
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年2月运势

5 11461

February Horoscope for Scorpio

February could turn out to be the very best month you've seen in many months - possibly the best in years. It may be a short month, but it's packed with exciting aspects. There will be something for everyone, no matter what your goals. This month is truly filled with cosmic goodies.

As the month starts off, the full moon January 30 may still be on your mind. Your career was reaching an important point late last month. You now know where you stand either in your present company or with a company you have interviewed with for a new job. You'd love to move forward, but with Mars retrograde, things seem to be either stalling or the job is off in some way.

If you did get a new job, you may have been told that things aren't quite organized, so you'd have to wait until you started. If you missed out on a job, you may not have missed much. Your career aspects will be quite spectacular at the end of February.

Also, Mars will turn direct on March 10, so after that, your efforts will gain sustained momentum, and you'll notice others will be much more decisive. Have faith that things are heading in the right direction.

Now let's talk about quite a joyous day, Saturday, February 6, for there are several aspects that will converge on the very same day. You will feel the energy of this day one day earlier, on Friday, February 5, too.

One of the most important events of that day involves Pluto, your ruler, which will be in contact with bountiful Jupiter, setting off brilliant firew
In the meantime, your stars are twinkling brightly for love. Venus will move into Pisces and your house of true love from February 11 to March 7, the very best place to have Venus for a Scorpio. Venus is considered exalted in Pisces - in other words, in a place where Venus can express her most loving qualities. Pisces is a water sign like yours, therefore the very best place for Venus to be.

The dates when Venus will be in Pisces will also be the time to improve your appearance. Ask for advice from your stylist to create a new look, and if you can, pick up some new things to wear. You will love the results if you act from February 11 to March 7.

Venus will combine energies with Jupiter on February 16, another incredibly happy day for love. You will be showered with loving vibrations then but may also feel the glow as early as February 14, Valentine's Day! Venus rules your seventh house of committed partnership, so some happy Scorpios will get engaged on that very day. My goodness, dear Scorpio, if you don't find love this month, it won't be the fault of your stars!

The last time you saw cosmic help on this broad a scale, it was 1998! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will align perfectly with the mighty Sun in your house of true love on the coming weekend of February 27 - 28, giving you the very best possible opportunity to enjoy romance, or find it if you are not dating. You will feel this energy on Friday, February 26, too.

This day, February 27-28, worthy of five-stars, will help you find love, and if you already have, to grow closer. If you hope for a baby, this aspect will help you conceive, this month or soon, possibly late next month. If a child is not part of the plan, be careful, as Jupiter, who thinks this is a great idea, could bring a pregnancy anyway - you do have to take extra steps.

Jupiter will also help your creativity this month, so it's time to take a big artistic risk. Show your ideas to the people who can help you in a forthright way, and don't let anyone second guess you! Your best time to present your ideas to authority figures for approval would be on Friday, February 26, although you will also have a powerful runner up date, February 23, when Pluto works with the Sun.

The month ends on a tender, bright, full moon on February 28 in your house of friendship and social activities. It looks like you'll have a beautiful event to attend on this day, and you'll be surrounded with many smiling people, some of whom you know, and some you won't. You may have to drive a short distance, to a nearby town, to attend, as Pluto is in your third house and will put you in a jovial mood. It's a glorious full moon, one of your favorites of the month, so enjoy it, dear Scorpio! March looks hot, too!

Dates to note for Scorpio:

A career matter may have come up in late January, but if things didn't quite click, bide your time.

Career progress will be exciting February 14-16, but even MORE so from February 25-28.

Additionally, Mars will help you climb through the ranks from March 10 to June 7, but while Mars retrogrades this month, spend time thinking and planning your strategy. Update your resume and bio.

The luckiest day of the year - especially for love - is February 28, due to the alignment of Jupiter and the Sun. For you, love and babies could bring lovely defining moments. Jupiter has not aligned with the Sun in Pisces, in your house of true love, since 1998. This is a five-star day.

All month your creativity will zing to new heights. Present your ideas to VIPs with confidence on February 23, or your even better day, February 26.

Venus will be perfectly situated in Pisces February 11 to March 7. This is great for love and for improvinorks in your communications and agreement sector. If you are involved in a deal, you will be thinking big, and others around you will be, too. If you should find that you are getting close to signing, take your time - the dates February 12 or 15 would be perfect. The project you will be talking about may be a creative one that requires outside funding. If so, you've found the right partners.

On the same day, February 6, Mercury will contact Uranus, so you are likely to get a sudden, surprising message that will thrill you. This may be about the creative project, or it may be completely separate from your professional talks - a romantic text from someone whom you are dating or who has noticed you. The attention you get on this day will completely surprise you - it will be flattering, and you'll love the flirtatious vibe. This is no ordinary moment - something special seems to be going on. If you're not single anymore, you may simply enjoy the humor of the person sending you these clever quips.

Mercury rules not only messages but brain function too, and there's no doubt you'll be on the top of your game on February 5-6, doing your very best work. Ideas will come to you, as if you were channeling them from heaven. It is a sensational day for creative thinking, imaginative writing, and for hitting on all sorts of creative or scientific breakthroughs. You will be wired - and at times you'll wonder where all these dazzling ideas are coming from!

Finally, over this weekend date, February 6 - 7, you may spontaneously decide to travel to a nearby town. If you go, it will be not for work, but for pure fun. With Venus contacting Neptune, you may have a very glamorous date with a person who so captivates you that you feel transported out of your everyday world into a more enchanting one where anything seems possible. Yes, I did say this weekend would be special - it will be!

Your home situation could bring a development, too, in the second two weeks, as a result of the lovely new moon, February 13. If you have to move, you'll finally find a space that ignites your imagination and makes you think, "I could live here!" Venus will be very close to the Sun, indicating it would be a lovely space, charming in some way. If the one you find does not make you want it instantly, keep searching. Your chart is clear that this space would be special.

When you examine your new apartment or house before buying or leasing, take note of any possible problems with water. This is the only possible fly in the oatmeal. Neptune will be conjunct the Sun, suggesting Father Neptune may want to come in! Of course, this would be important to discover. Check the purity of the water, look at the roof for possible past leaks - you get the idea. Have an engineer check things out for you.

Neptune will be fairly friendly to other planets, so you may not find any problems with the water - I just needed to flag this small possibility. Whenever Neptune is involved, there's always a double meaning. On the flip side, your home or special cottage could become an ideal place to write, paint, dream, and create - that is indicated, too. If you are decorating your present space this month, Neptune will help you create exceptional designs - this would be the right month to tackle that project.

I say this is the right time for home decorating for a second reason. Venus will contact Jupiter on February 16, an elegant vibration you will start to notice sooner, as early as February 13. If you need to make decorating choices, don't delay - the right options await you! These are rare aspects, dear Scorpio! Seize the day!

Now let's turn to romance, which is about to become a huge trend that will only begin to gather steam this month and grow bigger and more exciting in March. Valentine's Day is a big focal point this month, because of Jupiter's link to Venus on February 16. This is a strong and very benefic aspect, for Venus is the ruler of your seventh house of engagement, marriage, and commitment. Your relationship with your sweetheart or mate should be closer than ever - what a Valentine's Day you have in store!

With Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, combining energies, many Scorpios will be getting engaged in honor of this day for lovers. Good fortune planet Jupiter meets with Venus only once a year at random times. The fact that it is so close to Valentine's Day is as unusual as it is thrilling!

This lovely embrace of Venus and Jupiter will benefit those Scorpios who are dating or in an established relationship. (If you are single, hang on - I have great news for you, too, in a minute. You won't be left out.) Both Venus and Jupiter are associated with money and Venus is also associated with things of beauty that can adorn you, so there's a very good chance that you'll get a gorgeous gift, possibly jewelry, for Valentine's Day - and this would be true whether you are a man or a woman. Lucky you!

Are you single? Venus may rule your marriage house, but Venus will MEET Jupiter in your house of true love / new love, so you, too, should have a banner day. You must circulate from February 14 to 16 - promise me that! Not only will you have a far greater chance to meet someone interesting then, but also the setting where you meet should be luxurious or very elegant in some way. You may go to a party, mixer, or reception, but the room will be soft, possibly lit with candles or a fireplace, and the people will be warm and friendly.

When it comes to love, you have a banner, five-star weekend over the weekend of February 27-28 when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will meet with the mighty Sun - this produces the luckiest days of the year. This is an annual event, but rarely happens in this house. The last time these two picked your true love sector to rendezvous, it was February 23, 1998!

If you're single, circulate, for you could meet the love or your life. Give a party or go to one, plan a trip where singles mingle, or ask a friend to make a carefully chosen introduction. Promise me you will make an effort, for this is no ordinary weekend by any stretch of the imagination!

If you are married, the end of February would be a terrific time to plan a romantic vacation together. Choose a location that is quite a distance from home where you'll need a passport, for your aim should be to build a memory, not just take a trip. Jupiter's involvement always suggests that foreign travel is possible, but it could be to a nearby country, such as to a lovely spot over the border to a neighboring country or island.

You may see some very gratifying career news at this time too, in the very last days of February 25 to 28. The Sun naturally rules your solar tenth house of fame and honors, and Jupiter governs your house of salary. You would not wish for a better time to interview for a responsible, high-level job! Don't be shy about speaking up for the salary you want - it looks very generous. Life is meant to be lived courageously, so speak up.

With so much planetary traffic in your creative house, if you work in the arts or in the creative department of a company, or deal with artists all the time in your work, you'll get a double dip of luck now.

As if there weren't enough going on at month's end, February 28 brings a full moon, too! This one will fall in Virgo, a really friendly place for you, lighting your house of people, events, and fun. You may be going to a birthday party, wedding, or a conference where many happy people come together. This full moon only underscores the loveliness of the month - it's a month of love, or passion, or high energy and excitement. Live this month to the fullest, dear Scorpio!

Over the coming six weeks, you are about to enjoy some of the most wonderful aspects that the universe has to give. Romance, time for friendship, possible travel overseas, and sterling career developments could all come up now to bring tingles down to your toes. That's saying a lot, but there are rare aspects due this month.

Let's start with your career. Often when we are working hard for a long period, we assume no one has noticed, and worse, no one cares. Nothing could be farther from the truth in your case, and you will begin to understand that soon. VIPs have been watching your progress from their perch at the top and have been quite impressed.

You are due for a major advancement in the coming weeks and months. Mars, your ruling planet, has been touring the highest regions of your chart, spreading word about you in professional circles since mid-October. No doubt you've been working very hard and building toward your goal. Then, as you approached the holidays in December, you felt you lost momentum, but that was only because Mars started to retrograde on December 20.

Once Mars picks up his pace on March 10, you'll be going at full speed ahead. As an action-oriented Scorpio, you don't like to wait, but right now it's your wisest choice. Your best opportunities are on the way, so be patient. When any planet retrogrades, as Mars is now, it is a signal to pull back and rethink your strategy, especially in the light of recent developments.

Last month we had two major eclipses and they always create a changing picture. You have time now to think, which is always the better part of action. Use your time well - it will put you out in front later, when Mars will be busy helping you scale the heights of your career from March 10 to June 7, and then again with the help of the new moon, August 9.

Having said that, you will get an amazing breakthrough, thanks to Jupiter, at the very end of the month when a VIP sends you a career offer that could leave you speechless. It's a sensational opportunity, and by the time you find out more, you will be closer to the March 10 date and happy you didn't take the other job you were looking at - the one that kept stalling.
ake the other job you were looking at - the one that kept stalling.

In the meantime, your stars are twinkling brightly for love. Venus will move into Pisces and your house of true love from February 11 to March 7, the very best place to have Venus for a Scorpio. Venus is considered exalted in Pisces - in other words, in a place where Venus can express her most loving qualities. Pisces is a water sign like yours, therefore the very best place for Venus to be.

The dates when Venus will be in Pisces will also be the time to improve your appearance. Ask for advice from your stylist to create a new look, and if you can, pick up some new things to wear. You will love the results if you act from February 11 to March 7.

Venus will combine energies with Jupiter on February 16, another incredibly happy day for love. You will be showered with loving vibrations then but may also feel the glow as early as February 14, Valentine's Day! Venus rules your seventh house of committed partnership, so some happy Scorpios will get engaged on that very day. My goodness, dear Scorpio, if you don't find love this month, it won't be the fault of your stars!

The last time you saw cosmic help on this broad a scale, it was 1998! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will align perfectly with the mighty Sun in your house of true love on the coming weekend of February 27 - 28, giving you the very best possible opportunity to enjoy romance, or find it if you are not dating. You will feel this energy on Friday, February 26, too.

This day, February 27-28, worthy of five-stars, will help you find love, and if you already have, to grow closer. If you hope for a baby, this aspect will help you conceive, this month or soon, possibly late next month. If a child is not part of the plan, be careful, as Jupiter, who thinks this is a great idea, could bring a pregnancy anyway - you do have to take extra steps.

Jupiter will also help your creativity this month, so it's time to take a big artistic risk. Show your ideas to the people who can help you in a forthright way, and don't let anyone second guess you! Your best time to present your ideas to authority figures for approval would be on Friday, February 26, although you will also have a powerful runner up date, February 23, when Pluto works with the Sun.

The month ends on a tender, bright, full moon on February 28 in your house of friendship and social activities. It looks like you'll have a beautiful event to attend on this day, and you'll be surrounded with many smiling people, some of whom you know, and some you won't. You may have to drive a short distance, to a nearby town, to attend, as Pluto is in your third house and will put you in a jovial mood. It's a glorious full moon, one of your favorites of the month, so enjoy it, dear Scorpio! March looks hot, too!

Dates to note for Scorpio:

A career matter may have come up in late January, but if things didn't quite click, bide your time.

Career progress will be exciting February 14-16, but even MORE so from February 25-28.

Additionally, Mars will help you climb through the ranks from March 10 to June 7, but while Mars retrogrades this month, spend time thinking and planning your strategy. Update your resume and bio.

The luckiest day of the year - especially for love - is February 28, due to the alignment of Jupiter and the Sun. For you, love and babies could bring lovely defining moments. Jupiter has not aligned with the Sun in Pisces, in your house of true love, since 1998. This is a five-star day.

All month your creativity will zing to new heights. Present your ideas to VIPs with confidence on February 23, or your even better day, February 26.

Venus will be perfectly situated in Pisces February 11 to March 7. This is great for love and for improving your looks.

A glamorous romantic evening awaits you on February 6-7, thanks to the alignment of Venus and Neptune, a great time to give a party or invite your sweetheart for a dinner for two. (You may also want to refresh your home with some new items to give it an updated look.)

At nearly the same time, February 5-6, Mercury and Uranus will be in ideal sync - you may get surprise house guests or find the perfect piece of furniture to transform your home.

February 14-16 brings Venus conjunct Jupiter, one of the most loving configurations the universe provides to promote of closeness and expression of love. These two heavenly planets will meet in your house of true love. Of all the signs, you have scooped up all the truly magnificent aspects for romance, dear Scorpio!

A gorgeous social event will sparkle brightly, thanks to the full moon, February 28, plus or minus four days.
发表于 2010-2-2 09:47:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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该帖共收到 5 条回复!

2月可能最终证明是最好的一个月,你已经在许多个月以来-可能是多年来最好的。它可能是一个短短的一个月,但它与令人兴奋的方面包装。 那个重新将每个人的东西,不管你的目标。这个月确实是充满了宇宙好吃的东西。








你最后一次看到这个大宇宙规模的帮助下,这是1998年!木星和运气的礼物送礼者,将完全一致强大的太阳在你真正的爱家的周末2月27日- 28日,为您提供最好的可能的机会,享受浪漫,或觉得如果你不约会。你会感到于本星期五能源,2月26日,太。



上月结束的招标,明亮,2月28日在你的友谊和社会活动的房子满月。看起来,您将有一个美丽的选手前来参加这一天,你会得到许多人的微笑的人,包围了一些人你知道,有些你不会。您可能要驾驶短距离,到附近的城镇,参加,因为冥王星是你的第三个房子,将极有你快活的心情。这是一个光荣的满月,是本月的最爱之一,所以喜欢它,亲爱的天蝎! 3月看起来热呢!





在今年最幸运的一天,尤其是对爱- -是2月28日,由于木星和太阳对齐。对你来说,爱和婴儿可能带来可爱的时刻。木星没有赞同太阳在双鱼座,在你真正的爱家,自1998年以来。这是一个五星级的一天。





最后,本周末日期2月6 - 7,您可能会自发地决定前往附近的一个小镇。如果你去,这不会工作,而是纯粹的乐趣。海王星与金星联系,您可能有一个人如此着迷谁你,你觉得你的日常生活运出的世界成为一个更迷人之一,一切皆有可能非常迷人的日期。是的,我是说这个周末将是特殊的-这将是!





发表于 2010-2-2 10:13:01 | 只看该作者

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拥抱这个可爱的金星和木星将惠及蝎子谁是约会或在已建立的关系。 (如果你是单身,挂在-我为你们好消息,太一分钟。你不会被排除在外。)两个金星和木星都与金钱和金星也与美的事物相关,可以装饰你,所以这是一个非常好的机会,你会得到一个华丽的礼物,可能首饰,情人节-这将是真实的,不管你是男还是女。您很幸运!

你是单身?金星可能你的婚姻规则的房子,但金星将在你真正的爱家木星/新爱,所以你也应该有一个可喜可贺的日子。你必须流通二月十四日至16 -答应我!你不仅有更大的机会见到自己感兴趣的人,然后,而且设置,您应该满足豪华,或以某种方式非常优雅。你可以去一个派对,混频器,或接待,但室将软,可能与蜡烛或壁炉点燃,人民将热情和友好。











发表于 2010-2-2 10:13:08 | 只看该作者

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你最后一次看到这个大宇宙规模的帮助下,这是1998年!木星和运气的礼物送礼者,将完全一致强大的太阳在你真正的爱家的周末2月27日- 28日,为您提供最好的可能的机会,享受浪漫,或觉得如果你不约会。你会感到于本星期五能源,2月26日,太。



上月结束的招标,明亮,2月28日在你的友谊和社会活动的房子满月。看起来,您将有一个美丽的选手前来参加这一天,你会得到许多人的微笑的人,包围了一些人你知道,有些你不会。您可能要驾驶短距离,到附近的城镇,参加,因为冥王星是你的第三个房子,将极有你快活的心情。这是一个光荣的满月,是本月的最爱之一,所以喜欢它,亲爱的天蝎! 3月看起来热呢!





在今年最幸运的一天,尤其是对爱- -是2月28日,由于木星和太阳对齐。对你来说,爱和婴儿可能带来可爱的时刻。木星没有赞同太阳在双鱼座,在你真正的爱家,自1998年以来。这是一个五星级的一天。



一个迷人的浪漫之夜于2月6日至7日等待你向金星和海王星,一个伟大的时间给一个政党或邀请一两个晚餐你的恋人对齐感谢。 (您可能还希望更新一些新的项目,你的家,给它一个更新的外观。)



发表于 2010-2-2 10:13:13 | 只看该作者

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YC37YC 有点小没明白
发表于 2010-2-2 13:48:45 | 只看该作者

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这个翻译.....是在线的吧......泪......我的英文啊啊啊...... YC28YC
发表于 2010-2-3 12:55:09 | 只看该作者

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