
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller水瓶座2011年4月星座运势

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Aquarius Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

You will love this month! Your mind will be abuzz with many new ideas, and some will be hailed by higher-ups as downright brilliant. You will be eager to get started, and who could blame you? With no less than six heavenly bodies stacking up in Aries, all in your third house of thinking, travel, and communication, the concepts you are coming up with now will be original and accurately reflect your individuality. Being unique is always important to an Aquarian, so this month, you will certainly be "in your element." As I will explain in a moment, even though you will want to get started quickly, there will be several reasons to slow down. In April, it will be important not to rush.

Among the planets in your third house will be Mars, the action planet, pushing you to get the show on the road. If you write, speak, edit, translate, do research, write code, or work in public relations, marketing, or sales, you'll be in hot demand. There's also a good chance you'll need or want to travel this month, and if you do so for business, traveling will help you spread your influence everywhere. This trend will be set off on April 3, the new moon, so you will notice it immediately.

If your birthday falls on February 3, or within five days of this date, you will especially benefit from all that is happening. However, even if you were NOT born at this time of the month, with so many planets touring all mathematical degrees of Aries, you are sure to benefit.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is part of a gang of planets filling your third house of communication and travel. Two of your best days to see the power of Jupiter will be April 5 and 6, your "luckiest days of the year" for communications-oriented projects. Of the two days, I like April 5 better, as the moon will be void and not speaking to other planets on April 6. Schedule meetings (but make no final commitments) for April 5.

Astrological studies have shown that one of several indicators of success in writing anything, including best-selling books or blockbuster movies, is having Jupiter in this house at birth. Even if you weren't born with this configuration, you do have Jupiter protecting you in that house now, so if you hope to sell a book or screenplay idea, or be represented by a speaker's bureau, this is your time to work on that goal. It's also an excellent time to see your TV show idea made into a pilot, get your own radio show on the air, or to get your own blog ready to unveil next month. You can learn improvisation or a new language, or take a course in creative writing. Get moving, dear Aquarius! The aspects circulating in your third house, ruling all sorts of communication, will only be here two months, but they will be extraordinarily powerful, on a once-in-a-lifetime configuration. You can now have your dream transformed into reality.

Last month, remarkably, Uranus, your ruling planet, moved into Aries too, and has taken up residence in your third house of communication until early 2019! Astrologers always look to see where a person's ruling planet is traveling and the conversations that planet is having with other planets, for your ruler's activities is a reliable indicator of where your focus is concentrated. Uranus is the "higher octave" of Mercury, taking Mercury's gift for writing, thinking, and communicating into a new realm, that of innovation and even of genius. For the first and only time in your life, you will have Jupiter (luck), Uranus (genius), Mercury (news, agreements), Mars (action), the Sun (favor from authority), and the vital ingredient, the new moon, all crowded together in your third house. It all starts April 3.

You have such great aspects to succeed - the time is now! Later, on April 21, Venus will enter Aries, too, to add a touch of grace and beauty and help make the process fun. Dear Aquarius, you seem to have it all.

The one little problem is that Mercury, the planet of intellect, perception, communication, negotiation, and commerce, is currently retrograde from March 30 to April 23. This means you can stage talks, but not come to any final agreement just yet. It is also not the time to hand in a manuscript or sign an agent. Whenever Mercury is retrograde, we need to backtrack, so you may, for example, have to correct a manuscript now or tweak a marketing plan.

In all forms of creative effort, there is always a need to redo, polish, correct, and shape the work. This is the perfect activity to do now, while Mercury is out of phase. If you are in sales, it is time to revisit former customers for more business - the clients and customers who have always supported you will now represent a better source of profit than the new ones will. This will change after April 23, but why not do your own little form of customer / client appreciation month by taking your best clients to lunch or dinner?

Planets in Aries are always very assertive, never passive, for Aries' energy is strong and masculine. You will have seven out of ten heavenly bodies circulating in this sign this month, so you will be inspired by Aries' competitive, pioneering, and entrepreneurial energy. The need to be your own boss will be very strong now, but if you decide to open your own business, apply (for incorporation, proprietorship, or other forms) AFTER Mercury is finished retrograding on April 23.

Aries is a fire sign that "falls in love" with new concepts quickly. Aries is impatient, so you will be, too. This is not only because so many heavenly bodies will visit Aries in April, but also because among the little crowd of planets in Aries will be your RULER, Uranus, which is not due to leave Aries until 2019. In coming years, the yearning to have the freedom to run your own business may become almost irresistible. The problem is, Aries' energy is known to be brash and impulsive, but if you jump into a business without doing your due diligence, you might be inviting disaster. Be aware of the rules, laws, and standards you will be expected to follow. A meeting with a lawyer and accountant is, of course, basic to your foundation.

Saturn is currently in Libra, and this month he is staring at all the planets in Aries from his perch in your ninth house 180 degrees away. Saturn happens to be precisely opposite the Sun and new moon of April 3, so that's significant to note.

Saturn's job, as the teacher planet, is to hold your feet to the fire, to make sure you meet obligations, and to be certain you are willing to learn new skills. You must also be open to the advice of elders and VIPs, as this is also indicated by Saturn's position. Actually, in this instance, Saturn will be your friend, for with Saturn standing in the doorway, restricting your movements, he can actually be a big help to you. Saturn will prevent you from rushing into a business idea before it has been properly formulated. By putting a few obstacles in your path, you will slow down - and this is good!

If you are an Aquarian with a birthday that falls within four days of February 3, you are benefiting in the most outstanding way from Saturn, as he is in perfect angle to your Sun. The decisions you will be making at month's end, and in May, will form a solid foundation for the future. As you recall, I also mentioned this Aquarius birthday above, because you will feel the effects of this month's new moon, too.

You might say, "You ask me to wait to take advantage of all this. But if I wait for Mercury to stop retrograding, won't I miss all the outstanding opportunities that are sprouting up in the communication arts in my chart?" No, you won't miss any opportunities - just the opposite, you will gain by waiting! What makes this period so unusual and so exciting is that most of the little happy planets gathering in your third house, all in fire sign Aries that relate so beautifully to your air sign element of Aquarius, will stay in Aries another month. This is extraordinary and almost never happens!

(I will add as an aside, that you are an air sign, even though you are symbolized by the water bearer. The water bearer is pouring knowledge, not water, into the ether that surrounds the earth, making you one of the most intellectual and probing signs of the zodiac. Yours is the sign of the scientist, dear Aquarius, which is why you so often do well in high tech, futuristic fields, even if you are not scientifically oriented.)

Often when we move from month to month, the planets move from sign to sign too, but in this rare instance, this is not going to happen that way now. While it is true that the Sun and new moon will have to fulfill their obligation to move to Taurus immediately, the other little planets, who are so excited to see one another and celebrate your ruler's entry into Aries for the first time since 1935, will linger at the bar to have another round of drinks and another order of appetizers.

Mercury found a way to prolong his visit to Aries and to stay at this fun little party by being in retrograde - he won't leave Aries until May 15. Beautiful Venus, who had to arrive fashionably late at this gathering, is graciously planning to stay in Aries until May 15, too. (How can you have a good party without Venus present? She provides all the fun, conversation, gorgeous clothes, and all the delicious food and drink!) Mars will keep the action going by staying until May 11, and Jupiter, the great benefactor who everyone adores, will remain until June 4. As said, eccentric, brilliant, and innovative Uranus will stay in Aries for many years, until 2019. As you see, you'll have plenty of support to get your communications project off the ground next month in May, one of the best months of all of 2011. (I love May!)

This enormous emphasis on your third house rules agreements and the signing of contracts, too, and your best date for that will be next month, May 11, when Jupiter meets with Mercury in Aries. Perfect! Gee, you have one of the best charts for signing a contract of any of the signs, but it has to be NEXT month!

The third house also rules sisters and brothers and cousins, so you might be doing something special in April or May with a sibling or other close kin. For example, you may be buying a house together, or going into business together. Or it may be that you are planning something simpler, like taking a trip together. That would be a good idea now, as long as you don't sign anything together until after April 23. Alternatively, your sibling may be making headline news in the family, and you'll want to know all about what's happening.

Watch out for a possible altercation with a sibling, cousin, or neighbor on April 3, when Mars and Uranus conjoin. This very hot aspect could produce angry outbursts. If you have always had a tenuous relationship with your brother or sister, this would not be the time to bring up a sensitive subject that might trigger World War III. Tempers often do flair when Aries and Uranus combine energies. This same aspect could have a more physical manifestation (one never knows), so if you will be traveling, make sure your car is in tiptop shape by having a tune-up. Don't text or talk while driving, ever, and don't drive while you are sleepy. Make sure your car's tires have the right amount of air, and that you have a spare tire in the trunk, with a flashlight and other supplies.

Travel is very possible this month, either to places close by (early in the month) or to a greater distance at the full moon April 17, plus or minus four days. Neptune will be in a good angle to that full moon, suggesting you'd more likely travel for business purposes and profit from your efforts. Creative enterprises are the most favored at this full moon, as Neptune is the patron planet of all things imaginative and artistic.

If you were born later in your sign, within four days of February 17, you will feel the effects of the full moon April 17 more than the new moon.

In your career, no matter what point in Aquarius your birthday happens to fall, the ruler of your solar tenth house of fame and achievement, Pluto, is about to retrograde, from April 9 to September 18. During that phase, concentrate on the projects and people you have already begun to develop rather than new ones - they are the ones that will yield the greatest progress and success. Once you get to September 18, your career will be on fire again, and you will again be ready to pioneer into new realms. Late October and November is due to be a banner time for career success.

Romantically, it appears travel would be the very best way to fan the fires of love, whether you have an existing love relationship you would like to strengthen or you wish to find new love. Go to a mountainous terrain - you may even enjoy a camping trip or one that will get you closer to the great outdoors - and be very active. Hiking, mountain climbing, water rafting (if you are trained), sprinting, and other sports may appeal to you now. Just remember, with Mars conjunct Uranus on April 3, operative for about a week, be careful not to overestimate your limits. Wear a helmet if you do sports that recommend one, as both Mars and Uranus are in Aries, the sign of the head.

With the full moon in Libra, the sign of the collaborator, you might enjoy being away with your one-and-only over the weekend of April 16-17. The last weekend of the month, April 30 to May 1, would be a good time to go away, too.

If you are single and hoping to find love, the move of Venus into Aries, from April 21 to May 15, will greatly help your love life, especially while traveling.

Attached or single, your best romantic dates this month include: April 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16-17, 20, 21, 29, and 30.

Dear Aquarius, you will enjoy April - all the little planets will surround you, like loving little friends and relatives who love you and want to see you do well.


Rarely have you been busier then you will be in April, and rarely will you have so much cosmic support behind you at the same time! Your mind will be crackling sharp, and if you have to debate or negotiate with others, you'll run circles around your opponent. When you need just the right words, they'll appear out of thin air.

With ringing phones, your email overrun with messages, and your Twitter and Facebook pages out of control with friends trying to reach you, too, you'll wish for a 30-hour day to get done all you need to do. Stay organized, lest you lose an important phone number or piece of information. With Mercury retrograde, you could easily lose an important piece of data, like a business card or cell phone number, so stay alert.

If in the course of your job you need to write a report, manuscript, critical review, legal brief (or just about any other writing project), or if you work in editing, proofing, marketing, sales, PR, programming, web development, scientific experimentation, or strategic planning, in April you will be on top of your game. Others will have to stay up very late to keep up with you! Remarkably, this trend will slide straight into May and help you shine next month, too. Make your time count!

Even in love, you'll find your way with words that engender just the right response, creating excitement, perhaps by doing reams of clever texting.

As you get closer to the full moon, April 17, there is a good chance you'll be signing a contact or other important papers, but your tendency will be to rush through the fine print. Don't! Mercury will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23, so in your enthusiasm and haste, you may overlook an important detail. Do not sign until after April 23, and preferably a bit after that.

If you have to do a presentation or hand in an important report, go over your work several times in the weeks leading to your deadline, to be sure everything is complete and spell-checked. If you are taking a major qualifying test, preparing thoroughly will help you succeed. This month, a silly error could create problems, but you can avoid making one!

Your sister or brother may also be making news in your life, or you may decide to collaborate with your sibling to achieve a goal. You might want to buy a house together soon, or you may simply want to get together to plan an anniversary party for your parents or a reunion with distant relatives. There are many possibilities, but your sibling does seem to be "in the news" this month, which will be very good for you, too.

Travel appears to be on your docket and would most likely happen just after the new moon April 3 or wrap up near April 17, plus or minus four days. Most of the month, you'll be traveling to cities close by, but mid-month, you may need to go a bit farther afield for business. If you don't like your present car, consider buying one next month, but do your research now.

In your career, once Pluto, the planet that rules your tenth house of fame, begins to retrograde on April 9, to stay that way until September 18, you won't see quick career progress. Stick to what you are doing now and plan for an assertive push in October and November.

I didn't mention this earlier and almost forgot to tell you something important about your finances. Here it is!

Neptune, moving into Pisces for the first time since 1847 to 1862, will begin to occupy time in your second house of earned income (salary) from April 4 to August 4. After August 4, Neptune will retreat back to Aquarius, where it has been since 1998. In February 2012, Neptune will return to your financial (second) house to stay a staggering length of time, until 2026!

Neptune has two sides - inspiration, but also confusion. Neptune can cause you to be unaware of certain financial transactions in your account, perhaps because you never looked, or because someone is hoping you'll not see some of the decisions they are making on your behalf. From now on, you'll need to be clearer about your finances and your goals. Even if you don't enjoy working with your investments, you will need to be present in all discussions.

In a month where your interest in perfecting communication and in learning more about a variety of topics will be high, consider taking a class in financial management. Although Neptune will only be in this house this year until August 4, when he returns in February 2012, you will have fourteen years of his influence. You'll be glad you took the time now to find ways to manage money wisely.

Travel is forming such a huge theme in April that romance is due to bloom in the biggest and brightest way while away on a trip as well. The perfect trip would be an active one that would bring you camping, or would conquer a physical goal (such as to win a race, or learn a new sport, like rock climbing). You are hungry for adventure; choose a place new to you that would inspire awe - you'll love this trip!

Dates to Note for Aquarius

The new moon April 3, in Aries, accompanied by many other planetary friends in the same sign - the Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter - is extraordinary, and will set the emphasis on communication and travel.

Although April 3 sets up a good trend, the opposition of Saturn to the Sun and Mars conjunct Uranus on this day will make you both tired and cranky. It's not the day to plan a big trip to see a client or to have any sort of demanding trip. In fact, you're likely to have an argument on it!

Mercury will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23.

Your sibling, if you have one, will be "in the news" and in your life this month - check in!

Neptune will be in Pisces from April 4 to August 4 - you may make money from the arts or creative efforts, but there's also a corresponding danger. You may have problems managing money because of confused record keeping or because others won't be fully forthcoming.

Pluto will begin to retrograde April 9 until September 18. This will slow your major career gains. Stick to what's on your plate now.

The full moon April 17, plus or minus four days, could bring the end to a long trip. You may alternatively have to take a qualifying test near this date.

Romance is best when traveling this month.

Best romantic dates for you include: April 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16-17, 20, 21, 29, and 30.
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