
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2010年3月运势

3 10270
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your March Horoscope by Susan Miller

Cancer Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan Miller

You have a rare and very liberating influence in your chart this month and it's sure to set your spirits soaring. Spread your wings, dear Cancer. It's been such a long time since you've felt this excited by life. If only you could see your chart this month! In March a whole lineup of stars are twinkling in your ninth house of new and broadening experiences.

There are many ways you may feel the profound and positive influences at play. One of the most likely will be that you will travel quite far, to a foreign country, or at the very least, plan a trip to take soon. Travel could come up spontaneously and trips taken now would be a wonderful influence on you. You're tired of same old routine, and you seem hungry to learn new things. The planets will provide you with a way to step off the merry-go-round and experience something new.

If you had hoped to become a citizen in a foreign country, this would be the month that the paperwork comes together and the approval comes through. This would also be an ideal month to apply for a green card or visa. If you have no plans to change citizenship or to work or study in a foreign country, you may start to do import / export of goods, services, or information.

The ninth house rules government and justice, as well as the legal system, too. You may get jury duty, but even so, the case you would be on would be very engrossing and you would actually find the experience very broadening and insightful. If you have pending litigation or a negotiation to achieve, this month the courts will favor you in an outstanding way. If you can achieve a settlement, do so, for you would come out ahead.

There are other ways you might feel changes as a result of this packed ninth house ruling foreign people or places. You may be working on a communications project with executives abroad that requires you to write, edit, or translate a document done in tandem with a person based afar, but you probably won't have to leave your armchair if that option seems remote.

Sometimes we are not aware we are working with a huge international company because the company has an outpost in our city and the people we deal with are not foreign - they live where you do. Yet this company is foreign based, and therefore quite lucky for you now.

The ninth house, which has become so very important for you this month, also rules reflection as well as higher education. In the latter case, you may be thinking of going back to college or graduate school. If you have interviews with university officials or have to take an important qualifying exam this month, you are in luck, for this would be a superb time to do so, and you would likely do well.

Finally, the ninth house is about searching, learning, growing, and understanding more about the world around you, and as such, rules philosophy and religion. It is in this house that we ponder why we were born and what contribution we can make to others in our lifetime. You may rekindle an interest in your religion or decide to delve into other religions. You may go to a retreat or inspirational seminar and be quite fascinated with what you learn.

There are several important dates to watch this month in regard to these areas being discussed.

The first will be on March 3, when Venus and Uranus combine energies in your travel house - a very romantic aspect that would ideally be to enjoy a vacation. If you are in college or continuing education class, you might find romance in a classroom setting, or you may simply attend or give a party that you find outstanding fun.

The next day will be March 7, when Mercury and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, align perfectly, which means they will be shoulder-to-shoulder, standing together in your ninth house of travel / education / philosophy. This would be an ideal day to take a journey or a course. This will be an exceptionally beautiful day, perfect for communicating or traveling, study or interviews. This will be a Sunday, but you might feel the energy on Friday, March 5, or on Monday, March 8. All aspects have bell curves, and these are within the proper tolerances.

An equally important day will be the new moon, March 15, when all the lovely gifts of the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Uranus will be packaged into one. From this date on, you will start to see this theme blossom more, and the second half of the month should be quite special. On this very same day, Mercury will conjoin Uranus and bring all sorts of surprise, upbeat news.

Two days later, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces bringing even more unanticipated events. I know you like to plan ahead, dear Cancer, but this month you need to be open to possibility, and to turn on a dime when necessary. This month will make you smile and remind you that life has many facets, and just when you thought you knew the road ahead, you didn't at all. What a difference a day makes - for the better! Five planets will be in fellow water sign Pisces, a sign that blends incredibly beautifully with your Cancer Sun. This month was just made for you, so help things along by venturing forth and taking a number of judicious risks, especially those that relate to the areas discussed.

If your birthday falls on July 17, plus or minus four days, you will find this new moon to be VERY powerful for you, although all Cancers should have much to celebrate this month! While most of the planets will be in late degrees of Pisces (favoring those born near July 17), Jupiter will be between 10 and 17 degrees, favoring those born July 1 to 9. As said, though, every Cancer should be happy this special month.

Let's now turn to the subject of money and career, which may have been frustrating to you in recent months. Mars, now in Leo in your second house of income and financial resources, has been retrograde since December 20, and that means Mars has been weak. As of March 10, Mars will turn direct, which is exceptionally good news, as all the areas of life discussed earlier will get an extra boost of high octane energy from Mars, but so will your career. Your solar tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and career status is ruled by Aries, and therefore Mars, too. With Mars becoming a potent force, you will be gratified by quicker progress without so many false starts that you have had to contend with recently. In many ways, 2010 begins for you now, dear Cancer - March 10.

Venus will help you too, cruising through your tenth house of reputation from March 7 to 30. This is sure to help you make a great first impression with influential people, and as we all know, those first impressions count!

Your expenses seem to be running high, but your spending may be career related. You may be starting your own business or trying to find new clients, a costly process. You will need to keep an eye on spending until June 7. After that, your expenses will drop noticeably. I realize June is a long way off, so do the best you can, dear Cancer.

Once the Sun enters your tenth house of career success on March 20, you will begin an important professional period that will allow you to increase your prestige in your industry. Next month you will get a chance to try for a top job, but this month you can begin to get ready. If you are self-employed, you can also plan for publicity or an advertising campaign with excellent results if launched just after April 14.

The weekend of March 20-21 could bring frustrations regarding your needs to pursue an important new career, and the needs of family at home. The two seem to be in conflict, so you may feel pulled in two directions over this weekend. Saturn will oppose the Sun, so it appears your family, or a real estate situation, will win out.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:31:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The full moon will be in Libra on March 29, highlighting this same residential, property, or family situation. If the topic focuses on family, it is most likely to be about a parent. Saturn, the planet of obligations, will be within 9 degrees of this full moon, so it appears you will need to look at events with a sense of practicality. I know it is easy for me to tell you this, but quite another to be that way when in the situation, so if you should find this full moon stressful, you have my sympathies. It is simply the message of the stars at the time, so try your best to see the situation for what it is, and try to make a realistic choice after weighing all your options.

If your birthday falls on June 30 or within five days of this date, you may be moving or making other major changes that actually go back to events that likely proved to be very revealing at the end of last year.

Romantically, if you are attached, you may have some disagreements with your partner this month, particularly at mid-month when Pluto will be in a bad mood, March 18-21. With Saturn opposed to the Sun over the weekend of March 20-21, try to get out of the house and treat yourself to something - anything! - to lift your spirits. Have lunch with a friend, attend a book signing or other lecture, walk through a museum exhibit you've been meaning to see, or take a little trip to see your sibling or other close relative who would love to see you.

If you are single, your best moments will come in the first week of the month, while Venus tours Pisces, March 1 to 6, with extra glitter falling on the two superb days of March 3 and 4, Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Venus will align with Uranus, making this a special day that will bring all sorts of unexpected developments. These days should be purely delicious!

Your most romantic dates: March 3-4 (gold star), 6-7 (great for travel), 13-15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, and 31.

When Venus enters Taurus on March 31, this planet of love and beauty will set the stage for a less pressured, more relaxed April. While you can, get career and money goals in place in March, and attend to all opportunities that come up involving the ninth house activities discussed at the start of your report. (Those areas are distant travel, foreign people and places, citizenship matters, publishing / broadcasting, pursuits for attaining an advanced degree, and investigations in philosophy, religion, and spirituality.) You have a lot on your plate this month, but next month will be quite relaxing and allow for more fun.

Mercury will retrograde from April 18 to May 11, so March will be a far more productive and beneficial month for you. (Next month, you will feel the slowdowns start as soon as April 4.) If you need to buy an expensive item, especially an electronic item or piece of furniture / mattress / appliance or other pricey purchase, do so in March, while the probability of your enjoying your purchase will remain high.


You will be ravenous for information and stimulation now, and the universe will be determined to show you that lucrative opportunities lie just outside your door. Foreign travel is a big possibility now and would be quite thrilling. Or, you may decide instead to take a journey of the mind by going back to the university. One other option is that a publishing or broadcasting assignment that will expose you to new realms will energize you. No matter what, by the time the month is done, you'll think in bigger terms than ever before. With five planets in your expansive ninth house, it could be no other way. This emphasis will be at play will be all month, but doubly so after the new moon, March 15. Finally the world will seem like a friendly place, and even large-scale projects will begin to click.

Meanwhile, Mars will move direct after March 10, so you may finally get a better grip on finances. Your level of spending still seems a bit high however, so between now and early June, find ways to cut back and conserve. Career interests will perk up and stalled talks will finally being moving again, so money will flow in, but it will take a little time to actually see it. No doubt about it, you'll become much more optimistic about your professional prospects, and rightly so! Just don't spend the cash before you have it!

Your home situation has concerned you for awhile too, but near March 21 it will become clear you will have to pay closer attention to what is going on in regard to parents or a housing situation.

By the full moon, March 29, this home or family related matter will suddenly reach critical mass. When it does, it may catch you completely off guard. If you plan to travel this month, be back by March's third week, for being away late in the month will only make things more complicated.

You may need to find a place to live, or to wrap up a major repair or renovation, or to help a parent. Or, your roommate or landlord may confront you with news. With Saturn in hard angle to the Sun, you may feel overwhelmed and wonder how you will handle all you'll be asked to do. You can take care of this, but you will need to be courageous and organized. With Pluto acting up too, you may find you have to cajole a partner to approve your home-related plans, only adding a bit more stress to the picture. The good news is that if you need money to make this problem go away, the amount will appear. Whew!

Dates to Watch

Travel to a foreign country could happen spontaneously and be sensational fun: March 3.

News from foreign shores is also unexpected on March 15 and 17. You may travel there or be on the phone.

Travel to a nearby town to see a friend or sibling: March 6-7

All messages received should make you happy: March 7.

Your efforts to make more money - and collect money due you - should improve now that Mars is turning direct March 10.

If you work in publishing or broadcasting, lots of assignments will come up: March 3 and 4, but especially after the new moon, March 15. Watch the days March 15-17 for sudden news.

If you are in a study program at a university or want to be, these dates listed above will also be important to you. Book appointments for interviews with college officials for the week of March 15.

Responsibilities at work versus those of home seem to be at odds: March 21, causing fatigue or a feeling of being overwhelmed. Take it slow.

A serious home-related matter will reach fullness March 29, plus or minus four days.

Venus in Pisces is divine for you: March 1 to 6, with the best days being March 3 and 4.

Your most romantic dates: March 3, 4, 6-7, 13-15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, and 31.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:31:08 | 只看该作者

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有时候,我们不知道我们是一个巨大的国际公司工作,因为该公司已经在我们的城市和人民的前哨,我们处理的是不是外国 - 他们生活在你怎么做。然而,这是外国公司为基础的,因此你很幸运了。




第一次将于3月3日,当金星和天王星结合您的旅行家能源 - 一个非常浪漫的一面,将理想的享受假期。如果您是在学院或继续教育类,您可能会发现在一个教室里,或浪漫,或你可能仅仅参加或提供的党,您找到优秀的乐趣。

第二天,将于3月7日,当水星与木星,礼品和运气送礼,完全一致,这意味着他们将承担对肩,站在你的房子一起旅行第九/教育/哲学。这将是一个理想的一天采取行程或课程。这将是一个非常美丽的一天,进行沟通或旅游,学习或面试完美。这将是一个星期日,但你会觉得上周五能源,3月5日或 2009年3月8。所有方面的钟形曲线,这些在恰当的公差。


两天后,太阳和天王星在双鱼座将conjoin带来更多无法预料的事件。我知道你喜欢提前计划,亲爱的巨蟹座,但是这个月您需要开放的可能性,并打开必要时一毛钱。这个月将让你的微笑,提醒你,生活是多方面的,公正的当你以为你知道前面的路,你没有的。多么大的变化,每天让 - 变得更好!五颗行星在双鱼座同胞水迹象,与您的巨蟹座孙难以置信的迹象,融合优美。本月只是为你,帮助沿着大胆提出并采取了明智的许多风险,特别是那些涉及地方的事情进行讨论。


现在让我们谈谈钱和职业问题,它可能是令人沮丧的,近几个月来你。火星,在你的收入和财政资源的第二家利奥现在,自12 月20日被倒退,这意味着火星上一直软弱无力。截至3月10日,火星将变成直接的,这是特大利好消息,因为所有的前面讨论会得到一个来自火星的高辛烷值能量额外增加生活方面的,但这不是你的职业生涯。你的荣誉,奖励,成果太阳的十分之一的房子,和职业地位,是法治的白羊座,因此火星也。随着火星成为一支强大的力量,你也会感到欣慰没有这么多错误的开始,你不得不对付最近更快的进展。在许多方面,2010年开始对你现在,亲爱的巨蟹座 - 3月10日。

金星将帮助你,巡航3月7日通过您的声誉,第十至30 家。这是一定要帮助你成为一位伟大的具有影响力的人的第一印象,而我们都知道,那些指望第一印象!


当太阳进入你的职业生涯第十家成功3月20日,你将开始一个重要的专业期间,将允许您增加您的行业的信誉。下个月你将有机会尝试的高级人才,但这个月您就可以开始准备。如果你是自雇人士,你也可以宣传或计划,如果只与4 月14日推出后良好的效果广告。

发表于 2010-2-28 13:33:35 | 只看该作者

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浪漫,如果你连接,您可能必须与您的伴侣本月一些分歧,特别是在8月中旬,当冥王星将在心情不好,3月18号至21日。土星与太阳反对在周末的3月20-21日,试图走出自己的房子和治疗的东西 - 任何东西! - 解除您的精神。与朋友共进午餐,出席签书或其他演讲,走过博物馆展览给您去过的意义看,或采取一些旅行看到您的兄弟姐妹或其他近亲谁愿意看到你。



当金星进入金牛座3月31日,这种爱与美的地球将设置一少的压力,更宽松的4月阶段。虽然您可以得到合适的职业和金钱目标3月,并出席所有机会来了第九家,涉及在你的报告展开讨论活动。 (这些领域遥远的旅行,外籍人士和地方,公民身份问题,出版/广播,是实现高等学位的追求,在哲学,宗教调查和灵性。)你有你的盘了很多这个月,但下个月将非常轻松,让更多的乐趣。

水星将逆行至4月18日至5月11日,因此,3月将是你一个更加富有成效和有益的一个月。 (下个月,你会觉得速度变慢,尽快启动4月4日。)如果您需要购买昂贵的项目,特别是电子项目或一件家具/床垫/或其它昂贵的设备购买,请在3月左右,而您享受您购买的可能性仍然很高。










前往附近的一个城镇,让他们的朋友或兄弟姐妹:3月6 日至7日


你努力赚更多的钱 - 和收钱由于你 - 现在应该改进火星是直接把3月10日。






你最浪漫的日期:3月3 日,4,6-7,13-15,17,19,23,24,27和31。
发表于 2010-2-28 13:33:40 | 只看该作者

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