
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2011年4月星座运势

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Leo Horoscope for April 2011
By Susan Miller

April should be a happy month for you! With SIX planets visiting you in fellow fire sign Aries, all sending loving kisses to your sign, you are about to enjoy rare favor. All the planets will be in Aries, which enjoys adventure, pioneering, and experimentation, so this won't likely be "any old month" but will bring in new and special elements. This will be an exciting time for you, and because many of the planets invited to this Aries party will want to continue to hang out together next month, May is shaping up as quite extraordinary for you, too!
Packed into one small space in the heavens in April will be Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon, April 3. This will be a rare crown of stars unlike any you've seen in recent years. This build-up of energy in your solar ninth house will certainly focus your attention on distant places or on relationships with people in foreign countries.

It is possible that you might not have to leave home at all to enjoy the energy in the air, if, say, you are working with someone on a long-term project abroad, for you may be able to do all from your desk. You may be asked to become a contributing editor to a magazine abroad, or your book may be translated into other languages. You may be working on an import-export idea or you may consider living or studying abroad. The point is, foreign people and places will take on a huge emphasis this month for you. The new associations and ventures that you put in place now could carry you forward for years into the future.

Mercury will be retrograde throughout the month, from March 30 to April 23, so you would need to take extra precautions. If you travel, have maps and all the proper paperwork for your trip, including passports and visas. It's easy to become forgetful when Mercury is retrograde, so make sure you have everything you need. If you want to use your cell phone abroad, call your carrier for an international plan, and pack your cell phone and computer charger, too. Double-check the address and get good driving instructions to get there. While Mercury is retrograde, it is always wise to check everything, including your appointments, especially as you get closer to the date of takeoff.

It will be vital that you NOT make any final agreements for a new position or venture, or even give verbal consent to any proposal, deal, or offer until after April 23. You can work on ongoing projects that were started earlier (even in March) but not new ones. April 23 is the date Mercury goes direct, and I would even prefer you leave a little space around that date. I say aim for April 27, a very good day for you to begin new projects. On April 27, Pluto will signal the Sun, and that's your ruling star, making for an exceptionally fine day. Even better would be the new moon, May 3, a glorious time for Leo!

These planets stacked in your ninth house at the start of April might alternatively get you thinking about going for an advanced degree at a university. Colleges generally send out admission letters now, in early April, and you may be excited to see you were invited to attend your favorite institution. If you were turned down in one and are disappointed, ask officials to reconsider your application. If you feel you are qualified, you should take this extra step. This month, with Mercury retrograde, decisions can be changed, sometimes to your favor. Ask your guidance counselor (if you have one) for help.

Publishing and broadcasting ventures glitter, too. If you dream of writing a book or screenplay, or want to debut your own blog, you can make moves soon to make it a reality. You can have talks and send query letters, but realize that after Mercury goes direct, you have a better chance of success.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is still in your ninth house, ruling all the things you and I have been discussing together - travel and adventure, higher education, and publishing/broadcasting. Jupiter has been in this house since last January and you still have two more months before Jupiter will leave. Once Jupiter moves on, he will not to return to this area of your chart for 12 years. Until now you've not had the right new moon and help from other planets, but now you do. Make the most of them! You must plan in the first three weeks of April and be ready to roll at the last week.

It would be wise to scan listings to find the bargain travel package of your dreams, for with your fortunate aspects, you are likely to find it fairly easily! Think about visiting a foreign country you've never seen, for the aspects that are on tap will be coaxing you to travel far and wide and to be inspired by what you see. Later your career will take much more of your time and attention, so while you can travel for any reason, do!

On April 6, Jupiter will combine with the Sun, setting off the luckiest day of the year. The fact that the Sun is involved is important, because the Sun rules Leo. While everyone will like this configuration, you will enjoy it more - this is your ruler involved! Still, the moon is "void" on April 6, which means she won't be speaking to any of the other planets that day and will shut down for a rest. Anything you schedule on April 5 will come to nothing much, so to enjoy the goodness of April 6, you will need to circle the day before - April 5.

April 5 is your new luckiest day of the year. Energy will still be building to a lovely high point and meetings you have on this day should go exceedingly well. If you find you are thinking about international matters, travel, academia, or publishing or broadcasting ventures, you'll be doubly pleased. All these areas will shimmer like gold for you.

The new moon will appear on April 3 and set off the energy of all the planets now and all the areas I just listed. This new moon this month will come with very conflicting messages and aspects, so you'll have to manage the energy, but if you stay alert, you should be pleased with the way things turn out. I will talk about those conflicting messages now.

The new moon will first meet with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This is a sign of just how wonderful things could be for you if you investigate what is possible for you. Jupiter will broaden your thinking and make you more accepting of various cultural and political points of view. You'll be curious now, and hungry to know more about the world around you. Jupiter also rules the court system, so if you are involved in a legal case and meeting with your lawyer (or having your day in court) on or near April 3-5, then you will like what you hear.

Uranus is now in your ninth house, too, for the first time in your life. That's a big statement, but to explain, it takes Uranus 84 years to circle the zodiac (and the Sun), so once this big planet that rules unexpected developments arrives in a house, he stays for approximately seven years. Uranus first entered your ninth house last month on March 11, and will remain until 2019! Uranus shows where you'll be getting your main stimulation and surprise in the years ahead, and for you that will be through travel and study, international relationships, publishing, and broadcasting ventures. (If you are a screenwriter, this says, "television," not "movies," which would be helpful to know.)

Mars is also moving through this ninth house area that you and I have been discussing here, and Mars will give you the motivation and drive to try new things. You'll feel energized and optimistic, making this an extra good time to travel. Mars will link to Uranus on April 3, the same day as the new moon, so you may fly away spontaneously, without too much notice, perhaps for business. If you are traveling by car for a long road trip, make sure your vehicle is in perfect condition before you leave. Uranus in conjunction with Mars (April 3) could bring unexpected mechanical problems, so it would be a good idea to schedule a tune up before you go.

At the same time as the new moon, Saturn will be opposed to the Sun and moon, making things a bit arduous if you travel for business. You may find everything takes a bit longer than you expect, or you may encounter small glitches to work out that you don't expect. The hours may be long, too, so try to allot extra time to your trip, as you will need it to sort things out once there.

If you are a Leo born August 6 plus or minus four days, you will feel the affects of the new moon most, and benefit most from it. It will have a dramatic effect!

You will have a full moon on April 17, in another part of the chart that rules travel, so again you may be on the road. This time, you would more likely travel closer to home. This full moon has more friendly planets surrounding it, so it should be easier to experience.

It is also possible you will hear from your sibling at the full moon, perhaps because she or he has news, or because you were planning to do something together. If so, things will come to fruition at this time. It would be a great time to schedule a reunion, say, for your parents, or to see friends you've not seen in a long time.

This third house, highlighted by the full moon April 17, also rules agreements, so there's a good chance you will be asked to sign papers within four days of this date (the area of influence of all full moons). Even if papers are ready, you must not sign anything until AFTER April 23, the date Mercury goes direct. Any deal you make while Mercury is retrograde will need to be redone later, for you will not have full information about conditions surrounding the deal quite yet. If you sign too soon, you will likely regret doing so. Also, don't buy anything expensive, such as a house, a car, a new computer, or smartphone, for you may have problems with the product later if you do, or you may not enjoy your purchase for some other reason. Delay things until April 27, a far better day for you this month.

If you are a Leo with a birthday that falls on August 20, you will find the full moon affects you more, so stay alert. Something important is coming to culmination.

Your career is about to show amazing fireworks in May and beyond, but you should spend some time this month getting your resume, CV, portfolio, or reel ready. Some spectacular things are on the way, dear Leo. That's another reason I would like you to travel in April rather than May - too many things are going to pop for you next month, starting the moment the month takes off!

This month, your most creative day will be April 20 when the Sun and Neptune will have a conversation - about you! Ideas will come raining down on you easily, so set aside time to experiment!

Financially your outlook is better than ever too, now that Uranus, the planet of alternating current and unpredictable events, is out of your eighth house of joint financial matters. Your outlook is really bright, so be optimistic!

Romantically, with so many planets in your travel and exploration sector this month, it seems logical that you'd find your most romantic moments occur away from home. If you can go overseas, I urge you to do so sooner than later. Once Jupiter leaves Aries on June 4, your stars won't be nearly as bright for an exciting voyage - go now! Venus will enter Aries on April 21 through May 15, adding on another layer of glamour to any trip you take.

If you can't go far because other obligations are keeping you home, you might be able to go to a sweet bed and breakfast nearby, over April 16-17, the full moon weekend. That would be a wonderful time to go, for it would give you just the right breathing space from everyday cares to enjoy the one you love - or find someone new.


Travel and exploration will be written all over your chart in April, and with the weather so fair, why stay home? Foreign people and places will be very fortunate for you now, so you may decide to work in the international arena, perhaps by opening - or expanding - an import-export business. You can use these vibrations for fun, too, and if so, with planets in adventuresome, daring Aries, you will want to explore an exotic location new to you. Trips for business or pleasure taken to nearby locations won't be quite as fortunate, so look at Internet listings and find a foreign package.

Still, keep in mind if you do travel for business or sports, with Saturn opposed to the Sun on April 3, it may be easy to overdo or expect too much of yourself. Pace yourself - you are only human.

Aries, the sign where six heavenly bodies will be in April, is a highly athletic sign, so you may even decide that instead of sightseeing you'd rather opt for an athletic vacation involving rock climbing, white water rafting, or participation in a foreign competition like a marathon for which you've been training for months. Are you hoping to get a passport or Visa? You can settle everything this month, quite easily.

If you can't travel, you will be unusually creative and excited about life nevertheless, and you'll be unusually hungry to learn new things. Open yourself up to new vistas. Your ideas will have wide scope and would inspire others, so share them bravely! You will have six planets in Aries supporting your every move, and people will want to hear what you have to say.

If you applied to college or grad school several months ago, all sorts of good news should surface. If you need to take major exams, you'll do well.

Your most creative day will be April 20, when your ruler, the Sun, contacts imaginative Neptune. Being exposed to foreign cultures will spark new ideas, so if you can't travel, at the very least, spend time in museums in April.

Your best day to see a VIP and come across as powerful and assured will be April 27, when Pluto and the Sun will collaborate perfectly.

A contract or deal memo may be offered to you for your signature at the full moon, April 17, but you'll need to think things over. With Mercury retrograde until April 23, there will be troublesome clauses, but you may, in your haste, overlook them. Wait until at least April 27 to sign.

It is also very possible that you'll be working on a key publishing or broadcasting project, with a date to reveal all on April 17, plus or minus four days. Not a good idea. You'll run into delays and all kinds of unexpected problems getting that project out the door, so get that deadline date changed to the end of the week, closer to April 23! Overall, however, this assignment will become a jewel in your crown, so be detailed, be thorough, and later, be proud!

Romantically, like everything else in your chart (career, money, friendship - even health), travel improves your chances for happiness. Jupiter rules your fifth house of true love, and with Jupiter ensconced in your foreign people and places sector until June 4, until then, Cupid will work hardest to help you find love while you are away. The only exception will be if you find yourself in a university or classroom setting, which will also bring equally bright circumstances to meet your one true love.

April 6 may turn out to be an exciting day for romance, when your luck in matters of the heart will keep giving you reasons to be excited.

Once Venus enters fire sign Aries on April 21, you'll be on a roll (until May 15) and will have to swat your admirers away!

Dates to Note for Leo

Travel and relationships abroad will sparkle brightly all month, starting April 3. Your experiences will be broadening and liberating, as well as profitable. Know your limits however, especially near the start of this trend, as Saturn will ask you to put out a lot.

Mercury will be retrograde April 1 to 23, so don't sign any contracts until after April 23.

You do best romantically when Venus is touring a fire sign, so watch when Venus is in Aries from April 21 until May 15. This same period is excellent for improving your appearance.

Don't launch any communications-oriented projects (such as a new website, new TV show, or advertising or publicity campaign) until after April 23.

Most romantic evenings: April 2, 6, 7, 8, 11-13, 21-22, 25-26, and 29-30.
发表于 2011-4-1 14:41:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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