
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller巨蟹座2010年1月运势

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发表于 2009-12-31 16:33:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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That's why opportunities in publishing and broadcasting will be substantial, too.

If you are ready to sign an important paper this month, plan to do so anytime after January 17, after Jupiter will have arrived in Pisces. In this placement, Jupiter will favor all new ventures in an outstanding way. Jupiter and Pluto will be in exact mathematical harmony too, from late January through February 6, a perfect time to seal the deal. Jupiter will add extra blessings to international, academic, publishing, and broadcasting projects. There is another reason to wait - Mercury will be retrograde until January 15, so it's best to wait a day or two beyond that date.

If you are single and not dating, you will attract a number of substantial, self-made romantic partners this month, but you may find that the one that seems interesting may be too self-absorbed for your taste. If from the very start you don't sense you will have an equal voice in your relationship, it won't last very long. Don't try to talk yourself into being overly conciliatory. It is one thing to be flexible and cooperative but quite another to allow yourself to be dominated. You know the difference, so don't let charm cloud your good judgment.

Your best part of the month for love will be from January 1-18 when Venus will tour your relationship sector. An outstanding day for fun and love, no matter what your marital status, will be when lovely Venus and surprise-a-minute Uranus combine energies on January 12.

You seem to be ready to conclude a major financial action or agreement at the full moon January 30. If signing a contract, with Neptune still gliding in your house of other people's money, take a second look at the fine print, for several clauses may need to be clarified. Fortunately, if you do your due diligence, Saturn will support your venture and give it long lasting stability.

Still, any negotiation undertaken now may prove at times difficult, as Pluto and Saturn will be in hard angles. It appears the other side will have the advantage you need, so you may have to accept certain terms that are not completely to your liking. Now that Jupiter will have by month's end moved into compatible Pisces, your intuition would be working overtime, so if you have to turn down the deal as unacceptable as written, you will. However, if you can forge a compromise that satisfies you both, you will move forward. That may be your very best option - see how things go.

All in all, this month seems to bring a major turning point, when you reach a moment of truth and see your needs and wishes very clearly. You know what you need to do to make yourself happy - and suddenly a path is appearing before you that you can follow in months ahead. It's time to reinvent yourself, dear Cancer, and you seem ready, willing, and able to do so.


You were looking forward to the New Year, but suddenly a lunar eclipse in Cancer barrels your way, and so the year may begin on a very surprising - possibly jarring - note. Lunar eclipses are highly emotional because they are full moons and this one falls in your sign, Cancer. Those readers born on July 1, plus or minus five days, will be most affected by this eclipse.

Lunar eclipses have the power of three full moons packed into one and bring up hopes, dreams, and memories. That could be why the news lunar eclipses stir us deeply. The job of a lunar eclipse is to bring information and closure. They provide us with the motivation to make a decision and stick to it. You often like to look back to decide if you made the right decision, but eclipses don't work that way - they keep you moving forward, ready or not.

The eclipse will arrive on either December 31 or January 1, depending on your specific time zone. For example, those in Tokyo will feel the eclipse on January 1, but those in New York or Los Angeles will see the eclipse arrive on December 31.

How you will respond to developments depends on how things have been going in your life until now. Eclipses do not operate in a vacuum, but rather work within the context of events of past months or years. This particular eclipse will focus on your needs as well as on your attitude toward a close relationship.

If your relationship has been shaky, then this eclipse will bring a glaring truth that will require you to take action, either to leave the relationship suddenly and quickly, or to attempt to fix things by getting counseling or by talking things out. With many planets piling up in earthy Capricorn, the eclipse will force you to acknowledge certain practical realities. As you examine things, you will look to the very foundation that has formed your relationship for some time.

If you should break up as a result of what you learn over the eclipse, know that the universe was not on a mission to cause you pain, but rather to guard and protect you. Knowing this may not make the agony of a breakup any easier, but you will see that there was probably no way to avoid this result. Eclipses are very non-negotiable, so if you do leave (or your partner does), finding a way back is unlikely.

As a kind and nurturing Cancer, you have a propensity to stay in difficult relationships too long. Your most precious resource is your time, for it is something you can never get more of it once it is spent and gone. Your other precious resource is your capacity for love. The eclipses this month will help you clarify your priorities and devote your affection and time those who deserve it most.

If you are in a strong relationship, the results of the December 31 and January 1 eclipse, as well as the solar eclipse of January 15, have the power to be quite positive. For example, you may get engaged or at the very least, hear a confession of love.

As you see, very opposite results - very good or very bad - are possible when an eclipse appears, for their job is to reveal truths. In your case, you may even get engaged, perhaps much sooner than you had anticipated. This would happen mainly because outside events are shifting rapidly and you may conclude as a result that it would be wise to act sooner rather than later.

Even if you have a good, strong relationship, your chart suggests that your partner may be in the throes of enormous change right now and will soon have big news. In this case, your partner would appreciate your help, or at the very least, a display of sympathetic support. If this does not apply to your personal relationship, then there is a good chance it will apply to a business alliance.

Astrologers deal with bell curves, so it is possible that you already had an "experience" with a partner last month, as sometimes eclipses deliver news one month early. For others, the eclipse will deliver news one month later, most likely at the end of February or in early March.

At month's end, the full moon will bring a financial affair to conclusion. You seem to have been subject to high expenses lately, and at this point you may have to find a way to pay the piper. Mars will be aligned with this full moon, so it seems you will have to decide on some sort of action.

Neptune is still in your house of other people's money, fortunately far from the full moon but still in the neighborhood.

Make sure you look at all aspects of any deal you may be entering into. You tend to be sharp when it comes to financial deals - just take things slow and listen to your instinct. If you see a clause that seems to favor the other side in an unfair way, speak up. With Saturn in hard angle to Pluto, the other side seems to hold the main advantage and have something you want. Still, take care of your own needs - if you don't, no one else will do so.

The move of Jupiter to Pisces is a ray of solid hope for 2010. You've not had Jupiter, the great benefic planet, in such a strong position to help you in years, so the coming year should be quite a change for the better from past years. You will have a chance to travel far and wide, and you will have luck from foreign-based people and organizations.

Also, luck from publishing, broadcasting, and academia (including the college market) will grow very large and be quite obvious as the year unfolds, with February and March big winners for you. While things may be rapidly changing this month, soon you'll see you are moving to a far better place, dear Cancer. It's time to make yourself new and improved. You have been in the process of doing so (perhaps unconsciously), but now the rest of the world will see this in you, too!

Cancer Dates to Note

A major lunar eclipse - a full moon - in Cancer will occur December 31 / January 1. If you were born on or within five days of July 1, you will feel this eclipse and your entire life will change in the coming year.

Spending remains high. Be conservative.

Romance will bring extreme outcomes depending on which side of the spectrum your relationship has been on - either confession or undying love (and a possible engagement) or a complete breakup.

Single Cancers who are not dating may not feel this energy as much as others, but could easily see a development in the realm of a business partnership.

Romance will be best: January 8, 9, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, and 28.

Make no firm plans until a few days after Mercury turns direct January 15.

Jupiter will move into Pisces for the better part of a year on January 17, making the international arena grow like Jack in the beanstalk's beans. Also due for growth: opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, and academia.

A financial matter will reach fullness on January 30, plus or minus four days.
发表于 2009-12-31 16:36:19 | 只看该作者

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