
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2010年2月运势

1 7965

February Horoscope for Cancer

You have been through a rather no-frills year in 2009, so by the time you get to February, you're tired of the same old life. Even the wealthy Cancers among us are frustrated with the same old financial limits that their transiting Mars has imposed. It's no wonder you yearn for a breakthrough. You want to liven things up! You want events that point you in a new direction. February has the power to provide you with that and so much more. It's due to be a glorious month, dear Cancer, for love, health, career, money, travel - take your pick, or take them all!

Jupiter entered Pisces in January for the first time since 1998, and make no mistake, Jupiter's new position will help you more than you suppose. This is the first time in several years that you've had direct support from generous Jupiter and that makes a huge difference. This month you will begin to see the lucky breaks you've long craved, so you will need to keep your antenna up and be ready to roll when it starts to happen. Indeed, with Jupiter behind you, suddenly nothing is impossible!

Let's take the month from the top, for certainly things will get increasingly brighter as you go along. As you enter February, you may be distracted with a financial situation that you are just finishing up. The January 30 full moon may have been a tough one for you, because it reminded you that you really do need more cash coming in. You had to write a check at that full moon to fulfill a previously made promise, and it may have taken a lot out of your bank account. That full moon brought a financial matter to a head.

Look at what is happening in the positive light - it's time to try new methods. Experimentation often brings amazing results, and you seem to be in the mood to try. Good! Following along the same old path will only bring the same old results, and you seem to know that.

With Mars tearing through your second house of income since mid-October, you've needed to find ways to either cut back on expenses or bring in more cash, or both. Expenses have remained stubbornly high, due to Mars' presence in this house, and Mars is not due to leave until June 7. You need a little luck, and it really looks like you will start to get it now and in weeks to come. This better phase will be in place all year, so there is a difference from what you experienced in late 2009 and what is coming.

The end of February will bring some unexpected and very upbeat, powerful developments on the financial front (something you and I will discuss in a minute). And also, once you get to March 10, Mars will turn direct and you may find that talks you've been having will click better and will move forward with greater momentum.

Pluto will contact Jupiter on February 6, a wow of an aspect, suggesting that your ongoing talks will enter into an exciting, new phase or that a new opportunity will open up. A partner, agent, headhunter, or middleman will become an essential element to your success in what comes up. Take seriously any offers or ideas that come up near February 6 - this could grow into a very big deal. It's clear a partner or representative / collaborator is worth his or her weight in gold. Astrologers know that when you combine Jupiter and Pluto, you have one of the most potent blends for big-time success possible! It appears you will be thinking big at this time.

On the same day, February 6, Mercury and Uranus will stir up excitement, so the offer or news you get will come quite suddenly, possibly in a strange way, say, because you are at the right place at the right time. There are two aspects, Mercury with Uranus, and Jupiter with Pluto, coming on the same day, and they will set off a chain of evebruary 14, so if you are attached, make plans - this day could be outstanding.

You seem to have travel on your mind too, all month. It is not clear if you will be on the phone or Skype a great deal with people at a distance, or if you will actually be going to have a face-to-face meeting. The full moon on February 28 in Virgo could bring a chance to pack and go. With the light getting ever so slightly brighter, and the weather just a touch warmer, even if work doesn't make you go, you'll have reason enough to flee. You may even decide to see a sibling or cousin in a nearby town - a good idea.

At month's end you may launch an important communications project as well. You may show off a new blog or send out a self-promotion advertising or publicity campaign. You may design a new iPhone app or announce the start of a radio show. You may design a logo for your business, or order special stationery for personal use, complete with engraved initials. If you need to sign a contract on February 28 or March 1, and if you have checked out the fine print with a lawyer, do! You'll have Pluto looking kindly on this venture, suggesting the other side will turn out to be an excellent partner.

Dates to Note for Cancer:

Money has been tight, but better days are due. Watch February 27-28 for upbeat news of increasing financial resources.

If you need to borrow money, then the new moon on February 13, very strong for two weeks, could help you raise funds from a bank or other outside source.

The media, university study, and international trade will be big themes this month and next month, but particularly at February's end.

Travel is very likely at month's end, but you will have many other opportunities to pack and go all month.

If you're asked to sign a contract, do so on February 26-28, assuming you've read all the fine print with your lawyer! It's a fantastic time to do so.

Romance will take a back seat to all the other things going on this month, but you will have Venus in lovely angle to your Sun from February 11 to March 7.

When Venus conjoins with Jupiter on February 16, you have a major glitter day for love. This is two days after Valentine's Day, but could be close enough to shower you with pixie dust. With the moon in Pisces on Valentine's Day, if you have someone you hold dear, this year's day for lovers seems destined to be special.

One other day that will stand out very brightly for love will be February 23 and 24, when the Sun and transformative Pluto will cooperate beautifully, and the moon will glide in Cancer.

Recent years have been frustrating, but February seems to show you that you are about to take a major turn for the better. Jupiter, now in Pisces, is in a far better position to support your needs. This month this will become very obvious. You will get a chance to either go back to college or to travel quite far, or work with people in another country on a fantastically interesting project. Your actions could lead you down brand new lanes too, so don't hesitate to start.

Opportunities to do research, write, or edit in media will be astounding, too. It doesn't matter what phase of communication you may devote yourself to, from publishing to public relations, from sales to copy work for advertising, you will have your best chance ever to stand out.

A big breakthrough in one of these areas is due this month, especially over the last days of the month, February 26-28. These dates found late in February are due to be among the most fortunate of 2010, because at that time, Jupiter will align with the Sun.

Earlier, a moneymaking idea that you come up with could be pure genius, February 5-6.

Your cash flow has been very tight lately, but the events of this month should bring positive news that helps you quickly fatten your bank account. This may happen immediately or later, as soon as talks develop to an end point. The Sun rules your second house of earned income, and because the Sun will meet with the good fortune planet Jupiter, you'll see an expansive trend. This is especially good news, for on January 30, you had to write a check or had to make a big financial decision. You will know for sure that finally, luck is on your side, and as a result, your confidence in the future - and yourself - will grow.

This month will be good for your finances for other reasons. The new moon on February 13 will bring opportunities to get funds from outside sources, such as a loan from a bank, investment money from a venture capitalist, a cash settlement from an insurance company, or an outright gift or prize. Just be careful about all fine print and ask questions. Sometimes when Neptune is involved, as it will be at the new moon, you can be sold a bill of goods, so to speak - make sure all that you are told is true and solid.

Working on commission may turn out to be quite lucrative this month too, so if you do work this way, or expect bonus money, you'll have reason to be excited about your financial possibilities. If you work in the arts, in acting or the theatre, your luck will be tripled, due to the prominence of Neptune.

Mars is still in your financial house, showing how obsessed you are with increasing your cash flow, but because Mars has been in this house since mid-October, it suggests your efforts are starting to pay off.

Romance is always on everyone's mind, as Valentine's Day comes February 14, a Sunday. Fortunately, Venus, the goddess of love, will be in Pisces from February 10 to March 7, and Pisces is a sign that has a bewitching relationship with Cancer.

On February 16, Venus will conjoin her energies with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, a once-a-year event that is so special, if you could bottle the results, you'd become a millionaire. You'll feel the radiance of this day earlier, by February 14, so if you are attached, make plans - this day could be outstanding.

You seem to have travel on your mind too, all month. It is not clear if you will be on the phone or Skype a great deal with people at a distance, or if you will actually be going to have a face-to-face meeting. The full moon on February 28 in Virgo could bring a chance to pack and go. With the light getting ever so slightly brighter, and the weather just a touch warmer, even if work doesn't make you go, you'll have reason enough to flee. You may even decide to see a sibling or cousin in a nearby town - a good idea.

At month's end you may launch an important communications project as well. You may show off a new blog or send out a self-promotion advertising or publicity campaign. You may design a new iPhone app or announce the start of a radio show. You may design a logo for your business, or order special stationery for personal use, complete with engraved initials. If you need to sign a contract on February 28 or March 1, and if you have checked out the fine print with a lawyer, do! You'll have Pluto looking kindly on this venture, suggesting the other side will turn out to be an excellent partner.

Dates to Note for Cancer:

Money has been tight, but better days are due. Watch February 27-28 for upbeat news of increasing financial resources.

If you need to borrow money, then the new moon on February 13, very strong for two weeks, could help you raise funds from a bank or other outside source.

The media, university study, and international trade will be big themes this month and next month, but particularly at February's end.

Travel is very likely at month's end, but you will have many other opportunities to pack and go all month.

If you're asked to sign a contract, do so on February 26-28, assuming you've read all the fine print with your lawyer! It's a fantastic time to do so.

Romance will take a back seat to all the other things going on this month, but you will have Venus in lovely angle to your Sun from February 11 to March 7.

When Venus conjoins with Jupiter on February 16, you have a major glitter day for love. This is two days after Valentine's Day, but could be close enough to shower you with pixie dust. With the moon in Pisces on Valentine's Day, if you have someone you hold dear, this year's day for lovers seems destined to be special.

One other day that will stand out very brightly for love will be February 23 and 24, when the Sun and transformative Pluto will cooperate beautifully, and the moon will glide in Cancer.
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