
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2011年4月星座运势

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Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

This month will give you reason to celebrate! Remarkably, no less than six heavenly bodies will stack up in your fellow fire sign Aries, including Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, the Sun and, on April 3 the new moon. Everything starts on the new moon, April 3, so watch how your social life picks up from that moment on. Wow, dear Sagittarius. When have I ever forecast anything this exciting for you?

ALL of the heavenly bodies listed will be in your fifth house of true love. Even more remarkably, Venus will attend this party in Aries too, from April 21 to May 15. This means that at some point in the month you will have seven out of ten heavenly bodies moving through your house of true love!

If you have been longing for a richer, emotional life, or if you found love and want more attention from your partner, this month you should have your wish. This would be an ideal month to take a vacation, long or short, for you will be in the mood to relax and let love find you!

If you were hoping to have a baby, these planets will help you too, and you certainly should pay attention to all I have to say. If you already have children, they will be supremely protected and may even be bringing you some excellent, thrilling news! When it comes to your personal life, you've just entered one of your best months of the year!

Most of the time, you would expect planets to migrate into new signs quickly by the following month (in this case, May), but in a highly unusual situation, most of the little planets in Aries will be having too much fun to go their separate ways. Most will opt to stay together throughout May, too. They seem to say, "Jupiter, while you are up, open another bottle of champagne! We all want another round!" While it is true that the Sun and new moon will move on to Taurus eventually, the rest of the gang, including Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, and Mars, will continue to hang out together in Aries. This will benefit you in a big way.

The occasion for these little planets' party is to welcome Uranus into Aries for the first tine since 1927 to 1935. Uranus will remain in Aries until 2019. That's big news, for Uranus, planet of surprise, will remain in your love / children / creativity sector during all those coming years. As Uranus starts to signal other planets, lots of unusual things will begin to happen, and so it won't be boring, that's for sure. While sometimes, I will admit, it will be a surprise you don't like, because Uranus is in a fire sign, most of the time you WILL like the unexpected serendipity of Uranus.

Sagittarius, can you believe how lucky you are?

Let's look at all the planetary configurations, because like any group of people at a party, some of the planets will get along, and some won't. The planets will send a few conflicting messages, but you can sidestep problems, so stay optimistic!

The new moon, April 3, will set the trend. This new moon will be conjunct Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. That is significant, too, for Jupiter is your guardian planet whose job it is to see that you are happy. Jupiter first moved into Aries in January and began working on improving your love life, but the problem was you didn't have a new moon in your love sector to package all the prevailing energy and send it into motion. Now you do, and on April 3, Jupiter will set off exceptional opportunities for you to meet romantic partners and to enjoy life more.

This new moon will benefit you quite a bit, if you were born on December 6, plus or minus five days. Even so, all Sagittarius will have something to cheer about due to the wide mathematical degrees of the migrating planets in Aries.

Next, Jupiter will meet with the Sun on April 5 and 6. These are due to be five-star days for you! On April 6, the moon will be in Sagittarius! However, in truth, that day, April 6, the moon will be what astrologers call "void," so that makes April 5, the day before, your better day. Go to a mixer or meet someone your friend sets you up with (or that you met online) for the first time at a coffee shop. The chemistry should be wonderful. Something about these days should be outstanding, for I always call the meeting of Jupiter and the Sun the luckiest day of the year. Circle it in gold!

On April 3, Mars will conjunct Uranus. This is known to be a combustible aspect, where some people fly off the handle in a rage of temper. Still, I don't think you will have problems with this aspect. You might, of course (so be careful not to bring up touchy subjects), but I am remaining positive because you have so many planets in fire signs to support you. This month you should find magic around every tree, in the center of every flower, and in the heart of every star that shimmers its rays on you.

Were you born on November 23 or within four days of this date? You will be perfectly positioned to take full advantage of the position of Mars and Uranus on April 3, so in your case, I think you may do incredibly well. With Uranus you never know - he always brings what you would never expect. Be happy and see what happens.

I am also excited to see that Mars will be in Aries from April 2 to May 31. Mars will support your Sagittarius Sun all during that time AND send heaps of energy to your romance sector in a way you've not seen in years. Mars will boost your magnetism and give you the motivation to go out and socialize. You will be noticed, too, for Mars will make you more attractive and raise your profile. That's important if you are to meet someone new!

Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from March 30 to April 23, so Mercury MIGHT delay some of the goodies that are due to flow to you, but I honestly don't think you will be too troubled by Mercury. With, at times, 7 out of 10 planets to support your every move, I feel you'll be unstoppable.

If you have been carrying the torch for an old love, with Mercury looking back, you may decide to meet to talk, maybe over dinner. There's no harm in that! You will be on a roll, so it's a month you can take a chance, such as to call your former sweetheart, confident that you have the winning edge.

I will ask that you make no final plans, promises, announcements, major purchases, launches, or agreements (in writing or verbally) until Mercury is out of retrograde on April 23. Etch no plans in stone before that date, for you will encounter many changes in coming weeks that you can't possibly anticipate now. You can make agreements in one of 2011's best months - May!

Also, miscommunications become rampant with Mercury retrograde, so if you are upset with your partner, make absolutely sure you have not picked up the wrong message or wrong impression. This month you really do have to go the extra mile to create clear communication. Don't jump to conclusions, and enter any new relationship very slowly. With so many fire signs, you may fall in love quickly, but later feel that you filled in blanks in your partner with superb qualities your partner didn't quite deserve. By going slowly you will avoid the Mercury retrograde problems of impaired judgment.

Saturn may try to throw a spanner into the mix, for Saturn will be perched in your eleventh house of friendship and direct his gaze across the sky to your house of true love, and specifically to the new moon and Sun, April 3. This may work out in various ways, but I suspect a friend may have a disapproving word to say about someone you are dating. You may not appreciate those comments, or worse, she may cause you to doubt your own judgment.

The full moon, April 17, may bring a big social event over the weekend of April 16-17. It does appear you will be with many people - you may be at a large party, reunion, convention, charity event, or a weekend workshop. Neptune will be beautifully oriented to this full moon, so there should be soft, romantic elements that you will enjoy.

It is also possible that you will have some sort of news pertaining to a friend. If you have an argument, it may be that he or she is sad you're too busy to see each other, now that you have a new romantic love. If your friend does not have anyone to date, she or he may feel abandoned by you and lonely in the friendship. Be careful not to cancel plans with friends when you get another offer - keeping your promises will be important. Being sensitive to other's feelings will head off problems.

If your birthday falls on December 19, plus or minus four days, you will find the full moon affects you more than any of the other aspects this month.

In your career, this is not quite the month to be looking for work due to Mercury being retrograde, but there are exceptions. First, if you are in a creative profession and are paid for your ideas, designs, and other creations, you will be a virtual idea factory in April. Just about everything you touch will be hailed as brilliant. All those planets in Aries will be encouraging you to set your imagination free. Keep working, dear Sagittarius - you are on the verge of a breakthrough this month and next!

If you were hoping to get a new position, next month, May, will bring you better chances to find all sorts of work. Although the position you locate in May would likely be at a similar level to the one you currently have (not a step up), you might enjoy the position more, for it would allow you a great deal of room for creative input.

If an old friend or former boss offers you a position in April, you can take it without fear. The rule of "never take a position when Mercury is retrograde" does not apply if the job comes from someone you know. In that case, you'd be simply continuing the relationship into a new realm. If you work with that person in the future, Mercury retrograde would not have any power over you in this instance. If you start with someone new you don't know, the nature of the job will change dramatically in a way you can't yet anticipate. Of course, if you are taking a stopgap job to bridge you over until you find a better one, you might not mind!

This month, the best day to have career talks will be April 11, when Mercury, the ruler of your house of achievement and fame, will meet with Jupiter. Mercury will be out of phase, so don't make any firm plans, but you can make progress. Next month, ironically to the day, May 11, Mercury will again meet with Jupiter in Aries, and this time, both planets will be in strong, sturdy shape. That day, May 11, is sure to be a pivotal day, filled with exciting developments.

I mentioned earlier that this month would favor conception, and so will May. In my tour of the USA, I found that I am asked about conception a great deal, and I discovered many couples are struggling. If you are among those couples trying hard for a child, April and May should be your time to try. If you have not yet seen a specialist to help you, do that soon.


You are about to win the mega-jackpot when it comes to love and romance! Uranus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon (April 3) will all be crowded into your house of true love, an extraordinary concentration of energy in your true love sector (fifth house). If you've almost given up meeting The One, hold on to the dream, because the coming weeks could literally change your life.

You'll start to see how popular you've become just after the new moon, April 3. If single, be open to meeting new people and various types, for you will want to cast a wide net. Rarely have you ever seen anything like what's to come!

Mars in Aries from the start of the month will make you more courageous. If you've ever felt shy, you won't now, for you'll easily discover that, indeed, you do have the power to mesmerize the object of your affections.

By April 21, when Venus enters Aries, your magnetism will have reached sky-high levels, and by then, Venus will see that those levels stay high. Lucky you, Venus will remain in Aries until May 15, and Mars, the other love planet, will remain in Aries until May 31. You truly have cornered all of the most precious planetary energies swirling above, dear Sagittarius!

By the time you get to April 20, you'll have the luxury of sitting back to let others come to you. You won't have to try hard to find love, nor should you.

With planets in Aries, you'll be adventuresome, confident, and spunky, enjoying every minute of those to come! The way you would meet your new special person would likely be through social means, not through work or travel. If a friend had volunteered to make introductions some time ago, it's time to remind your friend of that offer! April and May should be simply enchanting for you, and an abundant number of new people could pour into your life. Among those new faces will be one or two people you'll want to know much better.

You must make an effort to see the difference. Nothing in life happens by itself - you must show the universe your intent! Plan to socialize much more in April and May, and by June, you can relax your efforts. By then, you will have built up enough momentum to carry you forward. I know you are busy, but make romance your first priority in the coming two months. You will be glad you did.

Saturn will oppose the planets in your house of true love, however, and therefore, a friend may voice opinions of your new partner and hurt your feelings, or worse, make you second guess your instincts about enjoying a fledgling relationship. Keep your own counsel, dear Sagittarius.

Just in case your friend has a point about your new partner, enter any new love relationship slowly and gradually. Planets in Aries will make you want to rush - but that is almost never wise. Be sensitive to your friend's feelings, too, and don't back out of plans at the last minute, disappointing your friend when you get an offer for an exciting date. Alternatively, you may need to help a friend who is in a crisis, just when you had hoped to have a romantic night out. Saturn is actually testing your loyalty to friends (or, one in particular) these days - so keep your priorities in check.

Whatever is going on with a friend, or with a social obligation, will reach fullness within four days of April 17. Oddly, money may also enter the equation, so try not to mix money with friends this month.

If you are attached, the idea of having a baby now may sound especially right. April and May would be an ideal time to try to conceive or to begin the adoption process, for rarely have you ever had the level of cosmic support you will have now in this area of life. Chances for you to enjoy romance will be everywhere you look, and you'll want to turn away from the usual daily concerns to enjoy it all. If you can take an exciting vacation with your significant other, do, for it would turn out to be a landmark occasion.

In your career, your creativity will blossom beautifully, and you will be working on a project though May. Ideally, it will be a project you can spearhead and have a strong hand in designing. Creativity often flourishes in solitude, so you may want to take work home from time to time to think and experiment while alone. Venus will be touring your home sector until April 20, so you'll be inspired there. It's critical that you give your project the time it needs - it may grow to blockbuster levels with your planets this month! This month creative ideas will be bankrolled in a big way too, so crank up your creative energies and ask for the funding!

One of your best days for your career will be April 11, when someone you used to work with from your past comes back to contact you with a flattering offer or juicy news that can benefit you. You won't be able to sign contracts or give your final answer then, but you'll get a second chance with the same meeting of Mercury and Jupiter on May 11, and by then, all the pieces of your puzzle will fall perfectly in place.













最浪漫的日子:4月2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16-17, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29,和30.
发表于 2011-4-1 15:04:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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