
苏珊·米勒[Susan Miller]12月射手座运势【转载】

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On December 21, Jupiter will make its legendary conjunction to Neptune, so if you are trying to smooth out a relationship, rather than hit things head on, be kind and generous. Offer tickets to a concert or ballet or do something together that's just plain fun. Sometimes not talking - and not locking horns, but rather laughing and having fun - paves the way to the best possible answer later.

Aside from that day and the days surrounding it, you should be fine. You have Venus in Sagittarius from December 1 to 24, a very fortunate circumstance for holiday time, for you'll be the sparkler at any party.

Venus in Sagittarius is an ideal placement for seeing about improving your appearance, too. Avoid the time near December 19 when Venus will be unstable. It looks as though you'll love the changes you make. A far better day for improving your looks, buying new clothes, and for enjoying fun and love will be December 17, when Venus and Mars will be in a divine waltz, and Mars will sweep Venus right off her feet.




Just as you are becoming mesmerized by love and the holiday season, a jarring note will end the month, due to the total lunar eclipse December 31 in Cancer.

Cancer is one of the most feeling signs of the zodiac, and coming on New Year's Eve, everyone's emotions will intensify. This eclipse will emphasize your eighth house of money and health, so some sort of surprising news may come up involving one or the other. Money is very associated with the eighth house, so let's take that subject first.



On the lunar eclipse December 31, you may settle a financial dispute in court, say, regarding the division of property in a divorce or in an accident case, or you may finally reach accord with an insurance company. You may be given a bonus, be approved a loan or mortgage, or refinance your present mortgage. You may get news of an inheritance or get the money you petitioned from a venture capitalist. News may come back about an application you made for financial aid for college tuition.

Money may come in or go out. If you owe money, say, for taxes, with Saturn in such hard angle to Pluto it is unlikely you will be able to get out of paying, as the person involved will be very insistent that you do. Make sure you don't mix money with a friend, for doing so could cause real problems and even a rift in the relationship down the line.



As said, health is also being highlighted, so instead of money you may be fixated on making yourself stronger and feeling better You may choose to have surgery just after New Year's Eve because you can't find any other quiet time of the year to do it, and this may be as good a time as any to have your procedure done. This would apply to both medical and dental work. If this is how things work out, you may be glad to have the time to attend to health matters. January is often quiet, and with a slower pace, you would have time to rest up. The eighth house is the house of transformation, which is why it's associated with surgery - when the surgeon removes what you no longer need, or fixes what is broken, you emerge a new you.


On a night that has a full moon lunar eclipse in emotional Cancer, you need to be sure not to drink and drive. If you go to a party in a town outside of your own, plan to stay in a hotel or inn nearby. This will be no night to be on the road, for you may be fine, but that does not mean the next person will be as sensible as you. This makes for hazardous driving, so at the risk of sounding silly, take the safe way in all ways on New Year's Eve. Sometimes the most romantic way to ring in the New Year is to celebrate it privately and simply, "just us two."



It's birthday month, and the entire world is dressed in sparkling gold. You will feel that the world is a glamorous, happy place, and with Venus in your sign from December 1- 24, you'll be unstoppable. As the month begins, eight of the heavenly bodies out of a possible ten will move through air and fire signs, elements that blend beautifully with your fire sign Sagittarius Sun. What a wonderful environment to have to celebrate your birth!


发表于 2009-12-2 17:28:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The full moon on December 2 will have you focused on your partner. The full moon in Gemini will be all about a close relationship and bring you a new kind of closure. This time of the month may bring you news of your engagement or you may even get married, or the full moon may bring you closer to your partner in other ways. With Mars supporting the full moon, you may be planning a romantic trip with your partner to your own private paradise. What you need in a partner will become quite clear now, and you seem to be quite happy with the choices you have made.

发表于 2009-12-2 17:28:39 | 只看该作者

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On the other hand, it is remotely possible that this full moon may bring a breakup if you've been feeling that this alliance is not one for the long road ahead. Don't become anxious - this applies only to a very few Sagittarius. Full moons like this are litmus tests for the future. No matter how things go, the results will benefit you, for Saturn will help you become quite realistic and practical, seeing things with your eyes wide open. With the extraordinary buildup of planets in air and fire, you will have rare favor this month, so it should not be long until you meet someone new and intriguing.

Announce your most important plans after the new moon in Sagittarius, December 16, your best time for success. Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be on hand to bring a cornucopia of blessings, and Neptune will offer inspiration. On top of that, Venus and Mars will dance their dance of love in fellow fire signs of Sagittarius and Leo. You could not ask for more! For best luck, announce plans and launch them on any level from December 16 to 18 - no later. You will be catching all the strongest, sweetest energy directed straight to you from the new moon that will appear on December 16 if you do.


发表于 2009-12-2 17:28:47 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-12-3 19:46:41 | 只看该作者

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