
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2010年3月运势

4 9724
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini Horoscope for March 2010

By Susan Miller

Wow! When it comes to your career, all systems are GO! Rarely have you seen a lineup like what's due for you in March. Put off socializing - there will be plenty of time for that at month's end. During the coming four weeks, you need to focus squarely on your career because March has the potential to become not only your biggest month of 2010, but also one of your biggest of the decade! Can you imagine that? You are about to have a chance to make a big name for yourself, and when it all comes together for you, no one will be more amazed than you.


Dream big, dear Gemini - this is a month when even miracles can come true. You have not seen anything even close to what's on tap here since 1998-1999 (you may have been too little to feel it), and if you do remember those years with fond memories, this year could turn out to be bigger and better. You have the new moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury (your ruler), and Uranus all crowded into your tenth house of fame and honors in early March, so your name is likely to be the subject of conversation with all the VIPs whose opinions count most. Venus will make sure praise flows freely - and you may be surprised at the upbeat nature of the words, especially near March 3.


With Uranus a main ingredient in this potent gang of five (planets) in this part of your chart, your need to express your creative ideas will be strong, and because you will be so confident, others will want to follow your lead. This month if anyone holds you down, you will resist - and they will be sorry they even tried. You may bolt or rebel, but go under? Not a chance. Even enforced changes will work to benefit you, so in a month this glorious, nothing should stand in your way.


Venus will create a career buzz about you from March 1-6. During this first week, when you walk into meetings, your fine reputation will precede you, and you will be greeted very enthusiastically by those you don't even know. You've earned this respect, and it will feel really good to get it.


The date of the new moon is March 15, the day when so much of the promise of this month will begin to be realized. You can have superb planets, but unless a new moon enters the picture and creates a whirlwind to package all those aspects into one big push forward, you won't notice the truly big changes that are due. You have that critical new moon on March 15, so circle it on your calendar - it's your red letter day. From then on, you'll start to see career opportunities fall from the sky, as if you had poked a pinata.


Elsewhere in your chart, Mars, the energy planet, in your house of communication and travel, is now in near-perfect mathematical angle to all the late-degree Pisces planets in your house of fame. (Those include the new moon of March 15, plus the Sun, Uranus, and Mercury, with only Jupiter in early degrees of Pisces.) This means Mars is lighting up quite a number of planets. Until now, Mars has been retrograde - and therefore weak - since December 20, but now will turn on full power this month on March 10, allowing you to make much greater progress in all communications-oriented activities.


You may have felt backlogged or that you have run into continual delays, but no longer. You are about to see big progress in any endeavor involving writing, editing, speaking, translating, research, marketing, PR, advertising, promotion, and even sales. You will also find you'll have better luck on your business trips too, especially to those cities only a short distance from where you live. This month you may sell a book idea, write a key magazine article, start a radio show, tape a TV pilot, sell a screenplay, and start a blog - you decide! The world is your oyster, dear Gemini!

发表于 2010-2-28 13:16:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The moon is the natural ruler of your solar second house of income, so with the new moon ensuring you a high profile position, you will get a chance to make a profit from a career promotion, new job offer or special assignment, or speaking engagement. This will occur in the second half of March, after the new moon appears, March 15. Your dividends will accrue from the career reputation you have already built.


Neptune, the planet that naturally rules (and runs) your solar tenth house of fame, is now within three tiny degrees of entering your career achievement sector (tenth house) and is now close enough to help you gain recognition. This is significant. Neptune's cycle is very slow. The last time Neptune was in Pisces (and therefore capable of entering your tenth house of fame) it was from 1847 to 1862. Of course, no one alive today has experienced Neptune in Pisces!


When any planet reaches the very end of its cycle, it begins to affect the next house it is about to enter, and that is what is happening for you now. Neptune has been in your foreign people and places / higher education / publishing and broadcasting house for years, but will soon enter your house of fame.

任何一个行星几近结束它的一次周期运行,它将会影响到它将进驻的宫位,这也是对你而言,即将发生的一些事情。海王星在你的外国/外国人/高等教育 /出版广播宫已有多年,但它马上即将进入你的名誉之宫。

To be specific, Neptune is now at 27 degrees and will finally enter Pisces from March 2011 and stay until August 2011. Neptune will retrograde back and forth between Aquarius and Pisces before settling into Pisces and your tenth house of fame, honors, and achievement in February 2012, to stay until March 2025. This has enormous implications, for any outer planet that moves this slowly affects not only your own life but also on a societal level, creating a new era of taste and style. It's too soon to discuss this, but just know it's coming, and that your sign, Gemini, along with Pisces, will be on the vanguard of what is to come.


It doesn't matter how old you happen to be - you have one amazing destiny coming up, dear Gemini, for having the ruler of the house of fame moving INTO the house of fame will give that planet special dignity and weight. It will become easier for you to make your views and style known, and to be taken seriously by influential people.


The career themes that you will begin to see emerge now are not temporary but will be here to stay and will only grow larger. Do you want to make a major contribution to the world? You are being given your chance. If you already found your true vocation, you can now go after it with a passion others have rarely seen in you. Your ability with writing, speaking, and other communication arts will become increasingly vital to your progress.


This month you will be the darling of the media, so try to be a guest on TV and radio, or try for an interview or write-up on the Internet or in print. When it comes to publicity, this is the month to go for the gold.


A truly sensational day will be March 7, when all news will be good news. Mercury will combine energies with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and because Mercury rules news and travel, that news should be good. There's more! Mercury is your ruling planet and this day could turn out to be even MORE fortunate for your career in ways you probably would not anticipate. This will be a Sunday, but you may feel the effects sooner, on Friday, March 5, or one day later, on Monday, March 8.


Two days when all sorts of surprises are likely to come up are March 15 and 17. On the first day, you may hit on a wonderful idea or get a surprise email, due to Mercury conjunct Uranus in your house of career.


On March 17, a Wednesday, the Sun will conjoin Uranus and again news will come out of the blue. Hopefully it will be really good news, but even if it isn't (that would only happen if there are things in your chart I can't see from here), the news will work to protect you. Still, I think news will make you happy because you have Jupiter in your career house protecting you so fiercely.

发表于 2010-2-28 13:16:12 | 只看该作者

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The weekend of March 20-21 may feel a bit strenuous because you will be pulled between the needs of work and needs of family or home. What you will need most is rest, but it won't be easy to get. Saturn will oppose the Sun this weekend, so it appears you will be working on a writing project or doing a speaking engagement. Don't let tasks overwhelm you - go with the flow and protect your health. At some point, find something that you enjoy doing, for you will need time to relax.


Romantically, March 3 could turn out to be an exciting night. Venus, the planet that rules your fifth house of true loves, will be in a playful, spontaneous mood. A pregnancy may come up, or you may hear news of an adoption of a baby this month. Wow!


Once Venus enters Aries from March 7 to 30, your social life will become stronger. Venus will bring blessings to your friendship and group area, so if you are working on a charity, are active in a group, or expect to do a talk or stage any other party or gathering, Venus will make sure it turns out quite fabulous. Friends should be wonderful stalwarts and help you in many ways. Although your career will be your first priority in the first three to four weeks of March, you will begin to gain more time for fun and love as you get closer to month's end.


The month will end on a full moon in Libra in your fifth house of true love. Saturn, the planet that likes you to work, not play, and to be realistic, will be within nine degrees of that full moon. This suggests that a romantic relationship may become clarified, or that you may have to decline going to a social event because of the hefty costs involved. Life is all about choices, and you seem to be cognizant of this now. Saturn often demands sacrifice, but often it is a sacrifice we gladly make, like when a child comes down with a fever, and suddenly going to an event does not seem so important anymore.


Still, keep your hopes up, because Venus in Aries will send a shimmering beam to Neptune - a glamorous vibration if there ever was one - at the time of this full moon. This might suggest a chance to travel or to welcome back someone you love who has been away, possibly overseas. Venus rules Libra, the sign that this full moon falls in, another reason to feel that things may work out to be quite romantic and fun after all. If you are single and not dating, you may meet someone on this full moon, possibly someone who is very solid or with an age difference - but it won't matter one bit. In fact, you'll like the difference.


If your birthday falls on or within five days of May 31, you will feel the benefits of this full moon March 29 more than most.


Your most romantic dates, no matter when your birthday falls, this month will fall on March 1, 2, 6, 12, 15-17, 20-22, and 26-30.

你最浪漫的日子,本月出现在3月 1, 2, 6, 12, 15-17, 20-22, and 26-30.
发表于 2010-2-28 13:16:22 | 只看该作者

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When it comes to professional acclaim, March 2010 will go down as one of your most exciting months of the year and possibly of the decade. With a rare crown of stars gathering in the upper regions of your chart - in your tenth house of fame and honors - you will have every opportunity to seize the day, trump all the competition, and walk away with the grand career prize. Watch March 7 when your ruling planet Mercury will join generous Jupiter. You should have big news to share with friends and family, and you'll be bursting with pride!


Hold on to your hat, because things will only improve one week later! The new moon March 15 could bring the kind of professional opportunities and talks you used to dream about in the two weeks that follow. Your ability to communicate to a mass audience, whether through writing or speaking, will be integral to your success, and the applause coming to you now will represent many months - even years - of excellence. You are finally getting the attention you have long deserved.


Mars will move from retrograde to direct speed on March 10 and stay strong, so a writing or speaking assignment will start to show amazing progress without the fits and starts you experienced since late December. Communication is the name of the game, and all projects will become very active - more will fill your docket and kudos will pour in. At the full moon, March 29, a creative writing, acting, or speaking project may crystallize.


In your love life, the full moon of March 29 will clarify a romantic issue, or if single and unattached, it could bring a new lover. With Pluto in hard angle to Saturn, you may find that your work, study, or travel will get in the way of being together. These are small problems, but more worrisome would be if your partner becomes overly controlling, which is possible, too. In this case, you could feel overwhelmed by your partner's demands and suddenly walk out. The full moon will make your choice obvious and easy, so see how you feel.


The full moon may also bring a social event sometime from March 25 - 31. Financial considerations may force you to decide whether to go, just send a gift, or avoid the event altogether. This event seems like fun, but you'll have to consider all the costs. If you don't want to go, don't feel forced, but if this event is dear to your heart, go and enjoy it - don't feel guilty!


Dates to note

Expect surprise and positive events in your career March 3-7 and March 15 and 17. Your name will be in lights.


VIPs will adore you March 3, thanks to Venus conjunct Uranus. The buzz you are creating will be excellent. Also, love may be strong on this day.


The weekend of March 7 will be stunningly special for your career.


Want to spiff up your apartment or find a new space? Act March 6-7.


Brainstorm to unlock creative ideas for your career on March 15 when Mercury and Uranus conjoin. Brilliant ideas will come.


Follow up on new career opportunities that come up after the new moon March 15. Those are the ones that will bring you enormous industry status!


What you least expect will happen in your career: March 17. Creativity is again very high.

3月17日 你从未希冀的事业好事发生。本日创意再次无限。

Communication-oriented projects that take advantage of your writing, speaking, editing, or researching skills keep coming. When Mars goes direct on March 10, an important project will be approved and take off shortly after.


You've been working hard for months and the pace will increase and continue until June 7. To avoid exhaustion, take regular breaks and have things to look forward to doing.


Love should be bright and beautiful over the full moon of March 29. A trip could dot your schedule over March 27-31.


Best romantic dates this month: March 1, 2, 6, 12, 16, 17, 20, and 22, and 26-31.

本月最浪漫的日子:1, 2, 6, 12, 16, 17, 20, and 22, and 26-31
发表于 2010-2-28 13:16:36 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-3-21 13:02:12 | 只看该作者

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