
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2010年12月运势

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December is an important month on so many levels, not only because it's birthday time. There will be a lot of planetary actions, both positive and challenging, but each in their own way will work to protect you, even if that fact is not immediately obvious.

Mars has been in your sign since October 28 and will leave December 7, so you have had (and will continue to have for one more week) a superb opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. Mars only gives us seven weeks of his time every two years, and you have that advantage now.

While you have Mars in your sign, you are the leader of the zodiac. You will be brave and determined, ready to do whatever it takes to be successful. Mars is about to leave Sagittarius, but happily, the new moon is coming into Sagittarius on December 5, your annual birthday gift to use in any way you choose. Saturn will be friendly, so anything you do will have special gravitas, and you can begin to build a firm foundation. Think about one part of your life that you'd like to improve, and take a baby step toward attaining that goal.

If you were born on or within five days of December 5 you will find that this new moon will help you in a special way.

If there is a special VIP you would like to see in December, you have to act fast, however, because Mercury is about to retrograde first in Capricorn and later in Sagittarius from December 10 to 30.

Mercury in this mode will slow you down, but there's no reason to be frustrated because the coming delays, in an odd way, will work to benefit you. Just realize that you will not be able to finalize any important deals or make any big decisions or announcements until January. You can, however, do research, stage talks, and negotiate contracts, but simply keep things flexible because things will change as you go along. That's fine! That's life!

Shopping for the holidays will be troublesome in December. Mercury rules commerce, including buying, selling, leasing, negotiating, reaching agreements, and signing contracts. Shipping and all transportation also come under Mercury. When Mercury goes out of phase for three-and-a-half weeks every 12 weeks, these areas weaken and go haywire. Buy apparel, jewelry, perfume, gourmet foods, and anything you like (except electronics, see below) from December 1 to 5, but after that, you will be getting just too close to Mercury's retrograde onset.

Moving parts and electronics are ruled by Mercury too, which is why it is never wise to buy a computer, flat screen TV, smartphone, or any other high-end electronic while Mercury is retrograde or even before, as it prepares to retrograde. If you want to give someone a gift of a high tech item, do so by giving a gift certificate to a retail store you know your recipient loves to visit.

A questionnaire given to a wide variety of people this year revealed most people, approximately 67 percent, preferred to get cash over a gift for the holidays. If you have a beloved family member, such as a sister or a teen child, you need not worry that a cash gift is too impersonal - it will be appreciated! This represents a big shift in society, so it's news. I still like to make as much of an effort as possible! I love Christmas! Still, in a month when Mercury is making shopping so perilous, I am taking note of this study.

It's never wise to take a new job, get engaged, start a business, or make any radical changes in your life during these Mercury retUranus is there too, shoulder to shoulder to Jupiter, which is usually a fortunate vibration. However, Uranus will be a bad boy this month, acting up and causing a ruckus. Somehow I feel Uranus and the others will protect you from something, so view all events as ones in your favor. You will be too close to it all to have any perspective for a few weeks.

As is true with all eclipses, something ends and something else begins. Be careful what you say at this time, because with Mercury in retrograde, the proclivity for miscommunications could create massive, unnecessary complications.

What makes it tough is you won't see this issue coming and it could knock you off kilter just as the holiday is approaching. Protect your health, as sometimes eclipses are very draining. This eclipse will be opposite your Sun if you are born December 17-21, so it is possible you may have to address a health issue. If anything comes up, pay attention. Eclipses bring truth to the surface - keep a watchful eye.

The moon will be in Sagittarius on New Year's Eve, so hopefully you can be with friends or a sweetheart / spouse on this lovely evening. As said, if you are not invited to a party, ask several friends over to your place to ring in the New Year quietly, stylishly, and elegantly. 2011 will bring glorious love - the kind that make great love stories - and even plans to welcome a baby. You have much to celebrate and a wonderful New Year ahead!

Dates to Note for Sagittarius:

The new moon December 5 will be in Sagittarius, your time to draw up plans for your new birthday year. Don't set them in motion just yet. Wait for Mercury to stop retrograding.

Mercury will be retrograde (from Capricorn into Sagittarius) from December 10 to 30. You will feel the effects all month, as we always feel Mercury begin to turn two weeks earlier. It takes 2 or 3 days for things to even out after it goes direct.

Mars will be in your sign until December 7, giving you the most control during the first week.

When Uranus moves direct on December 5, you will see plans for home and property moving forward with much more vigor in the coming seven months.

When Mars tours Capricorn, from December 7 to January 15, you will spend more than usual. Try not to spend too much this month (hopefully you shopped last month), as spending with Mercury retrograde for expensive things and electronics is not wise.

Protect your health as you get closer to December 21 and in weeks ahead. Eclipses can bring strain, and sometimes show up latent problems that need to be fixed.

The lunar eclipse on December 21 could bring tension to a relationship, romantic or business in nature. A housing or family matter appears to be at the heart of the problem.

Your most romantic dates include: December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 23, 24, and 31.

Birthday time has you excited and in a social mood. The new moon on December 5 will be in Sagittarius, boosting your enthusiasm for life and your new birthday year ahead.

This time, rather than cross your fingers that one of your friends will throw you a party, you might just decide to throw one for yourself - at home. With Jupiter and Uranus brightening your fourth house of home and property, you've got the right idea.

Wonderful things are emanating from home now, as that's your sweet spot. Uranus will go direct December 5 after having been retrograde for months, since July, so all matters that fall under home, property, and family (especially parents) will get a big push ahead this month and in months ahead.

If you have big plans, say, to lease a new apartment, buy a house, make over your kitchen, or something else on a similar scale, you will have ideal aspects to see results in January's first three weeks, but not now. In fact, next month you may get the best price on just about anything home-related, whether buying a new couch or hiring a contractor. You'll have additional luck with finding a buyer for your house or a tenant for your open apartment, or in buying a house.

This month will bring unanticipated snags and reversals due to Mercury in retrograde from December 10 to 30 and Uranus in hard angle to the December 21 eclipse. It's never wise to make verbal or written agreements or to launch new ventures during Mercury in retrograde, so sit tight.

Additionally, as is always the case with Mercury retrograde, delays will begin to stack up in the days PRIOR to the date Mercury begins its backward move, making this a particularly tricky shopping season. Before you head to the stores, arm yourself with the correct sizes, preferences, and shipping information. Buying gift cards or giving old-fashioned cash could be your best bet. (Excluding little children of course who want toys!) Shop from December 1-5 for most things, but avoid buying electronic items - instead get a gift certificate.

With Mars about to tear through your second house from December 5 to January 15, your expenses will rise noticeably. Spend wisely.

A powerful full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini is about to arrive on December 21, bringing an important issue with a close romantic or business partner to the surface quite suddenly. This eclipse will also give you insight into the character of someone close, most likely a romantic partner.

There seems to be an unexpected development brewing involving a housing or property matter related to this issue, or it could be that you will feel tensions emanating from family and getting in the way, possibly concerning their feelings about your relationship. If you are thinking of moving out and no longer living with your romantic partner, this change may be causing ripples in your life.

Keep in mind that having problems with real estate would be a fluke, due only to this eclipse. You have your own ruling planet, good fortune Jupiter in this house, guarding it and bringing all kinds of options and opportunities. Jupiter is currently making your home your luckiest part of your chart, so you might say, "How could this be the unstable part of my life?"

The answer is: Uranus is there too, shoulder to shoulder to Jupiter, which is usually a fortunate vibration. However, Uranus will be a bad boy this month, acting up and causing a ruckus. Somehow I feel Uranus and the others will protect you from something, so view all events as ones in your favor. You will be too close to it all to have any perspective for a few weeks.

As is true with all eclipses, something ends and something else begins. Be careful what you say at this time, because with Mercury in retrograde, the proclivity for miscommunications could create massive, unnecessary complications.

What makes it tough is you won't see this issue coming and it could knock you off kilter just as the holiday is approaching. Protect your health, as sometimes eclipses are very draining. This eclipse will be opposite your Sun if you are born December 17-21, so it is possible you may have to address a health issue. If anything comes up, pay attention. Eclipses bring truth to the surface - keep a watchful eye.

The moon will be in Sagittarius on New Year's Eve, so hopefully you can be with friends or a sweetheart / spouse on this lovely evening. As said, if you are not invited to a party, ask several friends over to your place to ring in the New Year quietly, stylishly, and elegantly. 2011 will bring glorious love - the kind that make great love stories - and even plans to welcome a baby. You have much to celebrate and a wonderful New Year ahead!

Dates to Note for Sagittarius:

The new moon December 5 will be in Sagittarius, your time to draw up plans for your new birthday year. Don't set them in motion just yet. Wait for Mercury to stop retrograding.

Mercury will be retrograde (from Capricorn into Sagittarius) from December 10 to 30. You will feel the effects all month, as we always feel Mercury begin to turn two weeks earlier. It takes 2 or 3 days for things to even out after it goes direct.

Mars will be in your sign until December 7, giving you the most control during the first week.

When Uranus moves direct on December 5, you will see plans for home and property moving forward with much more vigor in the coming seven months.

When Mars tours Capricorn, from December 7 to January 15, you will spend more than usual. Try not to spend too much this month (hopefully you shopped last month), as spending with Mercury retrograde for expensive things and electronics is not wise.

Protect your health as you get closer to December 21 and in weeks ahead. Eclipses can bring strain, and sometimes show up latent problems that need to be fixed.

The lunar eclipse on December 21 could bring tension to a relationship, romantic or business in nature. A housing or family matter appears to be at the heart of the problem.

Your most romantic dates include: December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 23, 24, and 31.
发表于 2010-12-1 12:44:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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考虑到各种各样的人,今年的问卷显示,大部分人,大约百分之67,首选克服节日礼物,为现金。如果你有一个心爱的家庭成员如姐妹或一个十几岁的孩子,你不用担心,礼金是太无人情味 - 这将是感激!这代表了社会的大转变,所以它的新闻。我仍然愿意做一个尽可能多的努力!我爱圣诞节!然而,当水星在一个月内购物,这样做是危险的,我利用这个研究报告。



就是它的强项是你不会看到这个问题来了,它可以把你的小事,就像节日即将来临。保护您的健康,因为有时日食是非常消耗。这次日食将你的太阳相反,如果你出生12月17日至21号,因此它可能是您可能需要解决一个健康问题。如果有什么事情出现时,要注意。日食带真相浮出水面 - 保持警觉的眼睛。

在月亮将在除夕的射手座,所以希望你可以和朋友或恋人/配偶在这个美好的夜晚。至于说,如果你没有被邀请参加一个派对,问到你的地方几个朋友在新的一年戒指静静地,时尚和优雅。 2011年将带来光辉的爱 - 那种让伟大的爱情故事 - 欢迎来图,甚至婴儿。你有很多东西值得庆祝和一个美好的新年吧!


新的月球December 5将在射手座,你的时间,以制订新的一年的到来的计划。不要开动他们只是还没有。停止等待水星逆行。









这一次,而不是用你的手指,您的一个朋友准备给你一个聚会,你可能决定投给自己提供一个 - 在家里。随着木星和天王星照亮你的家庭和财产的第四宫,你有个好主意。




此外,由于始终是水星逆行的情况下,拖延将开始堆积,前几天在水星的日期开始其向后移动,使之成为一个特别棘手的销售旺季。在您前往商店,手臂用正确的尺寸,喜好,航运信息自己。购买礼品卡或提供老式的现金可以是你最好的选择。 (不包括小孩子当然谁想要玩具!)店从1-5月的大部分事情,但要避免购买电子产品 - 而不是得到礼券。







就是它的强项是你不会看到这个问题来了,它可以把你的小事,就像节日即将来临。保护您的健康,因为有时日食是非常消耗。这次日食将你的太阳相反,如果你出生12月17日至21号,因此它可能是您可能需要解决一个健康问题。如果有什么事情出现时,要注意。日食带真相浮出水面 - 保持警觉的眼睛。

在月亮将在除夕的射手座,所以希望你可以和朋友或恋人/配偶在这个美好的夜晚。至于说,如果你没有被邀请参加一个派对,问到你的地方几个朋友在新的一年戒指静静地,时尚和优雅。 2011年将带来光辉的爱 - 那种让伟大的爱情故事 - 欢迎来图,甚至婴儿。你有很多东西值得庆祝和一个美好的新年吧!


新的月球December 5将在射手座,你的时间,以制订新的一年的到来的计划。不要开动他们只是还没有。停止等待水星逆行。







发表于 2010-12-1 12:44:35 | 只看该作者

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