
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2010年2月运势

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February Horoscope for Virgo

This month will be very special. It marks a turning point in your personal history where you can turn away from so many disappointments of the past and start out in a new direction. You will feel confident this month, for Jupiter will see that you do and that's a necessary ingredient as well. You won't have to do everything alone either - this is a "twosome" month where collaborations are not only wise but outstandingly successful. Dear Virgo, you have so much going for you now!

February's first week brings your first cosmic treat on Saturday, February 6. On this day, your ruler, Mercury, will link with surprise-a-minute Uranus, making for a very lively day that will sizzle with electricity and spontaneity. Ideas will come up so fast and conversation will be so lively that you'll wish the day would never end. While every sign will love this day, you will benefit more because Mercury is your ruling planet whose job it is to take special care of you!

Mercury will be positioned in your sixth house of work, so you may get a surprise phone call about a new assignment - perhaps it will be about something you'd like to discuss in more detail later the following week. If so, the offer will come from a middleman such as a headhunter or agent, business partner, or former employer - someone who will speak for you and recommend you. All month, an intermediary will be an essential element to your success and you will see this theme played over in several ways.

On this very same day, February 6, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will send a beam to Pluto the planet of power, transformation, and financial strength. It's extraordinary that two such impressive aspects should fall on the same day. This aspect can help you both personally and professionally, for your fifth house is involved, but in a way that would allow you to see financial gain from your creative ideas. You can rally people to your cause at this time, and if you work in communications, as many Virgo do, you would be able to reach massive numbers of people from what is on the table now.

You will start to feel things heat up the day prior to this magical day, Saturday, February 6, on Friday, February 5, too.

Planets have started to gather in your seventh house of partnership, so it is clear that in order to get to where you want to be, you will need to collaborate with others. You will have to rally the troops these days, rather than run with the banner by yourself.

You will get a chance to go solo in June and July when Mars moves into Virgo, but for now, it's too soon. You need to do some important lobbying first. You will likely enjoy being a team player, for Venus will start the month in your work area (sixth house), ruling co-workers and subordinates, and move into your house of colleagues and associates and partners (seventh house). Venus will link to Jupiter, the great benefactor, in this partnership house, so collaborators will help you showcase your talents and allow you to be productive.

If you have been unemployed and looking for work, employed and hoping to make a change, or self-employed and looking for new business, the new moon on February 13 will set powerful forces in motion. It will send a strong and supportive beam to Saturn, so you will find greater financial security at this time, too.

If you have no job or hope to find a job similar to the one you've had before, you can find one now that would likely inspire you in new ways. If you had hoped to move up the ladder to more responsibility than you had, you would need to wait until early June. Sometimes, though, a present job is so fraught with problems that it would be torture to stay one more minute at that desk. If that describes your situation, seize the opportunity to break out of that old job and free yourself for something more interesting. In your new spot, you may be able to demonstrate more of your talents, and move up faster.

Neptune will be prominent at that new moon, and few planets can set off the imagination as well as Neptune. If you work in the visual arts, you will be particularly fortunate, for Neptune specializes in all things considered "right brain" - creative, innovative, and very visual. Neptune will glide in the scientific sign of Aquarius, so if you work as a scientist, in research or high technology, you will find this new moon outstandingly helpful, too.

Aside from gaining work that can make you feel more financially stable, there is another completely different way you can benefit from this month's new moon! It has to do with pets - one you have now or may chose to bring home soon!

A new moon in this house is perhaps the best in the year for starting to do your research for finding the best pet for you. Mercury is no longer retrograde as it was last month, January 1-16, so you can feel confident about choosing a little dog or cat that you can care for each day.

Go to the animal shelter or pet shop during the first week between February 13 and 20 for your strongest days, but in truth you will have the whole second half of the February to take action. If your present pet has been lonely or ill, yon is likely to be fruitful, even business ones.

Your work likely will get a boost at the new moon, February 13, plus two weeks. You may get a new assignment, or gain a new client if self-employed. If you change jobs this month, you would likely do work on the same level as you have been doing. Sometimes that is fine, but if you were hoping for a step up, you'd have to wait for March 7.

In the meantime, you can generate freelance work at this new moon, and that may be good news. This new moon will reach out to Neptune, suggesting you will be doubly lucky if you work on artistic expressions for pay, or support the creative talent. The second half of February will be ideal for hiring help.

The full moon in Virgo on February 28, coinciding with the luckiest day of the year, thanks to the conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun, will bring all your desires and dreams into focus. Pluto, in your house of love, will send a special bouquet to that moon, proving to you that in life and in love, the possibility to be completely transformed anew is always possible.

Dates to Note for Virgo:

Venus will move through your opposite sign of Pisces from February 11 to March 7.

Valentine's Day brings the moon to Pisces - let your adoring partner take the lead.

If single, you have an electric set of days in store, February 5-6 - you could meet someone when you least expect to do so.

Your best day of the month - possibly of the year - will be February 27 or 28, when making a serious commitment to a partner in love or business would be ideal. Sign papers on these days, too. These are rare, five-star days. You may get engaged, or, you may merge energies in a business alliance on the luckiest days of the year, February 27-28. The day prior, February 26, will be fortunate, too.

Another day to feel your pulse race when it comes to committed love: February 16

New jobs and assignments come up February 13 plus two weeks. Look for a new job or get new equipment. You may also hire new personnel at home or at the workplace.

The full moon in Virgo will be a lovely time when you find that all your desires become clear, and that you decide to go after one with all your heart. Pluto will help you see success, either immediately or in time.

This month brings a cornucopia of good news. Since September 2007, you have been contained and your movements limited by the presence of Saturn in Virgo. Many Virgos lived a very no-frills life, and in particular suffered a betrayal or reversal from a close partner. Health issues may have plagued you too, well. Now, all those difficult days are behind you.

This month Jupiter will align with the Sun in the very part of your chart that gave you such concern - the part of your chart ruling partnerships, serious commitment, and marriage.

It's not clear if you have a new partner or if you reconciled with a former one. Either way, there appears to be someone in your life now who has earned your trust and whom you find just right to merge energies with soon.

Venus will glide through this house from February 11 to March 7, and Venus is known to bring happiness, and in some cases, profit, too. This is all good!

Needless to say, Valentine's Day should be one for the record books this year if you have a special steady partner. With the moon in Pisces, let your significant other take the lead - you'll love what's planned.

The date to watch for developments will be one of your best weekends of the month, and possibly of the year, due February 27-28. Next month, in mid-March, your plans to couple up or collaborate may take shape, for that will bring the new moon in your seventh house of commitment, business partnership, and marriage. For now, you are seeing the truth of how different a day - or a year - makes. The coming year will bring a whole different set of conditions.

If you are single, you will have the chance for exciting love from February 5 or 6, two fantastic days, thanks to Mercury's beam to Uranus. These days will be filled with romantic surprises. You could have a very electric meeting with someone you find you really like a lot and will want to know better.

There is one other heart-stopping moment, when Jupiter aligns with Venus in Pisces, in your house of commitment, February 16 - a lovely day to go shopping for diamonds together. Actually any collaborati
Venus will move through your opposite sign of Pisces from February 11 to March 7.

Valentine's Day brings the moon to Pisces - let your adoring partner take the lead.

If single, you have an electric set of days in store, February 5-6 - you could meet someone when you least expect to do so.

Your best day of the month - possibly of the year - will be February 27 or 28, when making a serious commitment to a partner in love or business would be ideal. Sign papers on these days, too. These are rare, five-star days. You may get engaged, or, you may merge energies in a business alliance on the luckiest days of the year, February 27-28. The day prior, February 26, will be fortunate, too.

Another day to feel your pulse race when it comes to committed love: February 16

New jobs and assignments come up February 13 plus two weeks. Look for a new job or get new equipment. You may also hire new personnel at home or at the workplace.

The full moon in Virgo will be a lovely time when you find that all your desires become clear, and that you decide to go after one with all your heart. Pluto will help you see success, either immediately or in time.
发表于 2010-2-2 09:45:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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