
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2010年2月运势

2 10534

February Horoscope for Sagittarius

When you started 2010, you were likely hoping that the New Year wouldn't be a rerun of last year. Even so, you may have wondered if the prospect of change was possible, considering the economic environment and your own recent history. For so long things seemed to go in the same direction. When change did come, it wasn't always the kind of change you wanted.

February will erase your doubts and fears, for you have now come to one of the most glorious months of the year. This will be a month that will convince even the most doubtful and skeptical Sagittarius that conditions are shifting, and that even stubborn problems can be solved. I guess you can tell, dear Sagittarius, I just love what's due in February for you!

Every sign has a ruling planet, and yours is Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, happiness, and lucky breaks. This month Jupiter will act like an ambassador, meeting and greeting several other planets on your behalf. When Jupiter does this - and it does not happen often - it becomes headline news in astrological circles. Jupiter's movements are almost always felt quite noticeably, especially for you, because Jupiter is your governing planet.

Let's go through the month week by week, for each week holds jewel-like days for you that you'll want to note on your calendar. As you go through the month, the cosmic prizes will get increasingly bigger.

Your first special day will occur on February 6 when Mercury and Uranus will be in conversation. You will feel this energy as it builds, on Friday, February 5, too. Mercury rules communication and thinking, and when Mercury joins forces with Uranus, you can be sure innovative ideas are cooking. Indeed, your mind will be on fire! Set aside time to do creative thinking by yourself, or brainstorm with a partner. At this time, you'll outdo yourself.

Remember to keep working in your session for at least 90 minutes, for scientists tell us that creativity works on cycles of that length. You won't know where in the cycle you're entering, so keep working toward hitting on the right new idea - it will come!

Not only will your brain be working overtime on February 5-6, but you may also get some very good incoming news from someone on those days. A message will come quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Keep your cell phone powered up!

Your career will bring VERY exciting developments, too, this month. Mercury rules your house of fame and honors. With Uranus so active in February, you can expect very positive developments to occur at this time, with your status on the rise near February 5-6. Be ready to mobilize - you won't have a lot of time. (There will be more news later in the month, at the full moon, February 28 - I will get to that later, but there will be one MORE aspect at the February 5-6 time of the month I need to tell you about.)

At the very same time that all this is happening on various fronts, February 5-6, Jupiter will send a missive to Pluto and will help you do well financially.

This configuration will be especially helpful to you for real estate matters. If you hope to buy or sell property, this may be your moment to negotiate the right price - one you want. Jupiter only rarely meets with Pluto, but it's good news when they do, for this pairing has the power to produce huge financial deals.

For example, you may be working on an idea for a real estate development for a shopping center, a business complex, or a skyscraper residence. It will be up to you to decide just how big or small you want to go. Financial people in power will be very interested in helping you.

You may need to sign papers in mid-month just after the new moon February 13, but I am not sure you will be ready to do so. A new moon in the third house conjunct Neptune, as you will have, is excellent for creative writing or Web development - anything involving imagination or visuals - but not for signing legal agreements. Terms may be too nebulous, so keep asking questions and continue to clarify terms. You may want to do so at February's end or after March 10, the time Mars will go direct.

You CAN use this new moon's energy February 13 (plus two weeks) very effectively to launch an artistic endeavor, publicity, or an advertising campaign. Or you may want to start work on a screenplay or novel, or audition for a movie or TV show.

This new moon may also find you traveling with friends (or to see friends). If you decide to go anytime during the second half of February, you'd be assured of having fun.

If you were born on December 16 plus or minus five days, you will be perfectly positioned to enjoy the creative stimulation that this new moon can bring, especially in regard to any of the communication arts.

As you get closer to month's end, you will start to think about your home situation. Sagittarius is a sign that loves adventure and travel, so you may be content to live on friends' sofas for several months or even years if it means you could have greater freedom. There's always a bit of the nomad inside a Sagittarian, and that is a very lovable quality in you. You have a need to investigate new ideas and concepts but are not as interested in owning things that could weigh you down and clip your wings. Still, that said, even you have become tired of the volatility of a residential situation that you have had to deal with over the past few years.

In late month, February 27-28, or during the workweek, a few days earlier, February 25 or 26, you will encounter a five-star day for real estate matters. Indeed, you should be thrilled with the solution you find too, for Jupiter will conjunct the Sun, producing the luckiest two days of the year! You've not hosted the Sun and Jupiter in your home sector since 1998, so this will be a new and very welcome trend. This could give you the break you've hoped to see.

At month's end, you may find the apartment of your dreams to rent or buy, or be able to sell your house. If you have been worried about losing your home, you may find a solution if you look for it - and it will come at the eleventh hour, against all odds. If you don't find the answer at month's end, then you will get second chance at the new moon, March 15 and in the two weeks that follow. You really are entering into a golden phase, and February and March could prove pivotal.

You will soon see that family support will be enormously strong, too. It seems as though there is almost nothing you could ask your mother or father that they would not do for you. If you have a good relationship with your parents, but rarely ask a favor, this month you can, for you are likely to get a sympathetic, warm response.

If you want to update your home's decor, Venus will be in your home sector, from February 11 to March 7, the perfect time to start looking at model rooms and shopping for new things. Venus will make sure you make the right choices.

You can entertain successfully during Venus' visit, too. Do you want to have friends in for champagne? Or does a pizza and beer party with a few friends sound like more fun while you watch a sports game on TV? Either way, start sending your email invites!

So much is happening at month's end for you. Not only will Jupiter produce the most powerful and fortunate day of the year, but also the full moon in your career sector!

Pluto, now in your house of earned income, will work nicely with this full moon, so you will likely ace a series of job interviews and be awarded a prestigious job or promotion. If you are self-employed, a new client could come onboard, or you may make a major announcement or launch. This could be a gorgeous moment in your professional timeline because excellent publicity seems destined to come your way, too. This will be the only full moon of the year for your career, so aim for month's end to have something important to shout from the rooftops!

Romantically, love seems to be intertwined with travel, especially in February's first week, while Venus, planet of love, will move close to Neptune, planet of inspiration. This is considered an enchanting vibration. Both planets will be in air signs that will work well with your bright fire sign element. Your best weekend for love and travel will be February 6-7.

Then, on Valentine's Day, you may get an invitation for a party, with soft lighting and candlelight, flowers, music, and delicious foods. I say this because Venus and Jupiter will be in perfect alignment on February 16, and you'll feel the energy of this configuration two days sooner. The party you go to will be special and have the power to transport you beyond the here and now.

Alternatively if you take a trip for two where you kidnap your sweetheart for some private time away, the planets will smile on you. Choose a snowy landscape where you can cuddle together near a roaring fireplace, or choose a beach with fine pink sands and walk together under the silvery moonlight. Either way, Valentine's Day seems destined for memories that will last a very long time.

Enjoy the month, dear Sagittarius - this one is made for you.

Your home is becoming a huge focus in February, and if you need to move, you are in luck, for the very best aspects you've seen in over a decade are about to come now. Expect a breakthrough. If you need to move or buy an apartment or house, or if you need to renovate, repair, install, or design your space, you could not wish for better time to do so than at February's end, or in mid-to-late March (thanks to the coming new moon).

Over the weekend of February 27-28, Jupiter, your ruler and giver of gifts and luck, will meet with the mighty Sun on your behalf, an annual event. This will be the first time that the Sun and Jupiter will meet in your house of home, property, and family since February 23, 1998. This is a platinum-gold moment. Even if you never expected to move or make a property-related decision this soon, you will need to get cracking.

Accept nothing less than the best. For example, if a so-so space comes up for your review, reject it, for it seems your dream space could be the next one you see.

Travel seems likely this month. If you go at mid-to-late month, after the new moon, February 13, your trip would be more likely done to view property or to visit family than for any other reason. This new moon will be close to Neptune, the planet of inspiration, a great time to do creative writing or thinking.

This same time of the month, from February 13 to 28, would be a fantastic time to do a self-promotion, publicity, or advertising campaign. You may be asked to write, speak, edit, or do special research. You may work on a Website, or be asked to write a column, host a radio show, or get involved with a new communication venture.

If you're asked to sign a contract, do so on February 26, 27, or 28. It seems too premature to do so at mid-month.

Your career will get two boosts this month, first on February 5, when Mercury, ruler of your tenth house of fame, sends a golden beam to Uranus, planet of surprise. Expect a sudden offer or victory to put a big smile on your face.

A bigger career development is likely to come up on the full moon February 28, when Mars will set an important career initiation in motion. It will be a very defining moment in your professional life - watch this date, plus or minus four days. This same date will be when Jupiter aligns with the Sun, so you may be moving at the same time. It may be that your living situation will be linked to your career, or it may be a coincidence - or not! See what comes up.

Love and romance seem strongly linked to travel. Valentine's Day may be spent in a sweet little hotel in a town not too far from home, or, at a beautiful party given by a friend. Thanks to the combination of Venus and Jupiter, you will enjoy this day for lovers very much.


You have a powerful new moon for furthering your communication skills, and you may be showing them off in your writing, editing, speaking, or selling. It's a great time to begin writing a book or designing an advertising or publicity campaign, or to unveil a Website or radio show.

Venus will tour your house of home February 11-March 7, an ideal time to be thinking of how to pretty up your space.

Home, property, and family become your biggest area of reward - watch the luckiest day of the month, possibly of the year, February 27-28, operative as early as February 26. A lucky break is coming in regard to these matters!

Dates to note for Sagittarius:

Career opportunity strikes on February 5 - be ready to take full advantage!

Later, your career situation will reach an apex at the full moon, February 28. You seem ready to make a big initiation.

Travel will be possible all month. If you go away in the two weeks after the new moon, February 13, it would be more likely taken for personal reasons, perhaps to view property or to catch up with family.

Single? You will do best in the first week, especially over the weekend of February 6-7, when Venus and Neptune will dance their dance of love.

Attached? Take a little trip for two in a pretty, romantic setting where you can focus on one another. Or, go to a party or give one on Valentine's Day - Venus' rare alignment with Jupiter will ensure that it be a hit!
发表于 2010-2-2 09:50:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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你的职业生涯将非常令人兴奋的发展,也是这个月。汞规则你的名誉和荣誉的房子。由于天王星所以在2月启用后,您可以预期非常积极的事态发展发生在这个时候,你在不久的2月5日至6日上升状态。准备动员-你不会有很多时间。 (那个重新将更多的新闻在本月稍后,在满月,2月28日-我会在稍后,但将在2月5-6月我要告诉你一个其他方面的时间。)















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