
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天枰天平座2010年6月运势

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发表于 2010-6-2 09:44:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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发表于 2010-6-2 09:44:42 | 只看该作者

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Put a circle around June 8, plus or minus one day, to see what comes up! You are due for some out-of-the-blue help from a partner, for sure!

Another important event happening in early June is the move of Mars out of Leo and into Virgo. You probably enjoyed having Mars in Leo, as Mars encouraged you to see friends and lead a very active social life. You may have opened an account on Twitter or started elsewhere in social media, or if you already had been involved in social media, you may have stepped up your on-line presence. Your calendar was likely dotted with plenty of events to attend in real life too, and therefore you were very busy. Now, with Mars in Virgo, you will get a few weeks of rest.

The twelfth house, which Mars will be moving through from June 7 to July 29, is associated with quiet meditation and solitude. You may be ready for a little privacy and a more relaxed schedule now. Focus on cleaning up any unfinished tasks during this coming period.

You need to clear the decks, dear Libra, in anticipation of a very important new two-year cycle that will start up when Mars enters Libra. If your basket is too full, you won't be able to add anything new to your life, and that would be a shame. Now's the time to decide what in your life should stay and what should go in anticipation of Mars' entry into Libra, from July 29 to September 13.

Mars in the twelfth house, which will be the case for you starting June 7, sometimes increases interaction with medical personnel, whether for yourself or for others. You may hear of someone in the hospital and visit them a great deal, or you may decide that this point in the year is a good time to go in to have a procedure done.

Mars will also set the perfect environment now to quit a habit that has had a negative effect on your health. You might want to see a hypnotist, coach, or other professional to help you stop your habit. This is the best time to do that in over two years, and you will have seven weeks of really strong support from Mars to help you accomplish what you set out to do.

The new moon will offer you the opportunity to travel from June 12 onward (plus two weeks), and if you can get away, it would be an ideal time to do so. I will admit that this new moon will send a hard glance to Saturn, so it may not be easy for you to get away. You may be concerned about a family member who is ill and perhaps in the hospital, or you may have some other obligations that tug on you.

Try to get away just AFTER June 12 if you can (sometime in the two weeks that follow), for you do need the rejuvenating effects of being in a new setting. Besides, Neptune, now in your house of true love, is beckoning and will spin quite an enchanting interlude for you if you go. If you are married or attached, you will find your partner will spoil you during this journey. If you are single, you may meet someone on your trip. It all sounds good!

If your birthday falls on October 14 or within five days of this date, you will benefit most from this lovely new moon. Get out your passport and go!

Now we come to the full moon lunar eclipse of June 26. Falling in your solar fourth house, something important seems to be coming to critical mass that is related to your home, other property, or a family member, most likely a parent. When it does, it will be completely unexpected.

The formation of planets at the time of this eclipse is quite harsh. Uranus will be in hard angle to the Sun, the moon, Pluto, and Mercury. Saturn will be also in a bad mood, opposing Uranus, in sharp angle to Pluto, the Sun, the moon, and Jupiter. Each of these planets will be squared off in a configuration called a cardinal cross. This happens when planets are based on the most sensitive angles in a chart, in four different corners of the sky. Because they are all in the energetic, restless "lets do it NOW" cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and almost Libra - Saturn is 1.5 degrees away), we call this a "cardinal" cross.

If you own property, or even if you rent, be sure you have it secure with alarms to prevent burglars and break-ins. Saturn square Pluto can create theft. Look at your insurance policy, and make sure you are covered for electrical or water damage of any kind.

You might be told that your landlord needs your apartment and that you will have to move, or that one of your roommates is moving out. You may decide to paint the house or see the end (or the start) of a massive renovation. You may buy or sell a house, but with so many planets in hard angles to each other, there will be obstacles to overcome.

Alternatively, you may be concerned about a family member, perhaps a parent advanced in age (more likely mother than father as this is an eclipse of the moon, which is feminine). A full moon in Capricorn refers to the aged, as Capricorn rules longevity. Protect the health of your beloved parent - Capricorn also rules bones, the knees, teeth, and skin (and all sorts of rashes or disorders of the skin). Because this will be a full moon, there could be a problem with the right eye (for females) or the left eye (for males).
发表于 2010-6-2 09:44:54 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-6-2 09:45:00 | 只看该作者

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翻译那 看不到
发表于 2010-6-3 16:30:59 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-6-4 00:07:33 | 只看该作者

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