
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双鱼座2010年9月运势

1 10712
★ 运势概述★


亲密关系从来都是经营不易的,不过这月你有机会修补、冰释或者向某个赢得你信任的人许下誓言。9月8号的新月助你与某个意义重大的人建立更加坚实、亲密和稳定的连结,不管是私人生活还是专业领域。别忘了, 水星要在你的关系宫逆行至9月12号,所以在此之前不要做任何板上钉钉的承诺或着决定。

★ 需要关注的日期 ★










发表于 2010-9-1 10:55:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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September Horoscope for Pisces

You have been riveted on finances since the end of July, and there's been almost no letup ever since. You seem determined to find sources of money, and you seem to have been pouring over your records lately. You may have had to redo certain financial records, your business plan, or a contractual arrangement in the light of what you learned. Mercury is still retrograde as the month opens, and will remain in that mode until September 12, so at the start of the month, you'll still be going back to understand what is going on with your finances, to see if you can find ways to cut back, but also find ways to bring in more.

Mercury retrograde September 1-12 will bring a number of changes to your schedule. Do yourself a favor, and avoid signing contracts. You can begin to sign on or after September 13 when Mercury will have moved into a better place, and the propensity for legal confusion, miscommunication, and downright wrong assumptions will have ended.

You really don't like to spend this much time on financial matters because you feel it's a distraction that you could live without, but sometimes it really is necessary to stop your life and attend to these matters while you have the time. Mars can sometimes cause arguments or reveal information that has been hidden, so the past few weeks may have been a stressful revelation. At the very same time, Mars was also forcing up expenses, so as much as you may have tried to hold the line, expenses kept coming. Those will end once Mars leaves Libra on September 14.

The area you've been focused on was the eighth house of "other people's money," which covers commission checks and late payments, bad debts, credit card statements, bank loans, venture capital investments and business plans, child support and divorce settlements, court cases, insurance company payouts, inheritances, taxes, college financial aid, severance, unemployment insurance, and similar types of areas of financial resources (and obligations).

The exit of Mars out of your solar eighth house of other people's money on September 14 will temporarily take you away from your focus on money, but the new moon next month on October 7 will again highlight these matters. Before then, you will have three blissful weeks to get away from all that calculator tape, from September 14 to October 7.

If you are looking for an infusion of cash, or if you owe money and need to make a payment plan with a creditor or government for taxes, the new moon October 7 will allow you to open talks. However, Saturn will be standing close to that new moon, so your source will demand a great deal of detailed paperwork. You have Mercury retrograde this month and may be forced to prepare that paperwork at a time when mistakes are very possible. Make absolutely sure all your stats are perfect, for if errors surface later, those errors will undermine your case. Go slow and get them right.

The full moon on September 23 will also emphasize money, but this time, it will be your salary and personal resources. You may hear back about a raise or salary / new business negotiation, or you may buy something expensive.

This full moon is complex. It looks like you will have to pay a certain amount to a creditor too, and it may be hard to do so. Jupiter will fall very close to that full moon, so that suggests you will be protected and be able to find the money, but with Saturn opposed, it still may not be that easy. Or, money may come in, but it will go right out again. That last possibility seems very likely.

One week later, September 30, Saturn, the taskmaster planet now ensconced in your eighth house, will conjoin the Sun. This combination is always a sobering influence, where the work will be hard and the criticism harsh. The Sun rules fire, and Saturn rules ice - not a compatible combination. Any venture you go into on this day could lose money, so try NOT to sign an agreement anywhere near this day.

There are other ways September 30 might work out. The eighth house is associated with debt, so whatever expense or bill that comes up at the full moon on September 23 will likely be due September 30. You may have to do some fancy footwork to find the money. Creditors are likely to be very tough and not moved by a sympathetic story. Pluto will be cranky too, suggesting the terms the creditors give you will be hard to swallow.

Or, because the Sun is associated with the sixth house of work assignments, in order to get a big job done, you may have to raise capital to make it happen. The client may resist giving you a generous advance, but at the same time, you won't want to turn the job away for lack of cash to do the job. You may have to go to a bank to cover the cost of production. Knowing this, see if you can start thinking early in the month of how you would handle aact, and for that you will be grateful. Always pay close attention to the days that closely surround the day a planet turns to direct speed. I feel you will hear news that will make you very happy near September 14. Wonderful!

Wait, there's another reason to take note of the area of international travel and trade. Venus will be traveling very close to Mars, considered a very fortunate pairing, and so you will have amazing experiences on your trip. I am sure you've had business trips that you can only describe as grueling, but this won't be one of them! Venus will see to it that your accommodations are beautiful and luxurious, and that the people at your destination meet you with great warmth and enthusiasm.

If international travel or commerce does not seem likely or possible, then the areas of academia and the media will also be fortunate for you. Submit your application to a university you want to attend, or send a query letter about a story you'd like to write to an editor, as two examples. Academia, broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet are all very fortunate - and lucrative - for you now.

Now I have even MORE wonderful news!

One day will sparkle more brightly than diamonds in the Sun, and that will be Saturday, September 18, when Jupiter (good fortune) will conjoin Uranus (surprise) in Pisces! If you've been praying for a miracle, one may be on the way to you on this day. You may hear news on the weekdays that precede this day, Thursday, September 16 or Friday, September 17.

Jupiter rules your natural tenth house of career, so it appears whatever comes up on this day will boost your industry profile. You may get a new career position, or if you are self-employed, you may bring in new business that will make you want to take a bullhorn to the streets to inform the world of your good fortune. Or, you may get amazing publicity! See what happens!

In a month that's completely schizophrenic, you may experience sudden problems with an erratic partner who seems to be acting completely out of character on Tuesday, September 21.

This follows your best day, so you can see how black-and-white this month can be. This makes me think of how all the girls who win the Oscar lose the boy shortly after. Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock, and Kate Winslet all can attest to this.

I am not trying to be sexist, as I am sure men have the same problem. Dear men readers, stay with me. My point is, when you experience great success, it often causes problems in a close relationship, but only if your partner is insecure. If your relationship is strong, you won't have any problems. The opposition of Uranus and the Sun will show up any weak links in a personal or business tie.

There is another way this may manifest on September 21, and that is, a man in your life, such as your father or other prominent authority figure (symbolized by the Sun) will face some sort of reversal or tense life situation. This is showing up in your chart, so it seems you will be sensitive to this situation and perhaps will want to help. You will want to be there.

You do have two big advantages in matters of the heart, so here's news that will be VERY encouraging. The first is Jupiter will be in Pisces after September 9, and having Jupiter in your sign is considered the very best aspect to have to meet your soul mate. In this case, you must circulate a lot in the last months of 2010. Show your face to the world!

Your other advantage will be that Venus will remain in wildly compatible water-sign Scorpio not for the usual four weeks, but for four MONTHS! The reason Venus will stay in Scorpio so long is because she will retrograde from October 8 to November 18. During that phase would not be the best period to schedule a first date, but the two periods of September 13 to October 5 (leaving some space) and November 18 to January 7 would be perfect.

Speaking of Venus, you are sure to love Saturday, September 4, when Venus will embrace Neptune, and all the world will be aglow. This is a VERY glamorous day, for sure! Neptune is your ruler and will take very good care of you on this perfect weekend.

All month, Venus and Mars will move very close to each other as they get to month's end. These two sweethearts have a very special function in the chart, and that is to spark new love. One outstanding day to anticipate next month will be October 3 when Venus and Mars will meet in conjunction - the fireworks should be splendid for you, and doubly so if you were born on or within five days of March 2.

If you are in a close relationship, keep your eye on September 21 as potentially volatile, where something innocent you say could set off a nuclear explosion. Keep things calm - this is not a day to plan a "big talk."

Those Pisces born at the end of their sign, near March 18-20, will have to be the most vigilant, as relationships these days are not likely to be easy. Difficult aspects are meant to show you certain truths, dear Pisces.

Remember, you have Jupiter protecting you now, so you truly are poised to move into a beautiful era, where you can leave a difficult relationship and find the person who truly deserves to be with you, and who will always adore you.

Your best days to enjoy love will be: September 3, 4, 11-12, 18-19, and 26.

Jupiter, the good fortune planet, had abandoned you temporarily in June, but he'll be back in Pisces as of September 9. No one will be happier than you to hear this! Jupiter will stay at your side until January 22, 2011, lighting the path to good fortune and radiant health. You are the celestial favorite again, and as such, will have enormous protection. Start thinking of a risk you'd like to take, or a seed you'd like to plant.

Relationships are never easy, but this month you may have a chance to mend a fence or make a new commitment with someone who has gained your trust. The new moon due September 8 will help you create stronger, closer, and more stable bonds with someone important to you, either personally or professionally. Keep in mind, though, that Mercury will be retrograde in your relationship sector until September 12. Don't make any decisions or agreements that will be etched in stone until after this date.

Still, not all relationships this month will be sweetness and light - in fact, one might prove to be downright troublesome. Uranus in Pisces will go on a rampage against the Sun on September 21, a day you will likely have your hands full with a difficult person. Try not to schedule a big talk or meeting for this day, for few if any things will go right!

In a month when the jarring days will come side-by-side the sterling ways, you may feel buffeted by the universe, not knowing what to expect from one day to the next.

Rest easy, though, for a day when everything should go right will be September 18, thanks to Uranus, planet of surprise, which will be conjunct Jupiter, planet of good fortune - both are in Pisces. It's likely to be your best day of the month, and one of your favorites of the year, and whatever occurs will come straight out of the blue! You may start to see how special this day will be as early as September 16 or 17.

Financially, money has been coming in at a steady pace, but alas, has been going out just as fast. This trend continues now, too. You'll get good news about finances on the September 23 full moon because Jupiter will be close. However, Saturn will oppose that moon, and with his hand outstretched he will seem to say, "Isn't that money owed to someone? Just hand it over please." There seems no way to avoid paying up, for one week later, by September 30 when Saturn will meet with the Sun, your payment will be due. Knowing this, you may be able to start to prepare for this obligation early in the month.

Money won't be as big a focus after this month is over. As a matter of fact, financial tensions will decline somewhat after Mars leaves Libra and your house of credit on September 14.

On a happier note, it looks like you have a major trip coming up in October - start buying guidebooks and musing about your options now. One good day to browse a bookstore would be on September 9 when you'll be inspired with ideas. (Wait to book things until AFTER September 12).

Romantically, your best, most romantic day will come early, on Saturday, September 4, when Venus will dance with Neptune across an azure sky studded with diamonds. It's due to be a magical night!

With Pluto going direct on September 14, you'll find friends to be more available, and.

You really don't like to spend this much time on financial matters because you feel it's a distraction that you could live without, but sometimes it really is necessary to stop your life and attend to these matters while you have the time. Mars can sometimes cause arguments or reveal information that has been hidden, so the past few weeks may have been a stressful revelation. At the very same time, Mars was also forcing up expenses, so as much as you may have tried to hold the line, expenses kept coming. Those will end once Mars leaves Libra on September 14.

The area you've been focused on was the eighth house of "other people's money," which covers commission checks and late payments, bad debts, credit card statements, bank loans, venture capital investments and business plans, child support and divorce settlements, court cases, insurance company payouts, inheritances, taxes, college financial aid, severance, unemployment insurance, and similar types of areas of financial resources (and obligations).

The exit of Mars out of your solar eighth house of other people's money on September 14 will temporarily take you away from your focus on money, but the new moon next month on October 7 will again highlight these matters. Before then, you will have three blissful weeks to get away from all that calculator tape, from September 14 to October 7.

If you are looking for an infusion of cash, or if you owe money and need to make a payment plan with a creditor or government for taxes, the new moon October 7 will allow you to open talks. However, Saturn will be standing close to that new moon, so your source will demand a great deal of detailed paperwork. You have Mercury retrograde this month and may be forced to prepare that paperwork at a time when mistakes are very possible. Make absolutely sure all your stats are perfect, for if errors surface later, those errors will undermine your case. Go slow and get them right.

The full moon on September 23 will also emphasize money, but this time, it will be your salary and personal resources. You may hear back about a raise or salary / new business negotiation, or you may buy something expensive.

This full moon is complex. It looks like you will have to pay a certain amount to a creditor too, and it may be hard to do so. Jupiter will fall very close to that full moon, so that suggests you will be protected and be able to find the money, but with Saturn opposed, it still may not be that easy. Or, money may come in, but it will go right out again. That last possibility seems very likely.

One week later, September 30, Saturn, the taskmaster planet now ensconced in your eighth house, will conjoin the Sun. This combination is always a sobering influence, where the work will be hard and the criticism harsh. The Sun rules fire, and Saturn rules ice - not a compatible combination. Any venture you go into on this day could lose money, so try NOT to sign an agreement anywhere near this day.

There are other ways September 30 might work out. The eighth house is associated with debt, so whatever expense or bill that comes up at the full moon on September 23 will likely be due September 30. You may have to do some fancy footwork to find the money. Creditors are likely to be very tough and not moved by a sympathetic story. Pluto will be cranky too, suggesting the terms the creditors give you will be hard to swallow.

Or, because the Sun is associated with the sixth house of work assignments, in order to get a big job done, you may have to raise capital to make it happen. The client may resist giving you a generous advance, but at the same time, you won't want to turn the job away for lack of cash to do the job. You may have to go to a bank to cover the cost of production. Knowing this, see if you can start thinking early in the month of how you would handle a situation like this. It does look like business will start booming, but to a small business, that can pose certain problems with cash flow.

The third way this conjunction of Saturn to the Sun on September 30 may work out is that you may need a medical procedure. The eighth house is not only associated with money, but also with medical and dental surgery. If you are told you need a procedure, go ahead and have it. If it is elective, you may want to choose another day, as bleeding is highest on full moons. (Most people need not worry about that, but some do.)

If you are scheduling plastic surgery, keep this in mind: Venus will go retrograde on October 8 until November 18, and you should never schedule plastic surgery procedures when Venus is retrograde, for you likely won't find the results pleasing. Who wants to have surgery on their face when Venus, planet of beauty, has taken a nap? I would say not to do any plastic surgery (or Botox) during Mercury retrograde either. Your doctor's aesthetic decisions may be off.

With all the talk about money, you might assume that's all this month is about, but that's not true!

Partnerships will be on your mind all month, and the new moon on September 8 will open a path toward conciliation and cooperation for one new relationship that is important to you. For example, if you are looking for a new business partner, this new moon will help you move talks into a more serious stage. (Remember, though, don't sign papers or give your final word until after Mercury is done being retrograde.)

If you have had problems with a relationship that you'd like to solve, this new moon will help you do that, too. If you are in love and thinking of getting engaged for the holidays, this new moon may bring up that exciting discussion.

I am particularly enthusiastic about the fact that Mercury will receive a very powerful and beneficial beam from Pluto on September 8. This will give extra clout to talks, and help send them in the right direction.

Ironically, September 8 is a mathematical trigger-day of the June 26 eclipse, so think back to talks you had or news you received near that time, for you may see an additional development related to that matter at this time. As you see, September 8 is a potent day.

Now let's turn to some of my BEST news for you!

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move back into Pisces on September 9 and remains at your side until January 22, 2011. This is the best aspect anyone could ever wish to have, for it means you will be crowned the king or queen of the zodiac, most fortunate of all.

Jupiter will bring you many goodies in the form of opportunities and new, influential people who can help you. You might want to accept most of them, too, and I say be my guest. When Mercury is scheduled to go retrograde again throughout the whole month of December, you will be able to edit out the opportunities that you might feel that you had accepted too hastily. Sometimes you do have to live with a situation for a while.

The area of international commerce and trade for goods, services, or information may become very important to you from September 14 through October 28. This area could prove to be a big boost to your bottom line. Travel looks very likely in late September or in October - and would be fun, too! Your perspective will widen and it will seem like a breath of fresh air.

This area of your life will also be supported in a big way by the move of Pluto to direct speed on September 14. Pluto has been retrograde since last April, so you may feel a certain deal has been hard to crystallize, despite encouraging talks that took place earlier this year. Now the whole area of foreign people and places will be one of your best. An influential friend may also help you make cont, bless their hearts, quite caring about looking after you!

Dates to Note

Your best romantic evening will occur on September 4, thanks to Venus in lovely sync with Neptune.

Travel is coming soon, so start dreaming with a purpose on September 9. Without dreams, there is no chance for a poetic reality later.

Cheer up - your high expenses will simmer down quite a bit after Mars leaves your financial sector September 14. While you will still have to watch financial flow, you won't have such a hard time.

Friends will be more helpful to you after Pluto turns direct on September 14.

Mars in Scorpio after September 14 (until October 28) will be a wonderful boost of support and energy. Travel, study, and projects in the media all will dazzle for you.

Your luckiest day of the month - and possibly of the year - will be when Jupiter (luck) combines forces with Uranus (surprise) on September 18. This is a day when even the most extreme wishes can come true!

You may have to deal with a difficult partner on September 21, when the Sun opposes Uranus.

Money comes in (thanks to Jupiter) and goes out, too (blame Saturn). Be glad you will have the money to cover bills, dear Pisces. Money will delight you at the full moon, September 23, but seems to have been spoken for the minute it arrives.

A major financial obligation seems hard to pay but will be due September 30.

Best days for love: September 3, 4, 11-12, 18-19, and 26.
发表于 2010-9-1 10:55:18 | 只看该作者

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