
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年11月运势

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11月 Horoscope for Scorpio

What a glorious month lies ahead! Of all the months of 2010, November will be the sweetest. How wonderful that birthday month will be so rare and special for you. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus have by now moved into Scorpio, and with such loving planets behind you, you will feel confident and determined to succeed. The Sun will add to your presence and demeanor of authority, Mercury will sharpen your ability to articulate ideas, the new moon will open doors, and Venus will have you at your most sexy and attractive. Late November will be an unusually productive time, so get set to make your biggest initiations then, while you have so many planets pulling for you!

The new moon of November 6 will get everything started. You will find people more willing to help you now, and projects and relationships that languished will suddenly become energized. This new moon will be in Scorpio, so you get to decide how you want to direct this powerful energy to your advantage. It is the only time of the year you get this option, to use in any way you please, so quick - think! What birthday wish would you like to come true? After you decide and after the new moon arrives, take steps, even small ones, toward achieving your goal. Luck will be on your side and you will have a much greater than usual success rate.

If your birthday falls on November 6 or within four days of this date, you will find this new moon has double the power for you. Take steps to make something happen.

Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces) will do really well this month, for Jupiter and Uranus will be traveling arm in arm in their final degrees of Pisces and will beam shimmering energy to this new moon. I wish Jupiter were a little closer in mathematical degree to the signal of this moon, but he is close enough to be significant and that's what matters. Later, by the tender full moon, Jupiter will be just perfectly positioned and that will bring some of your most breathtaking moments of all.

For you, Jupiter and Uranus will be in your fifth house, so romance is likely to be your number one area of gain. If you are single and hoping to meet the right new romantic person, the universe is rolling out the red carpet for you. You must circulate!

Two days that will be outstanding will be November 15 and 19, when your angels will be working overtime to make sure you have that fateful introduction. On November 15, Jupiter will be beautifully oriented to the Sun, and on November 19, it will be Uranus' turn to contact the Sun. It's hard to imagine a better time to find love, and everything could happen so fast! If you are married or attached, a conception may happen now, bringing a baby into the picture.

In your career, your creativity will be reaching extraordinarily high peaks. Brainstorm for ideas, and no matter how "far out" they may be, follow up and experiment with them - there seems to be gold nuggets in those inspirations. Aspects this strong can only be considered "once in a lifetime" - use them!

In terms of money and negotiation, your ruler, Pluto, recently went direct on September 14, having been retrograde since April 6. That put you in a strong position and fortunately, Mars, your other ruler, is in impressive form, too. Even so, to have ultimate power and control, you still need to wait until Jupiter regulates his orbit, too. Once that happens, you are to have the most negotiating leverage possible. Jupiter has been retrograde since July 23 but will turn direct on November 18.

Jupiter brings good luck, happiness, financial growth, and profits so you really do have to wait until you've got Jupiter in your corner, too. If you rush and do sign papers prior to this date, you will be giving birth to your venture at a bad time, for any planet in retrograde is considered weak. The profit potential for the life of that endeavor will likely be capped at a lackluster level. Do not sign any contract or launch any new products or services until AFTER Jupiter goes direct on November 18. I suggest you plan your actions for one day later, November 19.

You seem to spending more than usual in November, as Mars will be forcing up your expenses. While it is of course possible you will be holiday shopping, you may also have an expense related to your home. With Neptune cranky and causing unclear or confusing situations, in hard angle to Mercury, ruling news and agreements, problems related to water could concern you. Or, an unclear clause in your lease or other paperwork could create a situation where no one knows what to do. If this should happen, sorting out a solution could take time. Mercury will soon retrograde in your agreement and contracts sector in December, so there's no need to push for a decision yet. Time is on your side, so let talks proceed as they will. You may be able to settle things before Jupiter leaves Pisces on January 22 - aim to do so.

Still, even in terms of November, you will see that events and negotiations are starting to favor you. When Jupiter goes direct this month on November 18, you will be looking at a whole new ballgame. You will see your fortunes rise, for Jupiter is the natural ruler of your second house of earned income. Your spending will simmer down too, once you get to December 7, so everything is heading in the right direction. Ironically, Venus will regulate her orbit on the very same day, November 18. Venus is associated with many parts of life, including love and romance, fun, leisure, luxury, fashion, jewels - and Venus also has some dominion over money.

Give a space of a day and sign papers or make your key initiations of the month on November 19, when coincidentally, Uranus will be perfectly oriented toward the Sun.

Things will go surprisingly well on that day and you'll likely see a lucky break on this day, especially for home-related matters. Or, you may get help from a family member, which is also possible. Watch the days surrounding November 19 for telling clues that the tide is turning to your favor.

If you had delayed your appointment with your plastic surgeon because Venus has been retrograde since October 8, you were right to do so. It is never wise to make radical changes to appearance during Venus retrograde. (Fortunately Venus only naps for a few weeks every two years. None of us like the no-frills life we get to live while Venus is napping.)

Now, you can reschedule those appointments from November 19-30 (avoiding November 26 and 27). The same advice goes for scheduling a salon or barbershop visit if you hope to make a radical change to your hair. You can also feel free to give an expensive party, book a spa weekend, or buy jewelry, perfume, or fine wine AFTER November 18.

I need to tell you about December now, for Mercury will be retrograde all month, from December 10 to 30. As is common for Mercury in retrograde, you will feel much sooner the slowdown and confusion that this planet brings when out of phase, from December 1 onward. The bottom line is that is best to avoid making any key moves in December.

You will want to make all your key moves in a very small window of time, from November 19 to 30, excluding November 26 and 27, when Mercury will be in a rage with Uranus. (I didn't mention those two days, did I? It was time to drop the other shoe.)

I know the schedule I am proposing for you will have you running between the raindrops, a nearly impossible task. Still, if you are aware of what you want to do, and if you are organized, you can work with this schedule and get everything to work perfectly for you. Browse stores and Internet sites and get your list ready before you are ready to shop.

Let me be clear: You CAN buy electronics all month, even when Venus is retrograde, but it would NOT be wise to buy electronics or other expensive things in December while Mercury will be retrograde. Mercury rules commerce and shipping, as well as machines with moving parts, so buy that large screen TV, computer, smart phone or Nano this month, anytime, and jewels in late November, after Venus turns direct. Buy as little as possible in December, or else give gift certificates. That's the plan for best results.

Leaving holiday preparations to the last minute will be a mistake, because we also have a difficult lunar eclipse due on December 21, sure to bring changed priorities and turn schedules inside out.

I have saved the best news for last. You have one of the most lyrical and beautiful full moons of the year coming on November 21. Your closest relationship will be your focus, and you can expect breathtaking news to arrive within four days of this date. This could easily become one of your most memorable and happiest moments of the year, for both Jupiter and Uranus will help to crystallize events to perfection.

You may get engaged for your birthday, or you may actually become wed, and if so, you will have chosen the BEST time of the year to do so. If you are already married or in an established relationship, your partner will bring you some outstanding news, so you won't miss out.

Alternatively, you may be planning to make a business relationship official by signing papers. You may be collaborating in a joint venture with another firm, or signing an agent, manager, publicist, or business partner, and if so, the agreement would turn out to be a win-win for all concerned. Any sort of "coming together" of two people will be blessed now.

If you were born on or within five days of November 21, you will truly luck out, for all that I said will be worth double to you. It's sure to be a wow of a time, so make sure you aren't too busy with other things. This is a full moon worthy of a celebration, and you will want to mark the moment.

The month ends on a lovely note, when Venus moves into Scorpio for the coming four weeks, just in time for socializing at holiday festivities. Dear Scorpio, can you believe how wonderful this month will be for you? You are known to be the zodiac's skeptics, but soon even YOU will become a believer - aspects this dazzling don't come by every day. Now that they are almost here, be out and about, enjoying every minute of what the universe has cooked up for you!

Romance will be best: November 1, 4, 5, 6, 15, 18, 19-22, 23, 24, and 29.

November gleams with good fortune, and because it's birthday month for you, you'll be perfectly positioned to take advantage of the year's best, most fortunate month. The year 2010 has brought you more than your share of tensions due to a difficult position of Saturn and a mob of angry, loud planets that acted more like thugs than dignified planets.

By November, however, Saturn will have journeyed too far away from Pluto to cause you anymore problems, and you will feel a new sense of ease that you've not felt so far this year. Having been under strong pressure since the year took off, the new calmness may at first feel unfamiliar, but will be very welcome nevertheless!

First, you'll have a glorious new moon November 6 in Scorpio that will usher in two weeks of enviable cosmic energy to direct in any way you please. This new moon will open a door to new opportunity, so what is your pleasure, dear Scorpio? Do you want a new job, more money, or a new romance? How about a bigger apartment? Choose one. After November 6, make your move - the force will be with you.

Romance will start to bring some razzle dazzle to your life once love-planet Venus goes direct on November 18, which ironically will be the same day good fortune Jupiter will go direct. This is all sensational news, for without these planets' assistance, life can be dull and predictable at best. At worst, both planets can make negotiating a favorable deal hard, and if launching something new, the profits of that venture would likely be low. Be careful to sign papers and have big meetings and launches one day after they both turn on their full power, November 19.

By December, Venus will move into Scorpio and favor you even more, while Jupiter in your love sector could bring you thrilling romantic experiences, just in time for holiday parties.

In the meantime, this month you will enjoy the romantic vibrations of November 13-16, your very best days for romance, and then again on November 19 when some dazzling moments could make your heart skip a beat.

If you've been dating seriously for some time, there is a good chance you will get engaged for your birthday, within days of the full moon, November 21. This full moon will be a heavenly one, summoning both Jupiter (happiness) and Uranus (surprises) into action. Your spirits will be high, and your charm will allow you to wrap your beloved around your little finger.

Life always has its little annoyances, and for you, November seems to bring high expenses, but costs will settle down after December 7. Mercury in retrograde will cause difficulties in holiday shopping next month, so perhaps you'll be selecting your holiday gifts now - a great idea. Do so - you'll find bargains AND with stocks still plentiful, you will have your widest selections.

Dates to Note for Scorpio:

A gorgeous month awaits you!

The new moon on November 6 will be a time to initiate a project dear to you. It's important to act within the two weeks that follow that date for best results.

Venus will be out of phase during most of the month, but will be retrograde and withhold her most loving powers until November 18.

Once Venus gets to Scorpio on November 29, this graceful planet will remain in your sign throughout December to make your year-end holidays highly romantic.

Special days for love will be November 13-16 and November 19, all breathless, thrilling days for romance.

On November 19, expect some lively surprises in your love life AND in home-related matters - it's all good.

You may decide to get engaged for the holidays, but will make the decision to do so at the full moon, November 21, plus or minus four days. Already married? Your spouse will have exciting news for you then.

If you are not dating anyone seriously, you may make a fine business alliance.

This will be an expensive month, with lots to buy. It's a good time to buy things, especially from November 19-25.

Your home may make up a portion of the expenses this month - you seem to need things, or it may be that you are doing cleaning, repairing, and other maintenance. Protect against water damage or problems with water, all month.

Romance will be best: November 1, 4, 5, 6, 15, 18, 19-22, 23, 24, and 29.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:23:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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2010-11-01 15:32:23 来自: 沃兮(磨不磷兮涅不缁)








发表于 2010-11-1 16:23:54 | 只看该作者

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11月6日的新月会得到一切开始。你会发现人们更愿意帮助你,和项目和关系冷落会突然变得精力充沛。这个新的月亮将在天蝎座,所以你能决定要如何直接在此强大的能量你的优势。这是今年唯一的一次你得到这个选项,使用任何你想要的,这么快 - 想!生日愿望是什么你想成真?当您决定和新月来临后,采取步骤,为实现更小的你的目标。幸运会在你身边,你将有一个比平常更大的成功率。




两天内将突出将是11月15日和19日,当你的天使将会加班加点,以确保你有致命的介绍。 11月15日,木星将精美面向太阳,并于11月19日,这将是天王星的转动联系太阳。很难想象一个更好的时间来寻找爱情,一切可能发生的这么快!如果你已婚或附加一个观念可能发生的,现在,造就了一个婴儿的图片。

在你的职业生涯,你的创造力将达到非常高的山峰。脑力激荡的想法,不管多么“遥远”,他们可能会,跟进,并与他们的实验 - 似乎在那些启示金块。这种强烈的方面只能被认为是“一生一次” - 使用它们!



你似乎花比平常更多的十一月,因为火星将迫使你的开支。虽然它当然可能是你将成为假日购物,您也可以到你家有相关费用。与海王星胡思乱想,造成混乱的情况不清楚或硬角,水星,裁定和协议的消息,有关水可以关注你的问题。或者,在你的租赁手续不清或其他条款可能产生的情况下,没有人知道该怎么做。如果是这样的话,整理出一个解决办法需要时间。水星逆行将很快在你的协议和合同部门在十二月,因此没有必要作出决定推呢。时间就在你身边,让我们继续进行谈判,因为他们的意志。您可能能够解决事情之前,木星上留下1月22日双鱼座 - 这样做的目的。

不过,即使在十一月条款,您将看到的事件和谈判开始忙。当木星恢复顺行11月18日这个月,你会寻找一个全新的256。你会看到你的财富增加,因为木星是你收入的第二宫的统治者。你的消费也将降温,一旦你到12月7日,所以一切都是朝着正确的方向。讽刺的是,金星将规范而在同一天,11月18日她的轨道。金星是与许多地方的生活,包括爱情和浪漫,乐趣,休闲,豪华,时尚,珠宝 - 和金星也有一些对金钱的统治。



如果你有延迟与您的整形外科医生预约,因为金星逆行10月8日以来,你是这样做的权利。这是从来没有明智的在金星逆行彻底改变外观。 (幸运的是金星只小睡了几个星期每二年。我们都不喜欢无装饰的生活中,我们得到的生活,而金星在打瞌睡。)



你会想在一个非常小的时间窗口,所有的关键举措11月19日至30日,不包括11月26日和27日,当水星将在与天王星的愤怒。 (我没有提到这两天,我有没有?现在是下降的另一只鞋。)








上月结束的一个可爱的注意,当移动到金星天蝎在未来四个星期正好是在节日庆典社交时间。亲爱的蝎子,你能相信多么美妙的这个月将是你吗?你是众所周知的是十二生肖的怀疑,但很快你就会成为一个更信徒 - 这方面的耀眼不来的每一天。现在,他们几乎是在这里,到户外活动了一下,享受着每什么样的宇宙为你煮一分钟!


十一月闪烁着好运气,因为它的生日月份为你,你会完美地利用这一年的最好的,最幸运的月份优势。 2010年带来了你比你的紧张关系由于土星的困境和愤怒,大声的行星手机更像充当打手的行星比端庄的份额。


首先,你将有一个辉煌的新的月球11月6日在天蝎座,将迎来两个令人羡慕的宇宙能量,以任何方式直接请周。这个新月会打开一个新的机会之门,让你有什么快乐,亲爱的蝎子?你想要一个新的工作,更多的钱,或新的恋情?一个更大的公寓怎么样?选择一个。 11月6日之后,使你的移动 - 部队将与你同在。





生活总是有它的小烦恼,为您十一月似乎带来费用高,但成本会安定下来后,12月7日。水星将逆行造成的困难,假日购物下个月,也许你会选择现在的节日礼物 - 一个伟大的想法。这样做 - 你会发现交易,而与股票依然充沛,你有你自己最广泛的选择。







11月19日,期待在你的爱情生活和家庭有关的一些事项热闹惊喜 - 这一切都很好。




你的家可以弥补了这个月的开支部分 - 你似乎需要的东西,或者它可能是你正在做清洁,维修,保养等。防止水损坏或与水的问题,整整一个月。

发表于 2010-11-1 16:25:00 | 只看该作者

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