
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年1月运势

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发表于 2009-12-31 16:30:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Scorpio women, if you wear stilettos, be careful when walking over uneven, broken sidewalks, potholes, or cobblestones as the month begins. All Scorpios, watch where you walk on the beach, lest you run into a rock, sharp shell, or something else that would hurt your feet.

Mercury will still be retrograde too, until January 15, which will increase the probability that there will be delays at the airport or that you will need very accurate directions.

It's also not a time to sign contracts, which is problematic this month, when paperwork may be presented to you for your signature. Try to delay signing until January 18 or even later if possible.

The second eclipse, January 15, will also encourage you to travel. With so many planets filling your third house - Pluto, Mercury, Venus, the new moon, and the Sun - you seem to be very busy and on the road, but not heading to foreign countries at that time so much as traveling to places closer to home.

The trip that comes up later in the month will not likely be for work, but taken for rest and privacy. As a Scorpio, there is a limit to the amount of socializing you usually like to do before you call a halt to it and scoot away for time alone (or with only one other person). Scorpio is the Greta Garbo of signs - you gain strength by being alone - and then you are ready to be with friends again.

The two eclipses that are occurring this month aren't just about travel but about opening your mind to a bigger, wider universe. You will be grasping the bigger picture of things and seeing possibilities that eluded you before now. You seem hungry for new interests and ready to tackle new subjects. You also seem to want to start a new chapter in your life. Because the new moon, January 15, is also a powerful solar eclipse, it carries extra weight and punch.

Because the third house of the horoscope rules communication, the solar eclipse of January 15 will have the power to teach you to communicate in a whole new way. You may start a blog or expand or revamp a website you have now. If you have always written papers or reports, you may be asked to teach your level of expertise to others. You may begin a very successful advertising or publicity campaign for your business, or you may sell a screenplay. You may take a class in improvisation and it may open up new vistas - you see the possibilities here!

No matter how this very friendly eclipse affects you, the result will be the same: Some of your biggest personal growth this year will stem from learning how to communicate ideas or feelings to a wider audience and in a more sophisticated, polished way.

Let's now talk about your career. The month's first eclipse, December 31 / January 1, will fall in your solar ninth house and may mark a final chapter in a publishing or broadcasting project. If so, there will be something rather important about this particular assignment or job, simply because your work on it coincides with an eclipse.

You may see your book published, or you may see a radio or TV show you've worked on be wrapped up. If you are worried that your TV or radio show will be cancelled, it seems more likely to happen on the next eclipse, June 26, not now. I can't see everything in your chart, and I will admit I do see an ending, so it could happen now, but you seem happy this month. If you do see anything untoward happen, trust that it will be for the best, for you truly have a spectacular chart, and only good will flow to you.

Still, if you were born within five days of November 2 or have Scorpio rising near 10 degrees, the December 31 / January 1 eclipse will strongly benefit you.

If you were born November 17 plus or minus five days, or have Scorpio rising near 25 degrees, you will find the solar eclipse of January 15 very helpful.

No matter when your birthday happens to fall, your future is assured. You may not be aware of how many top executives have been noticing your work and have become impressed with your vision and experience. With Mars in your tenth house of fame, your future sparkles like a thousand ten-carat diamonds in the Sun. Mars is currently on a mission to lift your profile in your industry.

The full moon, at month's end on January 30, will bring some sort of career news to an important plateau, but it won't be the last news you receive - there will be more good news coming. In many ways, it will mark the end of one situation but the opening of another.

That full moon may require a decision. Mars will conjoin that moon, so you seem anxious to make up your mind, but if so, don't rush the details. Mars is now in weak retrograde position until March 10, so you'd do best to bide your time by having casual talks and making inquiries. Sort out the questions you have and listen closely to what you hear - you may need to negotiate some of the points of the job description.

If you are up for a job, you may find the competition quite fierce for it, and you may be a bit surprised at the desperate, ruthless tactics some candidates will take to get it. Don't let them ruffle your confidence. You have such a beautiful lineup of planets, so you can win it if you want it. I don't think you'd start until February or March, but you may hear about it at January's end.

Make sure any new job you take will allow you to make a powerful creative contribution, because much of 2010 will be about finding, and developing, the depth of your creativity within. You will hear me talk about this more in months to come. You need a say in how things are developed in the most creative sense!

At month's end you will be focused on where you live too, so your career and living situation may be interlaced. For example, you may have to move to accept a new position or promotion. Or, a family situation may enter into your thinking about the job.

Any new job you are looking at in January through early June would be very prestigious. If you worked hard and smart up until now, when your appointment is announced it is likely to be considered big industry news. Dear Scorpio, your hard work all these years is about to be rewarded.

Now let's turn to love - and how wonderful THAT news is about to be for you! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will make an appearance in your fifth house of true love on January 17, to stay most of the year. This is the first time since 1998-early 1999 that you have had this enormous advantage in matters of the heart!

If you are single, you, dear Scorpio (along with Pisces), will be the two signs most outstandingly favored to find your one true love in the coming year. (Aries has a good chart, too.) If you are attached, you will still benefit, for you will find ways to enjoy one another and to make your love grow larger. You may now have a baby, for conception will be favored in 2010.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:30:30 | 只看该作者

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Actually, for the first time in several years, you will have Jupiter support your Sun too, so that will help your health, fitness, and stamina, and boost your overall sense of happiness and satisfaction in life. You will be able to travel more in 2010 and, if you like, go back to college for undergraduate or graduate work. At work and in other ways, higher-ups will be able to help you in a more substantial way as well.

Jupiter will need a few weeks to get settled in your fifth house, so you will see his effects more powerfully in February and March. Stay tuned! As said, Jupiter will enter this happy, loving part of your chart on January 17. While you wait for the enchanting spell to begin, here are some dates this month to look forward to now: January 8, 9, 12, 17, 19, and 28.

As you see, you will have career progress, love, increased chances to show your creative side, opportunities to travel, and new elements that will soon enter your life, many of which center on your growing ability to communicate well to a wide audience. You have a lot to look forward to, dear Scorpio! Eclipses bring surprise events, but should any throw you off a bit, keep your gaze on the distant horizon. For sure, 2010 will be very, very good to you!


The eclipses are a big feature of January, with the first, a lunar eclipse, already delivering its news December 31 or January 1 (depending on where you live, and what time zone you are in), and the second, a solar eclipse due to announce things January 15. Both eclipses will bring opportunities to travel, at first a very far distance, perhaps to ring in the New Year, and then later, to travel a bit closer to home.

Yet travel isn't the only possible outcome of these eclipses. Both houses are considered areas of intellectual curiosity, and where opinion and attitude are formed and expressed. Eclipses bring change, so you may have an episode this month that shifts your perspective and allows you to view a situation in a new way.

Your third house, ruling communication / transportation, will be packed with planets all month. You may be writing, speaking, or starting a blog. You may publish a book or article, or appear on television. Or, you may design your own stationery or logo, or begin an advertising or publicity campaign. If you have always been a producer, you may be invited to work on editing of a film. If you've always written columns, you may be asked - and trained for - being a host for a TV or radio show. Your ability to communicate to a wide audience is about to grow quite a bit.

You also may be asked to sign an important paper. If so, do that any time after January 18, leaving some space for the eclipse and for Mercury to regulate its orb. All sorts of commercial transactions, such as buying or selling, are also likely to happen now. If you need a car, buy one after Mercury is speeding forward. Best date: January 18 or 24.

Every day, in every way, you are making a larger mark in your career. The circle is ever widening, and the ripples that you are creating will continue to impress VIPs. Mars is now touring the very top of your chart, heightening your profile, and will assist your ascent to the top. Rarely have you had such stunning career support. You will soon see evidence that your career is moving in the right direction, if you haven't already. You will need a little patience, however. Mars is now retrograde, a time to sit back and let former actions take root. Everything you've done since mid-October is adding up to something big, something you'll see for sure from March through June.

Even though patience will be necessary in coming weeks, you may get gratifying career news at the full moon of January 30. If you have been interviewing for a new job over past months, or if your boss has promised a promotion some time ago, good news should arrive at the full moon, January 30, plus or minus four days. This is a positive moment, but even so, don't take it for granted that you will get the job without continued effort. Keep selling yourself, for at the same time as this full moon, Saturn and Pluto will be at hard angles, indicating that another candidate may use unfair - even desperate - tactics to get it. You can, and should, win this contest, for you are holding a strong hand of all aces. Jupiter and your ruler Pluto will be in divine angles and should help you toward the finish line.

One other ground-breaking event will occur when Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moves to divinely compatible Pisces into your romance sector on January 17 for a year's stay. This will be the first time you've hosted Jupiter in this part of your chart since 1998-1999.

With the exception of a brief period from June 6 to September 8 when Jupiter will be in Aries, this planet of good fortune will help you find and nurture a rich personal love life. This is enormously happy news. If you are attached, you may welcome a baby in the coming year. (The fifth house rules love, but also pregnancy and creativity, all areas of growth for you.)

Your cup will runneth over! When it comes to your personal life, you could not wish for a better forecast!

Scorpio Dates to Note

The eclipse of December 31 /January 1 (depending on your time zone) may bring a quick trip to a sunny isle.

News about your sister or brother, cousin, or neighbor could be a main focus in January, especially at mid-month.

You may need to travel again just after January 15.

You may need to sign papers at mid-month - do so after Mercury is moving direct and leaving some space, January 17-19. Still, if you have any reservations about the deal, go slowly.

Saturn goes retrograde, ruling agreements, January 13.

Venus enters Aquarius late on January 19, and stays until February 11, great for beautifying your home or for entertaining others at your house.

Once Jupiter enters Pisces this month, you'll be one of the most favored signs for love this year: January 17. Wow!

Best romantic dates: January 8, 9. 12, 17, 19, and 28. Honestly, you'll do very well from January 17 onward!

A key career development will occur within four days of January 31. You'll be ready to take action.

PS for January 2010

Happy New Year, readers!

As I wrote in my essay in my annual "The Year Ahead 2010" calendar, this will be a year we when we will all need to reinvent ourselves. The world is not the same world we inhabited just a few years ago, so we need to change, too. We won't be returning to the way things used to be, and honestly, even if we could, going backward doesn't sound that appealing. Although things had looked fine on the surface, as we, a global culture, saw over the past two years, there were cracks in our foundations that needed to be fixed. Last year was about discovering where those fissures were, and to decide what to do about what we found.

This month starts off big, with two major eclipses. First a lunar, full moon eclipse will arrive on January 1 (in the USA it arrived a day earlier, December 31, 2009) and on January 15. When things start to shift rapidly, take on an experimental, playful spirit. To respond to events, do something new and innovative - and what the people surrounding you would not expect you to do. We learned last year that the old formulas simply don't apply anymore, so it's time to be brave and try something new.

Jupiter will move into Pisces this month on January 17, the most compassionate and most artistic of signs. It's a sign of hope and happiness, and next month, on the weekend of February 27-28, we will all enjoy the Luckiest Days of the Year. We didn't have a luckiest day of the year in 2009, so this is really something to get ready for - in your report, you will have clues about how best to use this. For sure, February will be the best month of the year, with lots of dazzling aspects to enjoy. You have a big year! Make it your breakout year!
发表于 2009-12-31 16:30:34 | 只看该作者

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