
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2010年11月运势

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What is so remarkable is that the new moon will signal Jupiter in Pisces, and although I wish the mathematical degrees were a little tighter between the new moon and Jupiter, Jupiter WILL be within a nine-degree range of that new moon November 6, close enough to be significant. You will have to do your part by being open to meeting a wide range of new people. Nothing will happen if you stay home, but if you do make an effort, you will be acting in your very best time of the year for finding true love.

If you are attached, this same house is associated with pregnancy and birth, so if you hope for a baby, this may be the month when conception is achieved. Cancers make marvelous parents, so if you want a child, this little baby would be fortunate to have you.

If your birthday falls on July 6, you will feel the November 6 new moon most and be able to take best advantage of it.

The other remarkable feature of November is that a number of planets are about to go direct - three! Let's talk about each: Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus.

Neptune, the planet ruling creativity and dreams, will be the first to go direct on November 7. This is great news because since May 31, Neptune has been withholding his best powers, but now will, from November 7 on, be in fine shape. Neptune is also the natural ruler of your ninth house of international travel and relationships and will become very strong for you now.

Watch what happens in the days that circle November 7 - you may hear some good news involving a creative project, or the news may have something to do with your plans to travel or work with others abroad.

This is the same ninth house that Jupiter and Uranus are visiting, so you may be able to travel now or very soon, prior to the third week in January. I urge you to do so, for if you do, you will have quite a broadening experience. There is something very special about this particular trip, and you seem to be changed for the better by what happens on this journey.

Business travel may prove to be less definitive and potentially less successful, as Neptune will be in a financial house, in hard angle to the new moon, a configuration that adds confusion. Facts will be obscured, forcing you to dig deeper and ask hard questions. Instead of trying to drive a hard bargain (which would only bring limited success), back off a little to rethink your plan, and then try again with a new approach in November's third week.

The media will also be lucky for you this month, from television to print, Internet to new digital media. All shine for you now. You may get a fantastic position working as a producer, editor, or journalist, for example, or you may be the subject of a news story. In the latter case, the publicity could bring your work to the attention of masses of people and be very good for you, too!

If you are hoping to go to college for an undergraduate or graduate degree, send applications to prospective colleges after November 18 but no later than November 30. You will need the support of Jupiter, and you will want him to be in the best possible shape when you send your application.

Jupiter is associated with happiness and luck, as well as profits, and Venus is also linked to money. Do not sign any contracts until you get beyond November 18. If you sign while Jupiter and Venus are retrograde, you will be giving "birth" to your venture while both planets are weak and not very effective. This means that your venture will forever be capped with a lower profit potential, so it really is worth waiting until after November 18. If you don't need to sign anything but want a date to debut your new product or service, the advice is the same - wait until after November 18 appears.

I recommend November 19 as a date to sign contracts or launch any kind of venture, for the Sun will signal Uranus, planet of all things newly invented and highly original. Wait, dear Cancer, wait! Use that day to sign your contracts, to shake hands, and to present your ideas to the world.

November 19 falls close enough to the full moon, November 21, to create a flurry of energy. You are likely to reach accord at that time and all parties will be ready to cut the cards and deal. That full moon, November 21, will be on a mission to help you see a dream reach fruition. I can't think of a better time of the month or the year to sign or launch than the days surrounding November 19 to 24.

In terms of your creativity, you will be a dynamo in November. In fact, as you work on your project, you may wonder where all your great ideas are coming from! Your ideas and artistic expressions will be original, for sure, and you will wow others in the way you are able to weave various elements together into a beautiful tapestry.

You may decide to work with a partner to develop your creative project, and if so, that would be a good idea. The ruler of your fifth house of creativity is currently positioned in your partnership sector and the planets will be making a number of sweet phone calls between the two houses all month. In short, working with a partner will allow you to create something far greater than you could do on your own, giving new meaning to the phrase, "working together will produce a result greater than the sum of the parts."

But wait - the month is about to get even BETTER! The full moon on November 21 will fall in the last degree of Taurus in your house of friends and very special social events. It appears that over the weekend of November 20-21 you will have an outstanding event on your calendar, and it will be luxurious and filled with friendly, influential people. These people will be open to conversation, and you will make a number of new acquaintances that you will want to get to know better.

An old friend may go out of her way for you and help you enormously within four days of November 21. This full moon makes a direct beam to Jupiter (luck and gifts) and Uranus (surprise) in the most powerful way possible. Something about this weekend could offer you a turning point toward a better life, so see what comes up. This full moon is even more special than the new moon because the signals to the full moon from Jupiter and Uranus will be very tight mathematically. This suggests you will see lots of exciting results. A dream dear to you is about to crystallize, and whatever it is, your association with friends or groups seems to play a part.

If you find you are not invited to a special event near the full moon, such as a charity benefit, wedding, birthday party, or other festive event, you might want to use this weekend for a quick trip. If you do, you would enjoy the classy accommodations and great food at your destination. Again, you will be surrounded by many people at this time of the month (November 21), but I am not sure why or even if you know them all or not. No matter. I can see you will be VERY happy and that's what counts!

If you were born on July 21 or within four days of this date, this full moon will be extra special for you. In fact, the weeks between November and January 22 could bring especially good news, leaving you breathless and thrilled.

You will be working hard this month, for Mars is now in Sagittarius, touring your assignment sector. Next month the work will intensify with the appearance of the new moon December 5, so you may have the type of work that gets very busy in December, perhaps because of the holidays. If you are out of work, it looks like it will be easy for you to find a lucrative freelance position that pays well. Your biggest and best permanent career opportunities will come later, in early March and in May, but for now you will enjoy the option to earn money, and the amount you bring home could be generous.

Keep in mind that November will be your highly productive month, not December. Mercury will be retrograde December 10 to 30, and you will feel delays and confusion sooner as a result of this planet's impending backward motion, as soon as December 1. For that reason, I urge you to get your most important initiations and deals done in November and not put things off to December.

Do your holiday shopping now. Last month Venus went retrograde, so you need to wait until November 19 to buy expensive jewelry or things of luxury. You can buy electronics this month while Venus is retrograde, however, because Mercury, ruling high-tech things, will still be strong.

If you want to buy any items that embellish or beautify (jewels, furs, perfume, expensive clothing) then those are ruled by Venus. Acquire those from November 18 to 30. Those same dates will be when you should make all sorts of changes to your appearance too, such as to style your hair in a new way or (if you insist) to get plastic surgery.
In December buying a computer, new TV, or other machine with moving parts would be a disaster. You may buy a product that your recipient does not like, that does not function properly, or that will have a drop in price later when a newer model comes out. Not sure? Get a gift certificate for your recipient in the store of your choice.

My favorite time for you to act for any reason this month will be between November 19 to 30, with the exception of November 26 and 27 when Mercury, ruling agreements and commerce, will have a bad fight with volatile Uranus. (Yes, November 26 and 27 are popular days to shop for the holidays, but this year, you may regret the things you purchased on those days. My advice: Lock up your money and credit cards and stay home.)

There is another reason you won't want to buy anything important in December: We have a difficult eclipse due on December 21, sure to throw your schedule off this year, and leaving things for the last minute will bring unforeseen problems and great tension.

In terms of money, your cash flow seems to have been tight for months, but should improve in November. You will have two wonderful days when the Sun will receive powerful vibrations: from Jupiter, November 15, and from Uranus, November 19. Both days are worthy of four stars, and you may see some sort of financial victory. Schedule big meetings and interviews on either one of these sparkling days. With the Sun so strongly and positively positioned, you should easily get the support of an authority figure and stir up some business.

Dear Cancer, when have you last seen so many wonderful aspects working together in such an encouraging way? This will be an extraordinary month for you, with the potential for love and fun, and also high productivity and profit, too. Next month, with Mercury to retrograde and an eclipse due December 21, you will need to anticipate that some events will come up to change your agenda and throw you off course. For now, while all conditions are right, make the most of it! As I said earlier, November is a gift, pure and simple.

Your work life will be demanding all month, but you will have such magical opportunities for love that will keep you delightfully engaged and gleefully distracted during your private time off. Your time for love will begin after the new moon appears, November 6, for that moon will come brimming with social invitations. If you are single, you'll have some of the best opportunities of the year to meet someone you'll want to know better, and if attached, to find quality time to relax and spend with your one and only. The idea of parenthood may now beckon, and if so, it's a perfect time to make a plan.

Venus went retrograde last month on October 8, and brought you into a more serious mood. When any planet retrogrades, it weakens. Venus provides the fun of life, so to everyone's relief, Venus will be back in fine shape after November 18. On the same day, November 18, financially powerful Jupiter will also go direct and turn on the power. If your efforts to make money or seal deals were met with delays and problems, the road will be cleared after that.

Near the full moon, November 21 will bring a lively social event, and it will be luxurious and special. It's a date not to miss, for you will meet many new people and also be able to reconnect with friends from the past. It appears the invitation will come up at the last minute - increasing the fun.

Mercury will retrograde during most of December, so plan to complete your shopping for gifts and things you need in November while you still have a positive time to do so. That will leave you footloose and fancy free to enjoy December, a perfect way to end the year.

If traveling over long distances, you will get the spark for new creative ideas. A trip could also open your heart to adventurous new experiences and possibly a new romantic interest. Romantically and creatively, changing your setting will be the right idea, for doing so will bring you to a new place of the mind and heart.

At work, things will be busy. Although you'd rather think about love and fun, your boss or clients will be expecting your full attention - don't let them down. Mars in Sagittarius all month will require a steady effort, and you'll need to keep up with the rapid pace. Keep up workouts at the gym to keep sane. Don't skip them.

You've been through a long year, with relationship ups and downs, heavy responsibilities at home, and for some, tumultuous changes in your career. Considering all you've been through, November will be a glorious gift, allowing you to regroup, relax, and let go. Congratulate yourself on all you've accomplished in 2010, often against all odds. You not only survived but flourished, dear Cancer, and you will be all the stronger for all you have experienced.

This month will bring back the love in your life and allow you to feel adored and pampered. Having such a strong show of love from friends and possibly a new romantic partner, too, will strengthen your confidence and make you feel like a million dollars. In November you will get the breather you need to be able to think and to plan your next steps. In 2011, big career opportunities are due and you will love what the universe has in store. For now, have fun!

Dates to Note for Cancer:

This is your month to find love or to enjoy the love you have now! Wait for the new moon November 6 before socializing. From that date onward, your luck will be excellent - the best of 2010 - for finding love!

Not only that, it looks like a social event is on your calendar - or soon will be - on November 21, plus or minus four days.

Hoping for a baby? This is your best month of the year to try. Do so on any day that follows November 6 (plus two weeks if possible), in accordance with nature's cycle.

Long distance travel that had been delayed earlier in the year may happen on or very near November 7, thanks to Neptune going direct.
Want to give your home a facelift? Venus will enter your home sector on November 7, to stay all month. Start shopping then, for your selections will be simply beautiful.

Shop for holiday gifts now, not in December, when Mercury will be retrograde.

From a creative standpoint, you're at a high point. Set aside time to brainstorm on a project dear to you from November 6 to 20 for best results. Traveling for pleasure will also help spark ideas.

Travel for business could require effort. With Neptune acting up, you will have to dig deeper for answers and negotiate harder for a better deal.

Even though you'll have your mind on a love relationship, you will have to get many work projects done at work. Don't completely zone out - Mars' position shows you need to pay attention.

Romance will be best: 1, 6-7, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, and 25.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:22:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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行星们可并不是一直以来都表现得如现在这么可爱的,但是当他们这个月彼此之间成完美的小角度,你一定要好好利用它。你可以利用这些幸运,幸运在这个月是你极有可能遭遇的事情。这个月对于螃蟹来说就是礼物,是简单而单纯的恩赐!一切貌似都是突如其来,但是这也就是生命的美丽所在— 它永远会给你带来惊喜。




发表于 2010-11-1 16:22:55 | 只看该作者

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十一月的另一个显着特征是,一系列的行星即将直接去 - 三!让我们每个讲座:海王星,木星和金星。


观察每圈的日子里发生的事,11月7日 - 你可能会听到一些好消息,涉及一个创造性的项目,或新闻可能是与你的计划去旅行或与他人合作,在国外。





木星是与幸福和好运,以及利润,金星也与金钱。不要签署任何合同,直到11月18日之后得到的。如果你想在木星和金星逆行,你会被给予“出生”到您的企业,而这两颗行星是软弱和不很有效。这意味着您的企业将永远是一个低利润潜力受限,所以它确实是值得等待,直到11月18日之后。如果你不需要签署任何文件的日期,但希望你的新亮相的产品或服务,该意见是相同的 - 等到11月18日出现。





但等待 - 这个月即将获得更好! 11月21日的满月会落在金牛座的在你的朋友和非常特殊的社会活动家去年的程度。看来,在十一月20-21日的周末你将有一个日历上的优秀事件,这将是豪华和友好的,有影响力的人填补。这些人将开放的谈话,你会作出新的熟人号码,你会希望更好地了解。








我最喜欢的时间让你采取行动以任何理由在本月将由11月19号至30号与11月26日和27日例外,当水星,执政协议和商业,将与挥发性天王星极了。 (是的,11月26日和27日到店很受欢迎的假期,但今年,你会后悔的事情,你购买的这些日子我的建议:。。锁定了你的钱,信用卡以及留在家中)






附近的满月,11月21将带来一个热闹的社交活动,这将是豪华和特殊。这是一个迄今没有错过,因为你会遇到很多新的人,也能重新与从过去的朋友。看来会的邀请,在最后一刻 - 增加乐趣。



在工作中,事情会很紧张。虽然你宁愿相信关于爱和乐趣,你的老板或客户会期待你的注意力 - 不要让他们失望。火星在射手座本月将所有需要一个稳定的工作,你会需要继续保持的快速步伐。紧跟在健身房锻炼以保持理智。不要跳过它们。


这个月将带回你生活中的爱,让你感到崇拜和纵容。有这样一个爱的朋友和合作伙伴可能是一个新的强烈的浪漫,也将增强你的自信,使你感觉像一百万美元。十一月您将获得喘息的你需要能够思考和规划你的下一个步骤。 2011年,由于巨大的职业机会,你会爱上什么宇宙商店。现在,有乐趣!


这是您每月找到爱或享受你现在的爱!等待新的月球11月前6社交活动。自该日起,你的运气将以卓越 - 2010年最好的 - 寻找爱!

不仅如此,它看起来像一个社交活动日历上的是 - 11月21日,正负四天 - 或将很快。






即使你有一个爱的关系的想法,你会得到许多工作必须在项目完成工作。不完全带出来 - 火星的位置显示你需要注意。

发表于 2010-11-1 16:23:07 | 只看该作者

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