
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller水瓶座2010年12月运势

1 8716
Aquarius is considered a social, gregarious sign that is said to be eager to meet new people and expand their ever-widening circle of friends. This month you will joyfully live up to your reputation. The new moon, December 5, will brilliantly light your eleventh house of events, groups, and friendships, so you can be sure that the two weeks that follow that date will be highly social and lots of fun. Saturn, now in compatible Libra, will be beaming gifts to that Sun and moon, so your actions could bring stability and long-range benefits.

Early December could be a perfect time to redo and update your blog, website, or social media page; to give a talk to a group; or plan a party, perhaps to do fundraising for a charity. You are likely to make at least one new friend, if not more, and if you are promoting a charity important to you this month, your timing will be perfect, for your event should do well.

Mars will be helpful too, by beaming Neptune and making you feel unusually inspired when it comes to working on creative projects. If you work in a creative field, or work as support to creative artists or actors, during the first week of December new ideas will come easily, so take time to generate ideas for a current or future project.

Uranus, your ruler, who has been crawling along since July 5, will awaken on December 5. Watch what happens - you pace of life will speed forward very noticeably. If you have felt stuck, that feeling will begin to dissolve quickly. Finally you will see bigger, faster progress on your dearest goals! There is a huge difference when one's ruler is moving forward, and you'll see it! Watch the dates surrounding December 5 (say, plus or minus three days) for a signal that things are looking up.

The planets will send mixed messages this month, because Mars, the action planet, starting on December 7, will begin to spend the balance of the month behind closed doors in your quiet twelfth house. This suggests you will be balancing festive socializing with an intense need for privacy, and if so, you can be working on a project that will require a great deal of concentration. You can be highly productive with Mars' help, so focus in! You will have until mid-January to conclude your project or to at least get a large portion of it done.

December 5 to January 15 will also be a good time to reflect on what you would like to bring into the New Year and who or what to leave behind. Many people make New Year's resolutions, and if you do, this would be a good time to decide to give up a certain habit that you think has not been good for you. Actually, it's an ideal time, for you really do have the right vibes to finally give up that bad habit. You may want to begin January 4, but you can start by getting ready now.

Uranus, your ruler, will be volatile this month, first by arguing with Mars on December 3, and later with the Sun on December 17. Uranus is in your second house of money, so this suggests that your socializing could make you concerned about how much you are spending. You will have to keep an eye on your outgo. It's alternatively possible that loaning money to a friend could prove disastrous, so avoid doing so now.

If you have already loaned money and expect it back, there could be problems now. If you owe the money, try to get at least part of it back. Both days, December 3 and 17, wilally at holiday time, but this year you may want to have a simple New Year's celebration. The moon will be in Sagittarius on December 31, a good placement for you, so it looks as though you will be happy and quite content with your plans.

As the snowflakes fall, retreat inside, dear Aquarius. Home, surrounded with family, friends, and others you care about, will be the coziest place to be.

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

The month begins on a social note, thanks to the new moon, December 5. Friends and acquaintances will want to include you in holiday festivities.

You'll want to accept invitations, but your concern will focus on the costs of participation - something about this year's activities seem more expensive than years past, and how much so seems to surprise you. Watch December 3, 17, and 21.

Money will again become an issue on or near the full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini on December 21, and this time the dispute will be with one of your children, or if dating, your lover. You won't see this argument coming, so you could feel broadsided by events.

Still, it will be quite a relief for you to have your ruler, Uranus, turn to direct motion on December 5. He will stay strong until July 2011, quite a long time.

Mars in Capricorn from December 7 to January 15 will bring a need for rest and privacy, and the Sun, also in Capricorn as of December 21 on, will only increase this mood. Nothing wrong with that! Plan a quiet New Year's Eve celebration.

Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30.

Romance will be best: December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 28 and depending on what happens as a result of the eclipse, 31.

With Venus twinkling at the very pinnacle point of your chart, your fine reputation precedes you and you'll be the darling of just about every VIP. Last month offered you an opportunity to reach for an exciting, more responsible position, and this month, you may be following up on those interviews and opportunities. Remember not to give your final answer on an offer for a new position this month, but wait until January. It is never wise to give an answer when Mercury is retrograde because things are in flux, and more information will be forthcoming next month.

Mercury will be retrograde this month from December 10 to 30, so when delays show up and you find it hard to reach people, just laugh. There won't be much you can do, and everyone will have a similar experience. By January, the pace will pick up so much that at times you may wish you were back in happy, sleepy December. For now, delays will benefit you. Don't try to push through - you won't make any progress this month no matter what you do, and plans you make now will only need to be redone.

The new moon December 5 will be deliciously social, but with the Sun and your ruler, Uranus, at odds by December 17, you may be shocked at how much you are spending to participate in some of the holiday season's events. Fortunately you have Jupiter's protection, so the "damage" to your wallet should not be tragic, only annoying, but you may want to watch your budget. New faces will enter your life in the first half of the month, and among those you meet, there will be one or two people you will want to see again to get to know better.

You will be cheered by the move of your ruling planet, Uranus, to direct speed from December 5 onward - you will soon feel the pace pick up, and you won't be as mired in red tape and delays by January. Uranus in stronger mode (to stay strong during the coming seven months) will help your financial standing, too. In all ways, this is good news.

The focal part of the month will be a rather difficult full moon eclipse, December 21, which will light your house of true love. The bone of contention again will be money, but this time you seem to be at odds with a lover or one of your children. Discussions could become quite heated, so knowing this, try to keep your cool. Another bone of contention might be your heavy work schedule - apparently loved ones feel left out. Keep your health strong, because if you feel the sniffles coming on, or are low on sleep, you might feel overwhelmed by the demands on you at the time.

If your birthday falls within days of February 17, you will find a way to turn the tables and make this eclipse work to benefit you, but you will still feel tension until you do.

A tiny word of warning: Uranus, your ruler, will be in a difficult position to Mars on December 3, to the new moon December 5, to the Sun on December 17, and to the full moon eclipse December 21. These are all days when your nerves will be frayed. Do not put too much on your schedule - you will need time to attend to all that comes up.

With Mars in Capricorn from December 5 and the Sun moving into the same sign on December 21, as the month draws to a close, you will increasingly crave privacy and rest. This is not characteristic of you, as you are a highly social sign, especially at holiday time, but this year you may want to have a simple New Year's celebration. The moon will be in Sagittarius on December 31, a good placement for you, so it looks as though you will be happy and quite content with your plans.

As the snowflakes fall, retreat inside, dear Aquarius. Home, surrounded with family, friends, and others you care about, will be the coziest place to be.

Dates to Note for Aquarius:

The month begins on a social note, thanks to the new moon, December 5. Friends and acquaintances will want to include you in holiday festivities.

You'll want to accept invitations, but your concern will focus on the costs of participation - something about this year's activities seem more expensive than years past, and how much so seems to surprise you. Watch December 3, 17, and 21.

Money will again become an issue on or near the full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini on December 21, and this time the dispute will be with one of your children, or if dating, your lover. You won't see this argument coming, so you could feel broadsided by events.

Still, it will be quite a relief for you to have your ruler, Uranus, turn to direct motion on December 5. He will stay strong until July 2011, quite a long time.

Mars in Capricorn from December 7 to January 15 will bring a need for rest and privacy, and the Sun, also in Capricorn as of December 21 on, will only increase this mood. Nothing wrong with that! Plan a quiet New Year's Eve celebration.

Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30.

Romance will be best: December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 28 and depending on what happens as a result of the eclipse, 31.
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天王星,你的统治者,谁一直爬行自7月5日以来,12月5日将唤醒。看看会发生什么 - 你的生活节奏将加快前进非常明显。如果你感到卡住了,这种感觉很快将开始解散。最后你会看到更大,更快的目标上你最亲爱的进步!有一个巨大的差别当一个人的统治者正在向前推进,你会看到它!周围观看的日期12月5日(比如说,加上前后3天)为一个信号,表明事情在好转。








你会想接受邀请,但您的关注将集中在参与的成本 - 关于今年的活动的东西,似乎比过去几年更加昂贵,所以似乎多少给你个惊喜。观看12月3日,17和21。







水星将逆行12月10日至本月30日,所以当出现延误,你会发现很难达到人,只是笑。不会有什么可以做的,每个人都会有类似的经历。 2010年1月的步伐将拿起这么多,有时候你可能希望你在快乐,昏昏欲睡十二月回来。现在,拖延将有利于你。不要试图推动通过 - 你就不会取得任何进展,这个月无论你做什么,并计划您现在只需要重做。


您将欢呼由你的守护星,天王星,并加速摆脱12月5日起 - 你会很快感觉到复苏的步伐,你将不会在陷入繁文缛节和拖延一月。天王星的更强的模式(留强在未来7个月)将有助于您的财务状况了。在所有的方面,这是个好消息。

这个月的焦点部分将是一个相当艰难的满月月食,12月21日,这将照亮你的真爱宫。争论的焦点再次将钱的,但这次你似乎是在与情人或你的孩子一个机会。讨论可以成为相当激烈,因此,了解这一点,尽量保持冷静。另一个争论的焦点可能是你繁重的工作日程 - 显然亲人感到被排除在外。保持你的健康,因为如果你觉得流鼻涕来了,或者是睡眠不足,您可能会感到不知所措的时候对你的要求。


一个小小的警告词:天王星,你的统治者,将在一个困难的位置,火星在12月3日至12月5日的新月,到12月17日,并以12月21日满月月食。这些都是当你的神经会磨损天。不要把你的日程安排太多 - 你需要一点时间来照顾所有的出现。





你会想接受邀请,但您的关注将集中在参与的成本 - 关于今年的活动的东西,似乎比过去几年更加昂贵,所以似乎多少给你个惊喜。观看12月3日,17和21。





发表于 2010-12-1 12:42:44 | 只看该作者

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