
苏珊·米勒[Susan Miller]12月双鱼座运势【转载】

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12月将会以一个美好的记录开始。今年7月1日以来,处在双鱼座的天王星一直在逆行,然而12月1日它将带着巨大的能量顺行。你会感受到变化,会突然间变得乐观。留意生活中突然出现的项目与感情关系。这将会像一阵强风突然吹进你的窗户,并且用拥有无数魔法值的光点亮你的内心。 天王星是光电之星,你无疑将会体会到容光焕发的感觉。




Your career will light up the night sky in mid-December and your name will certainly be "out there" on the big marquee for the entire world to see. The new moon on December 16 will send a brilliant beam to Jupiter and Neptune and introduce your name to many. You are again going up in the world, dear Pisces. Venus will be moving through your career sector, so will people know your work, they will become real supporters, and even critical reviews should be really positive. As a result of this new moon, you may be celebrating a new promotion, an offer for a new job, a launch of a very important new product or service, a new client, or truly stunning publicity. It's a critical time for you to get ahead, so give your career all you've got to give in the second half, even though it's holiday time.

At the same time all this good career news will be showing up, one project or high-level client will be getting you a little crazy. This is due to Uranus in hard angle the Sun in your house of fame and accomplishment, which will add difficult volatility. It's possible something will go suddenly wrong with a project and need your vital attention to set it straight. You won't see this coming, as Uranus' presence always points to what you'd never expect, but if you can get through December 14-17 unscathed, you'll be fine. Uranus can be extremely disruptive and upsetting in a way that can leave a scar in your memory, so be diplomatic as you approach this matter, even though you don't feel like being so careful!

Mars has been pressing hard on you, forcing you to work very hard on many assignments and work-related matters since mid-October. Rarely have you had to do so much with such consistency and with so little relief. You have been in demand, which is flattering, but there's no end in sight - this pace is due to keep up until early June. While it is flattering, it can also burn you out, so pace yourself by penciling in some fun days on your agenda. Fortunately, Mars will be retrograde from December 20 to March 10, and that alone should lighten the load a little.

The two-and-a-half months spanning these dates that Mars is retrograde would not be the time for you to launch new ventures. For that, you would need a strong, potent Mars to supply energy and drive to lift off your new endeavor properly.

There is another reason to hold back on all-important initiations. Mercury, the planet of communication, perception, data, agreements, negotiations, commerce, and shipping will be retrograde too, from December 26 to January 16. You will feel the slowdowns and confusing effects from Mercury as soon as December 9. Any retrograde planet is a planet that is resting and will not emit its best energy to you during that time. Be smart and hold off on new ventures while Mars and Mercury are retrograde, if you can, for a lot of cosmic dust is being kicked up and it will be hard to see the road ahead. If you must launch this month, do so prior to December 20, closer to the new moon December 16, the one that will be a prestigious point for you.

December 17 will be quite a day too, when Venus, in your house of fame, will reach out to Mars, in your house of day-to-day work projects, to bring you sensational applause for work well done. You are the darling of just about everyone in the firm or your industry. Dear Pisces, this month it looks like you'll be doing everything right!

It would not be wise to do your holiday shopping too close to Mercury retrograde. Instead of doing your shopping at the last minute, I suggest you finish all on your list on December 9. Retail stock will be woefully low with two retrograde planets at play, and after searching high and low for the perfect gift, you won't want to be disappointed by the words, "We are completely sold out." I chose December 9 because a mathematical phase that Mercury will enter after that date could cause a lot of static with any kind of communication, negotiation, or commercial transaction.

Be smart and have your shopping, wrapping, and shipping done by December 9. If you can't get everything done by then, at least get all electronic items purchased early in December, as FAR from Mercury retrograde as possible. I suggest the first week of December, for if you act then you will be pleased with your purchase, and chances are, your recipient will, too.

The month will end on a powerful note. A lunar eclipse, December 31, in Cancer, 10 degrees will light your house of true love. Eclipses are always on a mission to move you quickly forward (even if you don't feel quite ready) so that you evolve to a new, more advanced stage in life. They are the most dramatic tools the universe uses to enlighten us, fix things, or change things. They certainly widen our perspective, for after an eclipse has touched us we never view the situation in the same way. If an eclipse will touch your Sun or one of your planets, you will see very different and dramatic changes in subsequent months.

Eclipses have the power of three full moons rolled into one, so this will be a very memorable moment. Because the moon will be partnering with many planets in your eleventh house of friends, hopes, and wishes, and since Jupiter is so very close to Pisces - to arrive next month - this could be the night of your dreams. You may get engaged or married, or if single, be swept off your feet when the one you care about confesses true love. If single, you may meet someone who completely captures your attention and ignites your imagination. Having met on an eclipse, you may be together a very long time, possibly forever.

I cannot see everything in your chart, however, so with eclipses the outcome is always written in the past - all an eclipse will do is manifest the truth. They are very extreme in pushing feelings to one end of the spectrum or the other, so if you and your partner haven't been getting along, or if you have been very unhappy, you may have a difficult time on this holiday evening. Alcohol will only add problems, as the eclipse will fall in Cancer, a water sign. You may encounter a problem by making a very casual comment that unexpectedly brings on a landslide of anger from your partner, ruining the night and possibly your relationship. An eclipse will force truth out in the open, even if it is truth you won't want too hear or see. Remember, an eclipse will only enlarge what has been happening all along so you can see it clearly. If your relationship is strong, you can weather even this.

Let's think good thoughts. As extreme as an eclipse can be, the chances are far greater that you will love the affects of this eclipse and hold the feelings that you share close to your heart forever.

If you were born on February 28, or within five days of this date, you will be strongly affected by the December 31 full moon eclipse, and chances are, you'll be thrilled with events.

If you can plan a quiet evening to ring in the New Year, you will have planned an ideal romantic evening. If you plan to go to a party - a VERY likely possibility because of many planets piling up in your house of fun / people / events - then be sure to eat something before you go and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Choose a designated driver or hire a limo driver who will be waiting for you after the party to take you home. If you attend a party out of town, stay overnight in a nearby inn or hotel. You may feel fine and in full control of your faculties, but driving alongside others who are not as sensible as you will be a bit hazardous. Eclipses sometimes bring difficult weather conditions too, another reason to put safety first.

Dear Pisces, of all the signs, you have the most spectacular outlook for a brilliant New Year ahead. You will have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, soon to crown you celestial favorite of the zodiac in January for a year's stay. Rarely have you had a year as fortunate as the one that is on the way. After having been the most beleaguered of all signs, you are about to see a complete turnabout from all you've suffered. Reward, opportunity, happiness, and stronger health are on the way. Ahead is a dazzling year for you, full of wonder and light.

Happy New Year, dear Pisces.


A home or family-related matter will have your attention as the month begins, for the full moon, December 2 (plus four days), will bring sudden development. You will have to take control and come up with an instant solution. It would be best not to be traveling, as it appears that a close relative, most likely your parent, will need you to sort out options to a situation that will arise. Who better than you? If your birthday falls within five days of February 28, you will feel the effects of this full moon most.

Your career will get an enviable boost from the new moon December 16, which will appear in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. This new moon will be beautifully oriented toward Mars, indicating a new assignment may shape up, and if you do get one, it will have the power to raise your status appreciably in your company or industry. With Venus also in your house of fame and honors from December 1 to 24, you will be the darling of the press, and you may be surprised to see how influential VIPs will go out of their way to see you succeed. Still, don't move quickly as planetary energy will be very unstable.

Mercury will begin to retrograde from December 26 to January 16, a time when it will be difficult to get approvals on new ideas. On top of this, Mars, the action planet, now in your house of day-to-day work assignments, will also retrograde, from December 20 to March 10. This suggests that the momentum you had earlier will carry you forward - no need to push now. Put things off until Mars is out of retrograde after March 10.

Your romantic life will be the main subject of the full moon lunar eclipse on December 31. All eclipses bring unexpected news, often in a dramatic way. If you are newly dating, you may get a surprise proposal or hear words of love. However, all lunar eclipses are unstable, so you may see the opposite result. Don't tempt fate by bringing up a "big talk." Don't bring up any controversial topics either, for an angry disagreement could ensue, one that would be out of proportion to anything you said. Alcohol could become a problem on this evening, as the eclipse will be in liquids-oriented Cancer. Tread lightly.

Still, with so many friendly planets working to help you find true love, your chances are better than ever for finding the love of your life. If you were born on February 28 plus or minus five days, this eclipse will call out your name very clearly, although all Pisces, of all birthdays, could have something to cheer about! Wow, what a way to begin the New Year!

Dates to note

Most romantic days: December 3, 4, 12, 13, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, and 31.

December 31 will be a wildcard, depending on how the relationship has been proceeding until now - this will be the moment of truth!

Settle a residential, property, or family matter: December 2 plus or minus 4 days.

Get set for exciting career news: December 16-31, thanks to the new moon.

Present ideas for a new work project: December 1- 20. After that, Mars will retrograde and you'll find it less easy to get approval.

Mercury will retrograde December 26 - January 16 in your house of partnership. Strive to avoid misunderstandings with your partner.

A watershed moment in your romantic life: December 31, the total eclipse of the moon. It looks very positive, but I cannot see all in your chart. To be safe, do not say anything sensitive to your sweetheart that might create a dramatic upset.

发表于 2009-12-2 12:57:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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