
New Global Dreamtime Launched

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New Global Dreamtime Launched




The Earth Mother and Great Central Sun through Karen Danrich "Mila"
May 12, 2002

地球母亲和太中枢太阳透过Karen Danrich "Mila"传递;2002年5月12日

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


So many global shifts are underway at this time in preparation for the next entry into the fifth star gate towards the photon belt of the Great Central Sun. The next entry point is during the June-July period this year. Earth is averaging entry into two star gates per year. More or less earth determines the entry time founded upon vibrational threshold that is global in nature. As earth attains a particular vibration and energy flow in each increasing global initiation mastered in her ascent, the next level of star gate is passed through. More or less each entry point increases the amount and pace of photonic energy available to fuel earth's continued ascent forth.


Each level of increasing photonic energy allows for the biological changes inherent in ascension to grow at a more rapid pace for all species upon earth. At this time many species range from 1024 to 12,000 strands of DNA depending upon origin of embodiment. Forms sitting upon lands such as islands in Hawaii, which is as a landmass pushing forth to Mahavishnu level vibration or 15,000 strands of DNA are keeping pace. Most subsequent generations of birds, land mammals, plants, trees and shrubs are matching the vibration of the land at this time. Mila notices the vibrant and lush green color of the plant kingdoms upon Hawaii, which run from bright green to a pale turquoise color depending upon variety. The ascending flowers are more vibrant in color than ever, and healthier lasting longer than at prior times. Mila also notices that birds in Hawaii are embracing a more vibrant color in each subsequent generation of increasing genetic materials, along with an emerging crystalline diaphragm. The crystalline diaphragm and form causes such birds to be rounder and larger than before.


Hawaii is not the only location that Mila has visited as of late. In a recent journey to the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney Australia, the land measured roughly 6000 strands of DNA. The plant kingdoms and birds appear healthy, strong and vibrant in nature. Along the coastline both south and north of Sydney, the land measured 1800 strands. The seagulls and plants again appeared strong and healthy. Overall, earth as a whole is transiting 3800 as a global vibration in the physical, and 4200 in the nonphysical. The overall vibration is an average that takes the highest and lowest points and finds the middle point. Therefore there are still some dense regions generally highly populated by humans and in the form of major cities that lie below 1024 in vibration, however even these are on the rise.

夏威夷群岛不单是Mila最近所拜访的地方。在最近一次到澳大利亚悉尼周边的蓝山旅途中,大陆被测定大约为6000股DNA。植物王国和鸟类看起来健康、强壮和颜色明丽。沿悉尼南北海岸线,陆地测定为1800股DNA。海鸥和植物再次看来强壮和健康。总体上,地球作为一个整体,在物质层上正穿越3800股、而非物质层上为4200股DNA 振动。整体振动水平是一个平均,取走最高、最低点,找到中间点。因此仍有一些致密地区,通常它们在人口密度很高、振动低于1024股的大城市内,不过即使这些地方也在提升之中。


For humans at large, now is the time to ascend or completion will be the next phase of evolutionary expression in form. Completion allows for a cancellation of all karma accrued in this lifetime. If one has karmic debts from childhood or adulthood that have not been settled, the coming decade will be the time for settlement. Karma owed is a complex dance that is both ancestral and generational, along with debts acquired in one's current life dance.


By in large, humans who are not ascending have roughly 25 ancestral lineages that were utilized to construct the form. Additionally, humans at 2 strands have lineages that only extend back in time roughly 2000 years or from the point of Christ's death. As such, humans at 2 strands will only be settling karma in this given life for the past 2000 years of the human dance within one's ancestral experience, plus whatever has been acquired within one's given life dance. Any karma remaining upon death transfers over to one's living ancestors related to the same 25 lineages utilized to construct the form in the womb.


At this time, earth has tallied all karma for all humans incarnate upon earth. The souls and counsels in governance over earth have accomplished this through a lengthy period of "recasting" where each and every human was pulled into the aurora during dreamtime and assessed. Each human has a book of karma that defines what is owed, and what karma is to be settled before death in a given lifetime, or carried forward and settled through other present day relations. Such relations are far more extensive than one's immediate family or children as millions of humans share the same lineages. Therefore any karma acquired by a given lineage can be settled by millions of humans; and it is through the collective dance of many of the same inheritance that all karma for any given lineage will be settled in full.


For those who are ascending, karma is even more complex as one builds the ancestral inheritance back in time to two time periods depending upon level of ascension to be mastered. The level of ascension anticipated to be mastered by adult humans shall be limited to 3000 or 6000 strands of DNA, as humans are by in large so unaware of the unconscious realms that they tend to unconsciously misuse their power in a manner that is non-supportive of global ascension. It is for this reason that adult humans will give birth to a generational ascent through future generations of unborn children that shall master the upper initiations of full consciousness and beyond.


Humans ascending to 3000 strands will build their ancestry back 10,000 to 30,000 years ago (40,000 to 120,000 human years) and settle karma from the last era known as Atlantis. Little has been written about the karma from Atlantis, but let us suffice to say that it was a repeat of the era of the Annanuki that culminated in a major nuclear war which annihilated earth again, causing her to fall again in consciousness, and genetic material to decline so low that any hope of ascension was all but lost thereafter. Those settling karma from this era will discover a cast of characters all of their own that played out the same dance of the Annanuki more or less in form.


Humans ascending to 6000 strands and mastering Bodhisattva level evolution will assemble their ancestry back 30,000 to 46,000 years ago and settle karma for the era of the Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) who extended their lives 18,000 years through many distorted practices of karmic deferment through the sacrificial death rituals of other humans along with the consumption of human blood. Much has been written about the Annanuki era in earlier Great Central Sun Transmissions founded upon the genetic karma uncovered in the act of ascension. It was the distortion that the Annanuki fell into that lead to an era of death, decay, disease, war, deformity along with pain, suffering, and fear for all of earth.


As humans release their karma from the era of the Annanuki in full through ascension, a new era of peace, joy and unconditional love may follow. This earth and all species therein look forward to. It is anticipated by 2010 humans ascending to 6000 will have cleared all karma for the Annanuki reign allowing the peaceful era to unfold thereafter. The period ahead is an era of cleansing in which all lineages and genetic materials not suited to ascension will cease to exist through death and give birth to those that can ascend in future generations.


It is anticipated that the first wave of cleansing shall occur over the coming decade, where humans at 2 strands of DNA will become too compromised to continue to exist. By 2018, those who ascended to 1024 but no further will again become too compromised to continue to exist and this will result in the second wave of cleansing. Many may die upon entry into the photon belt of the Great Central Sun, as those without enough eternal harmony will combust. However in the combustion they will exit physicality with the consciousness carrying forward to experience the ascension of the future ancestry.


Third and fourth waves of cleansing are anticipated in the time periods of 2025-2035 where those who ascended to 3000 may become too compromised to continue to live. And then again in the 2050-2075 time period where those who ascended to 6000 may become too compromised to continue to live. The gift of those who have ascended to this level is the return of the conscious choice to die. One can exit not through pain or disease, but by simply understanding that one is complete with life and then going on to exit physicality in sleep through conscious choice. It is anticipated that this group of humans ascending to 3000 and 6000 will have well fulfilled upon the purpose of their ascent, which is not only to clear karma from the fall of Atlantis, but also to assist in the nurturing and care of ascending children into their adult years and anchor a new form of leadership founded upon compassion.

第三和第四波净化预计在2025-2035年时期,那时那些提升到3000股的人变得危险而不能继续存活。接着再在2050-2075时期,再一次那些提升到6000股的人将变得危险而不能继续存活。已经提升到此层面的那些人的礼物,就是有意识选择死亡(能力)的回归。一个人可以不经历痛苦或疾病而去世,而仅需理解到自己完成了生命,就藉由有意识选择脱离肉体而沉睡过去。预计提升到3000 和 6000股的这类人群将会很好履行他们提升的目的,这不仅是清除来自亚特兰蒂斯之没落的业力,而且也会帮助教育与照料提升孩子进入成熟时期,同时帮助他们锚定一个建立于同情之上的新领导形式。

Those ascending to 6000 and mastering Bodhisattva will be the new wave of leadership for the coming 25-year cycle. Such humans will have mastered compassion in action and be walking examples of leadership founded upon non-conditional love and acceptance. Such humans shall begin to emerge in leadership roles beginning in 2006. One will know that this is so by the shape of the form, which will have an extended "Buddha Belly" or in other terms, crystalline diaphragm that protrudes over the rib cage.

发表于 2007-7-18 15:19:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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