
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双鱼座2011年4月星座运势

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Pisces Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

This will be an exciting, usual month that will put a very strong emphasis on money. As a Pisces, you are by nature not materialistic, and so, at times this month, you might find the emphasis on your financial life a bit annoying. Most Pisces feel that pounding their calculator is a necessary evil, not a favorite activity. Not all Pisces feel this way, of course, but many do. Even though you may not enjoy working on financial matters, oddly, Pisces is usually excellent when dealing with money. You are a savvy negotiator, a practical and trustworthy manager, and an astute risk taker. No wonder Forbes magazine has for years listed Pisces as the sign most likely to produce millionaires.

Now, in April and next month, in May, you will find yourself within a golden circle of monetary reward, unlike anything you've seen in your life so far. With no less than SIX heavenly bodies out of a possible 10 filling your second house of income, you will have all kinds of financial discussions swirling around you.

As the most creative sign of the zodiac, you'd probably rather think about ways to improve your creative project than think about your bottom line. Because you are so intent on working on the quality of your product or service, money tends to follow you as a by-product of your efforts. Things have a way of working out for Pisces. Still, even you will be shocked by how powerfully things unfold this month. You may be bewildered to learn that someone wants to discuss a deal that involves quite a bit of money. Finding the fair amount is what will become the topic of the day and at times it may not be easy to agree. You have nothing to fear. All the work you put in, over the course of many years, seems to be coming to a point of reward, wrapped in a beautiful turquoise box and tied with a big white bow.

What makes April so astounding is that planets will be stacking up in Aries in a way we have not seen in years. For you, this means that the new moon, April 3, will set off enormously important conversations about money. The kind of funds you will be discussing is compensation to you that you have earned, not a loan, venture capital, or a mortgage. You may be discussing a raise or new salary or some sort of settlement.

It is alternatively possible that you will also be purchasing something expensive, like a house or automobile, this month, or writing a check for college tuition. If you are making a large outlay, it appears you will find the funds you need and will do so on time, and with ease.

Although the universe will be speaking clearly that money will be your focus (or should I say, obsession?), the conversations the various planets will have with each other will be varied, ranging from very fortunate to frighteningly adverse. There is no way you will be able to sort out the various twists and turns you will encounter quickly, so it looks as though things won't be settled until late April or more likely in May. That's good, for that will be your best timing for a number of reasons.

You might be wondering as you read this if you would be risking a loss by waiting until late April or May to make a final decision. Not at all - you will only gain power and control if you go slowly. In an unusual situation, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus (FIVE planets) that are in your income sector now will remain in your income sector next month, in May. (The Sun and new moon will move on to Taurus, but they are the only heavenly bodies that will!) Further, in May you won't experience any of the quirky fits and starts that you may encounter in April's first three weeks. In contrast, May will bring stability, calm, and outstanding favor to you, Pisces!

Let me show you what I am seeing.

The new moon will appear on April 3 and get the ball rolling. That new moon will conjoin Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and that is an excellent sign that a generous amount of cash is currently being earmarked for you. Jupiter was your ancient ruling planet, before your modern ruler, Neptune, was discovered. Astrologers still look to Jupiter (as well as Neptune) to formulate your forecast. The fact that Jupiter is standing close to this new moon is a very good sign that despite crosscurrents in the air, things should go your way in the end. Jupiter has not visited your solar second house of income since 1999, so this is a rare visit, but soon Jupiter will leave, on June 4.

Jupiter first entered your second house of earned income on January 22 of this year, but if you have not seen the full benefit of his benefic presence, that would be understandable for one reason. In order to unlock Jupiter's goodness, you always need a new moon to crack the code, but the caveat is, it has to be the right new moon. Until now you have not had precisely the right one, but you will with the new moon April 3.

Furthermore, on April 5, two days later, you will experience one of your very best financial days of the year when Jupiter and the Sun will be meeting in conjunction. I often call this configuration one that produces "the luckiest day of the year." This day could hint at the fulfillment of the promise the benefic planet Jupiter had made to you in early 2011 - that is, that this year would become your banner year for money and success. Still, as encouraging as April 5 will be, do not make any firm decisions or commitments quite yet. Here is why.

(A note to Pisces astrologers: The Sun and Jupiter will meet on April 6, a day later, but the moon will be void on April 6, rendering it useless for meetings, as not much will stick or be decided. For that reason, I recommend making April 5 your day to set big appointments, as the energy of the Sun and Jupiter will still be building steam as they move to approach and finalize their conjunction.)

Mercury will be among the planets in Aries filling your second house of income, but will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23. Any decisions you make during that phase or even in the days that closely cluster those dates may prove problematic. You may encounter a few glitches that will need to be discussed. Don't rush, as time is on your side.

Because Mercury rules negotiations, communication, perception, understanding, translation, memory, and other intellectual activities, it is not the right time to make any major decisions. Mercury also rules all phases of commerce, too, so if you buy or sell a big-ticket item, you are likely to be unhappy about your purchase later. When it comes to signing off on deals, or even giving a verbal nod, you need to wait until after April 23. You can have discussions, but you must not come to final conclusions.

In the meantime, the offer may improve, or you may get another counteroffer. Things work out in mysterious ways during Mercury retrograde, but it is always to your advantage to wait until Mercury has regulated its orbit.

Mars will be among the planets in your income house too from April 2 to May 15, suggesting that your expenses may climb in April and May, perhaps because you are making a large outlay of cash to purchase something important, as I spoke about earlier in your report. Or, the presence of Mars may indicate you are now in a dispute about money that you are trying to work out. If so, during April and part of May you will strive to find accord. Mars can make the discussions heated at times, so you need to be ready for that.

Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, is now in Aries and your house of earned income, too. As you see, you have a whole family of chattering, noisy, and nosey little planets ready to put in their two cents about any money matter you are discussing. That's what may make deciding what to do a bit complicated. By himself, Uranus is known to vacillate, shock, and even bring strange situations sometimes. News can go either way, good or bad, depending on the nature, angle, and conversation Uranus will have with another planet.

I am a bit concerned that Mars and Uranus will combine forces on April 3 (the same day as the new moon) for together they can produce a hot, explosive outburst of tempers that could spiral out of control. Still, with Uranus you never know what to expect - it is never what you are looking at. I suppose it is possible you might find you agree on all the points easily and quickly - so much so that you might be shocked! Or, the other party may make a sudden offer out of the blue, at an odd time. When it comes to money, expect the unexpected, especially within a week of April 3.

Saturn will stand across the skies, at 180 degrees, and stare at all the planets in your second house of earned income. Saturn first entered your house of "other people's money" (eighth house) for a long stay last July 2010, and will remain there until October 2012. Saturn will oppose the new moon of April 3, suggesting that either any money you receive will be needed to pay another financial obligation you have, or that the other party will be very stingy and you will have to arm wrestle the money out of the other party's fist. It may be a bit of both, and I am sure you are laughing as I say this because you knew this already!

Even so, Jupiter is powerful and he will be with you until June 4, which is significant. If you didn't have Jupiter in Aries, you would have a much different, and far less attractive, financial outlook. But you DO have him at your side, and that makes all the difference! Jupiter will move to Taurus on June 4, so it behooves you to make your financial agreement prior to that date.

As you see, being your best friend and astrologer this month has truly tested my skills, as the picture in the sky is one that is giving a whole range of mixed messages that I have had to sort out for you, dear Pisces.

The full moon of April 17 will also emphasize money (can you believe this month's forecast?), but only this time it'll emphasize a different type of funds - those usually received in big chunks, not parsed out in weekly checks. That is because the full moon will light the eighth house of other peoples' money, not your second house of earned income.

Your eighth house governs all types of financial obligations and outside income, including taxes due and tax refunds coming to you. Oddly, this full moon, operative plus or minus four days from April 17, coincides with tax day in America. You may be paying your taxes, but hopefully, you will be due a nice refund instead!

This house so lit on April 17 also covers commissions, court settlements, inheritance, prize money, bonuses, mortgage, refinancing plans, tuition financial aid, scholarships, child support, alimony, and the resulting division of property in a divorce. Included too are insurance payouts, and the like, so any of these areas may be active this month for you. Neptune will be friendly to this full moon, suggesting you will be agreeable to the results you get.

Most people think of Venus as the planet of love, but this graceful planet also rules money and expensive gifts, so when Venus tours Aries on April 21 to May 15, you will have another financially-oriented planet to work hard on your behalf. Dear Pisces, although you seem to have a few conflicting messages from the planets when it comes to money, I feel you will come out head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. After all, Jupiter will be guarding your interests like a bodyguard, and that's no small advantage.

I spoke of Neptune just now, and as you may know, Neptune is your ruling planet, and therefore any movements or conversations that Neptune has are always important to you as a Pisces. Of course! It is Neptune's job to take good care of you.

In April there is a staggering development - Neptune is about to move into Pisces for the first time in your lifetime on April 4. Neptune has not been in Pisces since 1847-1862! Although Neptune will stay a short time - only until August 4 - it will have a big impact on you. Neptune will retrograde back to Aquarius in August 2011, but will come back to Pisces, for good, in February 2012. Once Neptune returns, he will settle into Pisces for 14 years, until 2026!

This represents a huge shift in your life, and one you will adore. Your face will be "out there" from now on, so get used to being recognized! Your creativity is about to be rewarded in a big way, and each success will lead you to bigger and better successes. Neptune rules images, so it's possible you will be on TV, in magazines, and talked about quite a bit in the media. You are a modest soul, so as your higher profile goes up, it may require an adjustment from you, but it is one you will readily do, for it's all about how well you are succeeding! Right now it is too soon for you to sense the changes, but you and I will discuss this major astrological event in more detail as we go along.

Romantically, this month, Venus will be in Pisces, sending your popularity sky high from April 1 to 20. This will be your very best period for love. Also, the concentration of energy in your second house will also boost your confidence. In so many ways, it's clear - you are coming into your own, dear Pisces!

Your most romantic dates this month include: April 1, 4-6, 9, 10, 18, 22-23, and 27-28.


Your ship is about to come into port, dear Pisces! With no less than six heavenly bodies in your second house of earned income, including the new moon April 3, and one extra one to arrive in the third week, you will be quite the money magnet. You will find yourself within a period of enormous financial reward, and you may become giddy when you see how ridiculously easy it is for you to command top dollar. Others will be very generous, so there's no reason to scale back your demands - go for the gold, for a trend as big as this one comes by for a short time every twelve years. This window of two months may be tiny, but it's mighty. Your aim will have to be very steady and very accurate, so decide what you'd like to shoot for.

In an attempt to steal thunder from these joyous, rewarding planets in your house of income will be Saturn, the taskmaster-teacher planet that gives us the lessons we learn in life, in the opposite house, ruling debt, other financial obligations, and taxes. Saturn will remain in that area until October 2012, so before he finally leaves, alas, you will find creditors, venture capitalists, and the taxman to take a hard line. To ward off problems, meet with an accountant to plot out a financial strategy and to regulate cash flow. Saturn will be watching to see if you make a misstep, but if you do all the right things - pay creditors and taxes on time, spend and invest wisely, protect against identity theft and other such measures - you will be able to sail into peaceful financial waters and remain untouched by Saturn.

You will have many expenses this month, as Mars will be forcing expenses up. Near April 3, you may be jarred when confronted by one you didn't expect or news about money you didn't expect, as Mars will conjoin Uranus, planet of unexpected developments. Usually the surprises aren't ones we like when Mars fires up Uranus, so do what you can to keep things peaceful. It would not be the time to bring up a sensitive financial topic with your mate or business partner, for example. Ask clients and people who do work for you to notify you in writing if any overages are anticipated so you can sign off on them. Mercury will be retrograde in your financial house from March 30 to April 23, so financial overages are possible, and checks may be late. Continue to send clients who owe you reminder statements, or you may be waiting forever!

Despite these little glitches, your outlook for making money is very strong. In fact, you won't have the incredibly bright financial outlook after June 4, for that is when Jupiter, the giver of gifts, will leave this area of your chart. So while this lucrative phase lasts, confidently name your price, bid high on competitive job estimates, and be wise about managing your money. Most Pisces prefer to work in their own business, and if that describes you, you will find others will clamor for your goods or services.

One day to watch for very good financial news will be when Jupiter meets with the Sun on April 5 and 6, with April 5 your special day. This annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter is what I call the luckiest day of the year - use it for talks on a very important project!

The full moon of April 17 will bring news of a financial obligation that has to be paid. You will need to send that check within four days of this date. Because this date falls close to tax day in the USA, you may need to pay a sum. Still, you will have the money to cover any bill that will be due at this time - be glad for that. Perhaps this full moon will bring you a tax refund or an insurance company payout - better yet! If you are in court over a financial issue, a deal will be in the works that favors you near this date and plans for the payment to you spelled out. Do not to sign papers until after April 23.

Romantically, Venus will be in Pisces until April 20, so the first three weeks of the month should provide you with the most fun.

With the incredibly strong emphasis on money, don't let a person's income and wealth dictate your choice of who to date. You are not a materialistic person, so all these financial talks swirling about you is unusual. You, more than most, know that the best things in life are those that money can't buy. Don't reject a prospective partner because of a lack for lucrative earning ability! Money can come and go, but true love lasts forever.

Dates to Note

Your ability to command a large sum will be enormous from April 3 on, especially in April and May.

An old client may come back into your life with a big order, much to your surprise.

At the same time, you may find that clients are paying you late, so keep sending statements to those tardy payers.

Lower debt this month - you won't always have this bright outlook. After June 4, your money luck will fade, so make your deals before then!

The full moon April 17 will bring all sorts of financial matters to a head, and they involve not salary but money you owe others (taxes, credit cards and loans, including mortgage and venture capital) and money others owe you. You'll have enough to cover your obligation, even if steep.

Mercury will be retrograde March 30 to April 23, so sign no papers until after April 23, and buy no expensive things until late month either.

Romantically, with Venus in Pisces until April 20, you'll be sought-after and in demand. It's flattering! Don't reject a potential partner because he or she is not the earner you are.

Most romantic dates: April 1, 4-6, 9, 10, 18, 22-23, and 27-28.
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