
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天秤座2010年2月运势

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February Horoscope for Libra

February will bring a set of spectacular aspects, ones that are so extraordinary that life may take on an entirely new direction. You'll emerge from February with more confidence and optimism, and you may even have a new love interest. With such an outstanding month on the way to you, it would be a shame not to use your cosmic gifts to the fullest. Take note of the days that are most special - these are almost as rare as emeralds!

Your first big day will arrive on February 6 when a work project may light you with motivation. You may have to travel as a result of the assignment that comes up. You'll be eager to strategize how to approach this new project. The job that comes up seems to be a freelance assignment, but it could bring an offer for a full time job.

At the same time, your home or family situation could be on your mind, too - lots of news seems to be emerging quickly, so keep your cell phone on and powered up. You may find the ideal new apartment or house you've been seeking, or you may be ready to begin the renovation work you set aside over the holidays. News will come fast, so if you have to bid or sign papers, you may need to move fast - if you blink, someone else may snap it up.

If you are hoping to sell a condo or house, you have Lady Luck on your side. Jupiter and Pluto will also be in perfect alignment on February 6, a sure sign there's a hefty profit to be made. If you do negotiate a deal, it is likely to be a huge one - one of your biggest deals ever. When these two planets work together, they show us the value of thinking big!

Several aspects this month also point to your ability now to turn over a new leaf when it comes to healthy habits. If you want to follow a more nutritious, fitter lifestyle, and to exercise to get sleek and toned, you've never had a better chance to do so.

I have been studying charts for years, and I can say that one of the most helpful planets for losing weight and getting slim is having Jupiter in the sixth house. On the surface, I thought the opposite would happen - Jupiter is known to expand everything it touches. Even so, as I studied various charts, I saw people lose, not gain, weight. I realized it is all in the interpretation. The "more" that Jupiter always gives is more often more opportunity to get fit and healthy, not more weight. Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, is always on your side and tends not to work against you.

If you need money to pay for a gym membership or to train, or learn a new sport, Jupiter will help you find the funds you need. If instead you need time, say, because you need a babysitter for your small child, the right friend or relative will appear. Never say never when Jupiter comes knocking. This is true even if you've never had the help before.

I have a little story for you. Years ago when I decided to start on a physical fitness program, I had transiting Jupiter in my sixth house, just as you do. Just as I was taking my first steps in my program, my daughter, Chrissie, won an entire wardrobe of Nike gym clothes - sneakers, at least seven outfits of workout clothes (tops, pants, little jackets), and even a useful gym bag.

She exchanged the sneakers to get my size, and gave most of her prize to me, explaining she had enough of her own workout things. (Personally, I think Chrissie was just her adorable self, wanting to support me in a big way.) At first I told her no - you keep this amazing prize! She insisted, and I have to admit that having that surprise gift really worked, too. I loved having so many new things to wear to the gym each morning at dawn. I felt organized and ready to work out, and I felt nice in those new things. I found the clothes so motivating! Of course, Jupiter knew exactly what it would take to motivate me and supplied it! That was years ago, and I still love working out.

Jupiter in this place will help you find the right approach to getting fit, too. Jupiter will also help you with medical advice if you have been plagued with a condition that has baffled doctors - keep looking! You would find very distinguished professionals, so leave no stone unturned until you find the doctor you know is the one for you. When Jupiter is in this house, you should not accept "almost right" but rather "perfect!" - keep searching!

When it comes to health, you'll have two points in the month to watch for upbeat news. The first will come by on February 5 and 6. Pluto will receive energy from Jupiter, so you could see a breakthrough or rejuvenation. That is true whether you have been ill and are hoping to try a new treatment or medication that your doctor feels may help, or on a smaller scale, you may simply want to get more exercise on a daily basis.

An even bigger aspect will occur over the weekend of February 27-28 when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun. This is a glorious, powerful annual configuration that often produces the luckiest day of the year. You will begin to feel the glow of this as soon as Thursday, February 25, and it will continue through the weekend to Sunday, February 28. I have seen an even wider area of influence, of a day or two more, so see how this works for you. For healing, this configuration would be hard to beat.

This stunning, five-star aspect will coincide with the full moon in your twelfth house of privacy and rest. If you have to schedule a medical or dental procedure, or have surgery or a special test, this would be the time of the month to do it.

If you have any reason to be concerned about the possibility for excessive bleeding, stay away from the full moon, which tends to increase bleeding, and act one week earlier, within February 20 to 26. This would be a stunning time to begin a new fitness plan too, or even to start training for a competitive athletic event.

Let's talk about your home now for a moment - that could be a center of your attention due to the recent eclipses in Capricorn last month. Pluto will be nicely angled to your Sun on February 23 from your fourth house of home, so you may be drawing up plans to refresh your apartment or house in some way. With Pluto prominent, it might involve a little demolition work or custom woodworking to make it "just so." It's a good time to huddle over those home-related blueprints. The results should please you because your timing would be so right on target, too.

Now let's talk about love! One lovely night for fun and love will come over the weekend of February 6-7, thanks to the pairing of Venus, your ruler, and Neptune. This is a truly heavenly combination sure to send your spirits soaring. You'll be one of the zodiac's favorites this month, and it won't matter whether you are single or attached, female or male - all Libras will have more than their share of kisses!

This year Valentine's Day falls just one day after this dazzling moon in your fifth house of true love. My goodness - only Libra has this gorgeous vibration! This new moon will arrive hand-in-hand with inspirational Neptune. Again you have a shimmering vibration coming at exactly the right time. You may be introduced to someone new and really get along well. Or, if attached, you may or go to an event that you find beautiful on every level - the food, the flowers, and the conversation! Jupiter will make you feel optimistic and confident - both are aphrodisiacs that will draw people to you. Yet there's more!

Venus, your ruler, will meet with Jupiter on February 16, a once-a-year event that will produce a major day to circle in gold. This is due to be a glorious day that could have wide-ranging ramifications for a Libra because Venus rules your sign. You may see upbeat developments at work, money, health, travel, and love. Decide the areas you'd like to improve and take aim! As with all astrology, you need to show your intent by working on the area you want to improve, but this time if you do, Jupiter will stand by you to see you get the right result.

If you are attached, this month will give you a chance to forget any day-to-day cares to focus on the love you share together. You may even spend the day trading romantic texts with each other - the new moon in Aquarius could bring technology into the relationship.
You may hope to have a baby, and if you're ready, late month could easily bring a pregnancy. This is a sensational month to try.

If you were born on October 2, plus or minus five days, single or married, you will be in perfect position to take advantage of the golden glow of this new moon. All Libras will love it, though - this Valentine's Day will be just made for you.

In February's last days, Venus will move very close to Uranus, the planet of surprise, the perfect aspect for sudden, out of the blue meetings that make you feel like you're hit by a thunderbolt. With Jupiter aligning with the Sun at the same time, and the full moon of February 28 bringing emotions to the surface, you will have quite a lineup of planets acting like little Cupids, hoping to help love along.

The month's emphasis on health and wellness could have a noticeable, positive effect on your love life, too. Scientists say that we are biologically attracted to partners who are in good health. You have the very best chance of seeing vibrant skin, hair, and eyes by following a healthier lifestyle now. Jupiter will help bring very noticeable results if you begin now. Your looks will become radiant and get you more compliments than a product packaged in bottle.

Dear Libra, you will have a big month, with lots of social activity. You may want to slow down on the full moon, February 28, to protect against colds. When you do socialize, make sure you keep hand sanitizer handy. This full moon may make you feel in need of more rest and privacy. If so, you'll have time to fit that in, too - treat yourself well.

Last month, in January, your work and living situations were in flux, so for February, the universe is about to give you a break. February will be divinely social and relaxing.

As you begin February, the full moon of January 30 will be influencing the first days of February. If you had something special to do over that end-of-January weekend, you'll be returning to the workweek in a jovial mood. If not, you may still be invited to a gathering in the first four days and loving every minute you spend there.

The first weekend of the month could be one of your favorites for romance. On Sunday, February 7, Venus, your ruling planet and planet of love and happiness, will embrace Neptune and dance the most graceful, breathtaking dance of love. You will feel some of the spillover on the day prior, Saturday. This should be an outstanding time of the month for you, so try to do something special.

That same weekend, starting on Friday, February 5, to Saturday, February 6, Mercury will send a lovely beam to Uranus. This could bring news of a freelance job to do, or, if you have been looking to hire someone at home or at work, the right candidate that you are quite enthusiastic about hiring may show up.

The new moon, February 13, will bring one of the most sparkling new moons of the year for you, for it will brilliantly light your fifth house of true love. All kinds of fantastic developments could happen in the two weeks after it arrives.

The most unusual and bewitching part of the new moon, February 13, is that Neptune will create a very glamorous setting. If you are single and dating, this new moon can bring a captivating person to your path. If you are already attached, you'll be lavished with attention. This new moon will be very strong in the first week, and just a little less strong the second week. You may be feeling very close and tender feelings of love.

If you were born within five days of October 2 you will be doubly lucky at this time, but almost all Libra will have something to celebrate.

Venus, as said, is your ruler and planet of love. On February 16, Venus will meet with Jupiter in an annual meeting that is as exciting as it gets. At this time, you may catch the eye of someone at the office who works on your level. Because Venus brings gifts, if you're attached, this month you could be presented with a beautiful and very valuable gift from your beloved.

As an alternative to something like jewelry as a gift from your sweetheart or mate, you may be given a puppy or kitten this year. There will be a very positive aspect to your sixth house at month's end, so on Valentine's Day you may get the promise of the perfect pet, and at month's end you might go together to pick out your new little furry friend.

February 28, operative as early as February 26, brings another big aspect, the meeting of the Sun and Jupiter - the luckiest day of the year. It will be a fantastic day to start a new project, especially one that has to do with art or creativity of any kind. Use the days leading to this day for some sort of initiation on any level - health, work, long-distance travel, or love. This day is a rare one, and surely due to make you grin from ear to ear.

If you have been meaningpos;ve been seeking, or you may be ready to begin the renovation work you set aside over the holidays. News will come fast, so if you have to bid or sign papers, you may need to move fast - if you blink, someone else may snap it up.

If you are hoping to sell a condo or house, you have Lady Luck on your side. Jupiter and Pluto will also be in perfect alignment on February 6, a sure sign there's a hefty profit to be made. If you do negotiate a deal, it is likely to be a huge one - one of your biggest deals ever. When these two planets work together, they show us the value of thinking big!

Several aspects this month also point to your ability now to turn over a new leaf when it comes to healthy habits. If you want to follow a more nutritious, fitter lifestyle, and to exercise to get sleek and toned, you've never had a better chance to do so.

I have been studying charts for years, and I can say that one of the most helpful planets for losing weight and getting slim is having Jupiter in the sixth house. On the surface, I thought the opposite would happen - Jupiter is known to expand everything it touches. Even so, as I studied various charts, I saw people lose, not gain, weight. I realized it is all in the interpretation. The "more" that Jupiter always gives is more often more opportunity to get fit and healthy, not more weight. Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, is always on your side and tends not to work against you.

If you need money to pay for a gym membership or to train, or learn a new sport, Jupiter will help you find the funds you need. If instead you need time, say, because you need a babysitter for your small child, the right friend or relative will appear. Never say never when Jupiter comes knocking. This is true even if you've never had the help before.

I have a little story for you. Years ago when I decided to start on a physical fitness program, I had transiting Jupiter in my sixth house, just as you do. Just as I was taking my first steps in my program, my daughter, Chrissie, won an entire wardrobe of Nike gym clothes - sneakers, at least seven outfits of workout clothes (tops, pants, little jackets), and even a useful gym bag.

She exchanged the sneakers to get my size, and gave most of her prize to me, explaining she had enough of her own workout things. (Personally, I think Chrissie was just her adorable self, wanting to support me in a big way.) At first I told her no - you keep this amazing prize! She insisted, and I have to admit that having that surprise gift really worked, too. I loved having so many new things to wear to the gym each morning at dawn. I felt organized and ready to work out, and I felt nice in those new things. I found the clothes so motivating! Of course, Jupiter knew exactly what it would take to motivate me and supplied it! That was years ago, and I still love working out.

Jupiter in this place will help you find the right approach to getting fit, too. Jupiter will also help you with medical advice if you have been plagued with a condition that has baffled doctors - keep looking! You would find very distinguished professionals, so leave no stone unturned until you find the doctor you know is the one for you. When Jupiter is in this house, you should not accept "almost right" but rather "perfect!" - keep searching!

When it comes to health, you'll have two points in the month to watch for upbeat news. The first will come by on February 5 and 6. Pluto will receive energy from Jupiter, so you could see a breakthrough or rejuvenation. That is true whether you have been ill and are hoping to try a new treatment or medication that your doctor feels may help, or on a smaller scale, you may simply want to get more exercise on a daily basis.

An even bigger aspect will occur over the weekend of February 27-28 when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun. This is a glorious, powerful annual configuration that often produces the luckiest day of the year. You will begin to feel the glow of this as soon as Thursday, February 25, and it will continue through the weekend to Sunday, February 28. I have seen an even wider area of influence, of a day or two more, so see how this works for you. For healing, this configuration would be hard to beat.

This stunning, five-star aspect will coincide with the full moon in your twelfth house of privacy and rest. If you have to schedule a medical or dental procedure, or have surgery or a special test, this would be the time of the month to do it.

If you have any reason to be concerned about the possibility for excessive bleeding, stay away from the full moon, which tends to increase bleeding, and act one week earlier, within February 20 to 26. This would be a stunning time to begin a new fitness plan too, or even to start training for a competitive athletic event.

Let's talk about your home now for a moment - that could be a center of your attention due to the recent eclipses in Capricorn last month. Pluto will be nicely angled to your Sun on February 23 from your fourth house of home, so you may be drawing up plans to refresh your apartment or house in some way. With Pluto prominent, it might involve a little demolition work or custom woodworking to make it "just so." It's a good time to huddle over those home-related blueprints. The results should please you because your timing would be so right on target, too.

Now let's talk about love! One lovely night for fun and love will come over the weekend of February 6-7, thanks to the pairing of Venus, your ruler, and Neptune. This is a truly heavenly combination sure to send your spirits soaring. You'll be one of the zodiac's favorites this month, and it won't matter whether you are single or attached, female or male - all Libras will have more than their share of kisses!

This year Valentine's Day falls just one day after this dazzling moon in your fifth house of true love. My goodness - only Libra has this gorgeous vibration! This new moon will arrive hand-in-hand with inspirational Neptune. Again you have a shimmering vibration coming at exactly the right time. You may be introduced to someone new and really get along well. Or, if attached, you may or go to an event that you find beautiful on every level - the food, the flowers, and the conversation! Jupiter will make you feel optimistic and confident - both are aphrodisiacs that will draw people to you. Yet there's more!

Venus, your ruler, will meet with Jupiter on February 16, a once-a-year event that will produce a major day to circle in gold. This is due to be a glorious day that could have wide-ranging ramifications for a Libra because Venus rules your sign. You may see upbeat developments at work, money, health, travel, and love. Decide the areas you'd like to improve and take aim! As with all astrology, you need to show your intent by working on the area you want to improve, but this time if you do, Jupiter will stand by you to see you get the right result.

If you are attached, this month will give you a chance to forget any day-to-day cares to focus on the love you share together. You may even spend the day trading romantic texts with each other - the new moon in Aquarius could bring technology into the relationship.
You may hope to have a baby, and if you're ready, late month could easily bring a pregnancy. This is a sensational month to try.

If you were born on October 2, plus or minus five days, single or married, you will be in perfect position to take advantage of the golden glow of this new moon. All Libras will love it, though - this Valentine's Day will be just made for you.

In February's last days, Venus will move very close to Uranus, the planet of surprise, the perfect aspect for sudden, out of the blue meetings that make you feel like you're hit by a thunderbolt. With Jupiter aligning with the Sun at the same time, and the full moon of February 28 bringing emotions to the surface, you will have quite a lineup of planets acting like little Cupids, hoping to help love along.

The month's emphasis on health and wellness could have a noticeable, positive effect on your love life, too. Scientists say that we are biologically attracted to partners who are in good health. You have the very best chance of seeing vibrant skin, hair, and eyes by following a healthier lifestyle now. Jupiter will help bring very noticeable results if you begin now. Your looks will become radiant and get you more compliments than a product packaged in bottle.

Dear Libra, you will have a big month, with lots of social activity. You may want to slow down on the full moon, February 28, to protect against colds. When you do socialize, make sure you keep hand sanitizer handy. This full moon may make you feel in need of more rest and privacy. If so, you'll have time to fit that in, too - treat yourself well.
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