
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年11月运势

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11月 Horoscope for Virgo

This month your razor sharp intelligence and ability to speak, write, edit, research, sell, persuade, and debate, along with your skills in other communication arts, will set you apart and help you reach goals in a very effective way. As the month opens, planets building in your third house will bring opportunity in all these areas. You will get a clue instantly about just how special this trend will be, almost the minute the month begins.

On November 4, your ruler, Mercury, the planet that gives you these talents, will reach out to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now based in your partnership house. It seems someone you are aligned with in business or in love / marriage will help you in a way that thrills you.

Once the new moon arrives November 6, you will see an even greater buildup on this focus in communication. You may get a new assignment soon after this new moon arrives, and it would be an exciting one. You may sell a book or radio show idea, go on a speaking tour, or be given an important project to revise and edit. You may be writing a thesis or launching an advertising campaign for your business. The third house rules as websites and blogs too, so perhaps you would like to start working on one this month that you will be ready to show in the New Year. You might write code on a new cell phone app - that is a third house activity, too.

There are many possible applications. If you don't have anything planned, you might think of a project in a week or two that you would like to launch. It really is a great time to get involved with these kinds of projects, as you would see such impressive results. Virgo is often very talented at making information clear and accurate but also compelling. Think about how to use your talents in communication to good use.

Travel is another theme that is coming up as very big now, something you will see at the new moon November 6. Over that weekend, November 6-7, or alternatively, November 13-15, you may go a short distance for fun and romance, and it would be a fine idea. That weekend will have so much going for it! Mercury will be in perfect angle to Uranus, so you may go spontaneously, at the last minute! Mercury will be beautifully angled to Jupiter on November 4, close enough to still spill some pixie dust over this weekend.

Later, at the full moon, November 21 plus or minus four days, you may again travel, and this will be the jewel of the month - near perfect in every way. While this full moon falls near the United States holiday of Thanksgiving (November 25), you might assume this trip would be to see family. It might, but it also looks like you'll need to travel for your work or to complete a real estate deal. Perhaps you will be making two trips, one for work and one to see family in November's third week.

One thing is for sure: This full moon of November 21 will be one of the most beautiful, tender, and enchanting of the year. If you have a romantic or business partner, you will be traveling together. It's very clear that your partner is going to be integral to your success too this month, so if you are an agent or writer, for example, your agent will be worth her weight in gold. This partner could be any person you hire or the person you care about the most.

If you were born on or within five days of September 22, you will benefit from this full moon. What a lovely moment in time!

Speaking of family, Mars has just entered your fourth house of home to stay until December 7. Improving your home or living situation will be high on your list, and options will begin to emerge quickly and will grow even more next month, with the new moon in the first week of December. This time of the year is busy, so it may be hard to move, renovate, or do repairs, but for some, it may prove the only right time for you to do so.

For some Virgo, your focus may be more on one of your parents, also ruled by the fourth house of home. A lot of progress can be made now on finding the right help for an elderly parent or grandparent, should you need to find a solution to an urgent situation that comes up this month. (I am not saying it will, but if you are faced with finding help in an area new to you, you can do it quite well now.)

All home matters may get a nice boost on November 15, when Mars and Saturn will be so perfectly oriented. On this day you can find lasting solutions and ones you like quite a bit, too. On the same day, Jupiter will work closely with the Sun, so you'll get help from a partner, collaborator, or expert, and the best part may be that an influential authority figure will be sympathetic to your needs.

If you are hoping to pretty up your home, you need to wait before you actually purchase your selections, as Venus will be retrograde until November 18. Venus rules beauty and embellishment, love and fun, and while Venus sleeps, we tend to make poor choices or may change our mind more than once on aesthetic decisions. Last month I wrote that Venus retrograde is not a good time to make a radical change to your hair or face, say, with plastic surgery (heavens, no!), and perhaps not the best time to enjoy a weekend at a spa. Venus would have sway over your home too, so why not wait a few more weeks to go ahead with your plans? Of course, if you are buying inexpensive things, you can afford to change your mind later, but anything pricy would best be ordered after November 18.

Venus and Jupiter both are associated with profits and money too, so if you have to sign an important contract or deal, or buy or sell a house, finish your paperwork AFTER November 18. I would choose November 19, a lovely day, when Uranus will be cordial to the Sun. It's a day when you are likely to have a perfect win-win situation.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in his final days in Pisces in your house of commitment, for Jupiter is due to leave on January 22. If you want to get engaged, that leaves November 18-30 (avoiding Venus retrograde) and the first three weeks of January, avoiding Mercury retrograde in next month, from December 10-30. Actually, I don't recommend doing anything in December, as you will feel the effects two weeks earlier.

Don't kill me for saying this, but your ruler, Mercury, will be having a fight with Uranus on November 26-27, making that a bad set of days for any sort of action, including holiday shopping. That's unfortunate, for those are Black Friday and Black Saturday, popular shopping days for holiday gifts, but this year they will be major duds. As I wrote last month, you must shop in November.

Also in December, we have a difficult lunar eclipse coming up in late degrees of Gemini on December 21, and that will take some of your attention too, especially in regard to your career. This means December will be a month of changes delays and shifting priorities. November will be highly productive, but December will not.

This all means that you need to make all your key decisions in November, avoiding November 26-27, or else delay your key actions for January.

Romantically, there are several indications that your relationship is getting better every day. Neptune, the natural ruler of your seventh house of partnership and marriage, is about to go direct on November 7, after being retrograde since May 31. (As you see, no less than three planets are about to go direct in November, proving November will be packed with plenty of news and lots of action!)

If you felt your romantic relationship has been focused on past grievances, or has stagnated in other ways, you will see heartfelt progress from now on. You seem to be ready to end a stage where you analyzed a problem from the inside out, and to turn a new page and write a fresh new chapter together. There is someone close to you who is very, very good for you, dear Virgo. I can't tell if this person is someone in your business or romantic life, but you would know by now. This person will bring you all kinds of good news this month, so enjoy that!

For single Virgos, if you hope to meet someone, the end of December and January will be really exciting. Be patient, dear Virgo. After Venus moves forward, everyone will feel relief, and you included. Concerns about money seem to have been curtailing your social life, but honestly, you don't have to spend a lot to have lots to enjoy.

If single, the museum seems to be a good place to meet people this month, so get out to circulate and don't stress about money. In time your cash flow will improve but in the meantime, that's no reason to put your life on hold.

Romance, for single and attached, will be best on November 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28, and 29.

This month, those attached have the edge, but you will get your turn many times over, so sit tight! The best is yet to come!

Before the holidays, just after the new moon, November 5, consider scheduling personal travel to soak up some rest and possibly to catch up with family. With the Sun, new moon, Mercury, and Venus in your house of quick trips receiving golden beams from Jupiter and Uranus, these trips will be exceptionally luxurious and probably taken spontaneously without a lot of forethought - perfect! You won't need to go alone if you don't want to - a partner will gladly come along and add quite a bit of sparkle to the trip. Plan to go during the week of November 13-20 - choose any of these days.

The full moon on November 21 (plus or minus four days) will also be cheery and will also allow you to travel again. This time you appear to be heading to a city far from home. At this full moon, it appears you'll have a mission to complete, possibly one that involves a real estate matter or other financial deal. If you have a representative, partner, collaborator, or other middleman, this person will be your lucky charm. With Jupiter so prominent at this point in the month, this person will fiercely protect your interests.

Travel will happen at the same time you are ALSO very focused on your home. You may be doing maintenance or repairs, buying a choice piece of furniture, or moving to a new address. Although this may involve some hard physical effort on your part now, next month will be easier, and you'll be able to sit back and enjoy all that you accomplished.

Over the past few years, family and home entertaining consumed your attention at holiday time, but times have changed this year. If you DO decide to invite family over, it will be this month, or no later than December 7. After that, the emphasis on family and home will fade from your schedule, for Mars will have moved on to a new part of your chart. It will be fun to hand off responsibilities to others then, and enjoy a glass of champagne while NOT wearing an apron or listening for the timer to go off.

Financially, your money picture glows brighter after Venus and Jupiter stop retrograding on November 18. Yes, it's the same day for both.

Romantically, Virgos who are attached to someone special are now going through a blissful stage, and proof of this should come up on or near November 15 and 19. If you're single, your time will come in December.

Dates to Note for Virgo:

Travel on November 4 - or send an important document.

Don't sign a contract until after Venus and Jupiter go direct. November 19.

No radical change of hairstyle or looks until Venus goes direct AFTER November 18.

All sorts of writing, speaking, editing, research, selling, and negotiating will take place after the new moon November 6.

Travel is divine at the full moon November 21.

Home will be a great place for productive improvement: all month.

Your partner will be surprisingly helpful: November 15 and 19.

Romance, for single and attached, will be best on November 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28, and 29. December and January will be better if you are single, however. This month, the attached rule.
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一旦新的月球11月6日到达,你将看到一个在今天,在通信建设重点更大。您可能会获得新的任务后不久,这个新月来了,这将是一个激动人心的。你可以出售书籍或广播节目的想法,去巡回演讲,或给予重要的项目进行修改和编辑。你可能会写论文或开展为您的企业广告活动。作为网站和博客太第三宫,也许你想在一开始工作这个月,你将准备展示在新的一年。你可以写上一个新的手机应用程序代码 - 这是第三家的活动了。



后来,在满月,11月21日正负4天,你可能会再次旅行,这将是该月的宝石 - 在各方面都接近完美。虽然这满月不久的美国感恩节假期(11月25日),您可能会认为此行是要见家人。这可能,但它也看起来你需要前往您的工作或完成房地产交易。也许你会做两次,一个用于工作,一看到十一月的第三个星期的家庭。




对于一些处女座,你的重点可能更多的还受家庭的第四宫掌管你的父母之一。一个很大的进步,可于找到适合年老父母或祖父母的权利帮助,现在,如果你需要找到一个解决方案,紧急情况,来了这个月。 (我不是说他可以,但如果你是在同一个地区发现新的给你帮助面对,你能做到很好了。)






同样在12月,我们有一个艰难的月食在双子座来晚度高达12月21日,那就会对你的注意,特别是在某些方面过于你的事业。这意味着12月将是一个优先事项的变化和转移的延误一个月。 11月将是非常富有成效的,但12月将没有。


爱情方面,有迹象表明你们的关系越来越好,每天的几个指标。海王星,你的伙伴关系和婚姻的第七宫自然的统治者,即将直接于11月7日5月31日以来后逆行。 (正如你看到的,不得少于三个行星即将今年11月份直接,证明11月将与新闻和许多动作大量包装的!)






在假期前,就在新的月球,11月5日,考虑安排私人旅行的休息和吸收一些有可能赶上家庭。随着太阳,月亮,水星,并在您的旅游黄金快速接收从木星和天王星家梁金星,这些旅行将是极为豪华,可能没有采取很多自发的远见 - 完美!您不需要单独去,如果你不想 - 合作伙伴会很高兴一起去,并添加相当多的火花位行程。计划去十一月13日至20号期间,周 - 选择其中的任何一天。







旅游年11月4 - 或发出一个重要的文件。

不要签署金星和木星之后才去直接签订合同。 11月19日。






发表于 2010-11-1 16:28:30 | 只看该作者

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