
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2011年4月星座运势

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Gemini Horoscope for April 2011
By Susan Miller

This month, the planets will be a bit wild, sending differing, often opposite, messages, at the same time. As the adage goes, "When in doubt, do nothing." With your ruler, Mercury, retrograde from March 30 to April 23, things cannot be settled to your satisfaction anyway, so take your sweet time to sort out options and do your research.

Mercury is the planet of thinking, reasoning, and communication, so when it is out of phase, everyone of every sign feels it, but Gemini always feels it more than most. Mercury is your guardian planet, so when retrograde, it is an unfortunate time to launch anything new. It is also not a time to sign a contract or even give your final word of approval verbally. Conditions are shifting rapidly now, a fact you may not see until later. Nothing will be set in stone this month, so if you make decisions now, your decisions will be based on the wrong criteria and with priorities that will change later. It's also not a time to buy expensive things, particularly electronic items, for Mercury rules moving parts.

Still, despite the scrambled effects that Mercury will send, I feel you will enjoy April. You will have Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon of April 3, all in fire sign Aries, a sign that powerfully and beautifully supports your air sign element of Gemini. All these planets are crowded into your house of friendship, so that's where the emphasis will be. Friends will be the ones who direct the course of events in April, and it seems that, for the most part, they will support you wholeheartedly. New friendships should be especially exciting. You will have the time to spend with your new friends, and it should be an enjoyable time for you.

On April 11, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, making it one of your best days of the month. Jupiter is the planet of gifts and luck, and Mercury rules news - this is sure to be a happy day when what you hear really has you thrilled. Remember, though, that Mercury is retrograde, so while you can't sign anything (wait until your best month ever, May) you can talk, negotiate, do research, and generally get your ducks in a row. Next month, Jupiter and Mercury will again meet, and this time both planets will be moving forward in direct motion (not retrograde). Mark it on your calendar! May 11, a gorgeous day of days!

You might want to consider joining social media and having a presence in a big way if you have not previously done so. It's also the time to choose a humanitarian cause to support and join groups in real time. Volunteerism could be a big part of this trend for you and represents the area of your greatest personal growth. With so many planets in your eleventh house, you now have a chance to make a big difference to someone - or a whole subset of society - that desperately needs help.

Certainly, all new associations you make now and in May will have a big bearing on your future. New friends will help you, and you will find that you and they have a lot in common. You will advance your agenda by being out and about, not by being back at the office working behind closed doors. Actually, you will do well by being secluded later on in the year, but not now. Your solitary phase will start in June, and go for a year. For now, however, socialize while you can, for doing so will broaden your outlook in ways you still can't imagine.

Now that Uranus has settled into this same eleventh house of friendship, you will find that in the future, your new friends will be highly creative types, and many may be younger than you. That's good - they will revitalize you and open you up to many new ideas and concepts. The presence of Uranus always shows where we get most of our stimulation and surprise in life, so for you, it will be through being around your friends for the coming seven years. You've not had Uranus in Aries in your lifetime, as the cycle of this planet is 84 years to revolve around the Sun (and subsequently, through all 12 houses of the horoscope). This is really exciting. Of course, when you have the planet of unpredictably in your house of friendship, you have to expect all sorts of surprises, both good and bad. It won't be boring, that's for sure.

The new moon of April 3 will send an unusual number of mixed messages. One that concerns me is Mars conjunct Uranus, a hot aspect associated with anger or explosive events that might be played out in the news on TV. In your own life, you might have an argument with a friend on April 3 or close to this day, or a friend may suddenly say hurtful things to you.

It is alternatively possible that you will discover your friend is in a crisis, and you need to help her or him. There are many possibilities. It worries me that this is happening on the new moon, as a new moon extends the influence of the event much further into the future, for weeks and possibly even months, rather than just for a day. For example, if it does turn out that your friend does have to confront a crisis, the after effects won't be just for a short time. Your involvement will remain with your friend throughout the recovery period lasting six months or more. However, this will speak well of your character and maturity, dear Gemini.

At the same time this new moon appears, April 3, Saturn will oppose the Sun and moon exactly. Saturn is the planet that would rather have you work and sacrifice than indulge and play, so you see the picture here. Having Saturn in the fifth house is an oxymoron. Saturn doesn't let you play very much as he puts obstacles in your path to see what you'll do - accept responsibilities or try to get out of them.

You may decide you want to take on a role in a charity, and that would be a great way to use this energy. Keep in mind that Saturn is in air sign Libra, and in perfect angle to your Sun, therefore in a highly benefic angle to your air sign Gemini Sun. Although Saturn makes you work, the productivity you achieve will be awesome and could place you in a whole new plateau in life.

Saturn's presence could suggest concern for one of your children, if you have children, and its opposition to the new moon could require that you make a financial outlay for that one child. Saturn asks us to sacrifice for the love we feel for another person. In this case it is your child, so that interpretation would fit.

There is another way things could play out. Saturn's presence could also suggest that you and the person you are dating (if you are dating) need to be in very different locations. Saturn brings separations through no fault of your own, just to see what you will do. Sometimes Saturn does this to test the strength of your relationship. Saturn will change signs in October 2012, so from now until then, you will have to contend with that situation.

A creative project could be proceeding slowly this month, due to Saturn's position, and that may frustrate you a little. All things that require care and thought require a slow approach, dear Gemini.

In a month that has everything, one of the most stunningly beautiful aspects follows on April 6, when Jupiter and the Sun will meet in Aries. I call this the luckiest day of the year! On this day, you might travel or get exceptionally happy news.

If you were born from June 2-5, you are receiving the very best possible vibrations from Saturn this month.

If you were born within FIVE days of June 4, you will feel the benefits of this new moon, even though it has mixed messages.

If you were born on June 6, or within five days of this date, you will hit the jackpot with the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter. The closer you were born to June 6, the better (or, if you have Gemini rising close to 16 degrees, you, too, have hit the jackpot).ÿ

The full moon on April 17 will be about a love relationship, or about the child you probably have been thinking about intensely since last October. Things are coming to culmination at the full moon, and the conversations that the new moon is having with the other planets are mild. Actually, the new moon will be more difficult than the full moon, so keep cheerful. Neptune in very late degrees of Aquarius, another sign that wholeheartedly supports yours, will send shimmering vibrations.

If your birthday falls on June 18, plus or minus five days, you will feel the association with the full moon more than most.

In your career, there will be interesting things happening, too. Neptune, the planet of creativity and imagination, will enter your tenth house of fame and honors (Pisces) for the first time since 1847 to 1862. As you see, you've never hosted Neptune in your house of career success and achievement in your lifetime, so this is something dazzling and new.

While Neptune will only remain in Pisces and your house of fame for four months, from April 4 to August 4 of this year, he will be back in February 2012 and is set to stay until January 2026. In the meantime, this month and in the coming four months you will get a sample of how lovely Neptune can be in your career.

You may suddenly take a much more prominent role in your industry. Your face might be recognized by millions of people in the future - Neptune can put your image out there, that's for sure. You may be on television, on the Internet, or in print. You may make many speeches to groups, or you may hear your song sell like crazy on iTunes - and see it climb to best seller status. Your screenplay may be made into a movie that does very, very well, leading you to other screenplays being sold. It seems sure that you will have a more creative role to play in society, so live it, and enjoy it, dear Gemini.


Get ready for an outstandingly social month, especially in the first half of April! With no less than SIX heavenly bodies stacked up in Aries, and all crowded in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, April will be a month filled with happy coincidences, unexpected joys, and fabulous opportunities. Aries is a fire sign that blends perfectly with your air sign element of Gemini, so new friends will pour into your life at a fast clip, delighting you, and you'll have a chance to link with old friends, too. Join a new club or group, online and in real life, and then network up a storm. Benefits await you!

People you meet and people you know will certainly provide the momentum this month, and friends will be able to offer solutions to many of life's dilemmas. If asked to work on a charity or humanitarian project, accept, for meeting like-minded people in a social setting will advance your career, money, and other areas of life, in ways you can't quite anticipate. In April and May, friends will hold the keys to much happiness, gratification, and success.

Having said that, there is one day that will be the exception, when you may want to throttle one of your friends - April 3. Count to ten, dear Gemini. Alternatively, you may instead be worried about the welfare of a close friend and need to help him or her.

Saturn will oppose the Sun and moon, so you may be dismayed to see a sweetheart be relocated to a distant location, separating you due to no fault of your own. Or, it may be that you feel a little breather would be warranted now, so that you both can think about how you feel about each other. Sometimes life - work, children, other responsibilities - interferes with relationships, and that seems to be happening in early April. This does not mean it's going to be this way forever, but it may be for a little while.

A romantic relationship or matter involving a child or pregnancy could reach fullness at the full moon, April 17 plus or minus four days. It might be a joyous moment, and I surely hope it will. Yes, being a full moon, it might be stressful, possibly because the needs of a friend (or opinions of a friend) conflict with your needs or worldview. This does not seem likely but is possible. Or, because this full moon is in your house of true love, you may be sorting out a personal relationship or what to do to help a child.

So that you can take time to think for a moment, don't be overloaded with too many obligations on your schedule at this time. More likely, this full moon will be a cause for celebration, especially if you were born on or near June 18.

Your very best day of the month will be April 11, when your ruler, Mercury, conjoins with Jupiter, and you may get wonderful news. If given an offer, for just about anything, take time to think things over. Alas, Mercury will be retrograde until April 23, so wait until then to speed ahead on your dearest plans. Hold off on big purchases until then, too.

In your career, March was simply glorious, and you are still feeling the glow. Venus will be moving through your tenth house of honors and professional kudos, so it's sure to be flattering see how much you are valued by your company, your industry, and possibly the world at large. Venus will remain in this house until April 20, giving you three weeks of enormous favor with VIPs.

Something else, far more important, is set to happen this month in your career, and that is the move of Neptune, planet of inspiration, imagination, and vision, into your tenth house of fame and honors. Once Neptune gets fully settled in early 2012, he will stay in that house until 2026. For now, between April 4 and August 4, you will get a good preview of what is to come again in February 2012. Your face will be much more recognizable, and you no longer will be in a behind-the-scenes role, if you ever were. Also, you will begin to play a much more leading role in your industry, and inspiring others in some way could become your main goal. This will be a huge trend, and it's just starting up now!

Dates to Note for Gemini

Friends hold the keys to all happiness this month. Make new friends and link with old pals too, from April 3 onward. Online and in real life, people you meet, even as casual contacts, will be lucky for you.

A romantic relationship could be stressful near the full moon, April 17, possibly because a friend is making demands or doesn't like your partner.

One tough day with a friend will be April 3, although it's not clear if you will be worried about a friend or want to strangle her. The problem is that Mars is opposed to Uranus and Saturn is opposed to the Sun.
Venus will tour your career house until April 20, giving you top favor from VIPS.

Neptune will make a brief entry into Pisces from April 4 to August 4, to return in February 2012 and stay until 2026! This will be the first time in your life that you've had Neptune in Pisces, and it will affect how you are viewed in your profession.

News about money should be bright if you meet with a VIP on April 27, thanks to the collaboration of the Sun and Pluto.

Most romantic dates: Once Venus moves into Aries, more social fun will result, from April 21 to May 18.

All romantic dates include: April 6, 8-9, 11-12, 21-22, 24-25, and 29-30.
发表于 2011-4-1 15:00:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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