
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2010年9月运势

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September Horoscope for Sagittarius












◆概论 重点日期——译者:幻觉





















发表于 2010-9-1 10:53:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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September Horoscope for Sagittarius

When I looked at your chart, I chuckled to myself this month. If your life were a movie in September, I would call it, "Money, Sex, and Power." Of course, I am overstating the planetary aspects a bit, but that movie title did occur to me, so I thought I would share this with you. There is a tiny bit of truth in it, and I will explain as I go along.

Let's take the topic of power first. Your career seems to have stalled a little since early August, but that was not your fault. Mercury went retrograde on August 20, but you felt the slowdown start as early as August 6. As you enter September, Mercury will be in retrograde until September 12.

During those first two weeks, the world will remain in slow motion, and there will be no need to rush to get projects in gear. In fact, it would be better to hold back. Virgo and Mercury rule your solar tenth house, ruling professional honors, awards, and achievement, so it really would be unwise to initiate anything important now.

In the days that follow September 12, the world will return to normal, and you can be as assertive as you would like to be. If you are offered a new position or promotion then, you can accept, but it wouldn't be wise to do so prior to September 12, as the nature of the job would change dramatically and not likely in a way you would be pleased to see.

In the meantime, while you wait for Mercury to stop retrograding September 12, finish up assignments that are on your desk now. Be careful with the details, however, as it will be easy to overlook errors - grammatical, typographical, mathematical, and also errors in assumptions and judgment. Virgo is a very detailed sign so have a second pair of eyes look over your work before you hand it in. During these phases, it's always worth walking the extra mile to make sure things are perfect.

The new moon September 8 will be in this same career sector, so you will notice, after this date and in the days leading to September 12, that the tempo of life is picking up. If you are serious about changing your position for a better one, whether by switching companies, getting a promotion, or starting your own business, you can start to look at your options. Make phone calls, study the listings, and talk to friends for tips.

In recent years, you've hosted Saturn in your tenth house of career success, so you were limited at how high you could fly. That situation has now ended, so you are looking at a very different situation now. Saturn entered this area of your chart in September 2, 2007 and finally exited for good on July 21, 2010. That means after July 21 this year, you were set free, not due to deal with Saturn again in this part of your chart until 2036. No more limits will be put on your efforts to get ahead, for you have met Saturn. You can interview for a job this month, but don't accept any new position until September 13, in writing or verbally.

The only exception to this rule is if someone you used to work with suddenly calls and offers you a new position. In that case, you CAN accept the offer, for your relationship started a long time ago. Mercury actually likes to see us all go back to the past and find ways to do more to do with people we already know. Go right ahead.

It's funny though, how my friends try to bend this rule. "I met a VIP briefly at an industry function a year ago - now I have an offer. Can I accept and does that brief meeting count?" No and no. I don't set these rules - I am just the messenger here for a much larger universe! (Ha, ha, you have no idea how often my friends get mad at me when I say no.) If you are not sure about whether it's a good time to accept an offer, then more likely the answer is no!

In order to be the exception to the rule, you would have to know the person well and either be good friends for some time or have worked together in a company or institution in the past. It is always wise to be careful around Mercury. Accepting a new position is a major life decision, and I want the conditions to be right for you, dear Sagittarius.

Don't worry - the nhere will be no middle course.

Again money seems to be at the heart of the discussion. Don't lend money to a friend now - not unless you don't mind if you ever see it again. If it works out a friend is in trouble and needs the cash, there's a chance you will make the generous offer as a gift.

Dates to Note:

You will have superb real estate luck on the weekend of September 17-18.

Your career has brought much news lately, but even more is on the way after the new moon September 8. It will mark the time to move ahead assertively. However .

Mercury has been retrograde since August 20 but will normalize its orbit September 12. Make no announcements or decisions until mid-month. Your career will go much better after this date.

Romantically, avoid clandestine meetings at month's end - unavailable romantic interests will stay unavailable forever.

Wait for the full moon, September 23, which will bring on a tender romantic moment within four days of this date. It could be a moment to remember and treasure. If your present relationship has not been good, a full moon could bring things to a final stage, but let's think good thoughts!

Keep in mind, money may be stressful near this full moon, September 23, and it may be that you are worried about the cost of attending an event. Someone seems to be pushing you to accept a position you don't like one bit.

If you hope for a baby, the full moon September 23 could help you.

A difficult day socially could be September 21, so be careful about what you say without thinking. Your career and home sectors will be lit up and problems may come from either area.

The other difficult day for friendship could be September 30. You may find you are worried about a friend, or that a friend is simply not treating you well. Still, it's a good day to volunteer for a leadership position in a charity, community, or humanitarian project that needs your help. You could make a difference.

Best romantic dates: September 4, 10, 14, 18-19, and 29.

The days surrounding the full moon September 23 will be wild card days - wait and see!

Mars has had you working hard on your career in June and July but now you'll be in line for considerable rewards. Watch for the possibility to change jobs or be promoted just after the new moon September 8. Doors will swing open in a way they have not in several years, and it will make all those late nights at your desk worthwhile. A friend may be a big help by offering the perfect tip to get you ahead.

Mercury will be retrograde in your career sector until September 12, a holdover from mid-August. If talks have been proceeding slowly, don't push. In the first half, delays will benefit you. If you are offered a new position while Mercury is retrograde, ask for time to think things over. See if you can give your final answer on September 14, a day when the moon will be in Sagittarius, and Pluto will be orbiting at full speed in your house of salary.

You may be able to get all your salary requirements met at this time, and that would please you. If not, thanks to the new moon, any job that you are offered in September would likely come with the title, responsibility, and authority you do want. You may be able to get the salary adjusted later. In the meantime, if you like the job, you might just want to take it.

Your favorite day of the month for just about anything - but especially lucky for real estate and family-related matters - will be September 18 when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will team up with unpredictable Uranus. This is an exceedingly rare and benefic day! You might find the perfect apartment, choose a handsome piece of furniture, find the ideal roommate - you name it! When it comes to home, you'll be as lucky as a Leprechaun. Some of this energy may bounce upward to your career sector too, so you may have a double dip of luck.

Romantically, Mars and Venus will be orbiting together in Scorpio from mid-September through mid-October. This is a powerful and spicy combination, but the problem is, these two lovebird planets will be closeted in your twelfth house of secrets. You may be tempted to become involved, perhaps unwittingly, with a person who's not available. Venus will retrograde from October 8 to November 18, a time when you may reflect back on your actions of this month and ask, "What was I thinking?"

To avoid problems, avoid clandestine relationships, especially in coming weeks and months. If you assume you can keep things discreet, with Venus soon to retrograde, news would come out in time, most likely soon.

If you have been dating for awhile, you may really love the developments at the full moon, September 23, plus or minus five days. This lovely moon will light your house of true love brilliantly. Jupiter will offer gifts of hope and happiness, and Uranus, a touch of surprise and hope. Still, this full moon has a million crosscurrents, so if Uranus gets out of control, something may come up to cause an argument - if so, it would center on money.

While love look like it will work out brilliantly (even though this is a true wild card full moon), friendship is another story. A friend may become a focus of your concern by the time Saturn conjuncts the Sun on September 30. You will either be moved to comfort a friend, or conversely, you may leave a friend because you feel wronged. If you do walk, it will be for good. There will be no middle course.

Again money seems to be at the heart of the discussion. Don't lend money to a friend now - not unless you don't mind if you ever see it again. If it works out a friend is in trouble and needs the cash, there's a chance you will make the generous offer as a gift.

Dates to Note:

You will have superb real estate luck on the weekend of September 17-18.

Your career has brought much news lately, but even more is on the way after the new moon September 8. It will mark the time to move ahead assertively. However .

Mercury has been retrograde since August 20 but will normalize its orbit September 12. Make no announcements or decisions until mid-month. Your career will go much better after this date.

Romantically, avoid clandestine meetings at month's end - unavailable romantic interests will stay unavailable forever.

Wait for the full moon, September 23, which will bring on a tender romantic moment within four days of this date. It could be a moment to remember and treasure. If your present relationship has not been good, a full moon could bring things to a final stage, but let's think good thoughts!

Keep in mind, money may be stressful near this full moon, September 23, and it may be that you are worried about the cost of attending an event. Someone seems to be pushing you to accept a position you don't like one bit.

If you hope for a baby, the full moon September 23 could help you.

A difficult day socially could be September 21, so be careful about what you say without thinking. Your career and home sectors will be lit up and problems may come from either area.

The other difficult day for friendship could be September 30. You may find you are worried about a friend, or that a friend is simply not treating you well. Still, it's a good day to volunteer for a leadership position in a charity, community, or humanitarian project that needs your help. You could make a difference.

Best romantic dates: September 4, 10, 14, 18-19, and 29.

The days surrounding the full moon September 23 will be wild card days - wait and see!
发表于 2010-9-1 10:53:40 | 只看该作者

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