
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2010年9月运势

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September Horoscope for Aries

For most of us, the dawning of September harks back to days we would be excited about going back to school. We get new clothes and shoes, pencils and notebooks, and look forward to reconnecting with our friends again. In some ways, not too much has changed! The weather is often crystal clear and bright, not as hot, and that seems to promote clearer thinking.

This year you seem especially eager to get back to work, for the new moon on September 8 will be in industrious Virgo. You'll want to dig into new projects or hire some new personnel at the office or someone to help you at home, such as a nanny or housekeeper. This new moon seems to be saying, "Get going! There's so much to do!" but at the same time, Mercury will be shouting just as loudly, "No, stop, I'm retrograde! Anything you start now will be flawed. Wait!"

What should you do? Wait, just a little. You will need only to delay your major actions until September 13, and if you give that date a day or two, you can start to initiate actions, confident that Mercury will not be in a messy state again until December. (Yes, just in time to mess up our best-laid plans - the whole month won't be good, so plan ahead!)

This time Mercury has been retrograde since August 20, but you felt things slide backward as early as the start of August. es direction, you see clues surface right near that time that you can heed and investigate further. One thing is certain: The beat will pick up quite a bit in the second half of September! Be ready!

One tiny word of warning: With Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus in hard aspect to each other, transmitting a "take it or leave it" attitude, you won't have a great deal of room for negotiation. Keep that point in mind - if you push too hard, say, for salary or a certain title, the other side could get up and walk out. If you can delay making key financial decisions for November, it may be your best option, for that's when you'll do better, as this deadlock between Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus will loosen up by then.

The full moon will fall in Aries on September 23, possibly bringing on a difficult time for one close relationship, most likely a romantic one. Seven days later, on September 30, Saturn will conjunct the Sun, so it seems you're learning a life lesson. Stay practical, and as hard as it may be, stick to facts. Planets will be in standoff, revealing the state of affairs in a very straightforward way. If you have felt in limbo prior to this juncture, that state of confusion will end. You'll finally have answers you need to plan your life with a much better chance of happiness. If it is not a love relationship that draws your attention, it may be a child or a creative project. See what comes up.

Despite the month's challenges, there will be some golden moments, too. September 4 could be quite glamorous, when stardust will swirl about you.

An even better day is due on September 18, when Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin, and a fresh feeling of hope and optimism will put a spring in your step. New business opportunities will materialize out of thin air, so be ready. On the same day, Mars will be in perfect harmony with Pluto, and you'll find excellent ways to reinvent yourself.

By month's end, you'll see that the one person you can always depend on is you. Of course! You are finding out each day that you are much stronger than you ever imagined you were!

Dates to Note:

Romantically, your two very best days will be September 4 and September 18. The latter day will be the best of the month. Jupiter will conjoin Uranus, bringing surprise, hope, and happiness!

All romantic days include: September 1, 2, 4-6, 14, 18-19, and 28-29.

Watch for some sort of important news involving your career, residence, or family near September 7 when Saturn triggers the news of the June 26 eclipse. Your partner may also be vocal.

The full moon September 23 could be difficult for a romantic relationship or a matter concerning your child. Still, you may breeze through this - it could be a creative project that draws your attention.

Spend time thinking about your financial portfolio; find ways to reduce debt beginning September 14.

Your career will pick up in pace once Pluto goes direct September 14, and for coming months. (Pluto has been retrograde for five months.)

Mercury goes direct September 12 after having been retrograde since August 20. Work projects will go much better after that!

You'll be powerful on September 18 when Mars, your guardian planet, and Pluto collaborate.

Don't bring up any controversial subject with your sweetheart on September 21 when everyone's nerves will be frayed.

The full moon September 23 will be in your sign. Aries, so something dearly important to you will conclude at this time. Those born near March 21 will feel this the most.

Don't ask for any favors of authority near September 25.

Keep your strength up - you are likely to feel over-wrought and tired. due to Saturn conjunct the Sun: September 30.

The new moon September 8 will bring in new assignments at work, but indications are that things will be a bit chaotic at first. Until September 12, Mercury will be retrograde.

On September 7 Saturn will reach a mathematical degree that will trigger a point related to the lunar eclipse of last June 26. Watch for news related to your career, or possibly related to a residential or partnership matter. With crosscurrents confusing, make sure you hear what is being said and not what you assume you are being told.

Since last month, Uranus has moved back in Pisces, and by September 21, will oppose the Sun, creating upsets to existing plans and relationships. Be flexible when your boss or client asks you to completely redo the assignment. If you are at a dead-end job or simply don't like the work, you may feel an overwhelming need to leave at any cost, and probably will if you haven't done so already. These tough aspects are nearly forcing you to make up your mind - go with it!

You may experience a rollercoaster of emotions in love too, but only in the month's second half, near September 21 when Uranus taunts the Sun and again on or near September 30 when Saturn will conjunct the Sun. Try to stay calm. It may help to view your life as if it were a movie - ask what your heroine will do next. You will get to write those very lines of the next chapter of your life story.

Mars, your guardian planet, will still be in Libra until September 14. If you are attached, your partner will be leading the way, for the two of you and will be busy setting the tone and direction of your relationship. Perhaps you have been happy to follow your partner's lead. Conversely, you may feel you've been struggling to gain control. Mars is capable of generating tension, so if a grudge has been festering between you under the surface, it may come out full force now. Still, you may be relieved to finally clear the air. Be philosophical and take the long view. Venus is traveling close to Mars, which is a remarkable coincidence, for Venus will work to smooth the waters. Her job is to spark the spark of love, so Venus will do almost anything to keep harmony.

Once Mars leaves Libra on September 14, your close relationships will become easier to navigate, but money might still be a touchy subject for you. Fortunately, Pluto, a key financial planet, will turn direct on September 14, too. From then on, you'll know where you stand financially and will be able to make new or revised agreements if necessary. Pluto is in your career sector, so you may finally decide on an important career direction after literally months of waffling on this subject. (It was not your fault - Pluto was retrograde since April, so ever since, you would have not been able to make much progress. As you see, if you didn't choose a new position, it may have been just as well. I would like to see you making big career decisions with Pluto strong in your tenth house of honors and achievement. It will be from September 13, 2010 to April 9, 2011.

If you did make a big career decision since last April (such as to take a new job, create a new business, or change the line of work you do), you may see a significant change or piece of news come up about your career right around the time Pluto goes direct September 14. Whenever a major planet chang;
Once Mars leaves Libra on September 14, your close relationships will become easier to navigate, but money might still be a touchy subject for you. Fortunately, Pluto, a key financial planet, will turn direct on September 14, too. From then on, you'll know where you stand financially and will be able to make new or revised agreements if necessary. Pluto is in your career sector, so you may finally decide on an important career direction after literally months of waffling on this subject. (It was not your fault - Pluto was retrograde since April, so ever since, you would have not been able to make much progress. As you see, if you didn't choose a new position, it may have been just as well. I would like to see you making big career decisions with Pluto strong in your tenth house of honors and achievement. It will be from September 13, 2010 to April 9, 2011.

If you did make a big career decision since last April (such as to take a new job, create a new business, or change the line of work you do), you may see a significant change or piece of news come up about your career right around the time Pluto goes direct September 14. Whenever a major planet changes direction, you see clues surface right near that time that you can heed and investigate further. One thing is certain: The beat will pick up quite a bit in the second half of September! Be ready!

One tiny word of warning: With Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus in hard aspect to each other, transmitting a "take it or leave it" attitude, you won't have a great deal of room for negotiation. Keep that point in mind - if you push too hard, say, for salary or a certain title, the other side could get up and walk out. If you can delay making key financial decisions for November, it may be your best option, for that's when you'll do better, as this deadlock between Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus will loosen up by then.

The full moon will fall in Aries on September 23, possibly bringing on a difficult time for one close relationship, most likely a romantic one. Seven days later, on September 30, Saturn will conjunct the Sun, so it seems you're learning a life lesson. Stay practical, and as hard as it may be, stick to facts. Planets will be in standoff, revealing the state of affairs in a very straightforward way. If you have felt in limbo prior to this juncture, that state of confusion will end. You'll finally have answers you need to plan your life with a much better chance of happiness. If it is not a love relationship that draws your attention, it may be a child or a creative project. See what comes up.

Despite the month's challenges, there will be some golden moments, too. September 4 could be quite glamorous, when stardust will swirl about you.

An even better day is due on September 18, when Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin, and a fresh feeling of hope and optimism will put a spring in your step. New business opportunities will materialize out of thin air, so be ready. On the same day, Mars will be in perfect harmony with Pluto, and you'll find excellent ways to reinvent yourself.

By month's end, you'll see that the one person you can always depend on is you. Of course! You are finding out each day that you are much stronger than you ever imagined you were!

Dates to Note:

Romantically, your two very best days will be September 4 and September 18. The latter day will be the best of the month. Jupiter will conjoin Uranus, bringing surprise, hope, and happiness!

All romantic days include: September 1, 2, 4-6, 14, 18-19, and 28-29.

Watch for some sort of important news involving your career, residence, or family near September 7 when Saturn triggers the news of the June 26 eclipse. Your partner may also be vocal.

The full moon September 23 could be difficult for a romantic relationship or a matter concerning your child. Still, you may breeze through this - it could be a creative project that draws your attention.

Spend time thinking about your financial portfolio; find ways to reduce debt beginning September 14.

Your career will pick up in pace once Pluto goes direct September 14, and for coming months. (Pluto has been retrograde for five months.)

Mercury goes direct September 12 after having been retrograde since August 20. Work projects will go much better after that!

You'll be powerful on September 18 when Mars, your guardian planet, and Pluto collaborate.

Don't bring up any controversial subject with your sweetheart on September 21 when everyone's nerves will be frayed.

The full moon September 23 will be in your sign. Aries, so something dearly important to you will conclude at this time. Those born near March 21 will feel this the most.

Don't ask for any favors of authority near September 25.

Keep your strength up - you are likely to feel over-wrought and tired. due to Saturn conjunct the Sun: September 30.
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