only once every 12 years. It brings love, health, VIP support, career success, foreign travel, optimism, far better health - you name it! It's your time to have the horn of plenty heap you with lucky breaks and a plethora of opportunity. You only get this aspect a handful of times in your life, and you have it now through June 4.

The caveat is that you must know what you want to achieve when others ask you how they can help. This will be no time to hesitate or drop the ball. You must have your goals spelled out clearly in your mind and go after them vigorously or risk losing this excellent opportunity.

Mercury will be retrograde in your sign of Aries from March 30 to April 23, which is sure to temporarily slow down progress. Saturn is also standing in the doorway, blocking your passage, so you'll have little choice but to cool your jets and wait through the first three weeks of April to see your best progress. After April 23, Mercury will regulate its orbit, and Saturn will move just enough to give you right of way.

Make no big decisions and sign no papers until AFTER Mercury goes direct April 23. In fact, I would even be happier if you gave things extra time beyond that, until April 27, when the Sun and Pluto will be so friendly. That day, April 27, will glitter for career and money in a big way - it's worth four gold stars.

I feel duty bound to mention that Pluto will retrograde on April 9 until September 16, and that could delay your career progress a little until the second half of the year.

I may have to shackle you to a pole to get you to hold back, but if I have to, I will! The reason that you will want to move ahead quickly is that you will have Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and the new moon (as of April 3) in Aries. Your sign is known for being willful, and at times impulsive and rebellious, but this is not the time to be this way, dear Aries. Acting too quickly without thinking through the details could invite disaster.

Mercury is the planet that rules communication, contracts, commerce (including the buying and selling of anything), and the details and negotiation of any deal. When Mercury is out of phase, you are prone to assume that you have all the information you need to make the right decisions, but the truth is you won't. Any decision you make during a Mercury retrograde period usually is a bad one and will need to be revisited or redone soon, within months or a year, but in the end, it never works out the way you had anticipated.

There are other considerations. The new moon will arrive on April 3 and will send conflicting messages. The Sun and new moon will both oppose Saturn, the teacher planet of lessons learned. Saturn makes us follow rules and standards, helps us assume more responsibility, and matures us for bigger things. When we falter under a Saturn aspect, the consequences tend to be harsher than at other times. This aspect at the new moon can be, at times, draining, deflating, and even depressing. The problem is, this is a new moon, and therefore it is capable of setting up a trend for weeks and months to come.

At the same time, this new moon of April 3 will ALSO be sending kisses to Jupiter, great giver of good fortune, gifts, and luck, now still in Aries. This is the sweetest possible aspect coinciding on the day when Saturn will be at his most grumpy. There is a silver lining in this, however, in that Saturn will check any tendency you have to be overly optimistic. Saturn will keep you circumspect, which, in a month like this, is not such a bad thing. At the same time, Jupiter will balance out any tendency to become depressed - he will make sure you keep finding opportunity when you need it.

I need to drop another shoe. All this would be manageable if it were not for one other aspect also happening on the same new moon, April 3. Mars (action, strife, anger, courage) will meet in precise mathematical degree to Uranus (unexpected developments, impulsive actions, and chaos). This aspect can trigger unexpected crises (like fires, explosions, earthquakes, volcanoes) or instead can manifest in an emotional way through rash and impulsive, aggressive actions or as impetuous outbursts of anger.

Because you are an Aries, you could fly off the handle or find yourself at the brunt of someone's madness on or near April 3. A crisis may come up, or you may find yourself in between two warring parties and wishing you were somewhere else. If you were born within five days of March 21, you would be more susceptible to this meeting of Mars and Uranus that I just described, so you will have to keep calm and serene at the start of April. It may be difficult to stay out of the line of fire if someone provokes you. Do not bring up a touchy or controversial topic near April 3.

The problem is that this aspect happens at a new moon, so the new moon will carry the DNA of this "hot" aspect throughout the month, and actually throughout the year as well. If your birthday falls on April 3, because it is happening on the anniversary of your birth, you need to keep safe (no hang gliding unless you are well trained) and calm (taking anger management classes couldn't hurt. If you feel you have problems keeping calm when provoked - listen, you are not alone.)

Remember when I said that we have all kinds of aspects mixed together in the same month, happening right on top of each other? Well, now you will see what I meant.

We have a purely delicious aspect involving the meeting of the Sun and good fortune planet Jupiter on April 6, an aspect I always call "the luckiest day of the year" (wow). This year these two (Jupiter and the Sun) will meet in Aries, which could not be better for you! Yet there will be another mixed message, for on that very day, the moon will not be having any conversations with any other planets, rendering it to be what astrologers call "void." A void moon means that on that day, meetings will likely get delayed or pushed to other days, or if the meeting does take place, nothing much would come of it.

(A footnote: If you give birth to a baby on this day or during any void moon, it does not affect the baby's chart. It is always a wonderful time to be born. Void moons do not affect natal charts but are used in another area of astrology called "Horary" - charts used for answering a specific question, such as finding lost objects or scheduling elective events, like surgery or a wedding.)

You have reason for hope. I love the meeting of Jupiter conjunct the Sun on April 6, so you can use the energy that will be so sparkling then on the day BEFORE they meet - April 5 - for that day will also be very special. The day before any two heavenly bodies meet brings their mounting energy to a very high and potent place. However, the day AFTER they form their aspect, they have met, their energy is spent, and it drops rapidly, like a sinking souffle. That's why you need to schedule your important meetings for April 5 - no earlier, and no later.

The fact that Jupiter will be sprinkling diamonds all over the landscape amid such tough aspects occurring on April 3 means that any tough situation will be softened and helped by the presence of benefic Jupiter. That can be a saving grace! Jupiter is called "the great benefic" planet - he is in charge of miracles, so you see, there is much reason for hope.

I will reiterate that even on the stunningly positive aspects of April 5, I don't want to you to etch anything in stone just yet! You must not sign any papers, make promises (even verbally), or buy electronic equipment or other highly expensive things either. Sit tight. You can have meetings, move house (if you already signed the lease or closed on it last month), or do any number of things that will make you feel you are progressing forward. Giving final word has to wait until later.

I would like to add that the energy building up to the meeting of Jupiter and the Sun on April 6 should bring a really exciting development to your love life. I say that because the Sun rules your fifth house of new love, so you may want to go to a party or meet that person you've been talking to online in a coffee shop. Are you attached? That same house that rules conception of a baby also rules the birth of another kind of "baby" - namely a creative project. Keep that day in mind for all sorts of romantic and creative efforts that will work to your favor. April 5 is a grand day!

The full moon on April 17 will bring a serious, committed relationship into focus. This full moon falls in late Libra, 28 degrees, and if you were born near this date, you will feel things more dramatically than other Aries. Although the emphasis will shift to a key relationship, you will have a great deal of control over how things go, because you will still have five planets in Aries at the time. If you plan to get engaged for your birthday, I would suggest you do so a bit later in the month, several days after Mercury is direct. By all means, do not buy the ring with Mercury retrograde! That's a pricey purchase, and you want to like the ring later!

Venus will enter Aries on April 21, and will meet with Uranus on April 22, making it a very special day for you. If you were born on or within five days of March 22, you will feel a very lyrical effect from these two planets. These planets will be in Aries, of course, so your name is written all over this day for love - and for money! Someone may give you a belated birthday gift, or you may hear you are getting a raise. Something involving money will make you smile.

The following day, April 23, Mercury will go direct, so from that point on, everything will start to improve, and by the last week of April, you will be moving rapidly. It may help to know that May is due to be one of the most special months of the year, and doubly so for you, no matter when your birthday falls. Also - Jupiter, along with a whole crowd of planets, will still be in Aries in May. It seems they will be having too much fun to move on to Taurus! I tell you this so you know you really will get enormous opportunity in May, and all those options will work really well for you.

In the meantime, once Venus enters Aries on April 21, it will cover all degrees of Aries, so each member of your sign, dear Aries - no matter when your birthday happens to fall - will be due for some special romantic favor, to last until May 15.

When it comes to love and getting Venus' help next month, if you were born from April 2-15, you will receive the most help in the first week of May. If you were born at the very end of Aries, say, near April 17-19, then the middle of the month, near May 12-15, will be your strongest time for romance. Venus will leave Aries later in the day on May 15.

I am splitting hairs, but I thought you'd like to know "the best of the best" days for you, dear Aries.

May would also be the month to refresh your appearance. Buy new clothes and accessories, and if you are a woman, new makeup. Spa treatments will be divine in May, although you're likely to love a spa treatment near April 5, too.

In career, as I mentioned earlier, you will love April 27, a perfect day to have an interview, presentation, or talk with your boss or client. The one day I would NOT have a talk with my boss or ask for any favors (like "promote me!") would come earlier, on April 11, when Mars is angry with Pluto.

With Mercury retrograde in April, people from your past will come to help you. You may hear from people you've not heard from in ages, and those people are very, very good for you, dear Aries. You CAN take a position from someone who you know from your past - those assignments or projects are lucky for you. I say that because you started your relationship with those people months, or years, ago, so you are not giving birth to those relationships now. It's an ongoing relationship, so see that person and see what opportunities exist for you! Happy birthday!


You will rule the world in April, for you will have Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon (April 3) all in Aries, putting you at the center of all that is happening. If ever there were a time to flex your muscles, state your desires, and map out a blueprint for the future, that time is now. Your plans seem to be entrepreneurial and require courage and sustained energy - perfect for you. Others will be looking to you for direction.

Still, as special as your stars are in April, be careful not to launch any plan yet, however, as Mercury will be retrograde until April 23. Mercury in this mode will obscure facts, alter the direction of events, and put certain elements of your plan in limbo. Wait until month's end, when you'll have more current and stable information on which to base key decisions. April 27 would be your best day to launch new ventures or give your final word.

Saturn will oppose your Sun on April 3, one of the hardest possible aspects in a chart, indicating enormous responsibility will rest on your shoulders. You may be concerned about the health and welfare of a partner, or alternatively, you may be frustrated that your partner(s) simply doesn't "get" what you are trying to accomplish. You may be exasperated by a lack of support from others, but Saturn's obstinate tendencies this month may be a blessing, for you really shouldn't be making big decisions now anyway. Look at every assumption you hold - you may need to tweak one or two in order to be operating in the real world. There seems to be a flaw in your thinking, or that things are changing rapidly, and you don't have (or can't obtain) those missing puzzle pieces yet.

Fortunately, you'll also have the best and luckiest possible help - Sun conjunct Jupiter in Aries - on April 6, but due to other things happening in the sky on that day, I am urging you to use the day prior, April 5, instead. Jupiter will fiercely protect your interests in all areas, including romance, money, and career as well as your health. Even if you are feeling drained and pulled in many directions, keep stepping forward, dear Aries, for you are on the side of the angels. Distant travel could come up now or in May, and it would be a good time to pack and go.

On the very same day as the new moon, April 3, Mars will also conjunct Uranus, a blazing hot combination of two planets, made even more so by being in Aries at the critical one degree. You'll feel impatient and even be a bit reckless. You may be ready to give someone a piece of your mind, or someone may provoke you. See how you feel - later, you may regret telling the other person off, or on the other hand, it may be liberating to do so. It is alternatively possible that someone very close, such as your partner, will suddenly face a crisis. In that case, you will want to be there to help.

Most of the momentum this month will emanate from inside you rather than from the outside, from others. You are the engine that's generating the steam and power, and you won't need an agent or representative to do it for you. You will be a font of new ideas, so let your instinct guide you and don't let anyone second guess you.

There may one person nearby who you may feel is being too conservative for your taste, and may, in your thinking, be too "behind the times." You'll be impatient with that person, but don't be too hasty in dismissing his or her pleas to slow down. In April, you'll need to be patient and practical. There will be kernels of truth in what this person has to say. Although this person will be annoying, he or she may perfectly balance your brash assertiveness. If you need funding for an endeavor, Pluto's position reveals that VIPs will demand a practical approach, so maybe this stodgy person does have something wise to say and to consider - you may get the money you need by being buttoned up and conservative.

A relationship with this or another close partner may reach a very critical stage at the full moon, April 17. You may be ready to seal an important course of action, and it could involve anything from getting engaged to making a plan with an important business partner. Fortunately, five planets in Aries will center the power in your hands. At times you may doubt you have any power, but your chart says otherwise, so keep smiling, knowing that by May, things that seem so unsure and so ready to topple will stop gyrating so much and right themselves again. After this month winds down, stability will reappear.

Make sure you do not get to the point where you feel overwhelmed and overwrought near the full moon April 17. Being overtired may tempt you to make the wrong decisions.

All month, but especially near April 3 and 17, words said in anger could spell an end to things. With Mercury retrograde in Aries until April 23, you would be prone to jump to erroneous conclusions, so proceed slowly.

By the last week of the month, the turbulent storms of April that MIGHT come up (but not necessarily will come up) will have cleared, and Mercury also will be moving direct. Saturn will no longer be hammering planets in Aries, so in all, you will come to a more peaceful place. By then, you can do precisely as you please.

If you should choose to leave someone behind at some point in April, you'll do so having carefully considered all options, and come to the conclusion that this is the right decision for you to make. As said many times, this is no month to make snap decisions, but to slowly think through various courses of action. If you love your partner (it's possible your partner is suffering), of course, you will support him or her through thick and thin. The power is in your hands. April is Aries' time, and as said, in April you rule the world.

Dates to Note for Aries

The new moon in Aries is your moment to bolt out of the gate: April 3

In the first week, we'll have six planets in Aries - incredible!

Mars conjunct Uranus, a hot, angry aggressive aspect: April 3.

One of the hardest days possible in a year due to Saturn opposed to the Sun: April 3.

One of your best of the year due to Jupiter conjunct the Sun (so lucky!) will fall on April 6.

Neptune will enter Pisces for the first time since 1847 on April 4 until August 4, to return next year (February 2012) and will then stay 14 years. Your dreams will become more vivid from now on and intuition will sharpen, too. A wonderful day for travel: April 11.

Mercury will be retrograde: until April 23.

Venus moves into Aries: from April 21 to May 15.

Mars will be in Aries, giving you enormous power, April 2 to May 11.

The full moon may give you problems with a partner or you may be depressed about something that happens to your partner. That's only a small possibility. However, it looks as though you will see a good outcome. Full moons bring things to full points, so think good thoughts here! April 17 plus or minus four days. Watch health.

Watch for falls or broken bones: April 18. Watch where you walk!

A good day to see a VIP or present an idea: April 27.

Most romantic days: April 6, 11, 12, 21, 24-26, and 29-30.

Worst days for romance: April 2-3, and April 17, plus or minus four days.
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