
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天平座天秤座2010年12月运势

1 7288
Too much is going on in your life these days, and you are alternating between jittery highs and depressing lows. Your plate is piled high, and although you feel that finding accord and cooperation from higher ups and others should be easy, in December you will find almost nothing is easy. Don't buck this trend - relax and refuse to be ruffled. While you wait, be determined to let the magic of the season melt over you.

Part of the problem is that Mercury will be retrograde all month, from December 10 to 30. If you didn't shop last month, you can buy apparel, jewelry, perfume, and some other things from December 1-5, but it's already too late to buy electronics. (If you do, sure as mud, something will be wrong with the purchase.) You can, however, buy a gift certificate in the store you would have purchased the item from and present that to your favorite relative, love, or friend. By January there will probably be a newer model and you will be glad you decided to give a gift certificate in a retail store you and your recipient both love.

I know, most of us love to buy presents. I do! I love to wrap and make the paper and ribbon festive. In fact, I have elevated wrapping to a high art. This year, however, times are tough, and nobody wants to give a gift that is more of a miss than a hit. I heard a report on the TODAY Show that said according to a new survey more than two-thirds of respondents to a questionnaire said they preferred to get cash to receiving actual gifts for the holidays. The enthusiasm for a cash gift had never been this high, and represented a societal shift.

I pass this information on to you so that you can do your own research, but considering how hard it will be to shop this month with Mercury retrograde, this report tells me cash should not be crossed out as an option to a beloved family member.

Mercury in retrograde will slow you down, but considering how much pressure Saturn has put you under lately, I think that could be just what you need - a leisurely month that will allow you to think up options and alternatives that you would have thought of had you been moving at normal Libra-warp speed.

This is no month to take a new job or to sign a contract. Things will be in flux, and pressuring others to make up their mind won't help because they don't really have the answer yet either. (They are not trying to torture you - they just don't know.)

This month holds a major eclipse - a total eclipse of the moon on December 21 - and it marks the first one in the new family of signs that will come our way over the coming two years, in Gemini-Sagittarius. These are signs that generally blend well with yours, but this coming eclipse seems to be the exception to the rule.

The eclipses that we have seen since July 2009, every six months, in pairs, have been in Capricorn-Cancer, but those are phasing out now, and that is good news for you. We will still have two eclipses due in the former series, and one is coming in Capricorn on January 4 and the other in Cancer, July 1, 2011.

Let's focus on the one coming this month. Remember not to worry about things you cannot change, only the things you can. While events that we have no control over will continue to come at us in life, it is true that we CAN control our response to what happens to us. I think that's a very important point, and a more productive way to view eclipses. The specialty of an eclipse is to bring unexpected twists and turns from the outside world in to keep us flexible, and to keep us moving. We get complacent, we get in a rut, and if it were not for occasional eclipses, we might stay in the same role forever.

The December 21 eclipse will fall in Gemini at 29 degrees 21 minutes, within about a half degree of Cancer. It's this total eclipse's proximity to your mid-heaven, or said another way, to your tenth house cusp of your professional sector, that concerns me. This eclipse is a total eclipse of the moon, which means it is a full moon (all lunar eclipses are full moons) and they are more emotional, and also mark endings.

There are other indications that this eclipse will not be easy. This eclipse is about to fall on the solstice, which gives it much more influence. Solstice points are considered extremely powerful.

Then too, this eclipse and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) will receive a very hard glance from Uranus, planet of unexpected developments, and the beam of Uranus will emanate from your workaday sector. This makes me wonder if your problem will stem from a co-worker or even a subordinate, or from a work assignment that has gone awry. You can follow the breadcrumbs to see if this is a possibility after the event strikes. You would know best, and I don't want to make you overly suspicious - that's no way to live.

There will be three days when a co-worker, underling, or conversely, a work project may bring on stress. The first is when Mars and Uranus are in hard angles, on December 3. As I told my sister, a Libra, this will be a bar-burner of a day, when feelings will ignite quickly and meltdowns will be brought on by the slightest spark.

On December 17, the Sun and Uranus will be at hard angles too, so an authority figure could shock you with a certain dictate, attitude, or comment. Lastly, the total eclipse makes this list, too: December 21.

There is a chance that you ALREADY felt this eclipse a month to the day earlier, which would bring you to November 21 plus or minus five days. Astrologers deal with bell curves, so that is why you can get a plus or minus tolerance to any mathement from what you usually experience - the focus will be much stronger.

You may be energized to make changes in your home or other property, or, conversely, seek to learn more about your family history.

The eclipse of December 21 could bring an unexpected trip or news from afar. All sorts of relatives, including aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins, will be on your mind, and one relative may make big news.

Career news could be very jarring, particularly if you were born near September 23.

On December 5, the turn of Uranus direct (after months of being retrograde) will give a boost to your social life, or, alternatively, help you conceive a baby if that's a goal.

Romance will be sweetest on December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13-15, 23, 24, and 31.

You've been asked to adjust to many new circumstances, especially since July, so in December, cut yourself some slack. With your office life settling down and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn from December 10-30, you may decide to focus on something you like to do, such as to fix up your home or other property that you might own. Schedule repairs and order upholstery cleaned, but put off buying new furniture or expensive items for yourself or your home while Mercury is out of phase.

The emphasis on home, family, and property will continue into mid-January, more than enough time to give an upgrade to your home. With Mercury retrograde, you may see a favorite electronic, appliance, or machine break down, requiring a repair or purchase of a new one. If you are not pressed to replace it instantly, you should wait until January, but that is not always possible.

If you want to sell a house, you can invite people back to make a second bid that you had rejected. Mercury always favors going back to the past. If all your bidders are new, wait until mid-January to resume the process. Use this month's fine home-related energy on a large or small home-related project - you can decide what feels right to you and your budget.

You will also see several relatives who are dear to you that you've not seen in years and you will have your chance to ask questions about your family history. You may decide to do research on your ancestry or simply ask relatives to help you fill in some important blanks in the family timeline. If you are adopted, you will have your best chance you've had in years to finally meet your birth mother or father, either in December or early January. Bonding closer with your mother or father is very strongly indicated now, and you may be busy helping your parent with some sort of duties this month.

A major eclipse is due on December 21, so do not tightly program your schedule. You can be sure that as you get closer to this date your priorities will change and your agenda will shift accordingly.

Travel will be possible all month, and in the first ten days of the month your trips will be done for work-related meetings then pleasure. Later, travel would be less carefree, and you would be best not to go if you don't have to travel. Alternatively, you might HAVE to travel because of news that comes up on December 21, even if you had no plans to do so, and that would be more likely for personal reasons, although that's not completely clear. Although this could be a tense time, if you were born late in your sign, near October 20, as strange as this sounds, events will eventually work in your favor.

Romantically, you've been held back by Uranus retrograde since late May, but Uranus, the planet that rules your house of love, will move forward on December 5 and stay strong for the coming seven months. If you've been hoping to meet someone special, this new, stronger orbit of Uranus could help quite a bit, just in time for the holidays. If you are hoping for a baby, this same planet could help you conceive at long last, so there'll be good news all round.

Dates to Note for Libra:

A major emphasis on home, family, and relatives will come up. While holiday time always emphasizes family, this year will be different from what you usually experience - the focus will be much stronger.

You may be energized to make changes in your home or other property, or, conversely, seek to learn more about your family history.

The eclipse of December 21 could bring an unexpected trip or news from afar. All sorts of relatives, including aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins, will be on your mind, and one relative may make big news.

Career news could be very jarring, particularly if you were born near September 23.

On December 5, the turn of Uranus direct (after months of being retrograde) will give a boost to your social life, or, alternatively, help you conceive a baby if that's a goal.

Romance will be sweetest on December 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13-15, 23, 24, and 31.
发表于 2010-12-1 12:37:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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太多的事情在你的生活,这些日子,你是在紧张的高点和低点交替沮丧。你的盘子是堆高,虽然你觉得找到雅阁和上级UPS和其他国家的合作应该很容易在十二月,你会发现几乎没有什么是容易的。不要降压这一趋势 - 放松,拒绝气恼。当你等待,立志让本赛季的魔术融化你。

部分问题是,水星将逆行整个月,12月10日到30。如果你没有购物的最后一个月,你可以买到从十二月一日至五日的服装,珠宝,香水和其他一些东西,但它已经太迟了购买电子产品。 (如果这样做,当然,由于泥浆,将是错误的东西与购买。)你可以,但是,你买的已购买了该项目从目前的存储和礼券到您最喜欢的亲戚,爱情,或朋友。一月将有可能成为一个新的模式,你会很高兴你决定给在零售商店您和您的收件人都爱礼券。



水星逆行会让你放慢脚步,但考虑到多大的压力下,最近已提出土星你,我觉得可能正是你需要 - 悠闲一个月,让你想出选项和你会想到了替代品你一直在正常移动天秤座-经线速度。

这是没有一个月采取新的工作或签订合同。一切都在流量,并迫使其他人,以弥补他们的脑子没有帮助,因为他们没有真正的答案还任。 (他们是不是要折磨你 - 他们只是不知道。)

这个月有一个重大的日食 - 一个总的月全食12月21日 - 这标志着在迹象表明会在未来两年内我们的方式在双子座,射手座,新系列的第一个。这些迹象表明,一般融入你的好吧,但这个未来月食似乎是个例外。





然后太,这次日食和水星(双子座的统治者)将收到来自天王星,地球上的意外发展很难一眼,天王星的光束将产生于你的事业宫。这使我不知道你的问题将源于同事甚至下属,或从一个工作任务是出了错。您可以按照面包屑,看看这是一个事后打击的可能性。你会知道的最好的,我不想让你过于怀疑 - 这是没有办法生活。



有一个机会,你已经感受到这次月食一个月的前一天,这将带你到正负11月21日五天。占星家的钟形曲线的交易,所以这就是为什么你可以从你的经验,通常一个正负容忍任何mathement - 重点将更加强大。








如果你想出售房子,你可以邀请人民重新作出第二次申办奥运会,你拒绝了。水星始终主张回到过去。如果你的所有投标人都是新的,等到一月中旬恢复的过程。使用一个或大或小的家庭有关的项目这个月的小型家庭有关的能源 - 你可以决定什么感觉对你和你的预算。






在家乡,家人和亲戚的主要重点上来了。虽然假期时间总是强调家庭,今年将是你平常的经验,从不同 - 重点将更加强大。





发表于 2010-12-1 12:37:52 | 只看该作者

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