
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天秤座2010年3月运势

1 15138
Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Your March Horoscope by Susan Miller

Libra Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan Miller

Your plate is full at work, but you seem eager to dig in. Good! If you could see your chart, you would see that the sixth house - ruling work assignments and service to others - is chock full of planets, each of them acting like loving little fairy godmothers who want you do well.

Actually, you have a crown of stars in this sector, including Mercury (news), Uranus (ideas and unexpected developments), the Sun (your ego), the new moon (the start of something new), and Jupiter (giver of gifts and luck). That's half the solar system and that's where your luck lies.

While things will begin in full force at the new moon, March 15, you will see lots of signs that things are changing and perking up at the office from the moment the month begins. At the very inception of the month, all the planets are already in this house, with the exception of the new moon. I always think of the new moon as a bride - a vision in white - and when she appears, all begins! That's true, but the other planets, like eager guests to the wedding of the new moon and Sun, are in their seats and talking with one another.

One important moment will come immediately - Wednesday, March 3 - when your ruler, Venus, will meet with Uranus. Uranus rules surprises, although you never know with Uranus which kind! This day will bring at least one unanticipated event, most likely at the office. You may get a new assignment out of the blue, for example, or even find romance (of all things)! Watch your health - protect your feet and ankles.

The next interesting (and in this case, out of this world wonderful) day will come on March 7 when Mercury conjoins Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. This may bring on a foreign trip, possibly for work or for study. You may not have to leave town, for you may get an assignment from people abroad.

The new moon March 15, is, as said, the moment to watch. Lots of new work will flow to you, and you will feel much needed. If you are self-employed, it will be easy to generate more business.

Your career may change at this new moon too, due to a sudden change in your job description (Uranus conjunct the moon, which rules your tenth house of fame and promotion). If you are self-employed, your career may change when a new client walks through the door and wants a different type of product or service than you are used to providing. A new project would allow you to be highly creative though, so you seem ready to stretch your imagination to satisfy this client. The fee offered would not be great because you've not much to show in your repertoire to assure the client you can handle this. Still, once you have it, you will be able to convince others and develop more business from other, similar clients. Jupiter is in this house, and will help you grow and learn, so it does look to be something you can handle.

Other changes may occur at the office. You may be able to hire more assistants and managers (people who would report to you) and if you do hire underlings, you would find outstandingly qualified candidates to choose from. If you hire people this month, they would be good workers who make you look very good. You won't have to give your new assistants many reminders either - and upon hearing this, I can hear you sigh with relief. Your new helper will only need to be told once what you need to have done, with no reminders - doesn't that sound wonderful?

Indeed, you will find people to work for you who are gems. This will be true at work and at home - should you need to hire a housekeeper, babysitter, or live-in nanny, you have the month to do it. Hire now - don't wait for April because Mercury will be retrograde from April 18 to May 11, but you will feel difficulties with Mercury's crosscurrents as soon as April 3. March is the month to hire, present, apply, and shop.

Your office may be renovated now, or new computer equipment may arrive. Generally, it should be a very happy place. If your office had cutbacks in the past, now you will see that business has picked up and that management can afford to hire more workers. It will be much easier to get the work out - morale will be high, and the surroundings should be upbeat and even prettier. If you work in a dingy, depressing office, start plotting your escape. This month should bring lots of opportunities to interview for new jobs, and while the new jobs would be similar to what you have done, you may be ready to go. By July 11, you will have an eclipse and that one could make it possible to leave your job. Start interviewing now - good jobs take time to get.

The same area of your chart shines for making improvements to your health and fitness. The new moon is the time to start a new sport or to make fine changes to your lifestyle. Join a gym, hire a trainer, or speak to a nutritionist. Begin your new healthy program on Tuesday, March 16, for best luck. You have time in early March to get ready. Read brochures, visit gyms, and talk with different professionals. If you begin now, by June - swimsuit season - you'll be looking hot.

This is not any old month, but one that is quite special. I have found having Jupiter in the sixth house (where you have Jupiter now) to be the best place to change old habits and begin a new way of life. You can now lose weight and begin to look very sleek, even if you have tried in the past and were disappointed with the results. Try something new, avoid fad diets, and take a sensible course that you feel you can continue. This time is different and you can see victory, but you MUST do it in 2010, while Jupiter is in Pisces (all year except for June 6 through September 9). To amp things up even more, you need a new moon conjunct Jupiter - you have precisely that on March 15. Begin the following day after the moon has had time to stabilize and help you.

This new moon is about more than fitness - it's about improving your health, too. You are so fortunate that you have Jupiter in your house of health because it shows that you would get the very finest medical help now. Statistics show that most people spend more time planning their vacations than interviewing doctors when they have a condition to correct. Don't be that person! With each doctor you see, you will get more information, and little by little, a more complete picture of your condition. You will also be given a full suite of choices.

Even if you have been disappointed in the past with doctors who never seemed to diagnose you correctly, this month you can get the help you need. Jupiter rules not only of expansion, luck, and happiness, but also miracles, and is powerfully associated with health, healing, and even rejuvenation against all odds. This is the first year since 1998-early 1999 that you've had Jupiter in this house. You can feel better, and this month is the month to search for specialists with a dedicated, passionate focus.

Since this new moon will be so very positive for health, schedule your checkups now. Have your eyes, teeth, skin, blood pressure, iron count, and cholesterol examined - you know the drill. Ask your doctor about any shots you may need to get, whether for travel, or because too many years have passed since you've had the inoculations you were given when you were small and were just starting school. Those have to be updated, too. You really do have a spectacular outlook for health on all levels, so I want to urge you to take very good care of yourself. If you don't, no one else will. You must!

Your outlook for romance and fun has been strong for months, but ever since you reached December 20, the date Mars went retrograde, you seem to be missing your friends. They may have been preoccupied, or if you moved, you may have had trouble making new friends. That all changes now. Happily, Mars will resume direct speed on March 10 and will remain strong in your friendship and events sector (eleventh house) until June 7. Get set for a very vibrant social life from now until then!

If you are attached, you have Venus moving through your partnership sector, a lovely sign that things will be upbeat from March 7 to 30.

The Sun will enter this area of your chart too, on March 20, to stay a month, but the weekend of March 20-21 seems to bring a difficult interaction with your partner. You may feel you are doing more than your share of the work, and that you aren't getting enough help from your partner. Or, it may seem your partner is very needy lately and you need to help him or her more, but have too many obligations of your own to do so.

Saturn will oppose the Sun on that weekend of March 20-21, so try to take it slow. Small problems will seem large and it would be easy to feel overwhelmed or overtired. Instead of getting upset with your partner, try to be out of the house, doing things you enjoy by yourself. Everyone needs "me" time - this will be your time for that.

The full moon will be in Libra on March 29, so any ponderings you had about a partner will become clearer at this time.

On the weekend leading to Monday, March 29, you may have a special social event to attend with your partner on either March 27-28. If so, your friends seem near and ready to join in. Mars will be very friendly to the planets in your house of significant other, so things seem good. You seem very much in touch with your needs, and ready to set a blueprint for the months ahead.

If your birthday falls on October 2, or within four days of this date, you will feel the energy of this full moon in a more pronounced way.

No matter when your birthday falls, your most romantic dates will be on March 1-4, 6-7, 12, 17, 20, 22, 26, and 27-30.


As March opens, several plum assignments will come to you. If you are self-employed, this has to be good news, but even if you work for others, you should feel great, for you will be deemed most capable of handling these key projects. You may muse to yourself, isn't it always feast or famine? Although you'll have too much to do, you'll feel fortunate to be in demand. These may arrive the first week, but by March 17 you'll be a lucky Leprechaun again when it comes to work projects, thanks to the Sun conjunct Uranus.

Handling all this work won't be easy, for taskmaster planet, Saturn, now in Libra, will make you cognizant of the responsibility you carry. You'll find a way to juggle the extra workload, but don't rush - Saturn will expect you to rise to certain standards and complete them perfectly, dotting every "I" and crossing every "t".

Bikini season is due, and you'll feel ready to begin working on your fitness with gusto again. You could use the tension-reducing effects that exercise brings, and soon you'll be feeling and looking like a million. Begin on or just after the new moon, March 15. The planets in your fitness house will be in Pisces, a visual sign, so pick up new attractive workout gear to get started. Pisces also rules music, so fill up your iPod with several new tunes and pump up the volume. If joining a gym is not in the cards, a morning run may do the trick to start getting energized.

Take life slow over the weekend of March 20-21, for Saturn in Libra will oppose the Sun. You may feel worn to the bone - and that's not surprising considering how hard you'll be working - and you may also run into relationship turbulence. Your partner may be a bit critical of you, or else be unusually needy. Go with the flow. Planets filling your house of partner include Venus, a lovely influence, so if you can, shrug off any little ripples you see in your otherwise peaceful pool of love. Venus will help you find all the right words.

Single or attached, elsewhere in your chart, Mars will turn on the power to set an exciting spring social whirl in motion. From March 10 to June 7, you'll be on the go, and during this time, friends will play a much larger - and warmer - role in your day-to-day affairs. They will help you in many ways they've not been able to do in recent months. If you need advice, an introduction, tip, or just an evening of sympathetic support, call your girlfriend - she'll be there for you anytime you need her.

At month's end, at the full moon in Libra, March 29, a matter dear to your heart will reach culmination. It'll be an important, serious moment when you may make a key decision. You're sure to be very busy at this full moon, so keep your schedule light. News that comes in could be sudden - even startling - particularly if you were born on or within four days of October 2. Stay cool - there's nothing you can't handle.

Dates to Note:

Keep your health strong as you begin the month, as you will be coming off a full moon, February 28, that may have lowered your resistance.

March 3 could bring some excellent news about a new assignment, or, if you are self-employed, new business that very suddenly materializes. Either way, extra cash could accompany this job.

The weekend of March 6-7 would be fantastic for distant travel - one of the best periods of the year, thanks to Jupiter conjunct the Sun.

Mars will go direct on March 10, allowing you more time to see friends. Watch your social life speed up from March 10 to June 7!

The new moon in Pisces on March 15 would be ideal for fitness and health. Start to get ready now for swimsuit season!

Nervous tension could be a problem this month - you may want to find ways to stay calm, such as to take several yoga classes this month.

March 21 may find you in need of fun and friends.

Something of enormous personal importance will reach fruition on the full moon in Libra, March 29.

You may be making a serious decision about a relationship at the full moon, March 29, too.

Most romantic dates: March 1-4, 6-7, 12, 17, 20, 22, 26, and 27-30.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:21:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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您排满工作,但似乎热衷于挖英寸好!如果你能看到您的图表,你会看到,第六次房子 - 执政的工作任务和为他人服务 - 是座完整的行星,其中每一个热爱有点像童话godmothers谁想要你做好采取行动。


虽然事情会在开始全面实施新的月球,3月15日,你会看到很多的迹象,事情正在发生变化,从大举裁员,在一个月的那一刻开始办公了。在本月一开始,所有行星都已经在这所房子,在新的月球例外。我一直认为作为一个新的月球新娘 - 在白色的视野 - ,当她出现时,都开始了!这是事实,但其他行星,希望新的月球和太阳渴望婚礼的客人,在他们的座位,并互相交谈。

一个重要的时刻,会立即 - 2009年3月3 - 当你的统治者,金星,将与天王星。天王星规则的惊喜,但你永远不知道与天王星的吧!这一天将至少有一个意料之外的事件,最有可能在办公室。你可以走出蓝色,例如,甚至寻求浪漫(万物)一个新的任务!观看您的健康 - 保护您的脚和脚踝。




其他的变化可能会出现在办公室。您可能能够雇用更多的助手和经理(人谁会向你),如果你雇用下属,你会发现出色的合格候选人可供选择。如果你雇用的人这个月,他们将谁会让你看起来很好好工人。您将无法给你的新助手多次提醒或 - 并听到这,我能听到你松了一口气。您的新助手将只需要知道,有哪些需要做,没有提醒 - 那岂不是很美妙?

事实上,你会发现人们对你的工作谁是宝石。这将是真正的在工作和家庭 - 如果您需要聘请管家,保姆,或同居保姆,你有个这样做。现在租用 - 不要等到4月份,因为水星将于4月18号至5月11日逆行,但你会觉得,尽快与水星的逆流为4月3日的困难。 3月份是聘请,目前,应用和商店。

您的办公室现在可以维修,或新的电脑设备可能到达。一般来说,它应该是一个非常高兴的地方。如果你的办公室在过去削减,现在你将看到业务拿起和管理层有能力雇用更多的工人。这将是很容易得到开展的工作, - 士气将是高的,应该是乐观的环境,甚至漂亮。如果你在昏暗,令人沮丧的办公室工作,开始策划你逃跑。本月底,带来很多机会为新的就业机会采访,而新的就业机会将类似于你做了什么,你可能会准备好。 7月11日,你将有日食,而且人们可以使人们有可能离开你的工作。现在开始面试 - 好的工作,需要时间来获得。

在同一地区图表照耀作出改善你的健康和健身。新的月球是时候开始一个新的运动,或作出罚款的改变自己的生活方式。加入健身房,聘请教练,或者说一个营养师。星期二开始的新的健康计划,3月16日,最佳运气。你在3月初的时间做好准备。阅读手册,参观体育场馆,并与不同的专业人士倾谈。如果你现在就开始在6月 - 泳装赛季 - ,你会寻找热点。

这不是任何旧的一个月,而且是一个较为特殊的。我发现后,在木星的第六家(其中,你有木星现在)是最好的地方,改变旧的习惯,开始新的生活。现在您可以减肥,并开始看起来非常时髦,即使你已尝试在过去并与结果感到失望。尝试新事物,避免流行的节食,并采取明智的做法,你觉得你能继续下去。这一次是不同的,你可以看到胜利,但你必须在2010年,而木星是除在双鱼座6月6日通过9月9日(全年)。要放上去甚至更多,你需要一个新的月球相合木星 - 你正是3月15日。翌日开始后,月亮有时间来稳定和帮助。

这个新的月球大约比健身 - 它是关于改善您的健康,也。你很幸福,你有你的健康家木星,因为这表明你会得到非常优秀的医疗帮助了。统计表明,大多数人花费更多的时间比采访的医生的规划时,有一个条件,以纠正他们的假期。不要说的人!每名医生,你看,你会得到更多的信息,和一点点,您的条件,更全面地了解。您还将得到一个全套的选择。


由于这项新的月球会会非常积极的健康,现在安排您的体检。让你的眼睛,牙齿,皮肤,血压,铁计数和胆固醇检查 - 你知道演练。问任何镜头您可能需要获取,无论是旅行,或者是因为太多的时间已经过去了你的医生,因为你有你当你给小,刚开始学校接种。这些必须进行更新,也。你确实有一个对各级卫生壮观的前景,所以我想请您利用自己很好的照顾。如果你不这样做,没有人会。你必须!




土星会反对在3月20-21日的周末,周日,因此要尽量下手。小问题会显得大,很容易感到不知所措或过度疲劳。非但没有生气,你的伴侣,尽量从家里出来,你做的事情由自己享受。每个人都需要“我”的时间 - 这将是你的那个时候。







处理这些工作并不容易,因为监工行星,土星,现在在天秤座,让您的责任您携带认识。你会找到一个方法来玩弄的额外的工作量,但不要急于 - 土星会希望你上升到一定的标准和完成他们完美,点睛每一个“我”和过境通道每天的“T”。

比基尼季节的原因,你就会觉得可以开始在你的工作又兴致勃勃健身。你可以使用张力减这项工作带来的影响,很快你会感觉像一个万寻找。或只是开始新的月球后,3月15日。在您的健身家的行星将在双鱼座,视觉信号,所以拿起新的有吸引力的健身设备开始。双鱼座还规定音乐,使填补了一些新的曲调你的 iPod,泵音量。如果加入一个健身房不在卡,晨跑可能可以解决问题,就可以开始通电。

以生命为土星在周末的3月20-21日缓慢,在天秤座会反对太阳。你可能觉得好累到骨头 - 这并不奇怪考虑如何努力您将工作 - 你可能也遇到关系动荡。你的伴侣可能有点你的关键,否则将异常困难。顺其自然。行星填写您家的合作伙伴包括金星,一个可爱的影响力,所以如果可以的话,摆脱您在任何其他热爱和平池看不出有什么波动。金星将帮助您找到所有正确的话。

单或附加其他地方在图表中,火星将打开电源设置一个令人振奋的春天旋转运动的社会。从3月10日至六月7日,您将在旅途中,而在这段时间,朋友们将发挥更大 - 和温暖 - 在您的日常管理,处理日常事务。他们将帮助你在许多方面,它们都没有能够做到在最近几个月。如果您需要咨询,导言,提示,或仅仅是同情支持晚上,打电话给你的女友 - 她会随时为你有你需要她。

在月底的时候,曾在天秤座,3月29日,一位亲爱的你的心脏问题的满月将达到高潮。这将是一个重要的,严重的时刻可能会作出重要决定。你肯定会非常繁忙,这满月,所以要根据您的日程安排。有消息说,可能是突然来 - 甚至惊人的 - 特别是如果你是在4年内,10月2天诞生。保持凉爽 - 没有什么你无法处理。




在3月6日至七号周末将是美妙的遥远的旅行 - 这是今年最好的时期之一,由于木星的合取太阳。



紧张可能是一个问题,这个月 - 你可能要设法保持冷静,如采取若干本月瑜伽课程。




发表于 2010-2-28 13:21:20 | 只看该作者

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