
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller狮子座2010年3月运势

3 11531
Leo (July 23- August 22)

Your March Horoscope by Susan Miller

Leo Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan Miller

This year has started slowly, but you've made it to March and now you'll see the pace start picking up quite a bit. The frequent delays that have frustrated you are about to end. As of March 10, Mars will stop retrograding and when it turns direct, it will be time for you to move forward at full throttle. You will take your rightful place in the driver's seat and best of all, you will soon see you are no longer at the mercy of others. Until now, your adversaries and competitors may have sensed that you were vulnerable and tried to exploit that, but things are changing and you will be able to turn the tables in your favor. From March 10 to June 7 will be Leo time, for during that long phase you will have Mars in Leo, and what you say, goes.

Everyone wants Mars in their sign, for it gives such an advantage. Last year, on October 16, Mars entered Leo and you enjoyed having the energy, power, and control Mars brings. However, Mars went retrograde on December 20, which means Mars went into sleep mode, so even though he was still in Leo, Mars seemed to have abandoned you.

Moreover, when a planet is moving toward a retrograde, as Mars was through November and all of December, each day that planet will move progressively slower. Now, all that changes. A fast moving planet is a potent one, so anyone who assumed you were down for the count will be sorry. You are about to rise up like the movie monster Freddy in Friday the 13th who assertively pushes his hand upward through the lawn dirt, making it abundantly clear that he is baa-a-aack in a big way!

It would be wise to have as many goals completed as possible by June 7, the date Mars will leave Leo. During that coming period, March 10 to June 7, however, Mercury will go retrograde in Taurus, affecting your career status from April 18 to May 11. You will begin to feel Mercury's annoying slowdown throughout April, as soon as April 4.

The implications of this are obvious - you need to make tracks in March. Then, after you've set the "template" of your plan (so to speak), you will need to step back while all the projects and plans you've set in place in March take time to grow in April and during the first two weeks of May.

You can resume pushing hard from May 13 onward, leaving space of two days space after Mercury turns direct on May 11. This timing is SO fortunate for you, because May 13 just happens to be the new moon in your career sector of fame and honors, and a VERY positive and helpful new moon this will be - one of the best of the year. (Many new moons are cranky or flawed, but this one is a peach of a new moon, signaling both Jupiter and Saturn in a wildly positive way.) Don't worry about having to give up part of your strong Mars in Leo phase due to a Mercury retrograde period coming in the middle - you will do fine.

Next month I will define Mercury retrograde in detail for you, if you are unfamiliar with the term. Suffice to say it is never wise to start anything new or to buy anything pricey at the time. Do not start a new job, sign a contract, or set anything else in stone. Things will be in flux, and you'll need to wait until the dust settles.

This month will bring a big emphasis on money, in the best, most celebratory sense. You are likely to be seeing quite a bit of money come to you, but not from the sources you might expect. Money will not come from earned income, but from just about every other source.

If you could see your chart, you would notice that there will be five heavenly bodies - half the solar system! - crowded into one little slice of the pizza, the eighth house of other people's money. You will have the Sun, new moon (March 15), Jupiter (good fortune), Mercury (news), and Uranus (unexpected developments), all in this house. The eighth house is money you get from a bank loan, as a tax refund, venture capital, scholarship, all insurance payouts, financial aid, severance, prize winning, inheritance, bonuses, accounts receivable, commission, licensing fees, and so forth. This house also rules money you get from a court settlement or the split of money and possessions in a divorce or at the end of a business. This is where your pot of gold lies this month, and it appears to be a big one.

Nothing will be usual or expected though, not with Uranus in this house. You may not even know money is on the way to you. There are several days to pay close attention to, so let's look at those.

Your first special day will be March 3. Venus will join forces with Uranus in this house I have been discussing above, so you may get a gift, an unexpected check or you may win a prize. Of course if you EXPECT to win, you won't. You could buy a lotto ticket, but it would be probably better to buy a raffle ticket to help Haiti or another cause, for at least the money would go to good use if you don't win. This will be a happy day, so if you feel flush, you could spend two dollars on a scratch-off lotto ticket if you don't know of any raffles going on that day. No promises, but this should be a happy day.

March 7 is an extraordinary day too, for Mercury will align with Jupiter in your house of money. In this case, all sorts of money dealings will go well, not only eighth house types of money just discussed, but also earned income too, because Mercury rules your solar second house of salary. This will be a Sunday, so if you are out with colleagues, or work on Sunday, this will be a banner day, for these two planets only meet once a year, and rarely in a financial house. If you don't plan to be out and about on Sunday, you may feel this energy a day or two before, say, Friday, March 5, or Saturday, March 6, or the day after, Monday, March 8.

An even bigger day is the new moon, March 15, which will set in motion two weeks of solid financial luck. This new moon will take all the good vibes swirling around you this month and make it accessible, for that is what new moons do well. You've been hit with so many difficult financial developments in the past two years, that it really gives me pleasure to report this to you, dear Leo. The nightmare of financial reversals seems to be behind you now. This positive financial trend will be in place all year (with the only exception during the summer, from June 6 to September 9).

If you are hoping to see a victory in any of the financial areas I listed earlier, you must use the new moon to put in your application or make a presentation. The second half of March should be very gratifying.

There are a few bumps to get over, though, and those will come up from March 18 and 19 when Mercury opposes Saturn and Pluto. Those could be two tough days. Someone, most likely a co-worker or underling, may come on strong, demanding a certain price and threatening if you don't comply, he or she won't work with you.

March 25 could be difficult too, when the Sun is in tough angle to Pluto. Don't ruffle others' feathers and don't challenge authority. Rather than lock horns, find another way to negotiate.

You may have been in the process of negotiating an important, complex deal over the past month and may have become concerned because talks have reached what seems to be an impasse lately. By March 21 you may have your doubts that you will ever get the terms you need to get the deal done. Don't give up. While it does seem that the other side is being exceptionally difficult, giving up will only make matters worse and is unnecessary. Stay in the ring and keep throwing punches. Come up with every way to persuade the other side to concede a few points. Points that are important to you may not be important to the other side, and you may be surprised at how easily those terms are changed to your favor.

Within four days of the full moon, March 30, talks on this particular deal will conclude. By then, you will have to decide whether to accept the deal as it exists on the table or walk away. At that point you will have given your best, and after this, there won't be any more room for negotiation. However, you may have been able to set the deal on a better course. See how you feel. Keep in mind you have Jupiter, the generous planet, and a plethora of other planets in your house of money, and you have Mars in Leo, giving you courage, passion, and drive. That's quite a lot of cosmic support! Stay positive, and give this deal all you've got. If you have not been negotiating a deal, this doesn't apply to you, but to some Leo readers, this will resonate.

Emphasis on the eighth house can bring medical situations to light that need to be addressed. If this should happen to you, be glad, as you will have the very best aspects possible for surgery and dental procedures. If you have to choose a day for your surgery (assuming it is not an emergency - in which case, any day is a good day for an operation), I would suggest Monday, March 22, when Mars in Leo is in perfect angle to Saturn, the planet of long term gain. Or, you can choose Friday, March 26, when the moon will be in Leo and in good angle to Venus and Mercury. Both would be excellent.

One day when you may feel a bit tired or overwhelmed is Sunday, March 21, when Saturn will oppose the Sun. You are ruled by the Sun, so I always have to watch conversations that other planets have with the Sun when deciding how your month will go. This will be a day when you don't feel as energetic and optimistic as you usually do. You need rest and relaxation, so plan something fun.

Fortunately on this same day (March 21), Mars will be in a superb angle to the Sun, which means if you do something for yourself - something you enjoy - you can lift your spirits and feel rejuvenated. Seriously, over this weekend, give yourself permission to play hooky from normal obligations. You need time off.

The full moon in Libra at 9 degrees on March 29 will fall in your house of travel, so if you can take a quick jaunt out of town, do. This full moon will be in very friendly angle to Mars, so you'll feel adventurous and ready to have a change in scene. Have your car tuned up and check weather reports. With Saturn in the vicinity of that full moon, you could encounter delays, but you can overcome them.

Your sister, brother, and cousins are highlighted by this full moon March 29, too, so you may be seeing your relative or getting a phone call with news. Still, don't ask your siblings for help on anything, for they will have their hands full with other things and won't be too helpful to you.

If your birthday falls on August 1, plus or minus four days, you will especially relish what is coming as a result of this full moon at month's end.

A communications project may reach fullness, too, within four days of March 29. You may be handing in an article or manuscript you wrote, finish writing code for a new app, or unveiling a new blog. You may get special publicity at this time, or you may design new stationery for yourself or your business.

Romantically, you're feeling frisky and physically demonstrative in March. If you have been dating a while and have feelings for your partner, this month will allow you both to have plenty of time together. If you are single, Mars in Leo is making you extra-attractive, so you should have no trouble at all convincing just the right person that you are the one he or she has sought for so long! Mars in Leo will give you presence and awesome confidence, which is certainly attractive to others!

There's more! Lucky you, Venus will be in a fire sign, too, when it glides though Aries from March 7 to 30. With both Venus and Mars - the two planets we look to first for indications of love - in fire signs, you will be one of the darlings of the zodiac.

If you are attached, you may want to take a trip together. Distant trips are golden now, but you can go a short distance and still enjoy a bit of time with your sweetheart. My favorite weekend for your love life would be March 27-28 (and if possible, extending your weekend to Monday, March 29, the full moon, and even beyond to Tuesday, March 30). All in all, you're in an enviable situation, so enjoy yourself this month!

Your most romantic weekends will be March 6-7, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, and 27-30.


You have had to be patient, but every day, in just about every way, life has been improving for you. The fact that Mars is moving direct after having been retrograde for what seems like an eternity - since December 20 - will be wonderful news. Your energy will be surging again, and suddenly everyone will be looking to you for leadership and answers. You like being in charge, so these changing conditions will please you.

From March 10 to June 7, you will be in your strongest, most strategic position of the year, so use the coming weeks to launch key projects. Mercury will retrograde next month, April 17-May 11, so don't delay - act now to avoid those three weeks for best results.

Money will be on your mind too, for you will have five planets moving through your eighth house of other people's money. You may be looking for money from a bank, venture capitalist, or financial aid department at your college, or you may be hearing news about a court settlement or insurance payout, or negotiating a sum of money in a business deal. Your passionate, persuasive approach will impress many critics and will be the reason you succeed in March. As they say, victory can be predicted in the eyes of the general before a single shot is ever fired.

You may travel a short distance at month's end, but if so you will need to factor in delays due to weather or automotive mechanical problems. To avoid the latter, have your car tuned up before leaving. Also, don't go to a sibling for favors or support near March 30 - your sister or brother will ask for too much in return, and you'll wonder why you asked in the first place.

Romantically, you'll have delicious prospects. Sexy Mars will tour Leo while love planet, Venus, will be in fire sign Aries, so how could you possibly miss? With so much cosmic support, it would be a shame to stay home. Circulate as much as you can. Traveling a short distance - to a nearby town - will increase your chances to find and enjoy love.

Most romantic evenings; March 6-7, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, and 29-30.

Dates to Note

This month money may come when you least expect it and from sources you'd not imagine.

Buy a lotto ticket on March 3 or you may get good financial news from another source.

Make a financial plan or seal a deal: March 4.

A fantastic day for agreements or news is March 7, when Mercury will conjunct generous Jupiter.

Mars will go direct in Leo on March 10 - from this point until June 7, you will be in control, calling the shots. It's a gratifying moment. Push forward all your most important projects.

More unexpected financial news will reach you March 15 and 17.

Concurrently, talks that come up after March 15 are sure to bring changes to your financial situation, most likely for the better.

Do not sign a contract anywhere near March 18 or 19 when Mercury opposes Uranus.

Do not ruffle the feathers of a VIP on March 15 or 17.

Once the Sun moves into Aries, from March 20 for 30 days, you'll be feeling more adventurous. If you have cabin fever, take a trip.

You have two very tough days: March 21, when Saturn opposes the Sun, and March 25, when Pluto will challenge the Sun. Do not challenge authority figures.

A short trip may happen over the weekend of March 27-29, a good time to go, thanks to the full moon.

You may unveil a new website March 29 plus four days, the perfect time to do so. You may also launch a publicity or advertising campaign.

Save March 21 to do something fun. You may feel the weight of working too hard by then, and if you live in a cold climate, winter's continual cold may press on you.

Most romantic evenings; March 6-7, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, and 29-30.
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